import type { ExtractPropTypes, VNode } from 'vue'; export declare const paginationProps: { readonly pageSize: NumberConstructor; readonly defaultPageSize: NumberConstructor; readonly total: NumberConstructor; readonly pageCount: NumberConstructor; readonly pagerCount: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; readonly currentPage: NumberConstructor; readonly defaultCurrentPage: NumberConstructor; readonly layout: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; readonly pageSizes: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized<(new (...args: any[]) => number[]) | (() => number[]) | ((new (...args: any[]) => number[]) | (() => number[]))[], unknown, unknown, () => [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100], boolean>; readonly popperClass: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; readonly prevText: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; readonly prevIcon: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized<(new (...args: any[]) => (string | import("vue").Component) & {}) | (() => string | import("vue").Component) | ((new (...args: any[]) => (string | import("vue").Component) & {}) | (() => string | import("vue").Component))[], unknown, unknown, () => any, boolean>; readonly nextText: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; readonly nextIcon: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized<(new (...args: any[]) => (string | import("vue").Component) & {}) | (() => string | import("vue").Component) | ((new (...args: any[]) => (string | import("vue").Component) & {}) | (() => string | import("vue").Component))[], unknown, unknown, () => any, boolean>; readonly teleported: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; readonly small: BooleanConstructor; readonly size: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType>; /** * @description icon for the next button, higher priority of `next-text` */ readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; readonly background: BooleanConstructor; readonly disabled: BooleanConstructor; readonly hideOnSinglePage: BooleanConstructor; readonly appendSizeTo: StringConstructor; }; export declare type PaginationProps = ExtractPropTypes; export declare const paginationEmits: { 'update:current-page': (val: number) => boolean; 'update:page-size': (val: number) => boolean; 'size-change': (val: number) => boolean; change: (currentPage: number, pageSize: number) => boolean; 'current-change': (val: number) => boolean; 'prev-click': (val: number) => boolean; 'next-click': (val: number) => boolean; }; export declare type PaginationEmits = typeof paginationEmits; declare const _default: import("vue").DefineComponent<{ readonly pageSize: NumberConstructor; readonly defaultPageSize: NumberConstructor; readonly total: NumberConstructor; readonly pageCount: NumberConstructor; readonly pagerCount: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; readonly currentPage: NumberConstructor; readonly defaultCurrentPage: NumberConstructor; readonly layout: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; readonly pageSizes: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized<(new (...args: any[]) => number[]) | (() => number[]) | ((new (...args: any[]) => number[]) | (() => number[]))[], unknown, unknown, () => [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100], boolean>; readonly popperClass: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; readonly prevText: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; readonly prevIcon: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized<(new (...args: any[]) => (string | import("vue").Component) & {}) | (() => string | import("vue").Component) | ((new (...args: any[]) => (string | import("vue").Component) & {}) | (() => string | import("vue").Component))[], unknown, unknown, () => any, boolean>; readonly nextText: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; readonly nextIcon: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized<(new (...args: any[]) => (string | import("vue").Component) & {}) | (() => string | import("vue").Component) | ((new (...args: any[]) => (string | import("vue").Component) & {}) | (() => string | import("vue").Component))[], unknown, unknown, () => any, boolean>; readonly teleported: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; readonly small: BooleanConstructor; readonly size: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType>; /** * @description icon for the next button, higher priority of `next-text` */ readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; readonly background: BooleanConstructor; readonly disabled: BooleanConstructor; readonly hideOnSinglePage: BooleanConstructor; readonly appendSizeTo: StringConstructor; }, () => VNode | null, unknown, {}, {}, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, { 'update:current-page': (val: number) => boolean; 'update:page-size': (val: number) => boolean; 'size-change': (val: number) => boolean; change: (currentPage: number, pageSize: number) => boolean; 'current-change': (val: number) => boolean; 'prev-click': (val: number) => boolean; 'next-click': (val: number) => boolean; }, string, import("vue").VNodeProps & import("vue").AllowedComponentProps & import("vue").ComponentCustomProps, Readonly; readonly currentPage: NumberConstructor; readonly defaultCurrentPage: NumberConstructor; readonly layout: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; readonly pageSizes: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized<(new (...args: any[]) => number[]) | (() => number[]) | ((new (...args: any[]) => number[]) | (() => number[]))[], unknown, unknown, () => [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100], boolean>; readonly popperClass: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; readonly prevText: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; readonly prevIcon: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized<(new (...args: any[]) => (string | import("vue").Component) & {}) | (() => string | import("vue").Component) | ((new (...args: any[]) => (string | import("vue").Component) & {}) | (() => string | import("vue").Component))[], unknown, unknown, () => any, boolean>; readonly nextText: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; readonly nextIcon: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized<(new (...args: any[]) => (string | import("vue").Component) & {}) | (() => string | import("vue").Component) | ((new (...args: any[]) => (string | import("vue").Component) & {}) | (() => string | import("vue").Component))[], unknown, unknown, () => any, boolean>; readonly teleported: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; readonly small: BooleanConstructor; readonly size: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType>; /** * @description icon for the next button, higher priority of `next-text` */ readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; readonly background: BooleanConstructor; readonly disabled: BooleanConstructor; readonly hideOnSinglePage: BooleanConstructor; readonly appendSizeTo: StringConstructor; }>> & { onChange?: ((currentPage: number, pageSize: number) => any) | undefined; "onCurrent-change"?: ((val: number) => any) | undefined; "onUpdate:current-page"?: ((val: number) => any) | undefined; "onUpdate:page-size"?: ((val: number) => any) | undefined; "onSize-change"?: ((val: number) => any) | undefined; "onPrev-click"?: ((val: number) => any) | undefined; "onNext-click"?: ((val: number) => any) | undefined; }, { readonly small: boolean; readonly background: boolean; readonly layout: string; readonly disabled: boolean; readonly popperClass: string; readonly teleported: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropMergeType; readonly nextText: string; readonly nextIcon: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropMergeType<(new (...args: any[]) => (string | import("vue").Component) & {}) | (() => string | import("vue").Component) | ((new (...args: any[]) => (string | import("vue").Component) & {}) | (() => string | import("vue").Component))[], unknown, unknown>; readonly pagerCount: number; readonly prevText: string; readonly prevIcon: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropMergeType<(new (...args: any[]) => (string | import("vue").Component) & {}) | (() => string | import("vue").Component) | ((new (...args: any[]) => (string | import("vue").Component) & {}) | (() => string | import("vue").Component))[], unknown, unknown>; readonly pageSizes: number[]; readonly hideOnSinglePage: boolean; }>; export default _default;