// @flow import {ValueType, NumberType, StringType, array, toString, isValidType, isValidNativeType} from '../types'; import RuntimeError from '../runtime_error'; import {typeOf} from '../values'; import type {Expression} from '../expression'; import type ParsingContext from '../parsing_context'; import type EvaluationContext from '../evaluation_context'; import type {Type} from '../types'; class Slice implements Expression { type: Type; input: Expression; beginIndex: Expression; endIndex: ?Expression; constructor(type: Type, input: Expression, beginIndex: Expression, endIndex?: Expression) { this.type = type; this.input = input; this.beginIndex = beginIndex; this.endIndex = endIndex; } static parse(args: $ReadOnlyArray, context: ParsingContext) { if (args.length <= 2 || args.length >= 5) { return context.error(`Expected 3 or 4 arguments, but found ${args.length - 1} instead.`); } const input = context.parse(args[1], 1, ValueType); const beginIndex = context.parse(args[2], 2, NumberType); if (!input || !beginIndex) return null; if (!isValidType(input.type, [array(ValueType), StringType, ValueType])) { return context.error(`Expected first argument to be of type array or string, but found ${toString(input.type)} instead`); } if (args.length === 4) { const endIndex = context.parse(args[3], 3, NumberType); if (!endIndex) return null; return new Slice(input.type, input, beginIndex, endIndex); } else { return new Slice(input.type, input, beginIndex); } } evaluate(ctx: EvaluationContext) { const input = (this.input.evaluate(ctx): any); const beginIndex = (this.beginIndex.evaluate(ctx): number); if (!isValidNativeType(input, ['string', 'array'])) { throw new RuntimeError(`Expected first argument to be of type array or string, but found ${toString(typeOf(input))} instead.`); } if (this.endIndex) { const endIndex = (this.endIndex.evaluate(ctx): number); return input.slice(beginIndex, endIndex); } return input.slice(beginIndex); } eachChild(fn: (_: Expression) => void) { fn(this.input); fn(this.beginIndex); if (this.endIndex) { fn(this.endIndex); } } outputDefined() { return false; } serialize() { if (this.endIndex != null && this.endIndex !== undefined) { const endIndex = this.endIndex.serialize(); return ["slice", this.input.serialize(), this.beginIndex.serialize(), endIndex]; } return ["slice", this.input.serialize(), this.beginIndex.serialize()]; } } export default Slice;