import window from '../window'; import * as util from '../util'; import Collection from '../collection'; import * as is from '../is'; import Promise from '../promise'; import addRemove from './add-remove'; import animation from './animation'; import events from './events'; import exportFormat from './export'; import layout from './layout'; import notification from './notification'; import renderer from './renderer'; import search from './search'; import style from './style'; import viewport from './viewport'; import data from './data'; let Core = function( opts ){ let cy = this; opts = util.extend( {}, opts ); let container = opts.container; // allow for passing a wrapped jquery object // e.g. cytoscape({ container: $('#cy') }) if( container && !is.htmlElement( container ) && is.htmlElement( container[0] ) ){ container = container[0]; } let reg = container ? container._cyreg : null; // e.g. already registered some info (e.g. readies) via jquery reg = reg || {}; if( reg && ){; reg = {}; // old instance => replace reg completely } let readies = reg.readies = reg.readies || []; if( container ){ container._cyreg = reg; } // make sure container assoc'd reg points to this cy = cy; let head = window !== undefined && container !== undefined && !opts.headless; let options = opts; options.layout = util.extend( { name: head ? 'grid' : 'null' }, options.layout ); options.renderer = util.extend( { name: head ? 'canvas' : 'null' }, options.renderer ); let defVal = function( def, val, altVal ){ if( val !== undefined ){ return val; } else if( altVal !== undefined ){ return altVal; } else { return def; } }; let _p = this._private = { container: container, // html dom ele container ready: false, // whether ready has been triggered options: options, // cached options elements: new Collection( this ), // elements in the graph listeners: [], // list of listeners aniEles: new Collection( this ), // elements being animated data: || {}, // data for the core scratch: {}, // scratch object for core layout: null, renderer: null, destroyed: false, // whether destroy was called notificationsEnabled: true, // whether notifications are sent to the renderer minZoom: 1e-50, maxZoom: 1e50, zoomingEnabled: defVal( true, options.zoomingEnabled ), userZoomingEnabled: defVal( true, options.userZoomingEnabled ), panningEnabled: defVal( true, options.panningEnabled ), userPanningEnabled: defVal( true, options.userPanningEnabled ), boxSelectionEnabled: defVal( true, options.boxSelectionEnabled ), autolock: defVal( false, options.autolock, options.autolockNodes ), autoungrabify: defVal( false, options.autoungrabify, options.autoungrabifyNodes ), autounselectify: defVal( false, options.autounselectify ), styleEnabled: options.styleEnabled === undefined ? head : options.styleEnabled, zoom: is.number( options.zoom ) ? options.zoom : 1, pan: { x: is.plainObject( options.pan ) && is.number( options.pan.x ) ? options.pan.x : 0, y: is.plainObject( options.pan ) && is.number( options.pan.y ) ? options.pan.y : 0 }, animation: { // object for currently-running animations current: [], queue: [] }, hasCompoundNodes: false, multiClickDebounceTime: defVal(250, options.multiClickDebounceTime) }; this.createEmitter(); // set selection type this.selectionType( options.selectionType ); // init zoom bounds this.zoomRange({ min: options.minZoom, max: options.maxZoom }); let loadExtData = function( extData, next ){ let anyIsPromise = extData.some( is.promise ); if( anyIsPromise ){ return Promise.all( extData ).then( next ); // load all data asynchronously, then exec rest of init } else { next( extData ); // exec synchronously for convenience } }; // start with the default stylesheet so we have something before loading an external stylesheet if( _p.styleEnabled ){ cy.setStyle([]); } // create the renderer let rendererOptions = util.assign({}, options, options.renderer); // allow rendering hints in top level options cy.initRenderer( rendererOptions ); let setElesAndLayout = function( elements, onload, ondone ){ cy.notifications( false ); // remove old elements let oldEles = cy.mutableElements(); if( oldEles.length > 0 ){ oldEles.remove(); } if( elements != null ){ if( is.plainObject( elements ) || is.array( elements ) ){ cy.add( elements ); } } 'layoutready', function( e ){ cy.notifications( true ); cy.emit( e ); // we missed this event by turning notifications off, so pass it on 'load', onload ); cy.emitAndNotify( 'load' ); } ).one( 'layoutstop', function(){ 'done', ondone ); cy.emit( 'done' ); } ); let layoutOpts = util.extend( {}, cy._private.options.layout ); layoutOpts.eles = cy.elements(); cy.layout( layoutOpts ).run(); }; loadExtData([, options.elements ], function( thens ){ let initStyle = thens[0]; let initEles = thens[1]; // init style if( _p.styleEnabled ){ initStyle ); } // initial load setElesAndLayout( initEles, function(){ // onready cy.startAnimationLoop(); _p.ready = true; // if a ready callback is specified as an option, the bind it if( is.fn( options.ready ) ){ cy.on( 'ready', options.ready ); } // bind all the ready handlers registered before creating this instance for( let i = 0; i < readies.length; i++ ){ let fn = readies[ i ]; cy.on( 'ready', fn ); } if( reg ){ reg.readies = []; } // clear b/c we've bound them all and don't want to keep it around in case a new core uses the same div etc cy.emit( 'ready' ); }, options.done ); } ); }; let corefn = Core.prototype; // short alias util.extend( corefn, { instanceString: function(){ return 'core'; }, isReady: function(){ return this._private.ready; }, destroyed: function(){ return this._private.destroyed; }, ready: function( fn ){ if( this.isReady() ){ this.emitter().emit( 'ready', [], fn ); // just calls fn as though triggered via ready event } else { this.on( 'ready', fn ); } return this; }, destroy: function(){ let cy = this; if( cy.destroyed() ) return; cy.stopAnimationLoop(); cy.destroyRenderer(); this.emit( 'destroy' ); cy._private.destroyed = true; return cy; }, hasElementWithId: function( id ){ return this._private.elements.hasElementWithId( id ); }, getElementById: function( id ){ return this._private.elements.getElementById( id ); }, hasCompoundNodes: function(){ return this._private.hasCompoundNodes; }, headless: function(){ return this._private.renderer.isHeadless(); }, styleEnabled: function(){ return this._private.styleEnabled; }, addToPool: function( eles ){ this._private.elements.merge( eles ); return this; // chaining }, removeFromPool: function( eles ){ this._private.elements.unmerge( eles ); return this; }, container: function(){ return this._private.container || null; }, window: function() { let container = this._private.container; if (container == null) return window; let ownerDocument = this._private.container.ownerDocument; if (ownerDocument === undefined || ownerDocument == null) { return window; } return ownerDocument.defaultView || window; }, mount: function( container ){ if( container == null ){ return; } let cy = this; let _p = cy._private; let options = _p.options; if( !is.htmlElement( container ) && is.htmlElement( container[0] ) ){ container = container[0]; } cy.stopAnimationLoop(); cy.destroyRenderer(); _p.container = container; _p.styleEnabled = true; cy.invalidateSize(); cy.initRenderer( util.assign({}, options, options.renderer, { // allow custom renderer name to be re-used, otherwise use canvas name: === 'null' ? 'canvas' : }) ); cy.startAnimationLoop(); ); cy.emit( 'mount' ); return cy; }, unmount: function(){ let cy = this; cy.stopAnimationLoop(); cy.destroyRenderer(); cy.initRenderer( { name: 'null' } ); cy.emit( 'unmount' ); return cy; }, options: function(){ return util.copy( this._private.options ); }, json: function( obj ){ let cy = this; let _p = cy._private; let eles = cy.mutableElements(); let getFreshRef = ele => cy.getElementById(; if( is.plainObject( obj ) ){ // set cy.startBatch(); if( obj.elements ){ let idInJson = {}; let updateEles = function( jsons, gr ){ let toAdd = []; let toMod = []; for( let i = 0; i < jsons.length; i++ ){ let json = jsons[ i ]; if( ! ){ util.warn( 'cy.json() cannot handle elements without an ID attribute' ); continue; } let id = '' +; // id must be string let ele = cy.getElementById( id ); idInJson[ id ] = true; if( ele.length !== 0 ){ // existing element should be updated toMod.push({ ele, json }); } else { // otherwise should be added if( gr ){ = gr; toAdd.push( json ); } else { toAdd.push( json ); } } } cy.add( toAdd ); for( let i = 0; i < toMod.length; i++ ){ let { ele, json } = toMod[i]; ele.json(json); } }; if( is.array( obj.elements ) ){ // elements: [] updateEles( obj.elements ); } else { // elements: { nodes: [], edges: [] } let grs = [ 'nodes', 'edges' ]; for( let i = 0; i < grs.length; i++ ){ let gr = grs[ i ]; let elements = obj.elements[ gr ]; if( is.array( elements ) ){ updateEles( elements, gr ); } } } let parentsToRemove = cy.collection(); (eles .filter(ele => !idInJson[ ]) .forEach(ele => { if ( ele.isParent() ) { parentsToRemove.merge(ele); } else { ele.remove(); } }) ); // so that children are not removed w/parent parentsToRemove.forEach(ele => ele.children().move({ parent: null })); // intermediate parents may be moved by prior line, so make sure we remove by fresh refs parentsToRemove.forEach(ele => getFreshRef(ele).remove()); } if( ){ ); } if( obj.zoom != null && obj.zoom !== _p.zoom ){ cy.zoom( obj.zoom ); } if( obj.pan ){ if( obj.pan.x !== _p.pan.x || obj.pan.y !== _p.pan.y ){ cy.pan( obj.pan ); } } if( ){ ); } let fields = [ 'minZoom', 'maxZoom', 'zoomingEnabled', 'userZoomingEnabled', 'panningEnabled', 'userPanningEnabled', 'boxSelectionEnabled', 'autolock', 'autoungrabify', 'autounselectify', 'multiClickDebounceTime' ]; for( let i = 0; i < fields.length; i++ ){ let f = fields[ i ]; if( obj[ f ] != null ){ cy[ f ]( obj[ f ] ); } } cy.endBatch(); return this; // chaining } else { // get let flat = !!obj; let json = {}; if( flat ){ json.elements = this.elements().map( ele => ele.json() ); } else { json.elements = {}; eles.forEach( function( ele ){ let group =; if( !json.elements[ group ] ){ json.elements[ group ] = []; } json.elements[ group ].push( ele.json() ); } ); } if( this._private.styleEnabled ){ =; } = util.copy( ); let options = _p.options; json.zoomingEnabled = _p.zoomingEnabled; json.userZoomingEnabled = _p.userZoomingEnabled; json.zoom = _p.zoom; json.minZoom = _p.minZoom; json.maxZoom = _p.maxZoom; json.panningEnabled = _p.panningEnabled; json.userPanningEnabled = _p.userPanningEnabled; json.pan = util.copy( _p.pan ); json.boxSelectionEnabled = _p.boxSelectionEnabled; json.renderer = util.copy( options.renderer ); json.hideEdgesOnViewport = options.hideEdgesOnViewport; json.textureOnViewport = options.textureOnViewport; json.wheelSensitivity = options.wheelSensitivity; json.motionBlur = options.motionBlur; json.multiClickDebounceTime = options.multiClickDebounceTime; return json; } } } ); corefn.$id = corefn.getElementById; [ addRemove, animation, events, exportFormat, layout, notification, renderer, search, style, viewport, data ].forEach( function( props ){ util.extend( corefn, props ); } ); export default Core;