import { isNil } from 'lodash-unified'; import '../../../utils/index.mjs'; import { throwError } from '../../../utils/error.mjs'; import { isArray } from '@vue/shared'; const SCOPE = "ElUpload"; class UploadAjaxError extends Error { constructor(message, status, method, url) { super(message); = "UploadAjaxError"; this.status = status; this.method = method; this.url = url; } } function getError(action, option, xhr) { let msg; if (xhr.response) { msg = `${xhr.response.error || xhr.response}`; } else if (xhr.responseText) { msg = `${xhr.responseText}`; } else { msg = `fail to ${option.method} ${action} ${xhr.status}`; } return new UploadAjaxError(msg, xhr.status, option.method, action); } function getBody(xhr) { const text = xhr.responseText || xhr.response; if (!text) { return text; } try { return JSON.parse(text); } catch (e) { return text; } } const ajaxUpload = (option) => { if (typeof XMLHttpRequest === "undefined") throwError(SCOPE, "XMLHttpRequest is undefined"); const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); const action = option.action; if (xhr.upload) { xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", (evt) => { const progressEvt = evt; progressEvt.percent = > 0 ? evt.loaded / * 100 : 0; option.onProgress(progressEvt); }); } const formData = new FormData(); if ( { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries( { if (isArray(value) && value.length) formData.append(key, ...value); else formData.append(key, value); } } formData.append(option.filename, option.file,; xhr.addEventListener("error", () => { option.onError(getError(action, option, xhr)); }); xhr.addEventListener("load", () => { if (xhr.status < 200 || xhr.status >= 300) { return option.onError(getError(action, option, xhr)); } option.onSuccess(getBody(xhr)); });, action, true); if (option.withCredentials && "withCredentials" in xhr) { xhr.withCredentials = true; } const headers = option.headers || {}; if (headers instanceof Headers) { headers.forEach((value, key) => xhr.setRequestHeader(key, value)); } else { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(headers)) { if (isNil(value)) continue; xhr.setRequestHeader(key, String(value)); } } xhr.send(formData); return xhr; }; export { UploadAjaxError, ajaxUpload }; //#