import * as math from '../../../math'; import { trueify, falsify, removeFromArray, clearArray, MAX_INT, assign, defaults } from '../../../util'; import Heap from '../../../heap'; import defs from './texture-cache-defs'; import ElementTextureCacheLookup from './ele-texture-cache-lookup'; const minTxrH = 25; // the size of the texture cache for small height eles (special case) const txrStepH = 50; // the min size of the regular cache, and the size it increases with each step up const minLvl = -4; // when scaling smaller than that we don't need to re-render const maxLvl = 3; // when larger than this scale just render directly (caching is not helpful) const maxZoom = 7.99; // beyond this zoom level, layered textures are not used const eleTxrSpacing = 8; // spacing between elements on textures to avoid blitting overlaps const defTxrWidth = 1024; // default/minimum texture width const maxTxrW = 1024; // the maximum width of a texture const maxTxrH = 1024; // the maximum height of a texture const minUtility = 0.2; // if usage of texture is less than this, it is retired const maxFullness = 0.8; // fullness of texture after which queue removal is checked const maxFullnessChecks = 10; // dequeued after this many checks const deqCost = 0.15; // % of add'l rendering cost allowed for dequeuing ele caches each frame const deqAvgCost = 0.1; // % of add'l rendering cost compared to average overall redraw time const deqNoDrawCost = 0.9; // % of avg frame time that can be used for dequeueing when not drawing const deqFastCost = 0.9; // % of frame time to be used when >60fps const deqRedrawThreshold = 100; // time to batch redraws together from dequeueing to allow more dequeueing calcs to happen in the meanwhile const maxDeqSize = 1; // number of eles to dequeue and render at higher texture in each batch const getTxrReasons = { dequeue: 'dequeue', downscale: 'downscale', highQuality: 'highQuality' }; const initDefaults = defaults({ getKey: null, doesEleInvalidateKey: falsify, drawElement: null, getBoundingBox: null, getRotationPoint: null, getRotationOffset: null, isVisible: trueify, allowEdgeTxrCaching: true, allowParentTxrCaching: true }); const ElementTextureCache = function( renderer, initOptions ){ let self = this; self.renderer = renderer; self.onDequeues = []; let opts = initDefaults(initOptions); assign(self, opts); self.lookup = new ElementTextureCacheLookup(opts.getKey, opts.doesEleInvalidateKey); self.setupDequeueing(); }; const ETCp = ElementTextureCache.prototype; ETCp.reasons = getTxrReasons; // the list of textures in which new subtextures for elements can be placed ETCp.getTextureQueue = function( txrH ){ let self = this; self.eleImgCaches = self.eleImgCaches || {}; return ( self.eleImgCaches[ txrH ] = self.eleImgCaches[ txrH ] || [] ); }; // the list of usused textures which can be recycled (in use in texture queue) ETCp.getRetiredTextureQueue = function( txrH ){ let self = this; let rtxtrQs = self.eleImgCaches.retired = self.eleImgCaches.retired || {}; let rtxtrQ = rtxtrQs[ txrH ] = rtxtrQs[ txrH ] || []; return rtxtrQ; }; // queue of element draw requests at different scale levels ETCp.getElementQueue = function(){ let self = this; let q = self.eleCacheQueue = self.eleCacheQueue || new Heap(function( a, b ){ return b.reqs - a.reqs; }); return q; }; // queue of element draw requests at different scale levels (element id lookup) ETCp.getElementKeyToQueue = function(){ let self = this; let k2q = self.eleKeyToCacheQueue = self.eleKeyToCacheQueue || {}; return k2q; }; ETCp.getElement = function( ele, bb, pxRatio, lvl, reason ){ let self = this; let r = this.renderer; let zoom =; let lookup = this.lookup; if( !bb || bb.w === 0 || bb.h === 0 || isNaN(bb.w) || isNaN(bb.h) || !ele.visible() || ele.removed() ){ return null; } if( ( !self.allowEdgeTxrCaching && ele.isEdge() ) || ( !self.allowParentTxrCaching && ele.isParent() ) ){ return null; } if( lvl == null ){ lvl = Math.ceil( math.log2( zoom * pxRatio ) ); } if( lvl < minLvl ){ lvl = minLvl; } else if( zoom >= maxZoom || lvl > maxLvl ){ return null; } let scale = Math.pow( 2, lvl ); let eleScaledH = bb.h * scale; let eleScaledW = bb.w * scale; let scaledLabelShown = r.eleTextBiggerThanMin( ele, scale ); if( !this.isVisible(ele, scaledLabelShown) ){ return null; } let eleCache = lookup.get( ele, lvl ); // if this get was on an unused/invalidated cache, then restore the texture usage metric if( eleCache && eleCache.invalidated ){ eleCache.invalidated = false; eleCache.texture.invalidatedWidth -= eleCache.width; } if( eleCache ){ return eleCache; } let txrH; // which texture height this ele belongs to if( eleScaledH <= minTxrH ){ txrH = minTxrH; } else if( eleScaledH <= txrStepH ){ txrH = txrStepH; } else { txrH = Math.ceil( eleScaledH / txrStepH ) * txrStepH; } if( eleScaledH > maxTxrH || eleScaledW > maxTxrW ){ return null; // caching large elements is not efficient } let txrQ = self.getTextureQueue( txrH ); // first try the second last one in case it has space at the end let txr = txrQ[ txrQ.length - 2 ]; let addNewTxr = function(){ return self.recycleTexture( txrH, eleScaledW ) || self.addTexture( txrH, eleScaledW ); }; // try the last one if there is no second last one if( !txr ){ txr = txrQ[ txrQ.length - 1 ]; } // if the last one doesn't exist, we need a first one if( !txr ){ txr = addNewTxr(); } // if there's no room in the current texture, we need a new one if( txr.width - txr.usedWidth < eleScaledW ){ txr = addNewTxr(); } let scalableFrom = function( otherCache ){ return otherCache && otherCache.scaledLabelShown === scaledLabelShown; }; let deqing = reason && reason === getTxrReasons.dequeue; let highQualityReq = reason && reason === getTxrReasons.highQuality; let downscaleReq = reason && reason === getTxrReasons.downscale; let higherCache; // the nearest cache with a higher level for( let l = lvl + 1; l <= maxLvl; l++ ){ let c = lookup.get( ele, l ); if( c ){ higherCache = c; break; } } let oneUpCache = higherCache && higherCache.level === lvl + 1 ? higherCache : null; let downscale = function(){ txr.context.drawImage( oneUpCache.texture.canvas, oneUpCache.x, 0, oneUpCache.width, oneUpCache.height, txr.usedWidth, 0, eleScaledW, eleScaledH ); }; // reset ele area in texture txr.context.setTransform( 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ); txr.context.clearRect( txr.usedWidth, 0, eleScaledW, txrH ); if( scalableFrom(oneUpCache) ){ // then we can relatively cheaply rescale the existing image w/o rerendering downscale(); } else if( scalableFrom(higherCache) ){ // then use the higher cache for now and queue the next level down // to cheaply scale towards the smaller level if( highQualityReq ){ for( let l = higherCache.level; l > lvl; l-- ){ oneUpCache = self.getElement( ele, bb, pxRatio, l, getTxrReasons.downscale ); } downscale(); } else { self.queueElement( ele, higherCache.level - 1 ); return higherCache; } } else { let lowerCache; // the nearest cache with a lower level if( !deqing && !highQualityReq && !downscaleReq ){ for( let l = lvl - 1; l >= minLvl; l-- ){ let c = lookup.get( ele, l ); if( c ){ lowerCache = c; break; } } } if( scalableFrom(lowerCache) ){ // then use the lower quality cache for now and queue the better one for later self.queueElement( ele, lvl ); return lowerCache; } txr.context.translate( txr.usedWidth, 0 ); txr.context.scale( scale, scale ); this.drawElement( txr.context, ele, bb, scaledLabelShown, false ); txr.context.scale( 1/scale, 1/scale ); txr.context.translate( -txr.usedWidth, 0 ); } eleCache = { x: txr.usedWidth, texture: txr, level: lvl, scale: scale, width: eleScaledW, height: eleScaledH, scaledLabelShown: scaledLabelShown }; txr.usedWidth += Math.ceil( eleScaledW + eleTxrSpacing ); txr.eleCaches.push( eleCache ); lookup.set( ele, lvl, eleCache ); self.checkTextureFullness( txr ); return eleCache; }; ETCp.invalidateElements = function( eles ){ for( let i = 0; i < eles.length; i++ ){ this.invalidateElement(eles[i]); } }; ETCp.invalidateElement = function( ele ){ let self = this; let lookup = self.lookup; let caches = []; let invalid = lookup.isInvalid(ele); if( !invalid ){ return; // override the invalidation request if the element key has not changed } for( let lvl = minLvl; lvl <= maxLvl; lvl++ ){ let cache = lookup.getForCachedKey( ele, lvl ); if( cache ){ caches.push( cache ); } } let noOtherElesUseCache = lookup.invalidate(ele); if( noOtherElesUseCache ){ for( let i = 0; i < caches.length; i++ ){ let cache = caches[i]; let txr = cache.texture; // remove space from the texture it belongs to txr.invalidatedWidth += cache.width; // mark the cache as invalidated cache.invalidated = true; // retire the texture if its utility is low self.checkTextureUtility( txr ); } } // remove from queue since the old req was for the old state self.removeFromQueue( ele ); }; ETCp.checkTextureUtility = function( txr ){ // invalidate all entries in the cache if the cache size is small if( txr.invalidatedWidth >= minUtility * txr.width ){ this.retireTexture( txr ); } }; ETCp.checkTextureFullness = function( txr ){ // if texture has been mostly filled and passed over several times, remove // it from the queue so we don't need to waste time looking at it to put new things let self = this; let txrQ = self.getTextureQueue( txr.height ); if( txr.usedWidth / txr.width > maxFullness && txr.fullnessChecks >= maxFullnessChecks ){ removeFromArray( txrQ, txr ); } else { txr.fullnessChecks++; } }; ETCp.retireTexture = function( txr ){ let self = this; let txrH = txr.height; let txrQ = self.getTextureQueue( txrH ); let lookup = this.lookup; // retire the texture from the active / searchable queue: removeFromArray( txrQ, txr ); txr.retired = true; // remove the refs from the eles to the caches: let eleCaches = txr.eleCaches; for( let i = 0; i < eleCaches.length; i++ ){ let eleCache = eleCaches[i]; lookup.deleteCache( eleCache.key, eleCache.level ); } clearArray( eleCaches ); // add the texture to a retired queue so it can be recycled in future: let rtxtrQ = self.getRetiredTextureQueue( txrH ); rtxtrQ.push( txr ); }; ETCp.addTexture = function( txrH, minW ){ let self = this; let txrQ = self.getTextureQueue( txrH ); let txr = {}; txrQ.push( txr ); txr.eleCaches = []; txr.height = txrH; txr.width = Math.max( defTxrWidth, minW ); txr.usedWidth = 0; txr.invalidatedWidth = 0; txr.fullnessChecks = 0; txr.canvas = self.renderer.makeOffscreenCanvas(txr.width, txr.height); txr.context = txr.canvas.getContext('2d'); return txr; }; ETCp.recycleTexture = function( txrH, minW ){ let self = this; let txrQ = self.getTextureQueue( txrH ); let rtxtrQ = self.getRetiredTextureQueue( txrH ); for( let i = 0; i < rtxtrQ.length; i++ ){ let txr = rtxtrQ[i]; if( txr.width >= minW ){ txr.retired = false; txr.usedWidth = 0; txr.invalidatedWidth = 0; txr.fullnessChecks = 0; clearArray( txr.eleCaches ); txr.context.setTransform( 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ); txr.context.clearRect( 0, 0, txr.width, txr.height ); removeFromArray( rtxtrQ, txr ); txrQ.push( txr ); return txr; } } }; ETCp.queueElement = function( ele, lvl ){ let self = this; let q = self.getElementQueue(); let k2q = self.getElementKeyToQueue(); let key = this.getKey(ele); let existingReq = k2q[key]; if( existingReq ){ // use the max lvl b/c in between lvls are cheap to make existingReq.level = Math.max( existingReq.level, lvl ); existingReq.eles.merge(ele); existingReq.reqs++; q.updateItem( existingReq ); } else { let req = { eles: ele.spawn().merge(ele), level: lvl, reqs: 1, key }; q.push( req ); k2q[key] = req; } }; ETCp.dequeue = function( pxRatio /*, extent*/ ){ let self = this; let q = self.getElementQueue(); let k2q = self.getElementKeyToQueue(); let dequeued = []; let lookup = self.lookup; for( let i = 0; i < maxDeqSize; i++ ){ if( q.size() > 0 ){ let req = q.pop(); let key = req.key; let ele = req.eles[0]; // all eles have the same key let cacheExists = lookup.hasCache(ele, req.level); // clear out the key to req lookup k2q[key] = null; // dequeueing isn't necessary with an existing cache if( cacheExists ){ continue; } dequeued.push( req ); let bb = self.getBoundingBox( ele ); self.getElement( ele, bb, pxRatio, req.level, getTxrReasons.dequeue ); } else { break; } } return dequeued; }; ETCp.removeFromQueue = function( ele ){ let self = this; let q = self.getElementQueue(); let k2q = self.getElementKeyToQueue(); let key = this.getKey(ele); let req = k2q[key]; if( req != null ){ if( req.eles.length === 1 ){ // remove if last ele in the req // bring to front of queue req.reqs = MAX_INT; q.updateItem(req); q.pop(); // remove from queue k2q[key] = null; // remove from lookup map } else { // otherwise just remove ele from req req.eles.unmerge(ele); } } }; ETCp.onDequeue = function( fn ){ this.onDequeues.push( fn ); }; ETCp.offDequeue = function( fn ){ removeFromArray( this.onDequeues, fn ); }; ETCp.setupDequeueing = defs.setupDequeueing({ deqRedrawThreshold: deqRedrawThreshold, deqCost: deqCost, deqAvgCost: deqAvgCost, deqNoDrawCost: deqNoDrawCost, deqFastCost: deqFastCost, deq: function( self, pxRatio, extent ){ return self.dequeue( pxRatio, extent ); }, onDeqd: function( self, deqd ){ for( let i = 0; i < self.onDequeues.length; i++ ){ let fn = self.onDequeues[i]; fn( deqd ); } }, shouldRedraw: function( self, deqd, pxRatio, extent ){ for( let i = 0; i < deqd.length; i++ ){ let eles = deqd[i].eles; for( let j = 0; j < eles.length; j++ ){ let bb = eles[j].boundingBox(); if( math.boundingBoxesIntersect( bb, extent ) ){ return true; } } } return false; }, priority: function( self ){ return self.renderer.beforeRenderPriorities.eleTxrDeq; } }); export default ElementTextureCache;