"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports["default"] = neighborsIteration; var _assert = _interopRequireDefault(require("assert")); var _take = _interopRequireDefault(require("obliterator/take")); var _helpers = require("../helpers"); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj }; } function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; } var METHODS = ['neighbors', 'inNeighbors', 'outNeighbors', 'inboundNeighbors', 'outboundNeighbors', 'directedNeighbors', 'undirectedNeighbors']; function neighborsIteration(Graph, checkers) { var notFound = checkers.notFound, invalid = checkers.invalid; var graph = new Graph({ multi: true }); (0, _helpers.addNodesFrom)(graph, ['John', 'Thomas', 'Martha', 'Roger', 'Catherine', 'Alone', 'Forever']); graph.replaceNodeAttributes('John', { age: 34 }); graph.replaceNodeAttributes('Martha', { age: 35 }); graph.addDirectedEdgeWithKey('J->T', 'John', 'Thomas'); graph.addDirectedEdgeWithKey('J->M', 'John', 'Martha'); graph.addDirectedEdgeWithKey('C->J', 'Catherine', 'John'); graph.addUndirectedEdgeWithKey('M<->R', 'Martha', 'Roger'); graph.addUndirectedEdgeWithKey('M<->J', 'Martha', 'John'); graph.addUndirectedEdgeWithKey('J<->R', 'John', 'Roger'); graph.addUndirectedEdgeWithKey('T<->M', 'Thomas', 'Martha'); var TEST_DATA = { neighbors: { node: { key: 'John', neighbors: ['Catherine', 'Thomas', 'Martha', 'Roger'] } }, inNeighbors: { node: { key: 'John', neighbors: ['Catherine'] } }, outNeighbors: { node: { key: 'John', neighbors: ['Thomas', 'Martha'] } }, inboundNeighbors: { node: { key: 'John', neighbors: ['Catherine', 'Martha', 'Roger'] } }, outboundNeighbors: { node: { key: 'John', neighbors: ['Thomas', 'Martha', 'Roger'] } }, directedNeighbors: { node: { key: 'John', neighbors: ['Catherine', 'Thomas', 'Martha'] } }, undirectedNeighbors: { node: { key: 'John', neighbors: ['Martha', 'Roger'] } } }; function commonTests(name) { return _defineProperty({}, '#.' + name, { 'it should throw when the node is not found.': function itShouldThrowWhenTheNodeIsNotFound() { _assert["default"]["throws"](function () { graph[name]('Test'); }, notFound()); if (~name.indexOf('count')) return; _assert["default"]["throws"](function () { graph[name]('Test', 'SecondTest'); }, notFound()); } }); } function specificTests(name, data) { var _ref2; var capitalized = name[0].toUpperCase() + name.slice(1, -1); var forEachName = 'forEach' + capitalized; var findName = 'find' + capitalized; var iteratorName = name.slice(0, -1) + 'Entries'; var areName = 'are' + capitalized + 's'; var mapName = 'map' + capitalized + 's'; var filterName = 'filter' + capitalized + 's'; var reduceName = 'reduce' + capitalized + 's'; var someName = 'some' + capitalized; var everyName = 'every' + capitalized; return _ref2 = {}, _defineProperty(_ref2, '#.' + name, { 'it should return the correct neighbors array.': function itShouldReturnTheCorrectNeighborsArray() { var neighbors = graph[name](data.node.key); _assert["default"].deepStrictEqual(neighbors, data.node.neighbors); _assert["default"].deepStrictEqual(graph[name]('Alone'), []); } }), _defineProperty(_ref2, '#.' + forEachName, { 'it should be possible to iterate over neighbors using a callback.': function itShouldBePossibleToIterateOverNeighborsUsingACallback() { var neighbors = []; graph[forEachName](data.node.key, function (target, attrs) { neighbors.push(target); _assert["default"].deepStrictEqual(graph.getNodeAttributes(target), attrs); _assert["default"].strictEqual(graph[areName](data.node.key, target), true); }); _assert["default"].deepStrictEqual(neighbors, data.node.neighbors); } }), _defineProperty(_ref2, '#.' + mapName, { 'it should be possible to map neighbors using a callback.': function itShouldBePossibleToMapNeighborsUsingACallback() { var result = graph[mapName](data.node.key, function (target) { return target; }); _assert["default"].deepStrictEqual(result, data.node.neighbors); } }), _defineProperty(_ref2, '#.' + filterName, { 'it should be possible to filter neighbors using a callback.': function itShouldBePossibleToFilterNeighborsUsingACallback() { var result = graph[filterName](data.node.key, function () { return true; }); _assert["default"].deepStrictEqual(result, data.node.neighbors); result = graph[filterName](data.node.key, function () { return false; }); _assert["default"].deepStrictEqual(result, []); } }), _defineProperty(_ref2, '#.' + reduceName, { 'it sould throw if not given an initial value.': function itSouldThrowIfNotGivenAnInitialValue() { _assert["default"]["throws"](function () { graph[reduceName]('node', function () { return true; }); }, invalid()); }, 'it should be possible to reduce neighbors using a callback.': function itShouldBePossibleToReduceNeighborsUsingACallback() { var result = graph[reduceName](data.node.key, function (acc, key) { return acc.concat(key); }, []); _assert["default"].deepStrictEqual(result, data.node.neighbors); } }), _defineProperty(_ref2, '#.' + findName, { 'it should be possible to find neighbors.': function itShouldBePossibleToFindNeighbors() { var neighbors = []; var found = graph[findName](data.node.key, function (target, attrs) { neighbors.push(target); _assert["default"].deepStrictEqual(graph.getNodeAttributes(target), attrs); _assert["default"].strictEqual(graph[areName](data.node.key, target), true); return true; }); _assert["default"].strictEqual(found, neighbors[0]); _assert["default"].deepStrictEqual(neighbors, data.node.neighbors.slice(0, 1)); found = graph[findName](data.node.key, function () { return false; }); _assert["default"].strictEqual(found, undefined); } }), _defineProperty(_ref2, '#.' + someName, { 'it should always return false on empty set.': function itShouldAlwaysReturnFalseOnEmptySet() { var loneGraph = new Graph(); loneGraph.addNode('alone'); _assert["default"].strictEqual(loneGraph[someName]('alone', function () { return true; }), false); }, 'it should be possible to assert whether any neighbor matches a predicate.': function itShouldBePossibleToAssertWhetherAnyNeighborMatchesAPredicate() { _assert["default"].strictEqual(graph[someName](data.node.key, function () { return true; }), data.node.neighbors.length > 0); } }), _defineProperty(_ref2, '#.' + everyName, { 'it should always return true on empty set.': function itShouldAlwaysReturnTrueOnEmptySet() { var loneGraph = new Graph(); loneGraph.addNode('alone'); _assert["default"].strictEqual(loneGraph[everyName]('alone', function () { return true; }), true); }, 'it should be possible to assert whether any neighbor matches a predicate.': function itShouldBePossibleToAssertWhetherAnyNeighborMatchesAPredicate() { _assert["default"].strictEqual(graph[everyName](data.node.key, function () { return true; }), data.node.neighbors.length > 0); } }), _defineProperty(_ref2, '#.' + iteratorName, { 'it should be possible to create an iterator over neighbors.': function itShouldBePossibleToCreateAnIteratorOverNeighbors() { var iterator = graph[iteratorName](data.node.key); _assert["default"].deepStrictEqual((0, _take["default"])(iterator), data.node.neighbors.map(function (neighbor) { return { neighbor: neighbor, attributes: graph.getNodeAttributes(neighbor) }; })); } }), _ref2; } var tests = { Miscellaneous: { 'self loops should appear when using #.inNeighbors and should appear only once with #.neighbors.': function selfLoopsShouldAppearWhenUsingInNeighborsAndShouldAppearOnlyOnceWithNeighbors() { var directed = new Graph({ type: 'directed' }); directed.addNode('Lucy'); directed.addEdgeWithKey('test', 'Lucy', 'Lucy'); _assert["default"].deepStrictEqual(directed.inNeighbors('Lucy'), ['Lucy']); _assert["default"].deepStrictEqual(Array.from(directed.inNeighborEntries('Lucy')).map(function (x) { return x.neighbor; }), ['Lucy']); var neighbors = []; directed.forEachInNeighbor('Lucy', function (neighbor) { neighbors.push(neighbor); }); _assert["default"].deepStrictEqual(neighbors, ['Lucy']); _assert["default"].deepStrictEqual(directed.neighbors('Lucy'), ['Lucy']); neighbors = []; directed.forEachNeighbor('Lucy', function (neighbor) { neighbors.push(neighbor); }); _assert["default"].deepStrictEqual(neighbors, ['Lucy']); _assert["default"].deepStrictEqual(Array.from(directed.neighborEntries('Lucy')).map(function (x) { return x.neighbor; }), ['Lucy']); } } }; // Common tests METHODS.forEach(function (name) { return (0, _helpers.deepMerge)(tests, commonTests(name)); }); // Specific tests for (var name in TEST_DATA) { (0, _helpers.deepMerge)(tests, specificTests(name, TEST_DATA[name])); } return tests; }