declare const _default: __VLS_WithTemplateSlots; arrowOffset: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; disabled: BooleanConstructor; trigger: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized<(new (...args: any[]) => import("element-plus/es/utils").Arrayable & {}) | (() => import("element-plus/es/utils").Arrayable) | ((new (...args: any[]) => import("element-plus/es/utils").Arrayable & {}) | (() => import("element-plus/es/utils").Arrayable))[], unknown, unknown, "hover", boolean>; triggerKeys: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized<(new (...args: any[]) => string[]) | (() => string[]) | ((new (...args: any[]) => string[]) | (() => string[]))[], unknown, unknown, () => string[], boolean>; virtualRef: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; virtualTriggering: BooleanConstructor; onMouseenter: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType<(e: Event) => void>; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; onMouseleave: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType<(e: Event) => void>; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; onClick: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType<(e: Event) => void>; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; onKeydown: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType<(e: Event) => void>; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; onFocus: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType<(e: Event) => void>; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; onBlur: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType<(e: Event) => void>; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; onContextmenu: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType<(e: Event) => void>; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; id: StringConstructor; open: BooleanConstructor; ariaLabel: StringConstructor; appendTo: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType (string | HTMLElement) & {}) | (() => string | HTMLElement) | ((new (...args: any[]) => (string | HTMLElement) & {}) | (() => string | HTMLElement))[], unknown, unknown>>; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; content: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; rawContent: BooleanConstructor; persistent: BooleanConstructor; visible: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized<(new (...args: any[]) => (boolean | null) & {}) | (() => boolean | null) | ((new (...args: any[]) => (boolean | null) & {}) | (() => boolean | null))[], unknown, unknown, null, boolean>; transition: StringConstructor; teleported: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; style: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType import("vue").StyleValue & {}) | (() => import("vue").StyleValue) | ((new (...args: any[]) => import("vue").StyleValue & {}) | (() => import("vue").StyleValue))[], unknown, unknown>>; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; className: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | any)[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[]) & {}) | (() => string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | any)[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[]) | ((new (...args: any[]) => (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | any)[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[]) & {}) | (() => string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | any)[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[]))[], unknown, unknown>>; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; effect: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized<(new (...args: any[]) => string & {}) | (() => string) | ((new (...args: any[]) => string & {}) | (() => string))[], unknown, unknown, "dark", boolean>; enterable: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; pure: BooleanConstructor; focusOnShow: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; trapping: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; popperClass: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | any)[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[]) & {}) | (() => string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | any)[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[]) | ((new (...args: any[]) => (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | any)[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[]) & {}) | (() => string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | any)[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[]))[], unknown, unknown>>; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; popperStyle: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType import("vue").StyleValue & {}) | (() => import("vue").StyleValue) | ((new (...args: any[]) => import("vue").StyleValue & {}) | (() => import("vue").StyleValue))[], unknown, unknown>>; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; referenceEl: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; triggerTargetEl: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; stopPopperMouseEvent: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; zIndex: NumberConstructor; boundariesPadding: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; fallbackPlacements: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized<(new (...args: any[]) => import("element-plus/es/components/popper").Placement[]) | (() => import("element-plus/es/components/popper").Placement[]) | ((new (...args: any[]) => import("element-plus/es/components/popper").Placement[]) | (() => import("element-plus/es/components/popper").Placement[]))[], unknown, unknown, undefined, boolean>; gpuAcceleration: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; offset: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; placement: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; popperOptions: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized<(new (...args: any[]) => Partial) | (() => Partial) | ((new (...args: any[]) => Partial) | (() => Partial))[], unknown, unknown, () => {}, boolean>; strategy: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; showAfter: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; hideAfter: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; autoClose: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; "onUpdate:visible": { readonly type: import("vue").PropType<(val: boolean) => void>; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; role: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; }, { /** * @description el-popper component instance */ popperRef: import("vue").Ref<({ $: import("vue").ComponentInternalInstance; $data: {}; $props: Partial<{ readonly role: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropMergeType; }> & Omit; }>> & import("vue").VNodeProps & import("vue").AllowedComponentProps & import("vue").ComponentCustomProps, "role">; $attrs: { [x: string]: unknown; }; $refs: { [x: string]: unknown; }; $slots: Readonly<{ [name: string]: import("vue").Slot | undefined; }>; $root: import("vue").ComponentPublicInstance<{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, false, import("vue").ComponentOptionsBase> | null; $parent: import("vue").ComponentPublicInstance<{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, false, import("vue").ComponentOptionsBase> | null; $emit: (event: string, ...args: any[]) => void; $el: any; $options: import("vue").ComponentOptionsBase; }>>, { triggerRef: import("vue").Ref; contentRef: import("vue").Ref; popperInstanceRef: import("vue").Ref; referenceRef: import("vue").Ref; role: import("vue").ComputedRef; }, unknown, {}, {}, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, Record, string, { readonly role: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropMergeType; }> & { beforeCreate?: ((() => void) | (() => void)[]) | undefined; created?: ((() => void) | (() => void)[]) | undefined; beforeMount?: ((() => void) | (() => void)[]) | undefined; mounted?: ((() => void) | (() => void)[]) | undefined; beforeUpdate?: ((() => void) | (() => void)[]) | undefined; updated?: ((() => void) | (() => void)[]) | undefined; activated?: ((() => void) | (() => void)[]) | undefined; deactivated?: ((() => void) | (() => void)[]) | undefined; beforeDestroy?: ((() => void) | (() => void)[]) | undefined; beforeUnmount?: ((() => void) | (() => void)[]) | undefined; destroyed?: ((() => void) | (() => void)[]) | undefined; unmounted?: ((() => void) | (() => void)[]) | undefined; renderTracked?: (((e: import("vue").DebuggerEvent) => void) | ((e: import("vue").DebuggerEvent) => void)[]) | undefined; renderTriggered?: (((e: import("vue").DebuggerEvent) => void) | ((e: import("vue").DebuggerEvent) => void)[]) | undefined; errorCaptured?: (((err: unknown, instance: import("vue").ComponentPublicInstance<{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, false, import("vue").ComponentOptionsBase> | null, info: string) => boolean | void) | ((err: unknown, instance: import("vue").ComponentPublicInstance<{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, false, import("vue").ComponentOptionsBase> | null, info: string) => boolean | void)[]) | undefined; }; $forceUpdate: () => void; $nextTick: typeof import("vue").nextTick; $watch(source: string | Function, cb: Function, options?: import("vue").WatchOptions | undefined): import("vue").WatchStopHandle; } & Readonly; }>> & import("vue").ShallowUnwrapRef<{ triggerRef: import("vue").Ref; contentRef: import("vue").Ref; popperInstanceRef: import("vue").Ref; referenceRef: import("vue").Ref; role: import("vue").ComputedRef; }> & {} & import("vue").ComponentCustomProperties & { $slots: { default?(_: {}): any; }; }) | undefined>; /** * @description el-tooltip-content component instance */ contentRef: import("vue").Ref; /** * @description validate current focus event is trigger inside el-tooltip-content */ isFocusInsideContent: (event?: FocusEvent | undefined) => boolean | undefined; /** * @description update el-popper component instance */ updatePopper: () => void; /** * @description expose onOpen function to mange el-tooltip open state */ onOpen: (event?: Event | undefined) => void; /** * @description expose onOpen function to mange el-tooltip open state */ onClose: (event?: Event | undefined) => void; /** * @description expose hide function */ hide: (event?: Event | undefined) => void; }, unknown, {}, {}, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, { [x: string]: (...args: any[]) => void; }, string, import("vue").VNodeProps & import("vue").AllowedComponentProps & import("vue").ComponentCustomProps, Readonly; arrowOffset: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; disabled: BooleanConstructor; trigger: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized<(new (...args: any[]) => import("element-plus/es/utils").Arrayable & {}) | (() => import("element-plus/es/utils").Arrayable) | ((new (...args: any[]) => import("element-plus/es/utils").Arrayable & {}) | (() => import("element-plus/es/utils").Arrayable))[], unknown, unknown, "hover", boolean>; triggerKeys: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized<(new (...args: any[]) => string[]) | (() => string[]) | ((new (...args: any[]) => string[]) | (() => string[]))[], unknown, unknown, () => string[], boolean>; virtualRef: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; virtualTriggering: BooleanConstructor; onMouseenter: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType<(e: Event) => void>; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; onMouseleave: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType<(e: Event) => void>; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; onClick: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType<(e: Event) => void>; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; onKeydown: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType<(e: Event) => void>; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; onFocus: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType<(e: Event) => void>; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; onBlur: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType<(e: Event) => void>; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; onContextmenu: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType<(e: Event) => void>; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; id: StringConstructor; open: BooleanConstructor; ariaLabel: StringConstructor; appendTo: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType (string | HTMLElement) & {}) | (() => string | HTMLElement) | ((new (...args: any[]) => (string | HTMLElement) & {}) | (() => string | HTMLElement))[], unknown, unknown>>; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; content: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; rawContent: BooleanConstructor; persistent: BooleanConstructor; visible: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized<(new (...args: any[]) => (boolean | null) & {}) | (() => boolean | null) | ((new (...args: any[]) => (boolean | null) & {}) | (() => boolean | null))[], unknown, unknown, null, boolean>; transition: StringConstructor; teleported: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; style: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType import("vue").StyleValue & {}) | (() => import("vue").StyleValue) | ((new (...args: any[]) => import("vue").StyleValue & {}) | (() => import("vue").StyleValue))[], unknown, unknown>>; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; className: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | any)[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[]) & {}) | (() => string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | any)[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[]) | ((new (...args: any[]) => (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | any)[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[]) & {}) | (() => string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | any)[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[]))[], unknown, unknown>>; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; effect: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized<(new (...args: any[]) => string & {}) | (() => string) | ((new (...args: any[]) => string & {}) | (() => string))[], unknown, unknown, "dark", boolean>; enterable: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; pure: BooleanConstructor; focusOnShow: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; trapping: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; popperClass: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | any)[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[]) & {}) | (() => string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | any)[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[]) | ((new (...args: any[]) => (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | any)[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[]) & {}) | (() => string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | (string | { [x: string]: boolean; } | any)[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[])[]))[], unknown, unknown>>; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; popperStyle: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType import("vue").StyleValue & {}) | (() => import("vue").StyleValue) | ((new (...args: any[]) => import("vue").StyleValue & {}) | (() => import("vue").StyleValue))[], unknown, unknown>>; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; referenceEl: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; triggerTargetEl: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; stopPopperMouseEvent: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; zIndex: NumberConstructor; boundariesPadding: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; fallbackPlacements: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized<(new (...args: any[]) => import("element-plus/es/components/popper").Placement[]) | (() => import("element-plus/es/components/popper").Placement[]) | ((new (...args: any[]) => import("element-plus/es/components/popper").Placement[]) | (() => import("element-plus/es/components/popper").Placement[]))[], unknown, unknown, undefined, boolean>; gpuAcceleration: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; offset: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; placement: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; popperOptions: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized<(new (...args: any[]) => Partial) | (() => Partial) | ((new (...args: any[]) => Partial) | (() => Partial))[], unknown, unknown, () => {}, boolean>; strategy: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; showAfter: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; hideAfter: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; autoClose: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; "onUpdate:visible": { readonly type: import("vue").PropType<(val: boolean) => void>; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; role: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; }>>, { content: string; offset: number; visible: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropMergeType<(new (...args: any[]) => (boolean | null) & {}) | (() => boolean | null) | ((new (...args: any[]) => (boolean | null) & {}) | (() => boolean | null))[], unknown, unknown>; open: boolean; disabled: boolean; placement: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropMergeType; strategy: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropMergeType; effect: string; showAfter: number; hideAfter: number; autoClose: number; role: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropMergeType; trigger: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropMergeType<(new (...args: any[]) => import("element-plus/es/utils").Arrayable & {}) | (() => import("element-plus/es/utils").Arrayable) | ((new (...args: any[]) => import("element-plus/es/utils").Arrayable & {}) | (() => import("element-plus/es/utils").Arrayable))[], unknown, unknown>; arrowOffset: number; virtualTriggering: boolean; boundariesPadding: number; fallbackPlacements: import("element-plus/es/components/popper").Placement[]; gpuAcceleration: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropMergeType; popperOptions: Partial; enterable: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropMergeType; focusOnShow: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropMergeType; trapping: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropMergeType; stopPopperMouseEvent: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropMergeType; pure: boolean; triggerKeys: string[]; teleported: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropMergeType; rawContent: boolean; persistent: boolean; showArrow: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropMergeType; }>, { default?(_: {}): any; content?(_: {}): any; }>; export default _default; declare type __VLS_WithTemplateSlots = T & { new (): { $slots: S; }; };