import * as util from '../../../util'; import * as math from '../../../math'; var CRp = {}; var motionBlurDelay = 100; // var isFirefox = typeof InstallTrigger !== 'undefined'; CRp.getPixelRatio = function(){ var context =[0]; if( this.forcedPixelRatio != null ){ return this.forcedPixelRatio; } var containerWindow =; var backingStore = context.backingStorePixelRatio || context.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio || context.mozBackingStorePixelRatio || context.msBackingStorePixelRatio || context.oBackingStorePixelRatio || context.backingStorePixelRatio || 1; return (containerWindow.devicePixelRatio || 1) / backingStore; // eslint-disable-line no-undef }; CRp.paintCache = function( context ){ var caches = this.paintCaches = this.paintCaches || []; var needToCreateCache = true; var cache; for( var i = 0; i < caches.length; i++ ){ cache = caches[ i ]; if( cache.context === context ){ needToCreateCache = false; break; } } if( needToCreateCache ){ cache = { context: context }; caches.push( cache ); } return cache; }; CRp.createGradientStyleFor = function( context, shapeStyleName, ele, fill, opacity ){ let gradientStyle; let usePaths = this.usePaths(); let colors = ele.pstyle(shapeStyleName + '-gradient-stop-colors').value, positions = ele.pstyle(shapeStyleName + '-gradient-stop-positions').pfValue; if (fill === 'radial-gradient') { if (ele.isEdge()) { let start = ele.sourceEndpoint(), end = ele.targetEndpoint(), mid = ele.midpoint(); let d1 = math.dist( start, mid ); let d2 = math.dist( end, mid ); gradientStyle = context.createRadialGradient(mid.x, mid.y, 0, mid.x, mid.y, Math.max(d1, d2)); } else { let pos = usePaths ? {x: 0, y: 0 } : ele.position(), width = ele.paddedWidth(), height = ele.paddedHeight(); gradientStyle = context.createRadialGradient(pos.x, pos.y, 0, pos.x, pos.y, Math.max(width, height)); } } else { if (ele.isEdge()) { let start = ele.sourceEndpoint(), end = ele.targetEndpoint(); gradientStyle = context.createLinearGradient(start.x, start.y, end.x, end.y); } else { let pos = usePaths ? { x: 0, y: 0 } : ele.position(), width = ele.paddedWidth(), height = ele.paddedHeight(), halfWidth = width / 2, halfHeight = height / 2; let direction = ele.pstyle('background-gradient-direction').value; switch (direction) { case 'to-bottom': gradientStyle = context.createLinearGradient(pos.x, pos.y - halfHeight, pos.x, pos.y + halfHeight); break; case 'to-top': gradientStyle = context.createLinearGradient(pos.x, pos.y + halfHeight, pos.x, pos.y - halfHeight); break; case 'to-left': gradientStyle = context.createLinearGradient(pos.x + halfWidth, pos.y, pos.x - halfWidth, pos.y); break; case 'to-right': gradientStyle = context.createLinearGradient(pos.x - halfWidth, pos.y, pos.x + halfWidth, pos.y); break; case 'to-bottom-right': case 'to-right-bottom': gradientStyle = context.createLinearGradient(pos.x - halfWidth, pos.y - halfHeight, pos.x + halfWidth, pos.y + halfHeight); break; case 'to-top-right': case 'to-right-top': gradientStyle = context.createLinearGradient(pos.x - halfWidth, pos.y + halfHeight, pos.x + halfWidth, pos.y - halfHeight); break; case 'to-bottom-left': case 'to-left-bottom': gradientStyle = context.createLinearGradient(pos.x + halfWidth, pos.y - halfHeight, pos.x - halfWidth, pos.y + halfHeight); break; case 'to-top-left': case 'to-left-top': gradientStyle = context.createLinearGradient(pos.x + halfWidth, pos.y + halfHeight, pos.x - halfWidth, pos.y - halfHeight); break; } } } if (!gradientStyle) return null; // invalid gradient style let hasPositions = positions.length === colors.length; let length = colors.length; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { gradientStyle.addColorStop(hasPositions ? positions[i] : i / (length - 1), 'rgba(' + colors[i][0] + ',' + colors[i][1] + ',' + colors[i][2] + ',' + opacity + ')'); } return gradientStyle; }; CRp.gradientFillStyle = function( context, ele, fill, opacity ){ const gradientStyle = this.createGradientStyleFor(context, 'background', ele, fill, opacity); if (!gradientStyle) return null; // error context.fillStyle = gradientStyle; }; CRp.colorFillStyle = function( context, r, g, b, a ){ context.fillStyle = 'rgba(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ',' + a + ')'; // turn off for now, seems context does its own caching // var cache = this.paintCache(context); // var fillStyle = 'rgba(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ',' + a + ')'; // if( cache.fillStyle !== fillStyle ){ // context.fillStyle = cache.fillStyle = fillStyle; // } }; CRp.eleFillStyle = function( context, ele, opacity ){ let backgroundFill = ele.pstyle('background-fill').value; if (backgroundFill === 'linear-gradient' || backgroundFill === 'radial-gradient') { this.gradientFillStyle(context, ele, backgroundFill, opacity); } else { let backgroundColor = ele.pstyle('background-color').value; this.colorFillStyle( context, backgroundColor[0], backgroundColor[1], backgroundColor[2], opacity ); } }; CRp.gradientStrokeStyle = function( context, ele, fill, opacity ){ const gradientStyle = this.createGradientStyleFor(context, 'line', ele, fill ,opacity); if (!gradientStyle) return null; // error context.strokeStyle = gradientStyle; }; CRp.colorStrokeStyle = function( context, r, g, b, a ){ context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ',' + a + ')'; // turn off for now, seems context does its own caching // var cache = this.paintCache(context); // var strokeStyle = 'rgba(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ',' + a + ')'; // if( cache.strokeStyle !== strokeStyle ){ // context.strokeStyle = cache.strokeStyle = strokeStyle; // } }; CRp.eleStrokeStyle = function( context, ele, opacity ){ let lineFill = ele.pstyle('line-fill').value; if (lineFill === 'linear-gradient' || lineFill === 'radial-gradient') { this.gradientStrokeStyle(context, ele, lineFill, opacity); } else { let lineColor = ele.pstyle('line-color').value; this.colorStrokeStyle( context, lineColor[0], lineColor[1], lineColor[2], opacity ); } }; // Resize canvas CRp.matchCanvasSize = function( container ){ var r = this; var data =; var bb = r.findContainerClientCoords(); var width = bb[2]; var height = bb[3]; var pixelRatio = r.getPixelRatio(); var mbPxRatio = r.motionBlurPxRatio; if( container ===[ r.MOTIONBLUR_BUFFER_NODE ] || container ===[ r.MOTIONBLUR_BUFFER_DRAG ] ){ pixelRatio = mbPxRatio; } var canvasWidth = width * pixelRatio; var canvasHeight = height * pixelRatio; var canvas; if( canvasWidth === r.canvasWidth && canvasHeight === r.canvasHeight ){ return; // save cycles if same } r.fontCaches = null; // resizing resets the style var canvasContainer = data.canvasContainer; = width + 'px'; = height + 'px'; for( var i = 0; i < r.CANVAS_LAYERS; i++ ){ canvas = data.canvases[ i ]; canvas.width = canvasWidth; canvas.height = canvasHeight; = width + 'px'; = height + 'px'; } for( var i = 0; i < r.BUFFER_COUNT; i++ ){ canvas = data.bufferCanvases[ i ]; canvas.width = canvasWidth; canvas.height = canvasHeight; = width + 'px'; = height + 'px'; } r.textureMult = 1; if( pixelRatio <= 1 ){ canvas = data.bufferCanvases[ r.TEXTURE_BUFFER ]; r.textureMult = 2; canvas.width = canvasWidth * r.textureMult; canvas.height = canvasHeight * r.textureMult; } r.canvasWidth = canvasWidth; r.canvasHeight = canvasHeight; }; CRp.renderTo = function( cxt, zoom, pan, pxRatio ){ this.render( { forcedContext: cxt, forcedZoom: zoom, forcedPan: pan, drawAllLayers: true, forcedPxRatio: pxRatio } ); }; CRp.render = function( options ){ options = options || util.staticEmptyObject(); var forcedContext = options.forcedContext; var drawAllLayers = options.drawAllLayers; var drawOnlyNodeLayer = options.drawOnlyNodeLayer; var forcedZoom = options.forcedZoom; var forcedPan = options.forcedPan; var r = this; var pixelRatio = options.forcedPxRatio === undefined ? this.getPixelRatio() : options.forcedPxRatio; var cy =; var data =; var needDraw = data.canvasNeedsRedraw; var textureDraw = r.textureOnViewport && !forcedContext && (r.pinching || r.hoverData.dragging || r.swipePanning ||; var motionBlur = options.motionBlur !== undefined ? options.motionBlur : r.motionBlur; var mbPxRatio = r.motionBlurPxRatio; var hasCompoundNodes = cy.hasCompoundNodes(); var inNodeDragGesture = r.hoverData.draggingEles; var inBoxSelection = r.hoverData.selecting || r.touchData.selecting ? true : false; motionBlur = motionBlur && !forcedContext && r.motionBlurEnabled && !inBoxSelection; var motionBlurFadeEffect = motionBlur; if( !forcedContext ){ if( r.prevPxRatio !== pixelRatio ){ r.invalidateContainerClientCoordsCache(); r.matchCanvasSize( r.container ); r.redrawHint('eles', true); r.redrawHint('drag', true); } r.prevPxRatio = pixelRatio; } if( !forcedContext && r.motionBlurTimeout ){ clearTimeout( r.motionBlurTimeout ); } if( motionBlur ){ if( r.mbFrames == null ){ r.mbFrames = 0; } r.mbFrames++; if( r.mbFrames < 3 ){ // need several frames before even high quality motionblur motionBlurFadeEffect = false; } // go to lower quality blurry frames when several m/b frames have been rendered (avoids flashing) if( r.mbFrames > r.minMbLowQualFrames ){ //r.fullQualityMb = false; r.motionBlurPxRatio = r.mbPxRBlurry; } } if( r.clearingMotionBlur ){ r.motionBlurPxRatio = 1; } // b/c drawToContext() may be async w.r.t. redraw(), keep track of last texture frame // because a rogue async texture frame would clear needDraw if( r.textureDrawLastFrame && !textureDraw ){ needDraw[ r.NODE ] = true; needDraw[ r.SELECT_BOX ] = true; } var style =; var zoom = cy.zoom(); var effectiveZoom = forcedZoom !== undefined ? forcedZoom : zoom; var pan = cy.pan(); var effectivePan = { x: pan.x, y: pan.y }; var vp = { zoom: zoom, pan: { x: pan.x, y: pan.y } }; var prevVp = r.prevViewport; var viewportIsDiff = prevVp === undefined || vp.zoom !== prevVp.zoom || vp.pan.x !== prevVp.pan.x || vp.pan.y !== prevVp.pan.y; // we want the low quality motionblur only when the viewport is being manipulated etc (where it's not noticed) if( !viewportIsDiff && !(inNodeDragGesture && !hasCompoundNodes) ){ r.motionBlurPxRatio = 1; } if( forcedPan ){ effectivePan = forcedPan; } // apply pixel ratio effectiveZoom *= pixelRatio; effectivePan.x *= pixelRatio; effectivePan.y *= pixelRatio; var eles = r.getCachedZSortedEles(); function mbclear( context, x, y, w, h ){ var gco = context.globalCompositeOperation; context.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-out'; r.colorFillStyle( context, 255, 255, 255, r.motionBlurTransparency ); context.fillRect( x, y, w, h ); context.globalCompositeOperation = gco; } function setContextTransform( context, clear ){ var ePan, eZoom, w, h; if( !r.clearingMotionBlur && (context === data.bufferContexts[ r.MOTIONBLUR_BUFFER_NODE ] || context === data.bufferContexts[ r.MOTIONBLUR_BUFFER_DRAG ]) ){ ePan = { x: pan.x * mbPxRatio, y: pan.y * mbPxRatio }; eZoom = zoom * mbPxRatio; w = r.canvasWidth * mbPxRatio; h = r.canvasHeight * mbPxRatio; } else { ePan = effectivePan; eZoom = effectiveZoom; w = r.canvasWidth; h = r.canvasHeight; } context.setTransform( 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ); if( clear === 'motionBlur' ){ mbclear( context, 0, 0, w, h ); } else if( !forcedContext && (clear === undefined || clear) ){ context.clearRect( 0, 0, w, h ); } if( !drawAllLayers ){ context.translate( ePan.x, ePan.y ); context.scale( eZoom, eZoom ); } if( forcedPan ){ context.translate( forcedPan.x, forcedPan.y ); } if( forcedZoom ){ context.scale( forcedZoom, forcedZoom ); } } if( !textureDraw ){ r.textureDrawLastFrame = false; } if( textureDraw ){ r.textureDrawLastFrame = true; if( !r.textureCache ){ r.textureCache = {}; = cy.mutableElements().boundingBox(); r.textureCache.texture =[ r.TEXTURE_BUFFER ]; var cxt =[ r.TEXTURE_BUFFER ]; cxt.setTransform( 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ); cxt.clearRect( 0, 0, r.canvasWidth * r.textureMult, r.canvasHeight * r.textureMult ); r.render( { forcedContext: cxt, drawOnlyNodeLayer: true, forcedPxRatio: pixelRatio * r.textureMult } ); var vp = r.textureCache.viewport = { zoom: cy.zoom(), pan: cy.pan(), width: r.canvasWidth, height: r.canvasHeight }; vp.mpan = { x: (0 - vp.pan.x) / vp.zoom, y: (0 - vp.pan.y) / vp.zoom }; } needDraw[ r.DRAG ] = false; needDraw[ r.NODE ] = false; var context = data.contexts[ r.NODE ]; var texture = r.textureCache.texture; var vp = r.textureCache.viewport; context.setTransform( 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ); if( motionBlur ){ mbclear( context, 0, 0, vp.width, vp.height ); } else { context.clearRect( 0, 0, vp.width, vp.height ); } var outsideBgColor = style.core( 'outside-texture-bg-color' ).value; var outsideBgOpacity = style.core( 'outside-texture-bg-opacity' ).value; r.colorFillStyle( context, outsideBgColor[0], outsideBgColor[1], outsideBgColor[2], outsideBgOpacity ); context.fillRect( 0, 0, vp.width, vp.height ); var zoom = cy.zoom(); setContextTransform( context, false ); context.clearRect( vp.mpan.x, vp.mpan.y, vp.width / vp.zoom / pixelRatio, vp.height / vp.zoom / pixelRatio ); context.drawImage( texture, vp.mpan.x, vp.mpan.y, vp.width / vp.zoom / pixelRatio, vp.height / vp.zoom / pixelRatio ); } else if( r.textureOnViewport && !forcedContext ){ // clear the cache since we don't need it r.textureCache = null; } var extent = cy.extent(); var vpManip = (r.pinching || r.hoverData.dragging || r.swipePanning || || r.hoverData.draggingEles ||; var hideEdges = r.hideEdgesOnViewport && vpManip; var needMbClear = []; needMbClear[ r.NODE ] = !needDraw[ r.NODE ] && motionBlur && !r.clearedForMotionBlur[ r.NODE ] || r.clearingMotionBlur; if( needMbClear[ r.NODE ] ){ r.clearedForMotionBlur[ r.NODE ] = true; } needMbClear[ r.DRAG ] = !needDraw[ r.DRAG ] && motionBlur && !r.clearedForMotionBlur[ r.DRAG ] || r.clearingMotionBlur; if( needMbClear[ r.DRAG ] ){ r.clearedForMotionBlur[ r.DRAG ] = true; } if( needDraw[ r.NODE ] || drawAllLayers || drawOnlyNodeLayer || needMbClear[ r.NODE ] ){ var useBuffer = motionBlur && !needMbClear[ r.NODE ] && mbPxRatio !== 1; var context = forcedContext || ( useBuffer ?[ r.MOTIONBLUR_BUFFER_NODE ] : data.contexts[ r.NODE ] ); var clear = motionBlur && !useBuffer ? 'motionBlur' : undefined; setContextTransform( context, clear ); if( hideEdges ){ r.drawCachedNodes( context, eles.nondrag, pixelRatio, extent ); } else { r.drawLayeredElements( context, eles.nondrag, pixelRatio, extent ); } if( r.debug ){ r.drawDebugPoints( context, eles.nondrag ); } if( !drawAllLayers && !motionBlur ){ needDraw[ r.NODE ] = false; } } if( !drawOnlyNodeLayer && (needDraw[ r.DRAG ] || drawAllLayers || needMbClear[ r.DRAG ]) ){ var useBuffer = motionBlur && !needMbClear[ r.DRAG ] && mbPxRatio !== 1; var context = forcedContext || ( useBuffer ?[ r.MOTIONBLUR_BUFFER_DRAG ] : data.contexts[ r.DRAG ] ); setContextTransform( context, motionBlur && !useBuffer ? 'motionBlur' : undefined ); if( hideEdges ){ r.drawCachedNodes( context, eles.drag, pixelRatio, extent ); } else { r.drawCachedElements( context, eles.drag, pixelRatio, extent ); } if( r.debug ){ r.drawDebugPoints( context, eles.drag ); } if( !drawAllLayers && !motionBlur ){ needDraw[ r.DRAG ] = false; } } if( r.showFps || (!drawOnlyNodeLayer && (needDraw[ r.SELECT_BOX ] && !drawAllLayers)) ){ var context = forcedContext || data.contexts[ r.SELECT_BOX ]; setContextTransform( context ); if( r.selection[4] == 1 && ( r.hoverData.selecting || r.touchData.selecting ) ){ var zoom =; var borderWidth = style.core( 'selection-box-border-width' ).value / zoom; context.lineWidth = borderWidth; context.fillStyle = 'rgba(' + style.core( 'selection-box-color' ).value[0] + ',' + style.core( 'selection-box-color' ).value[1] + ',' + style.core( 'selection-box-color' ).value[2] + ',' + style.core( 'selection-box-opacity' ).value + ')'; context.fillRect( r.selection[0], r.selection[1], r.selection[2] - r.selection[0], r.selection[3] - r.selection[1] ); if( borderWidth > 0 ){ context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(' + style.core( 'selection-box-border-color' ).value[0] + ',' + style.core( 'selection-box-border-color' ).value[1] + ',' + style.core( 'selection-box-border-color' ).value[2] + ',' + style.core( 'selection-box-opacity' ).value + ')'; context.strokeRect( r.selection[0], r.selection[1], r.selection[2] - r.selection[0], r.selection[3] - r.selection[1] ); } } if( data.bgActivePosistion && !r.hoverData.selecting ){ var zoom =; var pos = data.bgActivePosistion; context.fillStyle = 'rgba(' + style.core( 'active-bg-color' ).value[0] + ',' + style.core( 'active-bg-color' ).value[1] + ',' + style.core( 'active-bg-color' ).value[2] + ',' + style.core( 'active-bg-opacity' ).value + ')'; context.beginPath(); context.arc( pos.x, pos.y, style.core( 'active-bg-size' ).pfValue / zoom, 0, 2 * Math.PI ); context.fill(); } var timeToRender = r.lastRedrawTime; if( r.showFps && timeToRender ){ timeToRender = Math.round( timeToRender ); var fps = Math.round( 1000 / timeToRender ); context.setTransform( 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ); context.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.75)'; context.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.75)'; context.lineWidth = 1; context.fillText( '1 frame = ' + timeToRender + ' ms = ' + fps + ' fps', 0, 20 ); var maxFps = 60; context.strokeRect( 0, 30, 250, 20 ); context.fillRect( 0, 30, 250 * Math.min( fps / maxFps, 1 ), 20 ); } if( !drawAllLayers ){ needDraw[ r.SELECT_BOX ] = false; } } // motionblur: blit rendered blurry frames if( motionBlur && mbPxRatio !== 1 ){ var cxtNode = data.contexts[ r.NODE ]; var txtNode =[ r.MOTIONBLUR_BUFFER_NODE ]; var cxtDrag = data.contexts[ r.DRAG ]; var txtDrag =[ r.MOTIONBLUR_BUFFER_DRAG ]; var drawMotionBlur = function( cxt, txt, needClear ){ cxt.setTransform( 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ); if( needClear || !motionBlurFadeEffect ){ cxt.clearRect( 0, 0, r.canvasWidth, r.canvasHeight ); } else { mbclear( cxt, 0, 0, r.canvasWidth, r.canvasHeight ); } var pxr = mbPxRatio; cxt.drawImage( txt, // img 0, 0, // sx, sy r.canvasWidth * pxr, r.canvasHeight * pxr, // sw, sh 0, 0, // x, y r.canvasWidth, r.canvasHeight // w, h ); }; if( needDraw[ r.NODE ] || needMbClear[ r.NODE ] ){ drawMotionBlur( cxtNode, txtNode, needMbClear[ r.NODE ] ); needDraw[ r.NODE ] = false; } if( needDraw[ r.DRAG ] || needMbClear[ r.DRAG ] ){ drawMotionBlur( cxtDrag, txtDrag, needMbClear[ r.DRAG ] ); needDraw[ r.DRAG ] = false; } } r.prevViewport = vp; if( r.clearingMotionBlur ){ r.clearingMotionBlur = false; r.motionBlurCleared = true; r.motionBlur = true; } if( motionBlur ){ r.motionBlurTimeout = setTimeout( function(){ r.motionBlurTimeout = null; r.clearedForMotionBlur[ r.NODE ] = false; r.clearedForMotionBlur[ r.DRAG ] = false; r.motionBlur = false; r.clearingMotionBlur = !textureDraw; r.mbFrames = 0; needDraw[ r.NODE ] = true; needDraw[ r.DRAG ] = true; r.redraw(); }, motionBlurDelay ); } if( !forcedContext ){ cy.emit('render'); } }; export default CRp;