declare const _default: __VLS_WithTemplateSlots; readonly step: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; readonly stepStrictly: BooleanConstructor; readonly max: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; readonly min: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; readonly modelValue: NumberConstructor; readonly readonly: BooleanConstructor; readonly disabled: BooleanConstructor; readonly size: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType>; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; readonly controls: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; readonly controlsPosition: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; readonly valueOnClear: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; readonly name: StringConstructor; readonly placeholder: StringConstructor; readonly precision: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; readonly validateEvent: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; }, { /** @description get focus the input component */ focus: () => void; /** @description remove focus the input component */ blur: () => void; }, unknown, {}, {}, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, import("vue").ComponentOptionsMixin, { input: (val: number | null | undefined) => void; "update:modelValue": (val: number | undefined) => void; change: (cur: number | undefined, prev: number | undefined) => void; blur: (e: FocusEvent) => void; focus: (e: FocusEvent) => void; }, string, import("vue").VNodeProps & import("vue").AllowedComponentProps & import("vue").ComponentCustomProps, Readonly; readonly step: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; readonly stepStrictly: BooleanConstructor; readonly max: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; readonly min: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; readonly modelValue: NumberConstructor; readonly readonly: BooleanConstructor; readonly disabled: BooleanConstructor; readonly size: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType>; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; readonly controls: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; readonly controlsPosition: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; readonly valueOnClear: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; readonly name: StringConstructor; readonly placeholder: StringConstructor; readonly precision: { readonly type: import("vue").PropType; readonly required: false; readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined; __epPropKey: true; }; readonly validateEvent: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropFinalized; }>> & { "onUpdate:modelValue"?: ((val: number | undefined) => any) | undefined; onChange?: ((cur: number | undefined, prev: number | undefined) => any) | undefined; onFocus?: ((e: FocusEvent) => any) | undefined; onBlur?: ((e: FocusEvent) => any) | undefined; onInput?: ((val: number | null | undefined) => any) | undefined; }, { readonly disabled: boolean; readonly id: string; readonly valueOnClear: any; readonly min: number; readonly max: number; readonly validateEvent: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropMergeType; readonly readonly: boolean; readonly step: number; readonly controls: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropMergeType; readonly controlsPosition: import("element-plus/es/utils").EpPropMergeType; readonly stepStrictly: boolean; }>, { "decrease-icon"?(_: {}): any; "increase-icon"?(_: {}): any; prefix?(_: {}): any; suffix?(_: {}): any; }>; export default _default; declare type __VLS_WithTemplateSlots = T & { new (): { $slots: S; }; };