// @flow import {extend, pick} from '../util/util'; import {getImage, ResourceType} from '../util/ajax'; import {Event, ErrorEvent, Evented} from '../util/evented'; import loadTileJSON from './load_tilejson'; import {postTurnstileEvent, postMapLoadEvent} from '../util/mapbox'; import TileBounds from './tile_bounds'; import Texture from '../render/texture'; import {cacheEntryPossiblyAdded} from '../util/tile_request_cache'; import type {Source} from './source'; import type {OverscaledTileID} from './tile_id'; import type Map from '../ui/map'; import type Dispatcher from '../util/dispatcher'; import type Tile from './tile'; import type {Callback} from '../types/callback'; import type {Cancelable} from '../types/cancelable'; import type { RasterSourceSpecification, RasterDEMSourceSpecification } from '../style-spec/types'; class RasterTileSource extends Evented implements Source { type: 'raster' | 'raster-dem'; id: string; minzoom: number; maxzoom: number; url: string; scheme: string; tileSize: number; bounds: ?[number, number, number, number]; tileBounds: TileBounds; roundZoom: boolean; dispatcher: Dispatcher; map: Map; tiles: Array; _loaded: boolean; _options: RasterSourceSpecification | RasterDEMSourceSpecification; _tileJSONRequest: ?Cancelable; constructor(id: string, options: RasterSourceSpecification | RasterDEMSourceSpecification, dispatcher: Dispatcher, eventedParent: Evented) { super(); this.id = id; this.dispatcher = dispatcher; this.setEventedParent(eventedParent); this.type = 'raster'; this.minzoom = 0; this.maxzoom = 22; this.roundZoom = true; this.scheme = 'xyz'; this.tileSize = 512; this._loaded = false; this._options = extend({type: 'raster'}, options); extend(this, pick(options, ['url', 'scheme', 'tileSize'])); } load() { this._loaded = false; this.fire(new Event('dataloading', {dataType: 'source'})); this._tileJSONRequest = loadTileJSON(this._options, this.map._requestManager, (err, tileJSON) => { this._tileJSONRequest = null; this._loaded = true; if (err) { this.fire(new ErrorEvent(err)); } else if (tileJSON) { extend(this, tileJSON); if (tileJSON.bounds) this.tileBounds = new TileBounds(tileJSON.bounds, this.minzoom, this.maxzoom); postTurnstileEvent(tileJSON.tiles); postMapLoadEvent(tileJSON.tiles, this.map._getMapId(), this.map._requestManager._skuToken); // `content` is included here to prevent a race condition where `Style#_updateSources` is called // before the TileJSON arrives. this makes sure the tiles needed are loaded once TileJSON arrives // ref: https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-js/pull/4347#discussion_r104418088 this.fire(new Event('data', {dataType: 'source', sourceDataType: 'metadata'})); this.fire(new Event('data', {dataType: 'source', sourceDataType: 'content'})); } }); } loaded(): boolean { return this._loaded; } onAdd(map: Map) { this.map = map; this.load(); } onRemove() { if (this._tileJSONRequest) { this._tileJSONRequest.cancel(); this._tileJSONRequest = null; } } serialize() { return extend({}, this._options); } hasTile(tileID: OverscaledTileID) { return !this.tileBounds || this.tileBounds.contains(tileID.canonical); } loadTile(tile: Tile, callback: Callback) { const url = this.map._requestManager.normalizeTileURL(tile.tileID.canonical.url(this.tiles, this.scheme), this.tileSize); tile.request = getImage(this.map._requestManager.transformRequest(url, ResourceType.Tile), (err, img) => { delete tile.request; if (tile.aborted) { tile.state = 'unloaded'; callback(null); } else if (err) { tile.state = 'errored'; callback(err); } else if (img) { if (this.map._refreshExpiredTiles) tile.setExpiryData(img); delete (img: any).cacheControl; delete (img: any).expires; const context = this.map.painter.context; const gl = context.gl; tile.texture = this.map.painter.getTileTexture(img.width); if (tile.texture) { tile.texture.update(img, {useMipmap: true}); } else { tile.texture = new Texture(context, img, gl.RGBA, {useMipmap: true}); tile.texture.bind(gl.LINEAR, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE, gl.LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST); if (context.extTextureFilterAnisotropic) { gl.texParameterf(gl.TEXTURE_2D, context.extTextureFilterAnisotropic.TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, context.extTextureFilterAnisotropicMax); } } tile.state = 'loaded'; cacheEntryPossiblyAdded(this.dispatcher); callback(null); } }); } abortTile(tile: Tile, callback: Callback) { if (tile.request) { tile.request.cancel(); delete tile.request; } callback(); } unloadTile(tile: Tile, callback: Callback) { if (tile.texture) this.map.painter.saveTileTexture(tile.texture); callback(); } hasTransition() { return false; } } export default RasterTileSource;