// Disable Flow annotations here because Flow doesn't support importing GLSL files /* eslint-disable flowtype/require-valid-file-annotation */ import preludeFrag from './_prelude.fragment.glsl'; import preludeVert from './_prelude.vertex.glsl'; import backgroundFrag from './background.fragment.glsl'; import backgroundVert from './background.vertex.glsl'; import backgroundPatternFrag from './background_pattern.fragment.glsl'; import backgroundPatternVert from './background_pattern.vertex.glsl'; import circleFrag from './circle.fragment.glsl'; import circleVert from './circle.vertex.glsl'; import clippingMaskFrag from './clipping_mask.fragment.glsl'; import clippingMaskVert from './clipping_mask.vertex.glsl'; import heatmapFrag from './heatmap.fragment.glsl'; import heatmapVert from './heatmap.vertex.glsl'; import heatmapTextureFrag from './heatmap_texture.fragment.glsl'; import heatmapTextureVert from './heatmap_texture.vertex.glsl'; import collisionBoxFrag from './collision_box.fragment.glsl'; import collisionBoxVert from './collision_box.vertex.glsl'; import collisionCircleFrag from './collision_circle.fragment.glsl'; import collisionCircleVert from './collision_circle.vertex.glsl'; import debugFrag from './debug.fragment.glsl'; import debugVert from './debug.vertex.glsl'; import fillFrag from './fill.fragment.glsl'; import fillVert from './fill.vertex.glsl'; import fillOutlineFrag from './fill_outline.fragment.glsl'; import fillOutlineVert from './fill_outline.vertex.glsl'; import fillOutlinePatternFrag from './fill_outline_pattern.fragment.glsl'; import fillOutlinePatternVert from './fill_outline_pattern.vertex.glsl'; import fillPatternFrag from './fill_pattern.fragment.glsl'; import fillPatternVert from './fill_pattern.vertex.glsl'; import fillExtrusionFrag from './fill_extrusion.fragment.glsl'; import fillExtrusionVert from './fill_extrusion.vertex.glsl'; import fillExtrusionPatternFrag from './fill_extrusion_pattern.fragment.glsl'; import fillExtrusionPatternVert from './fill_extrusion_pattern.vertex.glsl'; import hillshadePrepareFrag from './hillshade_prepare.fragment.glsl'; import hillshadePrepareVert from './hillshade_prepare.vertex.glsl'; import hillshadeFrag from './hillshade.fragment.glsl'; import hillshadeVert from './hillshade.vertex.glsl'; import lineFrag from './line.fragment.glsl'; import lineVert from './line.vertex.glsl'; import lineGradientFrag from './line_gradient.fragment.glsl'; import lineGradientVert from './line_gradient.vertex.glsl'; import linePatternFrag from './line_pattern.fragment.glsl'; import linePatternVert from './line_pattern.vertex.glsl'; import lineSDFFrag from './line_sdf.fragment.glsl'; import lineSDFVert from './line_sdf.vertex.glsl'; import rasterFrag from './raster.fragment.glsl'; import rasterVert from './raster.vertex.glsl'; import symbolIconFrag from './symbol_icon.fragment.glsl'; import symbolIconVert from './symbol_icon.vertex.glsl'; import symbolSDFFrag from './symbol_sdf.fragment.glsl'; import symbolSDFVert from './symbol_sdf.vertex.glsl'; import symbolTextAndIconFrag from './symbol_text_and_icon.fragment.glsl'; import symbolTextAndIconVert from './symbol_text_and_icon.vertex.glsl'; export const prelude = compile(preludeFrag, preludeVert); export const background = compile(backgroundFrag, backgroundVert); export const backgroundPattern = compile(backgroundPatternFrag, backgroundPatternVert); export const circle = compile(circleFrag, circleVert); export const clippingMask = compile(clippingMaskFrag, clippingMaskVert); export const heatmap = compile(heatmapFrag, heatmapVert); export const heatmapTexture = compile(heatmapTextureFrag, heatmapTextureVert); export const collisionBox = compile(collisionBoxFrag, collisionBoxVert); export const collisionCircle = compile(collisionCircleFrag, collisionCircleVert); export const debug = compile(debugFrag, debugVert); export const fill = compile(fillFrag, fillVert); export const fillOutline = compile(fillOutlineFrag, fillOutlineVert); export const fillOutlinePattern = compile(fillOutlinePatternFrag, fillOutlinePatternVert); export const fillPattern = compile(fillPatternFrag, fillPatternVert); export const fillExtrusion = compile(fillExtrusionFrag, fillExtrusionVert); export const fillExtrusionPattern = compile(fillExtrusionPatternFrag, fillExtrusionPatternVert); export const hillshadePrepare = compile(hillshadePrepareFrag, hillshadePrepareVert); export const hillshade = compile(hillshadeFrag, hillshadeVert); export const line = compile(lineFrag, lineVert); export const lineGradient = compile(lineGradientFrag, lineGradientVert); export const linePattern = compile(linePatternFrag, linePatternVert); export const lineSDF = compile(lineSDFFrag, lineSDFVert); export const raster = compile(rasterFrag, rasterVert); export const symbolIcon = compile(symbolIconFrag, symbolIconVert); export const symbolSDF = compile(symbolSDFFrag, symbolSDFVert); export const symbolTextAndIcon = compile(symbolTextAndIconFrag, symbolTextAndIconVert); // Expand #pragmas to #ifdefs. function compile(fragmentSource, vertexSource) { const re = /#pragma mapbox: ([\w]+) ([\w]+) ([\w]+) ([\w]+)/g; const staticAttributes = vertexSource.match(/attribute ([\w]+) ([\w]+)/g); const fragmentUniforms = fragmentSource.match(/uniform ([\w]+) ([\w]+)([\s]*)([\w]*)/g); const vertexUniforms = vertexSource.match(/uniform ([\w]+) ([\w]+)([\s]*)([\w]*)/g); const staticUniforms = vertexUniforms ? vertexUniforms.concat(fragmentUniforms) : fragmentUniforms; const fragmentPragmas = {}; fragmentSource = fragmentSource.replace(re, (match, operation, precision, type, name) => { fragmentPragmas[name] = true; if (operation === 'define') { return ` #ifndef HAS_UNIFORM_u_${name} varying ${precision} ${type} ${name}; #else uniform ${precision} ${type} u_${name}; #endif `; } else /* if (operation === 'initialize') */ { return ` #ifdef HAS_UNIFORM_u_${name} ${precision} ${type} ${name} = u_${name}; #endif `; } }); vertexSource = vertexSource.replace(re, (match, operation, precision, type, name) => { const attrType = type === 'float' ? 'vec2' : 'vec4'; const unpackType = name.match(/color/) ? 'color' : attrType; if (fragmentPragmas[name]) { if (operation === 'define') { return ` #ifndef HAS_UNIFORM_u_${name} uniform lowp float u_${name}_t; attribute ${precision} ${attrType} a_${name}; varying ${precision} ${type} ${name}; #else uniform ${precision} ${type} u_${name}; #endif `; } else /* if (operation === 'initialize') */ { if (unpackType === 'vec4') { // vec4 attributes are only used for cross-faded properties, and are not packed return ` #ifndef HAS_UNIFORM_u_${name} ${name} = a_${name}; #else ${precision} ${type} ${name} = u_${name}; #endif `; } else { return ` #ifndef HAS_UNIFORM_u_${name} ${name} = unpack_mix_${unpackType}(a_${name}, u_${name}_t); #else ${precision} ${type} ${name} = u_${name}; #endif `; } } } else { if (operation === 'define') { return ` #ifndef HAS_UNIFORM_u_${name} uniform lowp float u_${name}_t; attribute ${precision} ${attrType} a_${name}; #else uniform ${precision} ${type} u_${name}; #endif `; } else /* if (operation === 'initialize') */ { if (unpackType === 'vec4') { // vec4 attributes are only used for cross-faded properties, and are not packed return ` #ifndef HAS_UNIFORM_u_${name} ${precision} ${type} ${name} = a_${name}; #else ${precision} ${type} ${name} = u_${name}; #endif `; } else /* */{ return ` #ifndef HAS_UNIFORM_u_${name} ${precision} ${type} ${name} = unpack_mix_${unpackType}(a_${name}, u_${name}_t); #else ${precision} ${type} ${name} = u_${name}; #endif `; } } } }); return {fragmentSource, vertexSource, staticAttributes, staticUniforms}; }