"use strict"; var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const CachedResponseStateEnum_js_1 = __importDefault(require("./CachedResponseStateEnum.cjs")); const Headers_js_1 = __importDefault(require("../../Headers.cjs")); const UPDATE_RESPONSE_HEADERS = ['Cache-Control', 'Last-Modified', 'Vary', 'ETag']; /** * Fetch response cache. * * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Caching * @see https://www.mnot.net/cache_docs/ */ class ResponseCache { #entries = {}; /** * Returns cached response. * * @param request Request. * @returns Cached response. */ get(request) { if (request.headers.get('Cache-Control')?.includes('no-cache')) { return null; } const url = request.url; if (this.#entries[url]) { for (let i = 0, max = this.#entries[url].length; i < max; i++) { const entry = this.#entries[url][i]; let isMatch = entry.request.method === request.method; if (isMatch) { for (const header of Object.keys(entry.vary)) { const requestHeader = request.headers.get(header); if (requestHeader !== null && entry.vary[header] !== requestHeader) { isMatch = false; break; } } } if (isMatch) { if (entry.expires && entry.expires < Date.now()) { if (entry.lastModified) { entry.state = CachedResponseStateEnum_js_1.default.stale; } else if (!entry.etag) { this.#entries[url].splice(i, 1); return null; } } return entry; } } } return null; } /** * Adds a cache entity. * * @param request Request. * @param response Response. * @returns Cached response. */ add(request, response) { // We should only cache GET and HEAD requests. if ((request.method !== 'GET' && request.method !== 'HEAD') || request.headers.get('Cache-Control')?.includes('no-cache')) { return null; } const url = request.url; let cachedResponse = this.get(request); if (response.status === 304) { if (!cachedResponse) { throw new Error('ResponseCache: Cached response not found.'); } for (const name of UPDATE_RESPONSE_HEADERS) { if (response.headers.has(name)) { cachedResponse.response.headers.set(name, response.headers.get(name)); } } cachedResponse.cacheUpdateTime = Date.now(); cachedResponse.state = CachedResponseStateEnum_js_1.default.fresh; } else { if (cachedResponse) { const index = this.#entries[url].indexOf(cachedResponse); if (index !== -1) { this.#entries[url].splice(index, 1); } } cachedResponse = { response: { status: response.status, statusText: response.statusText, url: response.url, headers: new Headers_js_1.default(response.headers), // We need to wait for the body to be consumed and then populated if set to true (e.g. by using Response.text()). waitingForBody: response.waitingForBody, body: response.body ?? null }, request: { headers: request.headers, method: request.method }, vary: {}, expires: null, etag: null, cacheUpdateTime: Date.now(), lastModified: null, mustRevalidate: false, staleWhileRevalidate: false, state: CachedResponseStateEnum_js_1.default.fresh }; this.#entries[url] = this.#entries[url] || []; this.#entries[url].push(cachedResponse); } if (response.headers.has('Cache-Control')) { const age = response.headers.get('Age'); for (const part of response.headers.get('Cache-Control').split(',')) { const [key, value] = part.trim().split('='); switch (key) { case 'max-age': cachedResponse.expires = Date.now() + parseInt(value) * 1000 - (age ? parseInt(age) * 1000 : 0); break; case 'no-cache': case 'no-store': const index = this.#entries[url].indexOf(cachedResponse); if (index !== -1) { this.#entries[url].splice(index, 1); } return null; case 'must-revalidate': cachedResponse.mustRevalidate = true; break; case 'stale-while-revalidate': cachedResponse.staleWhileRevalidate = true; break; } } } if (response.headers.has('Last-Modified')) { cachedResponse.lastModified = Date.parse(response.headers.get('Last-Modified')); } if (response.headers.has('Vary')) { for (const header of response.headers.get('Vary').split(',')) { const name = header.trim(); const value = request.headers.get(name); if (value) { cachedResponse.vary[name] = value; } } } if (response.headers.has('ETag')) { cachedResponse.etag = response.headers.get('ETag'); } if (!cachedResponse.expires) { const expires = response.headers.get('Expires'); if (expires) { cachedResponse.expires = Date.parse(expires); } } // Cache is invalid if it has expired and doesn't have an ETag. if (!cachedResponse.etag && (!cachedResponse.expires || cachedResponse.expires < Date.now())) { const index = this.#entries[url].indexOf(cachedResponse); if (index !== -1) { this.#entries[url].splice(index, 1); } return null; } return cachedResponse; } /** * Clears the cache. * * @param [options] Options. * @param [options.url] URL. * @param [options.toTime] Removes all entries that are older than this time. Time in MS. */ clear(options) { if (options) { if (options.toTime) { for (const key of options.url ? [options.url] : Object.keys(this.#entries)) { if (this.#entries[key]) { for (let i = 0, max = this.#entries[key].length; i < max; i++) { if (this.#entries[key][i].cacheUpdateTime < options.toTime) { this.#entries[key].splice(i, 1); i--; max--; } } } } } else if (options.url) { delete this.#entries[options.url]; } } else { this.#entries = {}; } } } exports.default = ResponseCache; //# sourceMappingURL=ResponseCache.cjs.map