'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); var vue = require('vue'); var dayjs = require('dayjs'); require('../../../hooks/index.js'); require('../../../utils/index.js'); require('../../../constants/index.js'); var index = require('../../../hooks/use-locale/index.js'); var event = require('../../../constants/event.js'); var shared = require('@vue/shared'); var error = require('../../../utils/error.js'); function _interopDefaultLegacy (e) { return e && typeof e === 'object' && 'default' in e ? e : { 'default': e }; } var dayjs__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(dayjs); const adjacentMonth = (start, end) => { const firstMonthLastDay = start.endOf("month"); const lastMonthFirstDay = end.startOf("month"); const isSameWeek = firstMonthLastDay.isSame(lastMonthFirstDay, "week"); const lastMonthStartDay = isSameWeek ? lastMonthFirstDay.add(1, "week") : lastMonthFirstDay; return [ [start, firstMonthLastDay], [lastMonthStartDay.startOf("week"), end] ]; }; const threeConsecutiveMonth = (start, end) => { const firstMonthLastDay = start.endOf("month"); const secondMonthFirstDay = start.add(1, "month").startOf("month"); const secondMonthStartDay = firstMonthLastDay.isSame(secondMonthFirstDay, "week") ? secondMonthFirstDay.add(1, "week") : secondMonthFirstDay; const secondMonthLastDay = secondMonthStartDay.endOf("month"); const lastMonthFirstDay = end.startOf("month"); const lastMonthStartDay = secondMonthLastDay.isSame(lastMonthFirstDay, "week") ? lastMonthFirstDay.add(1, "week") : lastMonthFirstDay; return [ [start, firstMonthLastDay], [secondMonthStartDay.startOf("week"), secondMonthLastDay], [lastMonthStartDay.startOf("week"), end] ]; }; const useCalendar = (props, emit, componentName) => { const { lang } = index.useLocale(); const selectedDay = vue.ref(); const now = dayjs__default["default"]().locale(lang.value); const realSelectedDay = vue.computed({ get() { if (!props.modelValue) return selectedDay.value; return date.value; }, set(val) { if (!val) return; selectedDay.value = val; const result = val.toDate(); emit(event.INPUT_EVENT, result); emit(event.UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT, result); } }); const validatedRange = vue.computed(() => { if (!props.range || !shared.isArray(props.range) || props.range.length !== 2 || props.range.some((item) => !shared.isDate(item))) return []; const rangeArrDayjs = props.range.map((_) => dayjs__default["default"](_).locale(lang.value)); const [startDayjs, endDayjs] = rangeArrDayjs; if (startDayjs.isAfter(endDayjs)) { error.debugWarn(componentName, "end time should be greater than start time"); return []; } if (startDayjs.isSame(endDayjs, "month")) { return calculateValidatedDateRange(startDayjs, endDayjs); } else { if (startDayjs.add(1, "month").month() !== endDayjs.month()) { error.debugWarn(componentName, "start time and end time interval must not exceed two months"); return []; } return calculateValidatedDateRange(startDayjs, endDayjs); } }); const date = vue.computed(() => { if (!props.modelValue) { return realSelectedDay.value || (validatedRange.value.length ? validatedRange.value[0][0] : now); } else { return dayjs__default["default"](props.modelValue).locale(lang.value); } }); const prevMonthDayjs = vue.computed(() => date.value.subtract(1, "month").date(1)); const nextMonthDayjs = vue.computed(() => date.value.add(1, "month").date(1)); const prevYearDayjs = vue.computed(() => date.value.subtract(1, "year").date(1)); const nextYearDayjs = vue.computed(() => date.value.add(1, "year").date(1)); const calculateValidatedDateRange = (startDayjs, endDayjs) => { const firstDay = startDayjs.startOf("week"); const lastDay = endDayjs.endOf("week"); const firstMonth = firstDay.get("month"); const lastMonth = lastDay.get("month"); if (firstMonth === lastMonth) { return [[firstDay, lastDay]]; } else if ((firstMonth + 1) % 12 === lastMonth) { return adjacentMonth(firstDay, lastDay); } else if (firstMonth + 2 === lastMonth || (firstMonth + 1) % 11 === lastMonth) { return threeConsecutiveMonth(firstDay, lastDay); } else { error.debugWarn(componentName, "start time and end time interval must not exceed two months"); return []; } }; const pickDay = (day) => { realSelectedDay.value = day; }; const selectDate = (type) => { const dateMap = { "prev-month": prevMonthDayjs.value, "next-month": nextMonthDayjs.value, "prev-year": prevYearDayjs.value, "next-year": nextYearDayjs.value, today: now }; const day = dateMap[type]; if (!day.isSame(date.value, "day")) { pickDay(day); } }; return { calculateValidatedDateRange, date, realSelectedDay, pickDay, selectDate, validatedRange }; }; exports.useCalendar = useCalendar; //# sourceMappingURL=use-calendar.js.map