import { defaults } from '../../util'; import { inPlaceSumNormalize } from '../../math'; const pageRankDefaults = defaults({ dampingFactor: 0.8, precision: 0.000001, iterations: 200, weight: edge => 1 }); let elesfn = ({ pageRank: function( options ){ let { dampingFactor, precision, iterations, weight } = pageRankDefaults(options); let cy =; let { nodes, edges } = this.byGroup(); let numNodes = nodes.length; let numNodesSqd = numNodes * numNodes; let numEdges = edges.length; // Construct transposed adjacency matrix // First lets have a zeroed matrix of the right size // We'll also keep track of the sum of each column let matrix = new Array(numNodesSqd); let columnSum = new Array(numNodes); let additionalProb = (1 - dampingFactor) / numNodes; // Create null matrix for( let i = 0; i < numNodes; i++ ){ for( let j = 0; j < numNodes; j++ ){ let n = i * numNodes + j; matrix[n] = 0; } columnSum[i] = 0; } // Now, process edges for( let i = 0; i < numEdges; i++ ){ let edge = edges[ i ]; let srcId ='source'); let tgtId ='target'); // Don't include loops in the matrix if( srcId === tgtId ){ continue; } let s = nodes.indexOfId( srcId ); let t = nodes.indexOfId( tgtId ); let w = weight( edge ); let n = t * numNodes + s; // Update matrix matrix[n] += w; // Update column sum columnSum[s] += w; } // Add additional probability based on damping factor // Also, take into account columns that have sum = 0 let p = 1.0 / numNodes + additionalProb; // Shorthand // Traverse matrix, column by column for( let j = 0; j < numNodes; j++ ){ if( columnSum[j] === 0 ){ // No 'links' out from node jth, assume equal probability for each possible node for( let i = 0; i < numNodes; i++ ){ let n = i * numNodes + j; matrix[n] = p; } } else { // Node jth has outgoing link, compute normalized probabilities for( let i = 0; i < numNodes; i++ ){ let n = i * numNodes + j; matrix[n] = matrix[n] / columnSum[j] + additionalProb; } } } // Compute dominant eigenvector using power method let eigenvector = new Array(numNodes); let temp = new Array(numNodes); let previous; // Start with a vector of all 1's // Also, initialize a null vector which will be used as shorthand for( let i = 0; i < numNodes; i++ ){ eigenvector[i] = 1; } for( let iter = 0; iter < iterations; iter++ ){ // Temp array with all 0's for( let i = 0; i < numNodes; i++ ){ temp[i] = 0; } // Multiply matrix with previous result for( let i = 0; i < numNodes; i++ ){ for( let j = 0; j < numNodes; j++ ){ let n = i * numNodes + j; temp[i] += matrix[n] * eigenvector[j]; } } inPlaceSumNormalize( temp ); previous = eigenvector; eigenvector = temp; temp = previous; let diff = 0; // Compute difference (squared module) of both vectors for( let i = 0; i < numNodes; i++ ){ let delta = previous[i] - eigenvector[i]; diff += delta * delta; } // If difference is less than the desired threshold, stop iterating if( diff < precision ){ break; } } // Construct result let res = { rank: function( node ){ node = cy.collection(node)[0]; return eigenvector[ nodes.indexOf(node) ]; } }; return res; } // pageRank }); // elesfn export default elesfn;