// @flow import Actor from '../util/actor'; import StyleLayerIndex from '../style/style_layer_index'; import VectorTileWorkerSource from './vector_tile_worker_source'; import RasterDEMTileWorkerSource from './raster_dem_tile_worker_source'; import GeoJSONWorkerSource from './geojson_worker_source'; import assert from 'assert'; import {plugin as globalRTLTextPlugin} from './rtl_text_plugin'; import {enforceCacheSizeLimit} from '../util/tile_request_cache'; import type { WorkerSource, WorkerTileParameters, WorkerDEMTileParameters, WorkerTileCallback, WorkerDEMTileCallback, TileParameters } from '../source/worker_source'; import type {WorkerGlobalScopeInterface} from '../util/web_worker'; import type {Callback} from '../types/callback'; import type {LayerSpecification} from '../style-spec/types'; import type {PluginState} from './rtl_text_plugin'; /** * @private */ export default class Worker { self: WorkerGlobalScopeInterface; actor: Actor; layerIndexes: {[_: string]: StyleLayerIndex }; availableImages: {[_: string]: Array }; workerSourceTypes: {[_: string]: Class }; workerSources: {[_: string]: {[_: string]: {[_: string]: WorkerSource } } }; demWorkerSources: {[_: string]: {[_: string]: RasterDEMTileWorkerSource } }; referrer: ?string; constructor(self: WorkerGlobalScopeInterface) { this.self = self; this.actor = new Actor(self, this); this.layerIndexes = {}; this.availableImages = {}; this.workerSourceTypes = { vector: VectorTileWorkerSource, geojson: GeoJSONWorkerSource }; // [mapId][sourceType][sourceName] => worker source instance this.workerSources = {}; this.demWorkerSources = {}; this.self.registerWorkerSource = (name: string, WorkerSource: Class) => { if (this.workerSourceTypes[name]) { throw new Error(`Worker source with name "${name}" already registered.`); } this.workerSourceTypes[name] = WorkerSource; }; // This is invoked by the RTL text plugin when the download via the `importScripts` call has finished, and the code has been parsed. this.self.registerRTLTextPlugin = (rtlTextPlugin: {applyArabicShaping: Function, processBidirectionalText: Function, processStyledBidirectionalText?: Function}) => { if (globalRTLTextPlugin.isParsed()) { throw new Error('RTL text plugin already registered.'); } globalRTLTextPlugin['applyArabicShaping'] = rtlTextPlugin.applyArabicShaping; globalRTLTextPlugin['processBidirectionalText'] = rtlTextPlugin.processBidirectionalText; globalRTLTextPlugin['processStyledBidirectionalText'] = rtlTextPlugin.processStyledBidirectionalText; }; } setReferrer(mapID: string, referrer: string) { this.referrer = referrer; } setImages(mapId: string, images: Array, callback: WorkerTileCallback) { this.availableImages[mapId] = images; for (const workerSource in this.workerSources[mapId]) { const ws = this.workerSources[mapId][workerSource]; for (const source in ws) { ws[source].availableImages = images; } } callback(); } setLayers(mapId: string, layers: Array, callback: WorkerTileCallback) { this.getLayerIndex(mapId).replace(layers); callback(); } updateLayers(mapId: string, params: {layers: Array, removedIds: Array}, callback: WorkerTileCallback) { this.getLayerIndex(mapId).update(params.layers, params.removedIds); callback(); } loadTile(mapId: string, params: WorkerTileParameters & {type: string}, callback: WorkerTileCallback) { assert(params.type); this.getWorkerSource(mapId, params.type, params.source).loadTile(params, callback); } loadDEMTile(mapId: string, params: WorkerDEMTileParameters, callback: WorkerDEMTileCallback) { this.getDEMWorkerSource(mapId, params.source).loadTile(params, callback); } reloadTile(mapId: string, params: WorkerTileParameters & {type: string}, callback: WorkerTileCallback) { assert(params.type); this.getWorkerSource(mapId, params.type, params.source).reloadTile(params, callback); } abortTile(mapId: string, params: TileParameters & {type: string}, callback: WorkerTileCallback) { assert(params.type); this.getWorkerSource(mapId, params.type, params.source).abortTile(params, callback); } removeTile(mapId: string, params: TileParameters & {type: string}, callback: WorkerTileCallback) { assert(params.type); this.getWorkerSource(mapId, params.type, params.source).removeTile(params, callback); } removeDEMTile(mapId: string, params: TileParameters) { this.getDEMWorkerSource(mapId, params.source).removeTile(params); } removeSource(mapId: string, params: {source: string} & {type: string}, callback: WorkerTileCallback) { assert(params.type); assert(params.source); if (!this.workerSources[mapId] || !this.workerSources[mapId][params.type] || !this.workerSources[mapId][params.type][params.source]) { return; } const worker = this.workerSources[mapId][params.type][params.source]; delete this.workerSources[mapId][params.type][params.source]; if (worker.removeSource !== undefined) { worker.removeSource(params, callback); } else { callback(); } } /** * Load a {@link WorkerSource} script at params.url. The script is run * (using importScripts) with `registerWorkerSource` in scope, which is a * function taking `(name, workerSourceObject)`. * @private */ loadWorkerSource(map: string, params: { url: string }, callback: Callback) { try { this.self.importScripts(params.url); callback(); } catch (e) { callback(e.toString()); } } syncRTLPluginState(map: string, state: PluginState, callback: Callback) { try { globalRTLTextPlugin.setState(state); const pluginURL = globalRTLTextPlugin.getPluginURL(); if ( globalRTLTextPlugin.isLoaded() && !globalRTLTextPlugin.isParsed() && pluginURL != null // Not possible when `isLoaded` is true, but keeps flow happy ) { this.self.importScripts(pluginURL); const complete = globalRTLTextPlugin.isParsed(); const error = complete ? undefined : new Error(`RTL Text Plugin failed to import scripts from ${pluginURL}`); callback(error, complete); } } catch (e) { callback(e.toString()); } } getAvailableImages(mapId: string) { let availableImages = this.availableImages[mapId]; if (!availableImages) { availableImages = []; } return availableImages; } getLayerIndex(mapId: string) { let layerIndexes = this.layerIndexes[mapId]; if (!layerIndexes) { layerIndexes = this.layerIndexes[mapId] = new StyleLayerIndex(); } return layerIndexes; } getWorkerSource(mapId: string, type: string, source: string) { if (!this.workerSources[mapId]) this.workerSources[mapId] = {}; if (!this.workerSources[mapId][type]) this.workerSources[mapId][type] = {}; if (!this.workerSources[mapId][type][source]) { // use a wrapped actor so that we can attach a target mapId param // to any messages invoked by the WorkerSource const actor = { send: (type, data, callback) => { this.actor.send(type, data, callback, mapId); } }; this.workerSources[mapId][type][source] = new (this.workerSourceTypes[type]: any)((actor: any), this.getLayerIndex(mapId), this.getAvailableImages(mapId)); } return this.workerSources[mapId][type][source]; } getDEMWorkerSource(mapId: string, source: string) { if (!this.demWorkerSources[mapId]) this.demWorkerSources[mapId] = {}; if (!this.demWorkerSources[mapId][source]) { this.demWorkerSources[mapId][source] = new RasterDEMTileWorkerSource(); } return this.demWorkerSources[mapId][source]; } enforceCacheSizeLimit(mapId: string, limit: number) { enforceCacheSizeLimit(limit); } } /* global self, WorkerGlobalScope */ if (typeof WorkerGlobalScope !== 'undefined' && typeof self !== 'undefined' && self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope) { self.worker = new Worker(self); }