import {geoInterpolate as interpolate, geoProjection as projection, geoRotation as rotation} from "d3-geo"; import {asin, degrees, pi, sin, radians} from "./math.js"; // Compute the origin as the midpoint of the two reference points. // Rotate one of the reference points by the origin. // Apply the spherical law of sines to compute gamma rotation. export default function(raw, p0, p1) { var i = interpolate(p0, p1), o = i(0.5), a = rotation([-o[0], -o[1]])(p0), b = i.distance / 2, y = -asin(sin(a[1] * radians) / sin(b)), R = [-o[0], -o[1], -(a[0] > 0 ? pi - y : y) * degrees], p = projection(raw(b)).rotate(R), r = rotation(R), center =; delete p.rotate; = function(_) { return arguments.length ? center(r(_)) : r.invert(center()); }; return p .clipAngle(90); }