// @flow strict import window from './window'; const exported = { supported: false, testSupport }; export default exported; let glForTesting; let webpCheckComplete = false; let webpImgTest; let webpImgTestOnloadComplete = false; if (window.document) { webpImgTest = window.document.createElement('img'); webpImgTest.onload = function() { if (glForTesting) testWebpTextureUpload(glForTesting); glForTesting = null; webpImgTestOnloadComplete = true; }; webpImgTest.onerror = function() { webpCheckComplete = true; glForTesting = null; }; webpImgTest.src = ''; } function testSupport(gl: WebGLRenderingContext) { if (webpCheckComplete || !webpImgTest) return; // HTMLImageElement.complete is set when an image is done loading it's source // regardless of whether the load was successful or not. // It's possible for an error to set HTMLImageElement.complete to true which would trigger // testWebpTextureUpload and mistakenly set exported.supported to true in browsers which don't support webp // To avoid this, we set a flag in the image's onload handler and only call testWebpTextureUpload // after a successful image load event. if (webpImgTestOnloadComplete) { testWebpTextureUpload(gl); } else { glForTesting = gl; } } function testWebpTextureUpload(gl: WebGLRenderingContext) { // Edge 18 supports WebP but not uploading a WebP image to a gl texture // Test support for this before allowing WebP images. // https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-js/issues/7671 const texture = gl.createTexture(); gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture); try { gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, webpImgTest); // The error does not get triggered in Edge if the context is lost if (gl.isContextLost()) return; exported.supported = true; } catch (e) { // Catch "Unspecified Error." in Edge 18. } gl.deleteTexture(texture); webpCheckComplete = true; }