"use strict"; var __create = Object.create; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __esm = (fn, res) => function __init() { return fn && (res = (0, fn[__getOwnPropNames(fn)[0]])(fn = 0)), res; }; var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require() { return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports; }; var __export = (target10, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target10, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target10) => (target10 = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps( // If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM // file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel- // compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set // "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility. isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target10, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target10, mod )); var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/tsup@8.0.2_postcss@8.4.38_typescript@5.4.3/node_modules/tsup/assets/cjs_shims.js var init_cjs_shims = __esm({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/tsup@8.0.2_postcss@8.4.38_typescript@5.4.3/node_modules/tsup/assets/cjs_shims.js"() { "use strict"; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/speakingurl@14.0.1/node_modules/speakingurl/lib/speakingurl.js var require_speakingurl = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/speakingurl@14.0.1/node_modules/speakingurl/lib/speakingurl.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; init_cjs_shims(); (function(root) { "use strict"; var charMap = { // latin "\xC0": "A", "\xC1": "A", "\xC2": "A", "\xC3": "A", "\xC4": "Ae", "\xC5": "A", "\xC6": "AE", "\xC7": "C", "\xC8": "E", "\xC9": "E", "\xCA": "E", "\xCB": "E", "\xCC": "I", "\xCD": "I", "\xCE": "I", "\xCF": "I", "\xD0": "D", "\xD1": "N", "\xD2": "O", "\xD3": "O", "\xD4": "O", "\xD5": "O", "\xD6": "Oe", "\u0150": "O", "\xD8": "O", "\xD9": "U", "\xDA": "U", "\xDB": "U", "\xDC": "Ue", "\u0170": "U", "\xDD": "Y", "\xDE": "TH", "\xDF": "ss", "\xE0": "a", "\xE1": "a", "\xE2": "a", "\xE3": "a", "\xE4": "ae", "\xE5": "a", "\xE6": "ae", "\xE7": "c", "\xE8": "e", "\xE9": "e", "\xEA": "e", "\xEB": "e", "\xEC": "i", "\xED": "i", "\xEE": "i", "\xEF": "i", "\xF0": "d", "\xF1": "n", "\xF2": "o", "\xF3": "o", "\xF4": "o", "\xF5": "o", "\xF6": "oe", "\u0151": "o", "\xF8": "o", "\xF9": "u", "\xFA": "u", "\xFB": "u", "\xFC": "ue", "\u0171": "u", "\xFD": "y", "\xFE": "th", "\xFF": "y", "\u1E9E": "SS", // language specific // Arabic "\u0627": "a", "\u0623": "a", "\u0625": "i", "\u0622": "aa", "\u0624": "u", "\u0626": "e", "\u0621": "a", "\u0628": "b", "\u062A": "t", "\u062B": "th", "\u062C": "j", "\u062D": "h", "\u062E": "kh", "\u062F": "d", "\u0630": "th", "\u0631": "r", "\u0632": "z", "\u0633": "s", "\u0634": "sh", "\u0635": "s", "\u0636": "dh", "\u0637": "t", "\u0638": "z", "\u0639": "a", "\u063A": "gh", "\u0641": "f", "\u0642": "q", "\u0643": "k", "\u0644": "l", "\u0645": "m", "\u0646": "n", "\u0647": "h", "\u0648": "w", "\u064A": "y", "\u0649": "a", "\u0629": "h", "\uFEFB": "la", "\uFEF7": "laa", "\uFEF9": "lai", "\uFEF5": "laa", // Persian additional characters than Arabic "\u06AF": "g", "\u0686": "ch", "\u067E": "p", "\u0698": "zh", "\u06A9": "k", "\u06CC": "y", // Arabic diactrics "\u064E": "a", "\u064B": "an", "\u0650": "e", "\u064D": "en", "\u064F": "u", "\u064C": "on", "\u0652": "", // Arabic numbers "\u0660": "0", "\u0661": "1", "\u0662": "2", "\u0663": "3", "\u0664": "4", "\u0665": "5", "\u0666": "6", "\u0667": "7", "\u0668": "8", "\u0669": "9", // Persian numbers "\u06F0": "0", "\u06F1": "1", "\u06F2": "2", "\u06F3": "3", "\u06F4": "4", "\u06F5": "5", "\u06F6": "6", "\u06F7": "7", "\u06F8": "8", "\u06F9": "9", // Burmese consonants "\u1000": "k", "\u1001": "kh", "\u1002": "g", "\u1003": "ga", "\u1004": "ng", "\u1005": "s", "\u1006": "sa", "\u1007": "z", "\u1005\u103B": "za", "\u100A": "ny", "\u100B": "t", "\u100C": "ta", "\u100D": "d", "\u100E": "da", "\u100F": "na", "\u1010": "t", "\u1011": "ta", "\u1012": "d", "\u1013": "da", "\u1014": "n", "\u1015": "p", "\u1016": "pa", "\u1017": "b", "\u1018": "ba", "\u1019": "m", "\u101A": "y", "\u101B": "ya", "\u101C": "l", "\u101D": "w", "\u101E": "th", "\u101F": "h", "\u1020": "la", "\u1021": "a", // consonant character combos "\u103C": "y", "\u103B": "ya", "\u103D": "w", "\u103C\u103D": "yw", "\u103B\u103D": "ywa", "\u103E": "h", // independent vowels "\u1027": "e", "\u104F": "-e", "\u1023": "i", "\u1024": "-i", "\u1009": "u", "\u1026": "-u", "\u1029": "aw", "\u101E\u103C\u1031\u102C": "aw", "\u102A": "aw", // numbers "\u1040": "0", "\u1041": "1", "\u1042": "2", "\u1043": "3", "\u1044": "4", "\u1045": "5", "\u1046": "6", "\u1047": "7", "\u1048": "8", "\u1049": "9", // virama and tone marks which are silent in transliteration "\u1039": "", "\u1037": "", "\u1038": "", // Czech "\u010D": "c", "\u010F": "d", "\u011B": "e", "\u0148": "n", "\u0159": "r", "\u0161": "s", "\u0165": "t", "\u016F": "u", "\u017E": "z", "\u010C": "C", "\u010E": "D", "\u011A": "E", "\u0147": "N", "\u0158": "R", "\u0160": "S", "\u0164": "T", "\u016E": "U", "\u017D": "Z", // Dhivehi "\u0780": "h", "\u0781": "sh", "\u0782": "n", "\u0783": "r", "\u0784": "b", "\u0785": "lh", "\u0786": "k", "\u0787": "a", "\u0788": "v", "\u0789": "m", "\u078A": "f", "\u078B": "dh", "\u078C": "th", "\u078D": "l", "\u078E": "g", "\u078F": "gn", "\u0790": "s", "\u0791": "d", "\u0792": "z", "\u0793": "t", "\u0794": "y", "\u0795": "p", "\u0796": "j", "\u0797": "ch", "\u0798": "tt", "\u0799": "hh", "\u079A": "kh", "\u079B": "th", "\u079C": "z", "\u079D": "sh", "\u079E": "s", "\u079F": "d", "\u07A0": "t", "\u07A1": "z", "\u07A2": "a", "\u07A3": "gh", "\u07A4": "q", "\u07A5": "w", "\u07A6": "a", "\u07A7": "aa", "\u07A8": "i", "\u07A9": "ee", "\u07AA": "u", "\u07AB": "oo", "\u07AC": "e", "\u07AD": "ey", "\u07AE": "o", "\u07AF": "oa", "\u07B0": "", // Georgian https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanization_of_Georgian // National system (2002) "\u10D0": "a", "\u10D1": "b", "\u10D2": "g", "\u10D3": "d", "\u10D4": "e", "\u10D5": "v", "\u10D6": "z", "\u10D7": "t", "\u10D8": "i", "\u10D9": "k", "\u10DA": "l", "\u10DB": "m", "\u10DC": "n", "\u10DD": "o", "\u10DE": "p", "\u10DF": "zh", "\u10E0": "r", "\u10E1": "s", "\u10E2": "t", "\u10E3": "u", "\u10E4": "p", "\u10E5": "k", "\u10E6": "gh", "\u10E7": "q", "\u10E8": "sh", "\u10E9": "ch", "\u10EA": "ts", "\u10EB": "dz", "\u10EC": "ts", "\u10ED": "ch", "\u10EE": "kh", "\u10EF": "j", "\u10F0": "h", // Greek "\u03B1": "a", "\u03B2": "v", "\u03B3": "g", "\u03B4": "d", "\u03B5": "e", "\u03B6": "z", "\u03B7": "i", "\u03B8": "th", "\u03B9": "i", "\u03BA": "k", "\u03BB": "l", "\u03BC": "m", "\u03BD": "n", "\u03BE": "ks", "\u03BF": "o", "\u03C0": "p", "\u03C1": "r", "\u03C3": "s", "\u03C4": "t", "\u03C5": "y", "\u03C6": "f", "\u03C7": "x", "\u03C8": "ps", "\u03C9": "o", "\u03AC": "a", "\u03AD": "e", "\u03AF": "i", "\u03CC": "o", "\u03CD": "y", "\u03AE": "i", "\u03CE": "o", "\u03C2": "s", "\u03CA": "i", "\u03B0": "y", "\u03CB": "y", "\u0390": "i", "\u0391": "A", "\u0392": "B", "\u0393": "G", "\u0394": "D", "\u0395": "E", "\u0396": "Z", "\u0397": "I", "\u0398": "TH", "\u0399": "I", "\u039A": "K", "\u039B": "L", "\u039C": "M", "\u039D": "N", "\u039E": "KS", "\u039F": "O", "\u03A0": "P", "\u03A1": "R", "\u03A3": "S", "\u03A4": "T", "\u03A5": "Y", "\u03A6": "F", "\u03A7": "X", "\u03A8": "PS", "\u03A9": "O", "\u0386": "A", "\u0388": "E", "\u038A": "I", "\u038C": "O", "\u038E": "Y", "\u0389": "I", "\u038F": "O", "\u03AA": "I", "\u03AB": "Y", // Latvian "\u0101": "a", // 'č': 'c', // duplicate "\u0113": "e", "\u0123": "g", "\u012B": "i", "\u0137": "k", "\u013C": "l", "\u0146": "n", // 'š': 's', // duplicate "\u016B": "u", // 'ž': 'z', // duplicate "\u0100": "A", // 'Č': 'C', // duplicate "\u0112": "E", "\u0122": "G", "\u012A": "I", "\u0136": "k", "\u013B": "L", "\u0145": "N", // 'Š': 'S', // duplicate "\u016A": "U", // 'Ž': 'Z', // duplicate // Macedonian "\u040C": "Kj", "\u045C": "kj", "\u0409": "Lj", "\u0459": "lj", "\u040A": "Nj", "\u045A": "nj", "\u0422\u0441": "Ts", "\u0442\u0441": "ts", // Polish "\u0105": "a", "\u0107": "c", "\u0119": "e", "\u0142": "l", "\u0144": "n", // 'ó': 'o', // duplicate "\u015B": "s", "\u017A": "z", "\u017C": "z", "\u0104": "A", "\u0106": "C", "\u0118": "E", "\u0141": "L", "\u0143": "N", "\u015A": "S", "\u0179": "Z", "\u017B": "Z", // Ukranian "\u0404": "Ye", "\u0406": "I", "\u0407": "Yi", "\u0490": "G", "\u0454": "ye", "\u0456": "i", "\u0457": "yi", "\u0491": "g", // Romanian "\u0103": "a", "\u0102": "A", "\u0219": "s", "\u0218": "S", // 'ş': 's', // duplicate // 'Ş': 'S', // duplicate "\u021B": "t", "\u021A": "T", "\u0163": "t", "\u0162": "T", // Russian https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanization_of_Russian // ICAO "\u0430": "a", "\u0431": "b", "\u0432": "v", "\u0433": "g", "\u0434": "d", "\u0435": "e", "\u0451": "yo", "\u0436": "zh", "\u0437": "z", "\u0438": "i", "\u0439": "i", "\u043A": "k", "\u043B": "l", "\u043C": "m", "\u043D": "n", "\u043E": "o", "\u043F": "p", "\u0440": "r", "\u0441": "s", "\u0442": "t", "\u0443": "u", "\u0444": "f", "\u0445": "kh", "\u0446": "c", "\u0447": "ch", "\u0448": "sh", "\u0449": "sh", "\u044A": "", "\u044B": "y", "\u044C": "", "\u044D": "e", "\u044E": "yu", "\u044F": "ya", "\u0410": "A", "\u0411": "B", "\u0412": "V", "\u0413": "G", "\u0414": "D", "\u0415": "E", "\u0401": "Yo", "\u0416": "Zh", "\u0417": "Z", "\u0418": "I", "\u0419": "I", "\u041A": "K", "\u041B": "L", "\u041C": "M", "\u041D": "N", "\u041E": "O", "\u041F": "P", "\u0420": "R", "\u0421": "S", "\u0422": "T", "\u0423": "U", "\u0424": "F", "\u0425": "Kh", "\u0426": "C", "\u0427": "Ch", "\u0428": "Sh", "\u0429": "Sh", "\u042A": "", "\u042B": "Y", "\u042C": "", "\u042D": "E", "\u042E": "Yu", "\u042F": "Ya", // Serbian "\u0452": "dj", "\u0458": "j", // 'љ': 'lj', // duplicate // 'њ': 'nj', // duplicate "\u045B": "c", "\u045F": "dz", "\u0402": "Dj", "\u0408": "j", // 'Љ': 'Lj', // duplicate // 'Њ': 'Nj', // duplicate "\u040B": "C", "\u040F": "Dz", // Slovak "\u013E": "l", "\u013A": "l", "\u0155": "r", "\u013D": "L", "\u0139": "L", "\u0154": "R", // Turkish "\u015F": "s", "\u015E": "S", "\u0131": "i", "\u0130": "I", // 'ç': 'c', // duplicate // 'Ç': 'C', // duplicate // 'ü': 'u', // duplicate, see langCharMap // 'Ü': 'U', // duplicate, see langCharMap // 'ö': 'o', // duplicate, see langCharMap // 'Ö': 'O', // duplicate, see langCharMap "\u011F": "g", "\u011E": "G", // Vietnamese "\u1EA3": "a", "\u1EA2": "A", "\u1EB3": "a", "\u1EB2": "A", "\u1EA9": "a", "\u1EA8": "A", "\u0111": "d", "\u0110": "D", "\u1EB9": "e", "\u1EB8": "E", "\u1EBD": "e", "\u1EBC": "E", "\u1EBB": "e", "\u1EBA": "E", "\u1EBF": "e", "\u1EBE": "E", "\u1EC1": "e", "\u1EC0": "E", "\u1EC7": "e", "\u1EC6": "E", "\u1EC5": "e", "\u1EC4": "E", "\u1EC3": "e", "\u1EC2": "E", "\u1ECF": "o", "\u1ECD": "o", "\u1ECC": "o", "\u1ED1": "o", "\u1ED0": "O", "\u1ED3": "o", "\u1ED2": "O", "\u1ED5": "o", "\u1ED4": "O", "\u1ED9": "o", "\u1ED8": "O", "\u1ED7": "o", "\u1ED6": "O", "\u01A1": "o", "\u01A0": "O", "\u1EDB": "o", "\u1EDA": "O", "\u1EDD": "o", "\u1EDC": "O", "\u1EE3": "o", "\u1EE2": "O", "\u1EE1": "o", "\u1EE0": "O", "\u1EDE": "o", "\u1EDF": "o", "\u1ECB": "i", "\u1ECA": "I", "\u0129": "i", "\u0128": "I", "\u1EC9": "i", "\u1EC8": "i", "\u1EE7": "u", "\u1EE6": "U", "\u1EE5": "u", "\u1EE4": "U", "\u0169": "u", "\u0168": "U", "\u01B0": "u", "\u01AF": "U", "\u1EE9": "u", "\u1EE8": "U", "\u1EEB": "u", "\u1EEA": "U", "\u1EF1": "u", "\u1EF0": "U", "\u1EEF": "u", "\u1EEE": "U", "\u1EED": "u", "\u1EEC": "\u01B0", "\u1EF7": "y", "\u1EF6": "y", "\u1EF3": "y", "\u1EF2": "Y", "\u1EF5": "y", "\u1EF4": "Y", "\u1EF9": "y", "\u1EF8": "Y", "\u1EA1": "a", "\u1EA0": "A", "\u1EA5": "a", "\u1EA4": "A", "\u1EA7": "a", "\u1EA6": "A", "\u1EAD": "a", "\u1EAC": "A", "\u1EAB": "a", "\u1EAA": "A", // 'ă': 'a', // duplicate // 'Ă': 'A', // duplicate "\u1EAF": "a", "\u1EAE": "A", "\u1EB1": "a", "\u1EB0": "A", "\u1EB7": "a", "\u1EB6": "A", "\u1EB5": "a", "\u1EB4": "A", "\u24EA": "0", "\u2460": "1", "\u2461": "2", "\u2462": "3", "\u2463": "4", "\u2464": "5", "\u2465": "6", "\u2466": "7", "\u2467": "8", "\u2468": "9", "\u2469": "10", "\u246A": "11", "\u246B": "12", "\u246C": "13", "\u246D": "14", "\u246E": "15", "\u246F": "16", "\u2470": "17", "\u2471": "18", "\u2472": "18", "\u2473": "18", "\u24F5": "1", "\u24F6": "2", "\u24F7": "3", "\u24F8": "4", "\u24F9": "5", "\u24FA": "6", "\u24FB": "7", "\u24FC": "8", "\u24FD": "9", "\u24FE": "10", "\u24FF": "0", "\u24EB": "11", "\u24EC": "12", "\u24ED": "13", "\u24EE": "14", "\u24EF": "15", "\u24F0": "16", "\u24F1": "17", "\u24F2": "18", "\u24F3": "19", "\u24F4": "20", "\u24B6": "A", "\u24B7": "B", "\u24B8": "C", "\u24B9": "D", "\u24BA": "E", "\u24BB": "F", "\u24BC": "G", "\u24BD": "H", "\u24BE": "I", "\u24BF": "J", "\u24C0": "K", "\u24C1": "L", "\u24C2": "M", "\u24C3": "N", "\u24C4": "O", "\u24C5": "P", "\u24C6": "Q", "\u24C7": "R", "\u24C8": "S", "\u24C9": "T", "\u24CA": "U", "\u24CB": "V", "\u24CC": "W", "\u24CD": "X", "\u24CE": "Y", "\u24CF": "Z", "\u24D0": "a", "\u24D1": "b", "\u24D2": "c", "\u24D3": "d", "\u24D4": "e", "\u24D5": "f", "\u24D6": "g", "\u24D7": "h", "\u24D8": "i", "\u24D9": "j", "\u24DA": "k", "\u24DB": "l", "\u24DC": "m", "\u24DD": "n", "\u24DE": "o", "\u24DF": "p", "\u24E0": "q", "\u24E1": "r", "\u24E2": "s", "\u24E3": "t", "\u24E4": "u", "\u24E6": "v", "\u24E5": "w", "\u24E7": "x", "\u24E8": "y", "\u24E9": "z", // symbols "\u201C": '"', "\u201D": '"', "\u2018": "'", "\u2019": "'", "\u2202": "d", "\u0192": "f", "\u2122": "(TM)", "\xA9": "(C)", "\u0153": "oe", "\u0152": "OE", "\xAE": "(R)", "\u2020": "+", "\u2120": "(SM)", "\u2026": "...", "\u02DA": "o", "\xBA": "o", "\xAA": "a", "\u2022": "*", "\u104A": ",", "\u104B": ".", // currency "$": "USD", "\u20AC": "EUR", "\u20A2": "BRN", "\u20A3": "FRF", "\xA3": "GBP", "\u20A4": "ITL", "\u20A6": "NGN", "\u20A7": "ESP", "\u20A9": "KRW", "\u20AA": "ILS", "\u20AB": "VND", "\u20AD": "LAK", "\u20AE": "MNT", "\u20AF": "GRD", "\u20B1": "ARS", "\u20B2": "PYG", "\u20B3": "ARA", "\u20B4": "UAH", "\u20B5": "GHS", "\xA2": "cent", "\xA5": "CNY", "\u5143": "CNY", "\u5186": "YEN", "\uFDFC": "IRR", "\u20A0": "EWE", "\u0E3F": "THB", "\u20A8": "INR", "\u20B9": "INR", "\u20B0": "PF", "\u20BA": "TRY", "\u060B": "AFN", "\u20BC": "AZN", "\u043B\u0432": "BGN", "\u17DB": "KHR", "\u20A1": "CRC", "\u20B8": "KZT", "\u0434\u0435\u043D": "MKD", "z\u0142": "PLN", "\u20BD": "RUB", "\u20BE": "GEL" }; var lookAheadCharArray = [ // burmese "\u103A", // Dhivehi "\u07B0" ]; var diatricMap = { // Burmese // dependent vowels "\u102C": "a", "\u102B": "a", "\u1031": "e", "\u1032": "e", "\u102D": "i", "\u102E": "i", "\u102D\u102F": "o", "\u102F": "u", "\u1030": "u", "\u1031\u102B\u1004\u103A": "aung", "\u1031\u102C": "aw", "\u1031\u102C\u103A": "aw", "\u1031\u102B": "aw", "\u1031\u102B\u103A": "aw", "\u103A": "\u103A", // this is special case but the character will be converted to latin in the code "\u1000\u103A": "et", "\u102D\u102F\u1000\u103A": "aik", "\u1031\u102C\u1000\u103A": "auk", "\u1004\u103A": "in", "\u102D\u102F\u1004\u103A": "aing", "\u1031\u102C\u1004\u103A": "aung", "\u1005\u103A": "it", "\u100A\u103A": "i", "\u1010\u103A": "at", "\u102D\u1010\u103A": "eik", "\u102F\u1010\u103A": "ok", "\u103D\u1010\u103A": "ut", "\u1031\u1010\u103A": "it", "\u1012\u103A": "d", "\u102D\u102F\u1012\u103A": "ok", "\u102F\u1012\u103A": "ait", "\u1014\u103A": "an", "\u102C\u1014\u103A": "an", "\u102D\u1014\u103A": "ein", "\u102F\u1014\u103A": "on", "\u103D\u1014\u103A": "un", "\u1015\u103A": "at", "\u102D\u1015\u103A": "eik", "\u102F\u1015\u103A": "ok", "\u103D\u1015\u103A": "ut", "\u1014\u103A\u102F\u1015\u103A": "nub", "\u1019\u103A": "an", "\u102D\u1019\u103A": "ein", "\u102F\u1019\u103A": "on", "\u103D\u1019\u103A": "un", "\u101A\u103A": "e", "\u102D\u102F\u101C\u103A": "ol", "\u1009\u103A": "in", "\u1036": "an", "\u102D\u1036": "ein", "\u102F\u1036": "on", // Dhivehi "\u07A6\u0787\u07B0": "ah", "\u07A6\u0781\u07B0": "ah" }; var langCharMap = { "en": {}, // default language "az": { // Azerbaijani "\xE7": "c", "\u0259": "e", "\u011F": "g", "\u0131": "i", "\xF6": "o", "\u015F": "s", "\xFC": "u", "\xC7": "C", "\u018F": "E", "\u011E": "G", "\u0130": "I", "\xD6": "O", "\u015E": "S", "\xDC": "U" }, "cs": { // Czech "\u010D": "c", "\u010F": "d", "\u011B": "e", "\u0148": "n", "\u0159": "r", "\u0161": "s", "\u0165": "t", "\u016F": "u", "\u017E": "z", "\u010C": "C", "\u010E": "D", "\u011A": "E", "\u0147": "N", "\u0158": "R", "\u0160": "S", "\u0164": "T", "\u016E": "U", "\u017D": "Z" }, "fi": { // Finnish // 'å': 'a', duplicate see charMap/latin // 'Å': 'A', duplicate see charMap/latin "\xE4": "a", // ok "\xC4": "A", // ok "\xF6": "o", // ok "\xD6": "O" // ok }, "hu": { // Hungarian "\xE4": "a", // ok "\xC4": "A", // ok // 'á': 'a', duplicate see charMap/latin // 'Á': 'A', duplicate see charMap/latin "\xF6": "o", // ok "\xD6": "O", // ok // 'ő': 'o', duplicate see charMap/latin // 'Ő': 'O', duplicate see charMap/latin "\xFC": "u", "\xDC": "U", "\u0171": "u", "\u0170": "U" }, "lt": { // Lithuanian "\u0105": "a", "\u010D": "c", "\u0119": "e", "\u0117": "e", "\u012F": "i", "\u0161": "s", "\u0173": "u", "\u016B": "u", "\u017E": "z", "\u0104": "A", "\u010C": "C", "\u0118": "E", "\u0116": "E", "\u012E": "I", "\u0160": "S", "\u0172": "U", "\u016A": "U" }, "lv": { // Latvian "\u0101": "a", "\u010D": "c", "\u0113": "e", "\u0123": "g", "\u012B": "i", "\u0137": "k", "\u013C": "l", "\u0146": "n", "\u0161": "s", "\u016B": "u", "\u017E": "z", "\u0100": "A", "\u010C": "C", "\u0112": "E", "\u0122": "G", "\u012A": "i", "\u0136": "k", "\u013B": "L", "\u0145": "N", "\u0160": "S", "\u016A": "u", "\u017D": "Z" }, "pl": { // Polish "\u0105": "a", "\u0107": "c", "\u0119": "e", "\u0142": "l", "\u0144": "n", "\xF3": "o", "\u015B": "s", "\u017A": "z", "\u017C": "z", "\u0104": "A", "\u0106": "C", "\u0118": "e", "\u0141": "L", "\u0143": "N", "\xD3": "O", "\u015A": "S", "\u0179": "Z", "\u017B": "Z" }, "sv": { // Swedish // 'å': 'a', duplicate see charMap/latin // 'Å': 'A', duplicate see charMap/latin "\xE4": "a", // ok "\xC4": "A", // ok "\xF6": "o", // ok "\xD6": "O" // ok }, "sk": { // Slovak "\xE4": "a", "\xC4": "A" }, "sr": { // Serbian "\u0459": "lj", "\u045A": "nj", "\u0409": "Lj", "\u040A": "Nj", "\u0111": "dj", "\u0110": "Dj" }, "tr": { // Turkish "\xDC": "U", "\xD6": "O", "\xFC": "u", "\xF6": "o" } }; var symbolMap = { "ar": { "\u2206": "delta", "\u221E": "la-nihaya", "\u2665": "hob", "&": "wa", "|": "aw", "<": "aqal-men", ">": "akbar-men", "\u2211": "majmou", "\xA4": "omla" }, "az": {}, "ca": { "\u2206": "delta", "\u221E": "infinit", "\u2665": "amor", "&": "i", "|": "o", "<": "menys que", ">": "mes que", "\u2211": "suma dels", "\xA4": "moneda" }, "cs": { "\u2206": "delta", "\u221E": "nekonecno", "\u2665": "laska", "&": "a", "|": "nebo", "<": "mensi nez", ">": "vetsi nez", "\u2211": "soucet", "\xA4": "mena" }, "de": { "\u2206": "delta", "\u221E": "unendlich", "\u2665": "Liebe", "&": "und", "|": "oder", "<": "kleiner als", ">": "groesser als", "\u2211": "Summe von", "\xA4": "Waehrung" }, "dv": { "\u2206": "delta", "\u221E": "kolunulaa", "\u2665": "loabi", "&": "aai", "|": "noonee", "<": "ah 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"siqvaruli", "&": "da", "|": "an", "<": "naklebi", ">": "meti", "\u2211": "jami", "\xA4": "valuta" }, "gr": {}, "hu": { "\u2206": "delta", "\u221E": "vegtelen", "\u2665": "szerelem", "&": "es", "|": "vagy", "<": "kisebb mint", ">": "nagyobb mint", "\u2211": "szumma", "\xA4": "penznem" }, "it": { "\u2206": "delta", "\u221E": "infinito", "\u2665": "amore", "&": "e", "|": "o", "<": "minore di", ">": "maggiore di", "\u2211": "somma", "\xA4": "moneta" }, "lt": { "\u2206": "delta", "\u221E": "begalybe", "\u2665": "meile", "&": "ir", "|": "ar", "<": "maziau nei", ">": "daugiau nei", "\u2211": "suma", "\xA4": "valiuta" }, "lv": { "\u2206": "delta", "\u221E": "bezgaliba", "\u2665": "milestiba", "&": "un", "|": "vai", "<": "mazak neka", ">": "lielaks neka", "\u2211": "summa", "\xA4": "valuta" }, "my": { "\u2206": "kwahkhyaet", "\u221E": "asaonasme", "\u2665": "akhyait", "&": "nhin", "|": "tho", "<": "ngethaw", ">": "kyithaw", "\u2211": "paungld", "\xA4": "ngwekye" }, "mk": {}, "nl": { "\u2206": "delta", "\u221E": "oneindig", "\u2665": "liefde", "&": "en", "|": "of", "<": "kleiner dan", ">": "groter dan", "\u2211": "som", "\xA4": "valuta" }, "pl": { "\u2206": "delta", "\u221E": "nieskonczonosc", "\u2665": "milosc", "&": "i", "|": "lub", "<": "mniejsze niz", ">": "wieksze niz", "\u2211": "suma", "\xA4": "waluta" }, "pt": { "\u2206": "delta", "\u221E": "infinito", "\u2665": "amor", "&": "e", "|": "ou", "<": "menor que", ">": "maior que", "\u2211": "soma", "\xA4": "moeda" }, "ro": { "\u2206": "delta", "\u221E": "infinit", "\u2665": "dragoste", "&": "si", "|": "sau", "<": "mai mic ca", ">": "mai mare ca", "\u2211": "suma", "\xA4": "valuta" }, "ru": { "\u2206": "delta", "\u221E": "beskonechno", "\u2665": "lubov", "&": "i", "|": "ili", "<": "menshe", ">": "bolshe", "\u2211": "summa", "\xA4": "valjuta" }, "sk": { "\u2206": "delta", "\u221E": "nekonecno", "\u2665": "laska", "&": "a", "|": "alebo", "<": "menej ako", ">": "viac ako", "\u2211": "sucet", "\xA4": "mena" }, "sr": {}, "tr": { "\u2206": "delta", "\u221E": "sonsuzluk", "\u2665": "ask", "&": "ve", "|": "veya", "<": "kucuktur", ">": "buyuktur", "\u2211": "toplam", "\xA4": "para birimi" }, "uk": { "\u2206": "delta", "\u221E": "bezkinechnist", "\u2665": "lubov", "&": "i", "|": "abo", "<": "menshe", ">": "bilshe", "\u2211": "suma", "\xA4": "valjuta" }, "vn": { "\u2206": "delta", "\u221E": "vo cuc", "\u2665": "yeu", "&": "va", "|": "hoac", "<": "nho hon", ">": "lon hon", "\u2211": "tong", "\xA4": "tien te" } }; var uricChars = [";", "?", ":", "@", "&", "=", "+", "$", ",", "/"].join(""); var uricNoSlashChars = [";", "?", ":", "@", "&", "=", "+", "$", ","].join(""); var markChars = [".", "!", "~", "*", "'", "(", ")"].join(""); var getSlug = function getSlug2(input, opts) { var separator = "-"; var result = ""; var diatricString = ""; var convertSymbols = true; var customReplacements = {}; var maintainCase; var titleCase; var truncate; var uricFlag; var uricNoSlashFlag; var markFlag; var symbol; var langChar; var lucky; var i; var ch; var l; var lastCharWasSymbol; var lastCharWasDiatric; var allowedChars = ""; if (typeof input !== "string") { return ""; } if (typeof opts === "string") { separator = opts; } symbol = symbolMap.en; langChar = langCharMap.en; if (typeof opts === "object") { maintainCase = opts.maintainCase || false; customReplacements = opts.custom && typeof opts.custom === "object" ? opts.custom : customReplacements; truncate = +opts.truncate > 1 && opts.truncate || false; uricFlag = opts.uric || false; uricNoSlashFlag = opts.uricNoSlash || false; markFlag = opts.mark || false; convertSymbols = opts.symbols === false || opts.lang === false ? false : true; separator = opts.separator || separator; if (uricFlag) { allowedChars += uricChars; } if (uricNoSlashFlag) { allowedChars += uricNoSlashChars; } if (markFlag) { allowedChars += markChars; } symbol = opts.lang && symbolMap[opts.lang] && convertSymbols ? symbolMap[opts.lang] : convertSymbols ? symbolMap.en : {}; langChar = opts.lang && langCharMap[opts.lang] ? langCharMap[opts.lang] : opts.lang === false || opts.lang === true ? {} : langCharMap.en; if (opts.titleCase && typeof opts.titleCase.length === "number" && Array.prototype.toString.call(opts.titleCase)) { opts.titleCase.forEach(function(v) { customReplacements[v + ""] = v + ""; }); titleCase = true; } else { titleCase = !!opts.titleCase; } if (opts.custom && typeof opts.custom.length === "number" && Array.prototype.toString.call(opts.custom)) { opts.custom.forEach(function(v) { customReplacements[v + ""] = v + ""; }); } Object.keys(customReplacements).forEach(function(v) { var r; if (v.length > 1) { r = new RegExp("\\b" + escapeChars(v) + "\\b", "gi"); } else { r = new RegExp(escapeChars(v), "gi"); } input = input.replace(r, customReplacements[v]); }); for (ch in customReplacements) { allowedChars += ch; } } allowedChars += separator; allowedChars = escapeChars(allowedChars); input = input.replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/g, ""); lastCharWasSymbol = false; lastCharWasDiatric = false; for (i = 0, l = input.length; i < l; i++) { ch = input[i]; if (isReplacedCustomChar(ch, customReplacements)) { lastCharWasSymbol = false; } else if (langChar[ch]) { ch = lastCharWasSymbol && langChar[ch].match(/[A-Za-z0-9]/) ? " " + langChar[ch] : langChar[ch]; lastCharWasSymbol = false; } else if (ch in charMap) { if (i + 1 < l && lookAheadCharArray.indexOf(input[i + 1]) >= 0) { diatricString += ch; ch = ""; } else if (lastCharWasDiatric === true) { ch = diatricMap[diatricString] + charMap[ch]; diatricString = ""; } else { ch = lastCharWasSymbol && charMap[ch].match(/[A-Za-z0-9]/) ? " " + charMap[ch] : charMap[ch]; } lastCharWasSymbol = false; lastCharWasDiatric = false; } else if (ch in diatricMap) { diatricString += ch; ch = ""; if (i === l - 1) { ch = diatricMap[diatricString]; } lastCharWasDiatric = true; } else if ( // process symbol chars symbol[ch] && !(uricFlag && uricChars.indexOf(ch) !== -1) && !(uricNoSlashFlag && uricNoSlashChars.indexOf(ch) !== -1) ) { ch = lastCharWasSymbol || result.substr(-1).match(/[A-Za-z0-9]/) ? separator + symbol[ch] : symbol[ch]; ch += input[i + 1] !== void 0 && input[i + 1].match(/[A-Za-z0-9]/) ? separator : ""; lastCharWasSymbol = true; } else { if (lastCharWasDiatric === true) { ch = diatricMap[diatricString] + ch; diatricString = ""; lastCharWasDiatric = false; } else if (lastCharWasSymbol && (/[A-Za-z0-9]/.test(ch) || result.substr(-1).match(/A-Za-z0-9]/))) { ch = " " + ch; } lastCharWasSymbol = false; } result += ch.replace(new RegExp("[^\\w\\s" + allowedChars + "_-]", "g"), separator); } if (titleCase) { result = result.replace(/(\w)(\S*)/g, function(_, i2, r) { var j = i2.toUpperCase() + (r !== null ? r : ""); return Object.keys(customReplacements).indexOf(j.toLowerCase()) < 0 ? j : j.toLowerCase(); }); } result = result.replace(/\s+/g, separator).replace(new RegExp("\\" + separator + "+", "g"), separator).replace(new RegExp("(^\\" + separator + "+|\\" + separator + "+$)", "g"), ""); if (truncate && result.length > truncate) { lucky = result.charAt(truncate) === separator; result = result.slice(0, truncate); if (!lucky) { result = result.slice(0, result.lastIndexOf(separator)); } } if (!maintainCase && !titleCase) { result = result.toLowerCase(); } return result; }; var createSlug = function createSlug2(opts) { return function getSlugWithConfig(input) { return getSlug(input, opts); }; }; var escapeChars = function escapeChars2(input) { return input.replace(/[-\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}\/]/g, "\\$&"); }; var isReplacedCustomChar = function(ch, customReplacements) { for (var c in customReplacements) { if (customReplacements[c] === ch) { return true; } } }; if (typeof module2 !== "undefined" && module2.exports) { module2.exports = getSlug; module2.exports.createSlug = createSlug; } else if (typeof define !== "undefined" && define.amd) { define([], function() { return getSlug; }); } else { try { if (root.getSlug || root.createSlug) { throw "speakingurl: globals exists /(getSlug|createSlug)/"; } else { root.getSlug = getSlug; root.createSlug = createSlug; } } catch (e) { } } })(exports2); } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/speakingurl@14.0.1/node_modules/speakingurl/index.js var require_speakingurl2 = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/speakingurl@14.0.1/node_modules/speakingurl/index.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; init_cjs_shims(); module2.exports = require_speakingurl(); } }); // src/index.ts var src_exports = {}; __export(src_exports, { UNDEFINED: () => UNDEFINED, addCustomCommand: () => addCustomCommand, addCustomTab: () => addCustomTab, devtools: () => devtools, formatInspectorStateValue: () => formatInspectorStateValue, getInspectorStateValueType: () => getInspectorStateValueType, getRaw: () => getRaw, onDevToolsClientConnected: () => onDevToolsClientConnected, onDevToolsConnected: () => onDevToolsConnected, parse: () => parse, removeCustomCommand: () => removeCustomCommand, setDevToolsEnv: () => setDevToolsEnv, setupDevToolsPlugin: () => setupDevToolsPlugin, stringify: () => stringify, toEdit: () => toEdit, toSubmit: () => toSubmit, toggleComponentInspectorEnabled: () => toggleComponentInspectorEnabled, toggleHighPerfMode: () => toggleHighPerfMode }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(src_exports); init_cjs_shims(); // src/core/index.ts init_cjs_shims(); var import_devtools_shared16 = require("@vue/devtools-shared"); // src/hook/index.ts init_cjs_shims(); var import_devtools_shared = require("@vue/devtools-shared"); var import_hookable = require("hookable"); // src/types/index.ts init_cjs_shims(); // src/types/app.ts init_cjs_shims(); // src/types/hook.ts init_cjs_shims(); // src/types/state.ts init_cjs_shims(); // src/types/context.ts init_cjs_shims(); // src/types/router.ts init_cjs_shims(); // src/types/env.ts init_cjs_shims(); // src/hook/index.ts var _a, _b; var devtoolsHooks = (_b = (_a = import_devtools_shared.target).__VUE_DEVTOOLS_HOOK) != null ? _b : _a.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_HOOK = (0, import_hookable.createHooks)(); var on = { vueAppInit(fn) { devtoolsHooks.hook("app:init" /* APP_INIT */, fn); }, vueAppConnected(fn) { devtoolsHooks.hook("app:connected" /* APP_CONNECTED */, fn); }, componentAdded(fn) { return devtoolsHooks.hook("component:added" /* COMPONENT_ADDED */, fn); }, componentUpdated(fn) { return devtoolsHooks.hook("component:updated" /* COMPONENT_UPDATED */, fn); }, componentRemoved(fn) { return devtoolsHooks.hook("component:removed" /* COMPONENT_REMOVED */, fn); }, setupDevtoolsPlugin(fn) { devtoolsHooks.hook("devtools-plugin:setup" /* SETUP_DEVTOOLS_PLUGIN */, fn); } }; function createDevToolsHook() { return { id: "vue-devtools-next", devtoolsVersion: "7.0", enabled: false, appRecords: [], apps: [], events: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), on(event, fn) { var _a10; if (!this.events.has(event)) this.events.set(event, []); (_a10 = this.events.get(event)) == null ? void 0 : _a10.push(fn); return () => this.off(event, fn); }, once(event, fn) { const onceFn = (...args) => { this.off(event, onceFn); fn(...args); }; this.on(event, onceFn); return [event, onceFn]; }, off(event, fn) { if (this.events.has(event)) { const eventCallbacks = this.events.get(event); const index = eventCallbacks.indexOf(fn); if (index !== -1) eventCallbacks.splice(index, 1); } }, emit(event, ...payload) { if (this.events.has(event)) this.events.get(event).forEach((fn) => fn(...payload)); } }; } function subscribeDevToolsHook() { const hook2 = import_devtools_shared.target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__; hook2.on("app:init" /* APP_INIT */, (app, version) => { var _a10, _b10, _c; if ((_c = (_b10 = (_a10 = app == null ? void 0 : app._instance) == null ? void 0 : _a10.type) == null ? void 0 : _b10.devtools) == null ? void 0 : _c.hide) return; devtoolsHooks.callHook("app:init" /* APP_INIT */, app, version); }); hook2.on("component:added" /* COMPONENT_ADDED */, async (app, uid, parentUid, component) => { var _a10, _b10, _c; if ((_c = (_b10 = (_a10 = app == null ? void 0 : app._instance) == null ? void 0 : _a10.type) == null ? void 0 : _b10.devtools) == null ? void 0 : _c.hide) return; if (!app || typeof uid !== "number" && !uid || !component) return; devtoolsHooks.callHook("component:added" /* COMPONENT_ADDED */, app, uid, parentUid, component); }); hook2.on("component:updated" /* COMPONENT_UPDATED */, (app, uid, parentUid, component) => { if (!app || typeof uid !== "number" && !uid || !component) return; devtoolsHooks.callHook("component:updated" /* COMPONENT_UPDATED */, app, uid, parentUid, component); }); hook2.on("component:removed" /* COMPONENT_REMOVED */, async (app, uid, parentUid, component) => { if (!app || typeof uid !== "number" && !uid || !component) return; devtoolsHooks.callHook("component:removed" /* COMPONENT_REMOVED */, app, uid, parentUid, component); }); hook2.on("devtools-plugin:setup" /* SETUP_DEVTOOLS_PLUGIN */, (pluginDescriptor, setupFn, options) => { if ((options == null ? void 0 : options.target) === "legacy") return; devtoolsHooks.callHook("devtools-plugin:setup" /* SETUP_DEVTOOLS_PLUGIN */, pluginDescriptor, setupFn); }); } var hook = { on, setupDevToolsPlugin(pluginDescriptor, setupFn) { return devtoolsHooks.callHook("devtools-plugin:setup" /* SETUP_DEVTOOLS_PLUGIN */, pluginDescriptor, setupFn); } }; // src/state/index.ts init_cjs_shims(); // src/state/state.ts init_cjs_shims(); var import_devtools_shared10 = require("@vue/devtools-shared"); var import_perfect_debounce3 = require("perfect-debounce"); // src/api/index.ts init_cjs_shims(); // src/api/api.ts init_cjs_shims(); // src/core/timeline/index.ts init_cjs_shims(); function addTimelineLayer(payload) { devtoolsContext.timelineLayer.push(payload); } // src/core/inspector/index.ts init_cjs_shims(); function addInspector(payload) { devtoolsContext.inspector.push(payload); } function getInspector(inspectorId) { return devtoolsContext.inspector.find((inspector) => inspector.id === inspectorId); } function updateInspector(inspectorId, payload) { const inspector = getInspector(inspectorId); inspector && Object.assign(inspector, payload); } // src/core/app-record/index.ts init_cjs_shims(); var import_speakingurl = __toESM(require_speakingurl2(), 1); // src/api/plugin.ts init_cjs_shims(); // src/core/router/index.ts init_cjs_shims(); var import_devtools_shared3 = require("@vue/devtools-shared"); var import_perfect_debounce = require("perfect-debounce"); // src/api/hook.ts init_cjs_shims(); var import_devtools_shared2 = require("@vue/devtools-shared"); var import_hookable2 = require("hookable"); var _a2, _b2; var apiHooks = (_b2 = (_a2 = import_devtools_shared2.target).__VUE_DEVTOOLS_API_HOOK) != null ? _b2 : _a2.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_API_HOOK = (0, import_hookable2.createHooks)(); // src/core/router/index.ts function getRoutes(router) { const routesMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); return ((router == null ? void 0 : router.getRoutes()) || []).filter((i) => !routesMap.has(i.path) && routesMap.set(i.path, 1)); } function filterRoutes(routes) { return routes.map((item) => { let { path, name, children } = item; if (children == null ? void 0 : children.length) children = filterRoutes(children); return { path, name, children }; }); } function filterCurrentRoute(route) { if (route) { const { fullPath, hash, href, path, name, matched, params, query } = route; return { fullPath, hash, href, path, name, params, query, matched: filterRoutes(matched) }; } return route; } function normalizeRouterInfo(appRecord) { function init() { var _a10; const router = (_a10 = appRecord.app) == null ? void 0 : _a10.config.globalProperties.$router; const currentRoute = filterCurrentRoute(router == null ? void 0 : router.currentRoute.value); const routes = filterRoutes(getRoutes(router)); const c = console.warn; console.warn = () => { }; import_devtools_shared3.target[ROUTER_INFO_KEY] = { currentRoute: currentRoute ? (0, import_devtools_shared3.deepClone)(currentRoute) : {}, routes: (0, import_devtools_shared3.deepClone)(routes) }; import_devtools_shared3.target[ROUTER_KEY] = router; console.warn = c; } init(); hook.on.componentUpdated((0, import_perfect_debounce.debounce)(() => { init(); apiHooks.callHook("router-info:updated" /* ROUTER_INFO_UPDATED */, import_devtools_shared3.target[ROUTER_INFO_KEY]); }, 200)); } function getRouterDevToolsId(id) { return id.replace(/\D/g, "") || "0"; } // src/api/plugin.ts function collectDevToolsPlugin(pluginDescriptor, setupFn) { devtoolsState.pluginBuffer.push([pluginDescriptor, setupFn]); } function setupDevToolsPlugin(pluginDescriptor, setupFn) { return hook.setupDevToolsPlugin(pluginDescriptor, setupFn); } function setupExternalPlugin(plugin, app, api) { const [pluginDescriptor, setupFn] = plugin; if (pluginDescriptor.app !== app) return; if (pluginDescriptor.packageName === "vue-query") { return; } if (pluginDescriptor.packageName === "vue-router") { const id = getRouterDevToolsId(`${pluginDescriptor.id}`); if (pluginDescriptor.app === app) { devtoolsAppRecords.value = devtoolsAppRecords.value.map((item) => ({ ...item, routerId: id })); } } setupFn(api); } function registerPlugin(app, api) { devtoolsState.pluginBuffer.forEach((plugin) => setupExternalPlugin(plugin, app, api)); devtoolsAppRecords.value = devtoolsAppRecords.value.map((record) => { var _a10, _b10; const globalProperties = (_b10 = (_a10 = record.app) == null ? void 0 : _a10.config) == null ? void 0 : _b10.globalProperties; if (!globalProperties) return record; return { ...record, moduleDetectives: { vueRouter: !!globalProperties.$router, pinia: !!globalProperties.$pinia, vueI18n: !!globalProperties.$i18n } }; }); } // src/plugins/index.ts init_cjs_shims(); // src/plugins/component.ts init_cjs_shims(); var import_perfect_debounce2 = require("perfect-debounce"); // src/core/component/utils/index.ts init_cjs_shims(); var import_devtools_shared4 = require("@vue/devtools-shared"); var import_vue = require("vue"); function getComponentTypeName(options) { return options.name || options._componentTag || options.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_COMPONENT_GUSSED_NAME__ || options.__name; } function getComponentFileName(options) { const file = options.__file; if (file) return (0, import_devtools_shared4.classify)((0, import_devtools_shared4.basename)(file, ".vue")); } function getComponentName(options) { const name = options.displayName || options.name || options._componentTag; if (name) return name; return getComponentFileName(options); } function saveComponentGussedName(instance, name) { instance.type.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_COMPONENT_GUSSED_NAME__ = name; return name; } function getAppRecord(instance) { if (instance.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_APP_RECORD__) return instance.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_APP_RECORD__; else if (instance.root) return instance.appContext.app.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_APP_RECORD__; } async function getComponentId(options) { const { app, uid, instance } = options; try { if (instance.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__) return instance.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__; const appRecord = await getAppRecord(app); if (!appRecord) return null; const isRoot = appRecord.rootInstance === instance; return `${appRecord.id}:${isRoot ? "root" : uid}`; } catch (e) { } } function isFragment(instance) { var _a10; const subTreeType = (_a10 = instance.subTree) == null ? void 0 : _a10.type; return subTreeType === import_vue.Fragment; } function isBeingDestroyed(instance) { return instance._isBeingDestroyed || instance.isUnmounted; } function getInstanceName(instance) { var _a10, _b10, _c; const name = getComponentTypeName(instance.type || {}); if (name) return name; if (instance.root === instance) return "Root"; for (const key in (_b10 = (_a10 = instance.parent) == null ? void 0 : _a10.type) == null ? void 0 : _b10.components) { if (instance.parent.type.components[key] === instance.type) return saveComponentGussedName(instance, key); } for (const key in (_c = instance.appContext) == null ? void 0 : _c.components) { if (instance.appContext.components[key] === instance.type) return saveComponentGussedName(instance, key); } const fileName = getComponentFileName(instance.type || {}); if (fileName) return fileName; return "Anonymous Component"; } function getUniqueComponentId(instance) { var _a10, _b10, _c; const appId = (_c = (_b10 = (_a10 = instance == null ? void 0 : instance.appContext) == null ? void 0 : _a10.app) == null ? void 0 : _b10.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_APP_RECORD_ID__) != null ? _c : 0; const instanceId = instance === instance.root ? "root" : instance.uid; return `${appId}:${instanceId}`; } function getRenderKey(value) { if (value == null) return ""; if (typeof value === "number") return value; else if (typeof value === "string") return `'${value}'`; else if (Array.isArray(value)) return "Array"; else return "Object"; } function returnError(cb) { try { return cb(); } catch (e) { return e; } } function getComponentInstance(appRecord, instanceId) { instanceId = instanceId || `${appRecord.id}:root`; const instance = appRecord.instanceMap.get(instanceId); return instance || appRecord.instanceMap.get(":root"); } // src/core/component/state/bounding-rect.ts init_cjs_shims(); function createRect() { const rect = { top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0, get width() { return rect.right - rect.left; }, get height() { return rect.bottom - rect.top; } }; return rect; } var range; function getTextRect(node) { if (!range) range = document.createRange(); range.selectNode(node); return range.getBoundingClientRect(); } function getFragmentRect(vnode) { const rect = createRect(); if (!vnode.children) return rect; for (let i = 0, l = vnode.children.length; i < l; i++) { const childVnode = vnode.children[i]; let childRect; if (childVnode.component) { childRect = getComponentBoundingRect(childVnode.component); } else if (childVnode.el) { const el = childVnode.el; if (el.nodeType === 1 || el.getBoundingClientRect) childRect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); else if (el.nodeType === 3 && el.data.trim()) childRect = getTextRect(el); } if (childRect) mergeRects(rect, childRect); } return rect; } function mergeRects(a, b) { if (!a.top || b.top < a.top) a.top = b.top; if (!a.bottom || b.bottom > a.bottom) a.bottom = b.bottom; if (!a.left || b.left < a.left) a.left = b.left; if (!a.right || b.right > a.right) a.right = b.right; return a; } var DEFAULT_RECT = { top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }; function getComponentBoundingRect(instance) { const el = instance.subTree.el; if (typeof window === "undefined") { return DEFAULT_RECT; } if (isFragment(instance)) return getFragmentRect(instance.subTree); else if ((el == null ? void 0 : el.nodeType) === 1) return el == null ? void 0 : el.getBoundingClientRect(); else if (instance.subTree.component) return getComponentBoundingRect(instance.subTree.component); else return DEFAULT_RECT; } // src/core/component/tree/walker.ts init_cjs_shims(); // src/core/component/tree/el.ts init_cjs_shims(); function getRootElementsFromComponentInstance(instance) { if (isFragment(instance)) return getFragmentRootElements(instance.subTree); if (!instance.subTree) return []; return [instance.subTree.el]; } function getFragmentRootElements(vnode) { if (!vnode.children) return []; const list = []; vnode.children.forEach((childVnode) => { if (childVnode.component) list.push(...getRootElementsFromComponentInstance(childVnode.component)); else if (childVnode == null ? void 0 : childVnode.el) list.push(childVnode.el); }); return list; } // src/core/component/tree/filter.ts init_cjs_shims(); var import_devtools_shared5 = require("@vue/devtools-shared"); var ComponentFilter = class { constructor(filter) { this.filter = filter || ""; } /** * Check if an instance is qualified. * * @param {Vue|Vnode} instance * @return {boolean} */ isQualified(instance) { const name = getInstanceName(instance); return (0, import_devtools_shared5.classify)(name).toLowerCase().includes(this.filter) || (0, import_devtools_shared5.kebabize)(name).toLowerCase().includes(this.filter); } }; function createComponentFilter(filterText) { return new ComponentFilter(filterText); } // src/core/component/tree/walker.ts var ComponentWalker = class { constructor(options) { // Dedupe instances (Some instances may be both on a component and on a child abstract/functional component) this.captureIds = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const { filterText = "", maxDepth, recursively } = options; this.componentFilter = createComponentFilter(filterText); this.maxDepth = maxDepth; this.recursively = recursively; } getComponentTree(instance) { this.captureIds = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); return this.findQualifiedChildren(instance, 0); } getComponentParents(instance) { this.captureIds = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const parents = []; this.captureId(instance); let parent = instance; while (parent = parent.parent) { this.captureId(parent); parents.push(parent); } return parents; } captureId(instance) { if (!instance) return null; const id = instance.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__ != null ? instance.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__ : getUniqueComponentId(instance); instance.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__ = id; if (this.captureIds.has(id)) return null; else this.captureIds.set(id, void 0); this.mark(instance); return id; } /** * Capture the meta information of an instance. (recursive) * * @param {Vue} instance * @return {object} */ async capture(instance, depth) { var _a10; if (!instance) return null; const id = this.captureId(instance); const name = getInstanceName(instance); const children = this.getInternalInstanceChildren(instance.subTree).filter((child) => !isBeingDestroyed(child)); const parents = this.getComponentParents(instance) || []; const inactive = !!instance.isDeactivated || parents.some((parent) => parent.isDeactivated); const treeNode = { uid: instance.uid, id, name, renderKey: getRenderKey(instance.vnode ? instance.vnode.key : null), inactive, children: [], isFragment: isFragment(instance), tags: typeof instance.type !== "function" ? [] : [ { label: "functional", textColor: 5592405, backgroundColor: 15658734 } ], autoOpen: this.recursively, file: instance.type.__file || "" }; if (depth < this.maxDepth || instance.type.__isKeepAlive || parents.some((parent) => parent.type.__isKeepAlive)) { treeNode.children = await Promise.all(children.map((child) => this.capture(child, depth + 1)).filter(Boolean)); } if (this.isKeepAlive(instance)) { const cachedComponents = this.getKeepAliveCachedInstances(instance); const childrenIds = children.map((child) => child.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__); for (const cachedChild of cachedComponents) { if (!childrenIds.includes(cachedChild.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__)) { const node = await this.capture({ ...cachedChild, isDeactivated: true }, depth + 1); if (node) treeNode.children.push(node); } } } const rootElements = getRootElementsFromComponentInstance(instance); const firstElement = rootElements[0]; if (firstElement == null ? void 0 : firstElement.parentElement) { const parentInstance = instance.parent; const parentRootElements = parentInstance ? getRootElementsFromComponentInstance(parentInstance) : []; let el = firstElement; const indexList = []; do { indexList.push(Array.from(el.parentElement.childNodes).indexOf(el)); el = el.parentElement; } while (el.parentElement && parentRootElements.length && !parentRootElements.includes(el)); treeNode.domOrder = indexList.reverse(); } else { treeNode.domOrder = [-1]; } if ((_a10 = instance.suspense) == null ? void 0 : _a10.suspenseKey) { treeNode.tags.push({ label: instance.suspense.suspenseKey, backgroundColor: 14979812, textColor: 16777215 }); this.mark(instance, true); } devtoolsContext.api.visitComponentTree({ treeNode, componentInstance: instance, app: instance.appContext.app, filter: this.componentFilter.filter }); return treeNode; } /** * Find qualified children from a single instance. * If the instance itself is qualified, just return itself. * This is ok because [].concat works in both cases. * * @param {Vue|Vnode} instance * @return {Vue|Array} */ async findQualifiedChildren(instance, depth) { var _a10; if (this.componentFilter.isQualified(instance) && !((_a10 = instance.type.devtools) == null ? void 0 : _a10.hide)) { return [await this.capture(instance, depth)]; } else if (instance.subTree) { const list = this.isKeepAlive(instance) ? this.getKeepAliveCachedInstances(instance) : this.getInternalInstanceChildren(instance.subTree); return this.findQualifiedChildrenFromList(list, depth); } else { return []; } } /** * Iterate through an array of instances and flatten it into * an array of qualified instances. This is a depth-first * traversal - e.g. if an instance is not matched, we will * recursively go deeper until a qualified child is found. * * @param {Array} instances * @return {Array} */ async findQualifiedChildrenFromList(instances, depth) { instances = instances.filter((child) => { var _a10; return !isBeingDestroyed(child) && !((_a10 = child.type.devtools) == null ? void 0 : _a10.hide); }); if (!this.componentFilter.filter) return Promise.all(instances.map((child) => this.capture(child, depth))); else return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], await Promise.all(instances.map((i) => this.findQualifiedChildren(i, depth)))); } /** * Get children from a component instance. */ getInternalInstanceChildren(subTree, suspense = null) { const list = []; if (subTree) { if (subTree.component) { !suspense ? list.push(subTree.component) : list.push({ ...subTree.component, suspense }); } else if (subTree.suspense) { const suspenseKey = !subTree.suspense.isInFallback ? "suspense default" : "suspense fallback"; list.push(...this.getInternalInstanceChildren(subTree.suspense.activeBranch, { ...subTree.suspense, suspenseKey })); } else if (Array.isArray(subTree.children)) { subTree.children.forEach((childSubTree) => { if (childSubTree.component) !suspense ? list.push(childSubTree.component) : list.push({ ...childSubTree.component, suspense }); else list.push(...this.getInternalInstanceChildren(childSubTree, suspense)); }); } } return list.filter((child) => { var _a10; return !isBeingDestroyed(child) && !((_a10 = child.type.devtools) == null ? void 0 : _a10.hide); }); } /** * Mark an instance as captured and store it in the instance map. * * @param {Vue} instance */ mark(instance, force = false) { const instanceMap = getAppRecord(instance).instanceMap; if (force || !instanceMap.has(instance.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__)) { instanceMap.set(instance.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__, instance); devtoolsAppRecords.active.instanceMap = instanceMap; } } isKeepAlive(instance) { return instance.type.__isKeepAlive && instance.__v_cache; } getKeepAliveCachedInstances(instance) { return Array.from(instance.__v_cache.values()).map((vnode) => vnode.component).filter(Boolean); } }; // src/core/component/state/editor.ts init_cjs_shims(); var import_vue2 = require("vue"); var StateEditor = class { constructor() { this.refEditor = new RefStateEditor(); } set(object, path, value, cb) { const sections = Array.isArray(path) ? path : path.split("."); const markRef = false; while (sections.length > 1) { const section = sections.shift(); if (object instanceof Map) object = object.get(section); if (object instanceof Set) object = Array.from(object.values())[section]; else object = object[section]; if (this.refEditor.isRef(object)) object = this.refEditor.get(object); } const field = sections[0]; const item = this.refEditor.get(object)[field]; if (cb) { cb(object, field, value); } else { if (this.refEditor.isRef(item)) this.refEditor.set(item, value); else if (markRef) object[field] = value; else object[field] = value; } } get(object, path) { const sections = Array.isArray(path) ? path : path.split("."); for (let i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) { if (object instanceof Map) object = object.get(sections[i]); else object = object[sections[i]]; if (this.refEditor.isRef(object)) object = this.refEditor.get(object); if (!object) return void 0; } return object; } has(object, path, parent = false) { if (typeof object === "undefined") return false; const sections = Array.isArray(path) ? path.slice() : path.split("."); const size = !parent ? 1 : 2; while (object && sections.length > size) { const section = sections.shift(); object = object[section]; if (this.refEditor.isRef(object)) object = this.refEditor.get(object); } return object != null && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, sections[0]); } createDefaultSetCallback(state) { return (object, field, value) => { if (state.remove || state.newKey) { if (Array.isArray(object)) object.splice(field, 1); else if ((0, import_vue2.toRaw)(object) instanceof Map) object.delete(field); else if ((0, import_vue2.toRaw)(object) instanceof Set) object.delete(Array.from(object.values())[field]); else Reflect.deleteProperty(object, field); } if (!state.remove) { const target10 = object[state.newKey || field]; if (this.refEditor.isRef(target10)) this.refEditor.set(target10, value); else if ((0, import_vue2.toRaw)(object) instanceof Map) object.set(state.newKey || field, value); else if ((0, import_vue2.toRaw)(object) instanceof Set) object.add(value); else object[state.newKey || field] = value; } }; } }; var RefStateEditor = class { set(ref, value) { if ((0, import_vue2.isRef)(ref)) { ref.value = value; } else { if (ref instanceof Set && Array.isArray(value)) { ref.clear(); value.forEach((v) => ref.add(v)); return; } const currentKeys = Object.keys(value); if (ref instanceof Map) { const previousKeysSet2 = new Set(ref.keys()); currentKeys.forEach((key) => { ref.set(key, Reflect.get(value, key)); previousKeysSet2.delete(key); }); previousKeysSet2.forEach((key) => ref.delete(key)); return; } const previousKeysSet = new Set(Object.keys(ref)); currentKeys.forEach((key) => { Reflect.set(ref, key, Reflect.get(value, key)); previousKeysSet.delete(key); }); previousKeysSet.forEach((key) => Reflect.deleteProperty(ref, key)); } } get(ref) { return (0, import_vue2.isRef)(ref) ? ref.value : ref; } isRef(ref) { return (0, import_vue2.isRef)(ref) || (0, import_vue2.isReactive)(ref); } }; async function editComponentState(payload, stateEditor2) { const { path, nodeId, state, type } = payload; const instance = getComponentInstance(devtoolsContext.appRecord, nodeId); if (!instance) return; const targetPath = path.slice(); let target10; if (instance.devtoolsRawSetupState && Object.keys(instance.devtoolsRawSetupState).includes(path[0])) { target10 = instance.devtoolsRawSetupState; } if (target10 && targetPath) { if (state.type === "object" && type === "reactive") { } stateEditor2.set(target10, targetPath, state.value, stateEditor2.createDefaultSetCallback(state)); } } var stateEditor = new StateEditor(); async function editState(payload) { editComponentState(payload, stateEditor); } // src/core/component/state/index.ts init_cjs_shims(); // src/core/component/state/process.ts init_cjs_shims(); var import_devtools_shared6 = require("@vue/devtools-shared"); // src/core/component/state/constants.ts init_cjs_shims(); var vueBuiltins = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ "nextTick", "defineComponent", "defineAsyncComponent", "defineCustomElement", "ref", "computed", "reactive", "readonly", "watchEffect", "watchPostEffect", "watchSyncEffect", "watch", "isRef", "unref", "toRef", "toRefs", "isProxy", "isReactive", "isReadonly", "shallowRef", "triggerRef", "customRef", "shallowReactive", "shallowReadonly", "toRaw", "markRaw", "effectScope", "getCurrentScope", "onScopeDispose", "onMounted", "onUpdated", "onUnmounted", "onBeforeMount", "onBeforeUpdate", "onBeforeUnmount", "onErrorCaptured", "onRenderTracked", "onRenderTriggered", "onActivated", "onDeactivated", "onServerPrefetch", "provide", "inject", "h", "mergeProps", "cloneVNode", "isVNode", "resolveComponent", "resolveDirective", "withDirectives", "withModifiers" ]); var symbolRE = /^\[native Symbol Symbol\((.*)\)\]$/; var rawTypeRE = /^\[object (\w+)]$/; var specialTypeRE = /^\[native (\w+) (.*?)(<>((.|\s)*))?\]$/; var fnTypeRE = /^(?:function|class) (\w+)/; var MAX_STRING_SIZE = 1e4; var MAX_ARRAY_SIZE = 5e3; var UNDEFINED = "__vue_devtool_undefined__"; var INFINITY = "__vue_devtool_infinity__"; var NEGATIVE_INFINITY = "__vue_devtool_negative_infinity__"; var NAN = "__vue_devtool_nan__"; var ESC = { "<": "<", ">": ">", '"': """, "&": "&" }; // src/core/component/state/util.ts init_cjs_shims(); // src/core/component/state/is.ts init_cjs_shims(); function isVueInstance(value) { return value._ && Object.keys(value._).includes("vnode"); } function isPlainObject(obj) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === "[object Object]"; } function isPrimitive(data) { if (data == null) return true; const type = typeof data; return type === "string" || type === "number" || type === "boolean"; } function isRef2(raw) { return !!raw.__v_isRef; } function isComputed(raw) { return isRef2(raw) && !!raw.effect; } function isReactive2(raw) { return !!raw.__v_isReactive; } function isReadOnly(raw) { return !!raw.__v_isReadonly; } // src/core/component/state/util.ts var tokenMap = { [UNDEFINED]: "undefined", [NAN]: "NaN", [INFINITY]: "Infinity", [NEGATIVE_INFINITY]: "-Infinity" }; var reversedTokenMap = Object.entries(tokenMap).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => { acc[value] = key; return acc; }, {}); function internalStateTokenToString(value) { if (value === null) return "null"; return typeof value === "string" && tokenMap[value] || false; } function replaceTokenToString(value) { const replaceRegex = new RegExp(`"(${Object.keys(tokenMap).join("|")})"`, "g"); return value.replace(replaceRegex, (_, g1) => tokenMap[g1]); } function replaceStringToToken(value) { const literalValue = reversedTokenMap[value.trim()]; if (literalValue) return `"${literalValue}"`; const replaceRegex = new RegExp(`:\\s*(${Object.keys(reversedTokenMap).join("|")})`, "g"); return value.replace(replaceRegex, (_, g1) => `:"${reversedTokenMap[g1]}"`); } function getPropType(type) { if (Array.isArray(type)) return type.map((t) => getPropType(t)).join(" or "); if (type == null) return "null"; const match = type.toString().match(fnTypeRE); return typeof type === "function" ? match && match[1] || "any" : "any"; } function sanitize(data) { if (!isPrimitive(data) && !Array.isArray(data) && !isPlainObject(data)) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(data); } else { return data; } } function getSetupStateType(raw) { return { ref: isRef2(raw), computed: isComputed(raw), reactive: isReactive2(raw), readonly: isReadOnly(raw) }; } function toRaw2(value) { if (value == null ? void 0 : value.__v_raw) return value.__v_raw; return value; } function escape(s) { return s.replace(/[<>"&]/g, (s2) => { return ESC[s2] || s2; }); } // src/core/component/state/process.ts function mergeOptions(to, from, instance) { if (typeof from === "function") from = from.options; if (!from) return to; const { mixins, extends: extendsOptions } = from; extendsOptions && mergeOptions(to, extendsOptions, instance); mixins && mixins.forEach( (m) => mergeOptions(to, m, instance) ); for (const key of ["computed", "inject"]) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(from, key)) { if (!to[key]) to[key] = from[key]; else Object.assign(to[key], from[key]); } } return to; } function resolveMergedOptions(instance) { const raw = instance.type; const { mixins, extends: extendsOptions } = raw; const globalMixins = instance.appContext.mixins; if (!globalMixins.length && !mixins && !extendsOptions) return raw; const options = {}; globalMixins.forEach((m) => mergeOptions(options, m, instance)); mergeOptions(options, raw, instance); return options; } function processProps(instance) { const props = []; const propDefinitions = instance.type.props; for (const key in instance.props) { const propDefinition = propDefinitions ? propDefinitions[key] : null; const camelizeKey = (0, import_devtools_shared6.camelize)(key); props.push({ type: "props", key: camelizeKey, value: returnError(() => instance.props[key]), meta: propDefinition ? { type: propDefinition.type ? getPropType(propDefinition.type) : "any", required: !!propDefinition.required, ...propDefinition.default ? { default: propDefinition.default.toString() } : {} } : { type: "invalid" } }); } return props; } function processState(instance) { const type = instance.type; const props = type.props; const getters = type.vuex && type.vuex.getters; const computedDefs = type.computed; const data = { ...instance.data, ...instance.renderContext }; return Object.keys(data).filter((key) => !(props && key in props) && !(getters && key in getters) && !(computedDefs && key in computedDefs)).map((key) => ({ key, type: "data", value: returnError(() => data[key]), editable: true })); } function getStateTypeAndName(info) { const stateType = info.computed ? "computed" : info.ref ? "ref" : info.reactive ? "reactive" : null; const stateTypeName = stateType ? `${stateType.charAt(0).toUpperCase()}${stateType.slice(1)}` : null; return { stateType, stateTypeName }; } function processSetupState(instance) { const raw = instance.devtoolsRawSetupState || {}; return Object.keys(instance.setupState).filter((key) => !vueBuiltins.has(key) && key.split(/(?=[A-Z])/)[0] !== "use").map((key) => { var _a10, _b10, _c, _d; const value = returnError(() => toRaw2(instance.setupState[key])); const rawData = raw[key]; let result; let isOtherType = typeof value === "function" || typeof (value == null ? void 0 : value.render) === "function" || typeof (value == null ? void 0 : value.__asyncLoader) === "function"; if (rawData) { const info = getSetupStateType(rawData); const { stateType, stateTypeName } = getStateTypeAndName(info); const isState = info.ref || info.computed || info.reactive; const raw2 = ((_b10 = (_a10 = rawData.effect) == null ? void 0 : _a10.raw) == null ? void 0 : _b10.toString()) || ((_d = (_c = rawData.effect) == null ? void 0 : _c.fn) == null ? void 0 : _d.toString()); if (stateType) isOtherType = false; result = { ...stateType ? { stateType, stateTypeName } : {}, ...raw2 ? { raw: raw2 } : {}, editable: isState && !info.readonly }; } const type = isOtherType ? "setup (other)" : "setup"; return { key, value, type, // @ts-expect-error ignore ...result }; }); } function processComputed(instance, mergedType) { const type = mergedType; const computed = []; const defs = type.computed || {}; for (const key in defs) { const def = defs[key]; const type2 = typeof def === "function" && def.vuex ? "vuex bindings" : "computed"; computed.push({ type: type2, key, value: returnError(() => { var _a10; return (_a10 = instance == null ? void 0 : instance.proxy) == null ? void 0 : _a10[key]; }), editable: typeof def.set === "function" }); } return computed; } function processAttrs(instance) { return Object.keys(instance.attrs).map((key) => ({ type: "attrs", key, value: returnError(() => instance.attrs[key]) })); } function processProvide(instance) { return Reflect.ownKeys(instance.provides).map((key) => ({ type: "provided", key: key.toString(), value: returnError(() => instance.provides[key]) })); } function processInject(instance, mergedType) { if (!(mergedType == null ? void 0 : mergedType.inject)) return []; let keys = []; let defaultValue; if (Array.isArray(mergedType.inject)) { keys = mergedType.inject.map((key) => ({ key, originalKey: key })); } else { keys = Reflect.ownKeys(mergedType.inject).map((key) => { const value = mergedType.inject[key]; let originalKey; if (typeof value === "string" || typeof value === "symbol") { originalKey = value; } else { originalKey = value.from; defaultValue = value.default; } return { key, originalKey }; }); } return keys.map(({ key, originalKey }) => ({ type: "injected", key: originalKey && key !== originalKey ? `${originalKey.toString()} \u279E ${key.toString()}` : key.toString(), // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins value: returnError(() => instance.ctx.hasOwnProperty(key) ? instance.ctx[key] : instance.provides.hasOwnProperty(originalKey) ? instance.provides[originalKey] : defaultValue) })); } function processRefs(instance) { return Object.keys(instance.refs).map((key) => ({ type: "refs", key, value: returnError(() => instance.refs[key]) })); } function processEventListeners(instance) { var _a10; const emitsDefinition = instance.type.emits; const declaredEmits = Array.isArray(emitsDefinition) ? emitsDefinition : Object.keys(emitsDefinition != null ? emitsDefinition : {}); const keys = Object.keys((_a10 = instance.vnode.props) != null ? _a10 : {}); const result = []; for (const key of keys) { const [prefix, ...eventNameParts] = key.split(/(?=[A-Z])/); if (prefix === "on") { const eventName = eventNameParts.join("-").toLowerCase(); const isDeclared = declaredEmits.includes(eventName); result.push({ type: "event listeners", key: eventName, value: { _custom: { displayText: isDeclared ? "\u2705 Declared" : "\u26A0\uFE0F Not declared", key: isDeclared ? "\u2705 Declared" : "\u26A0\uFE0F Not declared", value: isDeclared ? "\u2705 Declared" : "\u26A0\uFE0F Not declared", tooltipText: !isDeclared ? `The event ${eventName} is not declared in the emits option. It will leak into the component's attributes ($attrs).` : null } } }); } } return result; } function processInstanceState(instance) { const mergedType = resolveMergedOptions(instance); return processProps(instance).concat( processState(instance), processSetupState(instance), processComputed(instance, mergedType), processAttrs(instance), processProvide(instance), processInject(instance, mergedType), processRefs(instance), processEventListeners(instance) ); } // src/core/component/state/index.ts function getInstanceState(params) { var _a10; const instance = getComponentInstance(devtoolsContext.appRecord, params.instanceId); const id = getUniqueComponentId(instance); const name = getInstanceName(instance); const file = (_a10 = instance == null ? void 0 : instance.type) == null ? void 0 : _a10.__file; const state = processInstanceState(instance); return { id, name, file, state, instance }; } // src/plugins/component.ts var INSPECTOR_ID = "components"; function registerComponentDevToolsPlugin(app) { setupDevToolsPlugin({ id: INSPECTOR_ID, label: "Components", app }, (api) => { api.addInspector({ id: INSPECTOR_ID, label: "Components", treeFilterPlaceholder: "Search components" }); api.on.getComponentBoundingRect((payload) => { if (payload.app === app && payload.inspectorId === INSPECTOR_ID) { const instance = getComponentInstance(devtoolsContext.appRecord, payload.instanceId); if (instance) { if (typeof DOMRect === "undefined") return; payload.rect = getComponentBoundingRect(instance); if (payload.rect instanceof DOMRect) { payload.rect = { top: payload.rect.top, left: payload.rect.left, right: payload.rect.right, bottom: payload.rect.bottom, width: payload.rect.width, height: payload.rect.height }; } } } }); api.on.getInspectorTree(async (payload) => { if (payload.app === app && payload.inspectorId === INSPECTOR_ID) { const instance = getComponentInstance(devtoolsContext.appRecord, payload.instanceId); if (instance) { const walker = new ComponentWalker({ filterText: payload.filter, // @TODO: should make this configurable? maxDepth: 100, recursively: false }); payload.rootNodes = await walker.getComponentTree(instance); } } }); api.on.getInspectorState(async (payload) => { var _a10; if (payload.app === app && payload.inspectorId === INSPECTOR_ID) { const result = getInstanceState({ instanceId: payload.nodeId }); const componentInstance = result.instance; const app2 = (_a10 = result.instance) == null ? void 0 : _a10.appContext.app; const _payload = { componentInstance, app: app2, instanceData: result }; apiHooks.callHookWith((callbacks) => { callbacks.forEach((cb) => cb(_payload)); }, "component-state:inspect" /* COMPONENT_STATE_INSPECT */); payload.state = result; } }); api.on.editInspectorState(async (payload) => { if (payload.app === app && payload.inspectorId === INSPECTOR_ID) { editState(payload); await api.sendInspectorState("components"); } }); const debounceSendInspectorTree = (0, import_perfect_debounce2.debounce)(() => { api.sendInspectorTree(INSPECTOR_ID); }, 120); const debounceSendInspectorState = (0, import_perfect_debounce2.debounce)(() => { api.sendInspectorState(INSPECTOR_ID); }, 120); const componentAddedCleanup = hook.on.componentAdded(async (app2, uid, parentUid, component) => { var _a10, _b10, _c; if (devtoolsState.highPerfModeEnabled) return; if ((_c = (_b10 = (_a10 = app2 == null ? void 0 : app2._instance) == null ? void 0 : _a10.type) == null ? void 0 : _b10.devtools) == null ? void 0 : _c.hide) return; if (!app2 || typeof uid !== "number" && !uid || !component) return; const id = await getComponentId({ app: app2, uid, instance: component }); const appRecord = await getAppRecord(app2); if (component) { if (component.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__ == null) component.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__ = id; if (!(appRecord == null ? void 0 : appRecord.instanceMap.has(id))) { appRecord == null ? void 0 : appRecord.instanceMap.set(id, component); devtoolsAppRecords.active.instanceMap = appRecord.instanceMap; } } if (!appRecord) return; debounceSendInspectorTree(); }); const componentUpdatedCleanup = hook.on.componentUpdated(async (app2, uid, parentUid, component) => { var _a10, _b10, _c; if (devtoolsState.highPerfModeEnabled) return; if ((_c = (_b10 = (_a10 = app2 == null ? void 0 : app2._instance) == null ? void 0 : _a10.type) == null ? void 0 : _b10.devtools) == null ? void 0 : _c.hide) return; if (!app2 || typeof uid !== "number" && !uid || !component) return; const id = await getComponentId({ app: app2, uid, instance: component }); const appRecord = await getAppRecord(app2); if (component) { if (component.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__ == null) component.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__ = id; if (!(appRecord == null ? void 0 : appRecord.instanceMap.has(id))) { appRecord == null ? void 0 : appRecord.instanceMap.set(id, component); devtoolsAppRecords.active.instanceMap = appRecord.instanceMap; } } if (!appRecord) return; debounceSendInspectorTree(); debounceSendInspectorState(); }); const componentRemovedCleanup = hook.on.componentRemoved(async (app2, uid, parentUid, component) => { var _a10, _b10, _c; if (devtoolsState.highPerfModeEnabled) return; if ((_c = (_b10 = (_a10 = app2 == null ? void 0 : app2._instance) == null ? void 0 : _a10.type) == null ? void 0 : _b10.devtools) == null ? void 0 : _c.hide) return; if (!app2 || typeof uid !== "number" && !uid || !component) return; const appRecord = await getAppRecord(app2); if (!appRecord) return; const id = await getComponentId({ app: app2, uid, instance: component }); appRecord == null ? void 0 : appRecord.instanceMap.delete(id); devtoolsAppRecords.active.instanceMap = appRecord.instanceMap; debounceSendInspectorTree(); }); devtoolsContext.componentPluginHookBuffer = [ componentAddedCleanup, componentUpdatedCleanup, componentRemovedCleanup ]; }); } // src/core/app-record/index.ts function getAppRecordName(app, fallbackName) { var _a10; return ((_a10 = app == null ? void 0 : app._component) == null ? void 0 : _a10.name) || `App ${fallbackName}`; } function getAppRootInstance(app) { var _a10, _b10, _c, _d; if (app._instance) return app._instance; else if ((_b10 = (_a10 = app._container) == null ? void 0 : _a10._vnode) == null ? void 0 : _b10.component) return (_d = (_c = app._container) == null ? void 0 : _c._vnode) == null ? void 0 : _d.component; } function getAppRecordId(app, defaultId) { if (app.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_APP_RECORD_ID__ != null) return app.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_APP_RECORD_ID__; let id = defaultId != null ? defaultId : (appRecordInfo.id++).toString(); if (defaultId && appRecordInfo.appIds.has(id)) { let count = 1; while (appRecordInfo.appIds.has(`${defaultId}_${count}`)) count++; id = `${defaultId}_${count}`; } appRecordInfo.appIds.add(id); app.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_APP_RECORD_ID__ = id; return id; } function createAppRecord(app) { const rootInstance = getAppRootInstance(app); if (rootInstance) { appRecordInfo.id++; const name = getAppRecordName(app, appRecordInfo.id.toString()); const id = getAppRecordId(app, (0, import_speakingurl.default)(name)); const record = { id, name, instanceMap: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), rootInstance }; app.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_APP_RECORD__ = record; const rootId = `${record.id}:root`; record.instanceMap.set(rootId, record.rootInstance); record.rootInstance.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__ = rootId; return record; } else { return {}; } } async function setActiveAppRecord(appRecord) { await registerComponentDevToolsPlugin(appRecord == null ? void 0 : appRecord.app); devtoolsAppRecords.active = appRecord; devtoolsAppRecords.activeId = `${appRecord.id}`; registerPlugin(appRecord.app, appRecord.api); } async function toggleActiveAppRecord(id) { devtoolsContext.componentPluginHookBuffer.forEach((cleanup) => cleanup()); devtoolsContext.api.clear(); devtoolsContext.clear(); const appRecord = devtoolsAppRecords.value.find((record) => record.id === id); if (appRecord) { devtoolsState.pluginBuffer = devtoolsState.pluginBuffer.filter(([plugin]) => plugin.id !== "components"); const api = new DevToolsPluginApi(); appRecord.api = api; setActiveAppRecord(appRecord); } } // src/core/component-highlighter/index.ts init_cjs_shims(); var CONTAINER_ELEMENT_ID = "__vue-devtools-component-inspector__"; var CARD_ELEMENT_ID = "__vue-devtools-component-inspector__card__"; var COMPONENT_NAME_ELEMENT_ID = "__vue-devtools-component-inspector__name__"; var INDICATOR_ELEMENT_ID = "__vue-devtools-component-inspector__indicator__"; var containerStyles = { display: "block", zIndex: 2147483640, position: "fixed", backgroundColor: "#42b88325", border: "1px solid #42b88350", borderRadius: "5px", transition: "all 0.1s ease-in", pointerEvents: "none" }; var cardStyles = { fontFamily: "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif", padding: "5px 8px", borderRadius: "4px", textAlign: "left", position: "absolute", left: 0, color: "#e9e9e9", fontSize: "14px", fontWeight: 600, lineHeight: "24px", backgroundColor: "#42b883", boxShadow: "0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 1px 2px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)" }; var indicatorStyles = { display: "inline-block", fontWeight: 400, fontStyle: "normal", fontSize: "12px", opacity: 0.7 }; function getContainerElement() { return document.getElementById(CONTAINER_ELEMENT_ID); } function getCardElement() { return document.getElementById(CARD_ELEMENT_ID); } function getIndicatorElement() { return document.getElementById(INDICATOR_ELEMENT_ID); } function getNameElement() { return document.getElementById(COMPONENT_NAME_ELEMENT_ID); } function getStyles(bounds) { return { left: `${Math.round(bounds.left * 100) / 100}px`, top: `${Math.round(bounds.top * 100) / 100}px`, width: `${Math.round(bounds.width * 100) / 100}px`, height: `${Math.round(bounds.height * 100) / 100}px` }; } function create(options) { var _a10; const containerEl = document.createElement("div"); containerEl.id = (_a10 = options.elementId) != null ? _a10 : CONTAINER_ELEMENT_ID; Object.assign(containerEl.style, { ...containerStyles, ...getStyles(options.bounds), ...options.style }); const cardEl = document.createElement("span"); cardEl.id = CARD_ELEMENT_ID; Object.assign(cardEl.style, { ...cardStyles, top: options.bounds.top < 35 ? 0 : "-35px" }); const nameEl = document.createElement("span"); nameEl.id = COMPONENT_NAME_ELEMENT_ID; nameEl.innerHTML = `<${options.name}>  `; const indicatorEl = document.createElement("i"); indicatorEl.id = INDICATOR_ELEMENT_ID; indicatorEl.innerHTML = `${Math.round(options.bounds.width * 100) / 100} x ${Math.round(options.bounds.height * 100) / 100}`; Object.assign(indicatorEl.style, indicatorStyles); cardEl.appendChild(nameEl); cardEl.appendChild(indicatorEl); containerEl.appendChild(cardEl); document.body.appendChild(containerEl); return containerEl; } function update(options) { const containerEl = getContainerElement(); const cardEl = getCardElement(); const nameEl = getNameElement(); const indicatorEl = getIndicatorElement(); if (containerEl) { Object.assign(containerEl.style, { ...containerStyles, ...getStyles(options.bounds) }); Object.assign(cardEl.style, { top: options.bounds.top < 35 ? 0 : "-35px" }); nameEl.innerHTML = `<${options.name}>  `; indicatorEl.innerHTML = `${Math.round(options.bounds.width * 100) / 100} x ${Math.round(options.bounds.height * 100) / 100}`; } } function toggleComponentHighLighter(options) { if (options.visible) { const instance = getComponentInstance(devtoolsContext.appRecord, options.id); if (instance && (options.bounds.width || options.bounds.height)) { const name = getInstanceName(instance); const el = getContainerElement(); el ? update({ ...options, name }) : create({ ...options, name }); } } else { const el = getContainerElement(); if (el) el.style.display = "none"; } } function highlight(instance) { const bounds = getComponentBoundingRect(instance); const name = getInstanceName(instance); const container = getContainerElement(); container ? update({ bounds, name }) : create({ bounds, name }); } function unhighlight() { const el = getContainerElement(); if (el) el.style.display = "none"; } var inspectInstance = null; function inspectFn(e) { const target10 = e.target; if (target10) { const instance = target10.__vueParentComponent; if (instance) { inspectInstance = instance; const el = instance.vnode.el; if (el) { const bounds = getComponentBoundingRect(instance); const name = getInstanceName(instance); const container = getContainerElement(); container ? update({ bounds, name }) : create({ bounds, name }); } } } } function selectComponentFn(e, cb) { var _a10; e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if (inspectInstance) { const app = (_a10 = devtoolsContext.appRecord) == null ? void 0 : _a10.app; getComponentId({ app, uid: app.uid, instance: inspectInstance }).then((id) => { cb(id); }); } } function inspectComponentHighLighter() { window.addEventListener("mouseover", inspectFn); return new Promise((resolve) => { function onSelect(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); selectComponentFn(e, (id) => { window.removeEventListener("click", onSelect); window.removeEventListener("mouseover", inspectFn); const el = getContainerElement(); if (el) el.style.display = "none"; resolve(JSON.stringify({ id })); }); } window.addEventListener("click", onSelect); }); } function scrollToComponent(options) { const instance = getComponentInstance(devtoolsContext.appRecord, options.id); if (instance) { const [el] = getRootElementsFromComponentInstance(instance); if (typeof el.scrollIntoView === "function") { el.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth" }); } else { const bounds = getComponentBoundingRect(instance); const scrollTarget = document.createElement("div"); const styles = { ...getStyles(bounds), position: "absolute" }; Object.assign(scrollTarget.style, styles); document.body.appendChild(scrollTarget); scrollTarget.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth" }); setTimeout(() => { document.body.removeChild(scrollTarget); }, 2e3); } setTimeout(() => { const bounds = getComponentBoundingRect(instance); if (bounds.width || bounds.height) { const name = getInstanceName(instance); const el2 = getContainerElement(); el2 ? update({ ...options, name, bounds }) : create({ ...options, name, bounds }); setTimeout(() => { if (el2) el2.style.display = "none"; }, 1500); } }, 1200); } } // src/shared/index.ts init_cjs_shims(); // src/shared/util.ts init_cjs_shims(); // src/core/component/state/replacer.ts init_cjs_shims(); // src/core/component/state/custom.ts init_cjs_shims(); function getFunctionDetails(func) { let string = ""; let matches = null; try { string = Function.prototype.toString.call(func); matches = String.prototype.match.call(string, /\([\s\S]*?\)/); } catch (e) { } const match = matches && matches[0]; const args = typeof match === "string" ? match : "(?)"; const name = typeof func.name === "string" ? func.name : ""; return { _custom: { type: "function", displayText: `function ${escape(name)}${args}`, tooltipText: string.trim() ? `
` : null } }; } function getBigIntDetails(val) { const stringifiedBigInt = BigInt.prototype.toString.call(val); return { _custom: { type: "bigint", displayText: `BigInt(${stringifiedBigInt})`, value: stringifiedBigInt } }; } function getDateDetails(val) { const date = new Date(val.getTime()); date.setMinutes(date.getMinutes() - date.getTimezoneOffset()); return { _custom: { type: "date", displayText: Date.prototype.toString.call(val), value: date.toISOString().slice(0, -1) } }; } function getMapDetails(val) { const list = Object.fromEntries(val); return { _custom: { type: "map", displayText: "Map", value: list, readOnly: true, fields: { abstract: true } } }; } function getSetDetails(val) { const list = Array.from(val); return { _custom: { type: "set", displayText: `Set[${list.length}]`, value: list, readOnly: true } }; } function getCatchedGetters(store) { const getters = {}; const origGetters = store.getters || {}; const keys = Object.keys(origGetters); for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { const key = keys[i]; Object.defineProperty(getters, key, { enumerable: true, get: () => { try { return origGetters[key]; } catch (e) { return e; } } }); } return getters; } function reduceStateList(list) { if (!list.length) return void 0; return list.reduce((map, item) => { const key = item.type || "data"; const obj = map[key] = map[key] || {}; obj[item.key] = item.value; return map; }, {}); } function namedNodeMapToObject(map) { const result = {}; const l = map.length; for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) { const node = map.item(i); result[node.name] = node.value; } return result; } function getStoreDetails(store) { return { _custom: { type: "store", displayText: "Store", value: { state: store.state, getters: getCatchedGetters(store) }, fields: { abstract: true } } }; } function getRouterDetails(router) { return { _custom: { type: "router", displayText: "VueRouter", value: { options: router.options, currentRoute: router.currentRoute }, fields: { abstract: true } } }; } function getInstanceDetails(instance) { if (instance._) instance = instance._; const state = processInstanceState(instance); return { _custom: { type: "component", id: instance.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__, displayText: getInstanceName(instance), tooltipText: "Component instance", value: reduceStateList(state), fields: { abstract: true } } }; } function getComponentDefinitionDetails(definition) { let display = getComponentName(definition); if (display) { if (definition.name && definition.__file) display += ` (${definition.__file})`; } else { display = "Unknown Component"; } return { _custom: { type: "component-definition", displayText: display, tooltipText: "Component definition", ...definition.__file ? { file: definition.__file } : {} } }; } function getHTMLElementDetails(value) { try { return { _custom: { type: "HTMLElement", displayText: `<${value.tagName.toLowerCase()}>`, value: namedNodeMapToObject(value.attributes) } }; } catch (e) { return { _custom: { type: "HTMLElement", displayText: `${String(value)}` } }; } } function getObjectDetails(object) { var _a10, _b10, _c, _d; const info = getSetupStateType(object); const isState = info.ref || info.computed || info.reactive; if (isState) { const stateTypeName = info.computed ? "Computed" : info.ref ? "Ref" : info.reactive ? "Reactive" : null; const value = toRaw2(info.reactive ? object : object._value); const raw = ((_b10 = (_a10 = object.effect) == null ? void 0 : _a10.raw) == null ? void 0 : _b10.toString()) || ((_d = (_c = object.effect) == null ? void 0 : _c.fn) == null ? void 0 : _d.toString()); return { _custom: { type: stateTypeName == null ? void 0 : stateTypeName.toLowerCase(), stateTypeName, value, ...raw ? { tooltipText: `${raw}` } : {} } }; } if (typeof object.__asyncLoader === "function") { return { _custom: { type: "component-definition", display: "Async component definition" } }; } } // src/core/component/state/replacer.ts function stringifyReplacer(key) { var _a10; if (key === "compilerOptions") return; const val = this[key]; const type = typeof val; if (Array.isArray(val)) { const l = val.length; if (l > MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) { return { _isArray: true, length: l, items: val.slice(0, MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) }; } return val; } else if (typeof val === "string") { if (val.length > MAX_STRING_SIZE) return `${val.substring(0, MAX_STRING_SIZE)}... (${val.length} total length)`; else return val; } else if (type === "undefined") { return UNDEFINED; } else if (val === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { return INFINITY; } else if (val === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { return NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } else if (typeof val === "function") { return getFunctionDetails(val); } else if (type === "symbol") { return `[native Symbol ${Symbol.prototype.toString.call(val)}]`; } else if (typeof val === "bigint") { return getBigIntDetails(val); } else if (val !== null && typeof val === "object") { const proto = Object.prototype.toString.call(val); if (proto === "[object Map]") { return getMapDetails(val); } else if (proto === "[object Set]") { return getSetDetails(val); } else if (proto === "[object RegExp]") { return `[native RegExp ${RegExp.prototype.toString.call(val)}]`; } else if (proto === "[object Date]") { return getDateDetails(val); } else if (proto === "[object Error]") { return `[native Error ${val.message}<>${val.stack}]`; } else if (val.state && val._vm) { return getStoreDetails(val); } else if (val.constructor && val.constructor.name === "VueRouter") { return getRouterDetails(val); } else if (isVueInstance(val)) { return getInstanceDetails(val); } else if (typeof val.render === "function") { return getComponentDefinitionDetails(val); } else if (val.constructor && val.constructor.name === "VNode") { return `[native VNode <${val.tag}>]`; } else if (typeof HTMLElement !== "undefined" && val instanceof HTMLElement) { return getHTMLElementDetails(val); } else if (((_a10 = val.constructor) == null ? void 0 : _a10.name) === "Store" && val._wrappedGetters) { return "[object Store]"; } else if (val.currentRoute) { return "[object Router]"; } const customDetails = getObjectDetails(val); if (customDetails != null) return customDetails; } else if (Number.isNaN(val)) { return NAN; } return sanitize(val); } // src/core/component/state/reviver.ts init_cjs_shims(); var import_devtools_shared7 = require("@vue/devtools-shared"); function reviveSet(val) { const result = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const list = val._custom.value; for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { const value = list[i]; result.add(revive(value)); } return result; } function reviveMap(val) { const result = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const list = val._custom.value; for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { const { key, value } = list[i]; result.set(key, revive(value)); } return result; } function revive(val) { var _a10; if (val === UNDEFINED) { return void 0; } else if (val === INFINITY) { return Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } else if (val === NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { return Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } else if (val === NAN) { return Number.NaN; } else if (val && val._custom) { const { _custom: custom } = val; if (custom.type === "component") return (_a10 = devtoolsContext.appRecord) == null ? void 0 : _a10.instanceMap.get(custom.id); else if (custom.type === "map") return reviveMap(val); else if (custom.type === "set") return reviveSet(val); else if (custom.type === "bigint") return BigInt(custom.value); else return revive(custom.value); } else if (symbolRE.test(val)) { const [, string] = symbolRE.exec(val); return Symbol.for(string); } else if (specialTypeRE.test(val)) { const [, type, string, , details] = specialTypeRE.exec(val); const result = new import_devtools_shared7.target[type](string); if (type === "Error" && details) result.stack = details; return result; } else { return val; } } function reviver(key, value) { return revive(value); } // src/shared/transfer.ts init_cjs_shims(); var MAX_SERIALIZED_SIZE = 512 * 1024; function encode(data, replacer, list, seen) { let stored, key, value, i, l; const seenIndex = seen.get(data); if (seenIndex != null) return seenIndex; const index = list.length; const proto = Object.prototype.toString.call(data); if (proto === "[object Object]") { stored = {}; seen.set(data, index); list.push(stored); const keys = Object.keys(data); for (i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) { key = keys[i]; try { if (key === "compilerOptions") return; value = data[key]; if (replacer) value = replacer.call(data, key, value); } catch (e) { value = e; } stored[key] = encode(value, replacer, list, seen); } } else if (proto === "[object Array]") { stored = []; seen.set(data, index); list.push(stored); for (i = 0, l = data.length; i < l; i++) { try { value = data[i]; if (replacer) value = replacer.call(data, i, value); } catch (e) { value = e; } stored[i] = encode(value, replacer, list, seen); } } else { list.push(data); } return index; } function decode(list, reviver2 = null) { let i = list.length; let j, k, data, key, value, proto; while (i--) { data = list[i]; proto = Object.prototype.toString.call(data); if (proto === "[object Object]") { const keys = Object.keys(data); for (j = 0, k = keys.length; j < k; j++) { key = keys[j]; value = list[data[key]]; if (reviver2) value = reviver2.call(data, key, value); data[key] = value; } } else if (proto === "[object Array]") { for (j = 0, k = data.length; j < k; j++) { value = list[data[j]]; if (reviver2) value = reviver2.call(data, j, value); data[j] = value; } } } } function stringifyCircularAutoChunks(data, replacer = null, space = null) { let result; try { result = arguments.length === 1 ? JSON.stringify(data) : JSON.stringify(data, replacer, space); } catch (e) { result = stringifyStrictCircularAutoChunks(data, replacer, space); } if (result.length > MAX_SERIALIZED_SIZE) { const chunkCount = Math.ceil(result.length / MAX_SERIALIZED_SIZE); const chunks = []; for (let i = 0; i < chunkCount; i++) chunks.push(result.slice(i * MAX_SERIALIZED_SIZE, (i + 1) * MAX_SERIALIZED_SIZE)); return chunks; } return result; } function stringifyStrictCircularAutoChunks(data, replacer = null, space = null) { const list = []; encode(data, replacer, list, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); return space ? ` ${JSON.stringify(list, null, space)}` : ` ${JSON.stringify(list)}`; } function parseCircularAutoChunks(data, reviver2 = null) { if (Array.isArray(data)) data = data.join(""); const hasCircular = /^\s/.test(data); if (!hasCircular) { return arguments.length === 1 ? JSON.parse(data) : JSON.parse(data, reviver2); } else { const list = JSON.parse(data); decode(list, reviver2); return list[0]; } } // src/core/component/state/format.ts init_cjs_shims(); function getInspectorStateValueType(value, raw = true) { const type = typeof value; if (value == null || value === UNDEFINED || value === "undefined") { return "null"; } else if (type === "boolean" || type === "number" || value === INFINITY || value === NEGATIVE_INFINITY || value === NAN) { return "literal"; } else if (value == null ? void 0 : value._custom) { if (raw || value._custom.display != null || value._custom.displayText != null) return "custom"; else return getInspectorStateValueType(value._custom.value); } else if (typeof value === "string") { const typeMatch = specialTypeRE.exec(value); if (typeMatch) { const [, type2] = typeMatch; return `native ${type2}`; } else { return "string"; } } else if (Array.isArray(value) || (value == null ? void 0 : value._isArray)) { return "array"; } else if (isPlainObject(value)) { return "plain-object"; } else { return "unknown"; } } function formatInspectorStateValue(value, quotes = false) { var _a10, _b10; let result; const type = getInspectorStateValueType(value, false); if (type !== "custom" && (value == null ? void 0 : value._custom)) value = value._custom.value; if (result = internalStateTokenToString(value)) { return result; } else if (type === "custom") { const nestedName = ((_a10 = value._custom.value) == null ? void 0 : _a10._custom) && formatInspectorStateValue(value._custom.value); return nestedName || value._custom.displayText || value._custom.display; } else if (type === "array") { return `Array[${value.length}]`; } else if (type === "plain-object") { return `Object${Object.keys(value).length ? "" : " (empty)"}`; } else if (type == null ? void 0 : type.includes("native")) { return escape((_b10 = specialTypeRE.exec(value)) == null ? void 0 : _b10[2]); } else if (typeof value === "string") { const typeMatch = value.match(rawTypeRE); if (typeMatch) value = escape(typeMatch[1]); else if (quotes) value = `"${escape(value)}"`; else value = escape(value); value = value.replace(/ /g, " ").replace(/\n/g, "\\n"); } return value; } function getRaw(value) { var _a10, _b10, _c; let customType; const isCustom = getInspectorStateValueType(value) === "custom"; let inherit = {}; if (isCustom) { const data = value; const customValue = (_a10 = data._custom) == null ? void 0 : _a10.value; const currentCustomType = (_b10 = data._custom) == null ? void 0 : _b10.type; const nestedCustom = typeof customValue === "object" && customValue !== null && "_custom" in customValue ? getRaw(customValue) : { inherit: void 0, value: void 0, customType: void 0 }; inherit = nestedCustom.inherit || ((_c = data._custom) == null ? void 0 : _c.fields) || {}; value = nestedCustom.value || customValue; customType = nestedCustom.customType || currentCustomType; } if (value && value._isArray) value = value.items; return { value, inherit, customType }; } function toEdit(value, customType) { if (customType === "bigint") return value; if (customType === "date") return value; return replaceTokenToString(JSON.stringify(value)); } function toSubmit(value, customType) { if (customType === "bigint") return BigInt(value); if (customType === "date") return new Date(value); return JSON.parse(replaceStringToToken(value), reviver); } // src/shared/util.ts function stringify(data) { return stringifyCircularAutoChunks(data, stringifyReplacer); } function parse(data, revive2 = false) { if (data == void 0) return {}; return revive2 ? parseCircularAutoChunks(data, reviver) : parseCircularAutoChunks(data); } // src/shared/time.ts init_cjs_shims(); function now() { return Date.now(); } // src/shared/env.ts init_cjs_shims(); // src/core/custom-tab/index.ts init_cjs_shims(); function addCustomTab(tab) { if (devtoolsState.tabs.some((t) => t.name === tab.name)) return; devtoolsState.tabs.push(tab); } // src/core/custom-command/index.ts init_cjs_shims(); function addCustomCommand(action) { if (devtoolsState.commands.some((t) => t.id === action.id)) return; devtoolsState.commands.push(action); } function removeCustomCommand(actionId) { const index = devtoolsState.commands.findIndex((t) => t.id === actionId); if (index === -1) return; devtoolsState.commands.splice(index, 1); } // src/core/component-inspector/index.ts init_cjs_shims(); var import_devtools_shared8 = require("@vue/devtools-shared"); var _a3, _b3; (_b3 = (_a3 = import_devtools_shared8.target).__VUE_DEVTOOLS_COMPONENT_INSPECTOR_ENABLED__) != null ? _b3 : _a3.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_COMPONENT_INSPECTOR_ENABLED__ = true; function toggleComponentInspectorEnabled(enabled) { import_devtools_shared8.target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_COMPONENT_INSPECTOR_ENABLED__ = enabled; } function waitForInspectorInit(cb) { let total = 0; const timer = setInterval(() => { if (import_devtools_shared8.target.__VUE_INSPECTOR__) { clearInterval(timer); total += 30; cb(); } if (total >= /* 5s */ 5e3) clearInterval(timer); }, 30); } function setupInspector() { const inspector = import_devtools_shared8.target.__VUE_INSPECTOR__; const _openInEditor = inspector.openInEditor; inspector.openInEditor = async (...params) => { inspector.disable(); _openInEditor(...params); }; } function getComponentInspector() { return new Promise((resolve) => { function setup() { setupInspector(); resolve(import_devtools_shared8.target.__VUE_INSPECTOR__); } if (!import_devtools_shared8.target.__VUE_INSPECTOR__) { waitForInspectorInit(() => { setup(); }); } else { setup(); } }); } // src/core/open-in-editor/index.ts init_cjs_shims(); var import_devtools_shared9 = require("@vue/devtools-shared"); function openInEditor(options = {}) { const { file, baseUrl = window.location.origin, line = 0, column = 0 } = options; if (file) { if (devtoolsState.vitePluginDetected) { import_devtools_shared9.target.__VUE_INSPECTOR__.openInEditor(baseUrl, file, line, column); } else { } } } // src/api/on.ts init_cjs_shims(); var on2 = { // #region compatible with old devtools addTimelineEvent(fn) { apiHooks.hook("timeline:add-event" /* ADD_TIMELINE_EVENT */, fn); }, inspectComponent(fn) { apiHooks.hook("component-state:inspect" /* COMPONENT_STATE_INSPECT */, fn); }, visitComponentTree(fn) { apiHooks.hook("component-tree:visit" /* VISIT_COMPONENT_TREE */, fn); }, getInspectorTree(fn) { apiHooks.hook("inspector-tree:get" /* GET_INSPECTOR_TREE */, fn); }, getInspectorState(fn) { apiHooks.hook("inspector-state:get" /* GET_INSPECTOR_STATE */, fn); }, sendInspectorTree(fn) { apiHooks.hook("inspector-tree:send" /* SEND_INSPECTOR_TREE */, fn); }, sendInspectorState(fn) { apiHooks.hook("inspector-state:send" /* SEND_INSPECTOR_STATE */, fn); }, editInspectorState(fn) { apiHooks.hook("inspector-state:edit" /* EDIT_INSPECTOR_STATE */, fn); }, editComponentState() { }, componentUpdated(fn) { apiHooks.hook("component:updated" /* COMPONENT_UPDATED */, fn); }, // #endregion compatible with old devtools // router routerInfoUpdated(fn) { apiHooks.hook("router-info:updated" /* ROUTER_INFO_UPDATED */, fn); }, // component highlighter getComponentBoundingRect(fn) { apiHooks.hook("component-bounding-rect:get" /* GET_COMPONENT_BOUNDING_RECT */, fn); }, // custom tabs customTabsUpdated(fn) { apiHooks.hook("custom-tabs:updated" /* CUSTOM_TABS_UPDATED */, fn); }, // custom commands customCommandsUpdated(fn) { apiHooks.hook("custom-commands:updated" /* CUSTOM_COMMANDS_UPDATED */, fn); }, devtoolsStateUpdated(fn) { apiHooks.hook("devtools:state-updated" /* DEVTOOLS_STATE_UPDATED */, fn); } }; // src/api/off.ts init_cjs_shims(); function remove() { apiHooks.removeAllHooks(); } // src/api/api.ts var DevToolsPluginApi = class { constructor() { this.clear = remove; this.on = on2; } // #region compatible with old devtools // timeline layer addTimelineLayer(payload) { addTimelineLayer(payload); } // timeline event addTimelineEvent(...params) { apiHooks.callHook("timeline:add-event" /* ADD_TIMELINE_EVENT */, ...params); } // add inspector addInspector(payload) { addInspector({ id: payload.id, nodeId: "", filter: "", treeFilterPlaceholder: payload.treeFilterPlaceholder || "" }); } highlightElement(instance) { highlight(instance); } unhighlightElement() { unhighlight(); } // inspector async getInspectorTree(payload = {}) { var _a10; const { inspectorId, filter = "", instanceId = "" } = payload; const _payload = { app: (_a10 = devtoolsContext.appRecord) == null ? void 0 : _a10.app, inspectorId, instanceId, filter, rootNodes: [] }; updateInspector(inspectorId, { filter }); await new Promise((resolve) => { apiHooks.callHookWith(async (callbacks) => { await Promise.all(callbacks.map((cb) => cb(_payload))); resolve(); }, "inspector-tree:get" /* GET_INSPECTOR_TREE */); }); return _payload.rootNodes; } getInspectorState(payload = {}) { var _a10; const { inspectorId, nodeId } = payload; const _payload = { app: (_a10 = devtoolsContext.appRecord) == null ? void 0 : _a10.app, inspectorId, nodeId }; updateInspector(inspectorId, { nodeId }); apiHooks.callHookWith((callbacks) => { callbacks.forEach((cb) => cb(_payload)); }, "inspector-state:get" /* GET_INSPECTOR_STATE */); const state = _payload.state; delete state.instance; return state; } async editInspectorState(payload) { var _a10; const stateEditor2 = new StateEditor(); apiHooks.callHook("inspector-state:edit" /* EDIT_INSPECTOR_STATE */, { ...payload, app: (_a10 = devtoolsContext.appRecord) == null ? void 0 : _a10.app, set: (obj, path = payload.path, value = payload.state.value, cb) => { stateEditor2.set(obj, path, value, cb || stateEditor2.createDefaultSetCallback(payload.state)); } }); } async sendInspectorTree(inspectorId) { const inspector = getInspector(inspectorId); if (inspector) { const res = await this.getInspectorTree({ inspectorId }); apiHooks.callHook("inspector-tree:send" /* SEND_INSPECTOR_TREE */, { inspectorId, data: res }); } } async sendInspectorState(inspectorId) { const inspector = getInspector(inspectorId); if (inspector && inspector.nodeId) { const res = await this.getInspectorState({ inspectorId, nodeId: inspector.nodeId }); apiHooks.callHook("inspector-state:send" /* SEND_INSPECTOR_STATE */, { ...res, inspectorId }); } } async getComponentInstances(app) { const appRecord = app.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_APP_RECORD__; const appId = appRecord.id.toString(); const instances = [...appRecord.instanceMap].filter(([key]) => key.split(":")[0] === appId).map(([, instance]) => instance); return instances; } visitComponentTree(...params) { apiHooks.callHook("component-tree:visit" /* VISIT_COMPONENT_TREE */, ...params); } notifyComponentUpdate() { apiHooks.callHook("component:updated" /* COMPONENT_UPDATED */); } now() { return now(); } getSettings() { return { logStoreChanges: null }; } // #endregion compatible with old devtools // #region highlighter toggleComponentInspector(...params) { return toggleComponentHighLighter(...params); } inspectComponentInspector() { return inspectComponentHighLighter(); } scrollToComponent(...params) { return scrollToComponent(...params); } getComponentBoundingRect(...params) { var _a10; const { inspectorId, instanceId = "" } = params[0]; const _payload = { app: (_a10 = devtoolsContext.appRecord) == null ? void 0 : _a10.app, inspectorId, instanceId, rect: { top: 0, left: 0, width: 0, height: 0 } }; apiHooks.callHookWith((callbacks) => { callbacks.map((cb) => cb(_payload)); }, "component-bounding-rect:get" /* GET_COMPONENT_BOUNDING_RECT */); return stringify(_payload.rect); } // #endregion highlighter toggleApp(id) { return toggleActiveAppRecord(id); } addCustomTab(tab) { addCustomTab(tab); } addCustomCommand(action) { addCustomCommand(action); } removeCustomCommand(actionId) { removeCustomCommand(actionId); } openInEditor(payload) { openInEditor(payload); } getVueInspector() { return getComponentInspector(); } }; // src/state/state.ts var STATE_KEY = "__VUE_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_STATE__"; function initStateFactory() { return { connected: false, clientConnected: false, appRecords: [], activeAppRecord: null, selectedComponentId: null, pluginBuffer: [], tabs: [], commands: [], vitePluginDetected: false, activeAppRecordId: null, highPerfModeEnabled: false }; } var _a4, _b4; (_b4 = (_a4 = import_devtools_shared10.target)[STATE_KEY]) != null ? _b4 : _a4[STATE_KEY] = initStateFactory(); var callStateUpdatedHook = (0, import_perfect_debounce3.debounce)((state, oldState) => { apiHooks.callHook("devtools:state-updated" /* DEVTOOLS_STATE_UPDATED */, state, oldState); }, 80); var callConnectedUpdatedHook = (0, import_perfect_debounce3.debounce)((state, oldState) => { apiHooks.callHook("devtools:connected-updated" /* DEVTOOLS_CONNECTED_UPDATED */, state, oldState); }, 80); var devtoolsState = new Proxy(import_devtools_shared10.target[STATE_KEY], { get(target10, property) { return import_devtools_shared10.target[STATE_KEY][property]; }, deleteProperty(target10, property) { delete target10[property]; return true; }, set(target10, property, value) { const oldState = { ...import_devtools_shared10.target[STATE_KEY] }; target10[property] = value; import_devtools_shared10.target[STATE_KEY][property] = value; callStateUpdatedHook(import_devtools_shared10.target[STATE_KEY], oldState); if (["connected", "clientConnected"].includes(property.toString()) && oldState[property] !== value) callConnectedUpdatedHook(import_devtools_shared10.target[STATE_KEY], oldState); return true; } }); Object.defineProperty(devtoolsState.tabs, "push", { configurable: true, value(...items) { const result = Array.prototype.push.apply(this, items); devtoolsState.tabs = this; apiHooks.callHook("custom-tabs:updated" /* CUSTOM_TABS_UPDATED */, this); return result; } }); ["push", "splice"].forEach((method) => { Object.defineProperty(devtoolsState.commands, method, { configurable: true, value(...args) { const result = Array.prototype[method].apply(this, args); devtoolsState.commands = this; apiHooks.callHook("custom-commands:updated" /* CUSTOM_COMMANDS_UPDATED */, this); return result; } }); }); // src/state/app-record.ts init_cjs_shims(); var import_devtools_shared13 = require("@vue/devtools-shared"); // src/state/router.ts init_cjs_shims(); var import_devtools_shared11 = require("@vue/devtools-shared"); var ROUTER_KEY = "__VUE_DEVTOOLS_ROUTER__"; var ROUTER_INFO_KEY = "__VUE_DEVTOOLS_ROUTER_INFO__"; var _a5, _b5; (_b5 = (_a5 = import_devtools_shared11.target)[ROUTER_INFO_KEY]) != null ? _b5 : _a5[ROUTER_INFO_KEY] = { currentRoute: null, routes: [] }; var _a6, _b6; (_b6 = (_a6 = import_devtools_shared11.target)[ROUTER_KEY]) != null ? _b6 : _a6[ROUTER_KEY] = null; var devtoolsRouterInfo = new Proxy(import_devtools_shared11.target[ROUTER_INFO_KEY], { get(target10, property) { return import_devtools_shared11.target[ROUTER_INFO_KEY][property]; } }); // src/state/context.ts init_cjs_shims(); var import_devtools_shared12 = require("@vue/devtools-shared"); var CONTEXT_KEY = "__VUE_DEVTOOLS_CONTEXT__"; function initContextFactory() { return { appRecord: null, api: null, inspector: [], timelineLayer: [], routerInfo: {}, router: null, activeInspectorTreeId: "", componentPluginHookBuffer: [] }; } var _a7, _b7; (_b7 = (_a7 = import_devtools_shared12.target)[CONTEXT_KEY]) != null ? _b7 : _a7[CONTEXT_KEY] = initContextFactory(); function resetDevToolsContext() { import_devtools_shared12.target[CONTEXT_KEY] = initContextFactory(); } var devtoolsContext = new Proxy(import_devtools_shared12.target[CONTEXT_KEY], { get(target10, property) { if (property === "router") return import_devtools_shared12.target[ROUTER_KEY]; else if (property === "clear") return resetDevToolsContext; return import_devtools_shared12.target[CONTEXT_KEY][property]; }, set(target10, property, value) { import_devtools_shared12.target[CONTEXT_KEY][property] = value; return true; } }); // src/state/app-record.ts var devtoolsAppRecords = new Proxy(devtoolsState.appRecords, { get(_, property) { if (property === "value") return devtoolsState.appRecords; else if (property === "active") return devtoolsState.activeAppRecord; else if (property === "activeId") return devtoolsState.activeAppRecordId; }, set(target10, property, value) { var _a10; const oldState = { ...devtoolsState }; if (property === "value") { devtoolsState.appRecords = value; } else if (property === "active") { const _value = value; devtoolsState.activeAppRecord = _value; devtoolsContext.appRecord = _value; devtoolsContext.api = _value.api; devtoolsContext.inspector = (_a10 = _value.inspector) != null ? _a10 : []; normalizeRouterInfo(value); devtoolsContext.routerInfo = devtoolsRouterInfo; } else if (property === "activeId") { devtoolsState.activeAppRecordId = value; } callStateUpdatedHook(devtoolsState, oldState); if (["connected", "clientConnected"].includes(property.toString()) && oldState[property] !== value) callConnectedUpdatedHook(devtoolsState, oldState); return true; } }); var _a8, _b8; var appRecordInfo = (_b8 = (_a8 = import_devtools_shared13.target).__VUE_DEVTOOLS_APP_RECROD_INFO__) != null ? _b8 : _a8.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_APP_RECROD_INFO__ = { id: 0, appIds: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set() }; // src/state/env.ts init_cjs_shims(); var import_devtools_shared14 = require("@vue/devtools-shared"); var _a9, _b9; (_b9 = (_a9 = import_devtools_shared14.target).__VUE_DEVTOOLS_ENV__) != null ? _b9 : _a9.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_ENV__ = { vitePluginDetected: false }; function getDevToolsEnv() { return import_devtools_shared14.target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_ENV__; } function setDevToolsEnv(env) { import_devtools_shared14.target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_ENV__ = { ...import_devtools_shared14.target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_ENV__, ...env }; } // src/compat/index.ts init_cjs_shims(); var import_devtools_shared15 = require("@vue/devtools-shared"); function onLegacyDevToolsPluginApiAvailabled(cb) { if (import_devtools_shared15.target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_PLUGIN_API_AVAILABLE__) { cb(); return; } Object.defineProperty(import_devtools_shared15.target, "__VUE_DEVTOOLS_PLUGIN_API_AVAILABLE__", { set(value) { if (value) cb(); }, configurable: true }); } // src/core/index.ts function initDevTools() { var _a10; devtoolsState.vitePluginDetected = getDevToolsEnv().vitePluginDetected; const isDevToolsNext = ((_a10 = import_devtools_shared16.target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__) == null ? void 0 : _a10.id) === "vue-devtools-next"; if (import_devtools_shared16.target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ && isDevToolsNext) return; if (!import_devtools_shared16.target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__) { import_devtools_shared16.target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ = createDevToolsHook(); } else { if (!import_devtools_shared16.isNuxtApp) { Object.assign(__VUE_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__, createDevToolsHook()); } } hook.on.setupDevtoolsPlugin((pluginDescriptor, setupFn) => { collectDevToolsPlugin(pluginDescriptor, setupFn); const { app, api } = devtoolsAppRecords.active || {}; if (!app || !api) return; setupExternalPlugin([pluginDescriptor, setupFn], app, api); }); onLegacyDevToolsPluginApiAvailabled(() => { const normalizedPluginBuffer = devtoolsState.pluginBuffer.filter(([item]) => item.id !== "components"); normalizedPluginBuffer.forEach(([pluginDescriptor, setupFn]) => { import_devtools_shared16.target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.emit("devtools-plugin:setup" /* SETUP_DEVTOOLS_PLUGIN */, pluginDescriptor, setupFn, { target: "legacy" }); }); }); hook.on.vueAppInit(async (app, version) => { const record = createAppRecord(app); const api = new DevToolsPluginApi(); devtoolsAppRecords.value = [ ...devtoolsAppRecords.value, { ...record, app, version, api } ]; if (devtoolsAppRecords.value.length === 1) { await setActiveAppRecord(devtoolsAppRecords.value[0]); devtoolsState.connected = true; devtoolsHooks.callHook("app:connected" /* APP_CONNECTED */); } }); subscribeDevToolsHook(); } function onDevToolsConnected(fn) { return new Promise((resolve) => { if (devtoolsState.connected) { fn(); resolve(); return; } apiHooks.hook("devtools:connected-updated" /* DEVTOOLS_CONNECTED_UPDATED */, (state) => { if (state.connected) { fn(); resolve(); } }); }); } function onDevToolsClientConnected(fn) { return new Promise((resolve) => { if (devtoolsState.connected && devtoolsState.clientConnected) { fn(); resolve(); return; } apiHooks.hook("devtools:connected-updated" /* DEVTOOLS_CONNECTED_UPDATED */, (state) => { if (state.connected && state.clientConnected) { fn(); resolve(); } }); }); } // src/core/high-perf-mode/index.ts init_cjs_shims(); function toggleHighPerfMode(state) { devtoolsState.highPerfModeEnabled = state != null ? state : !devtoolsState.highPerfModeEnabled; } // src/index.ts var devtools = { state: devtoolsState, context: devtoolsContext, hook, init: initDevTools, get api() { return devtoolsContext.api; } }; // Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node: 0 && (module.exports = { UNDEFINED, addCustomCommand, addCustomTab, devtools, formatInspectorStateValue, getInspectorStateValueType, getRaw, onDevToolsClientConnected, onDevToolsConnected, parse, removeCustomCommand, setDevToolsEnv, setupDevToolsPlugin, stringify, toEdit, toSubmit, toggleComponentInspectorEnabled, toggleHighPerfMode });