#!/usr/bin/env node /* eslint-disable */ const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken'); const github = require('@octokit/rest')(); const prettyBytes = require('pretty-bytes'); const fs = require('fs'); const {execSync} = require('child_process'); const zlib = require('zlib'); const SIZE_CHECK_APP_ID = 14028; const SIZE_CHECK_APP_INSTALLATION_ID = 229425; const file = process.argv[2]; const label = process.argv[3]; const name = `Size - ${label}`; if (!file || !label) { console.log(`Usage: ${process.argv[0]} ${process.argv[1]} FILE LABEL`); process.exit(1); } const {size} = fs.statSync(file); const gzipSize = zlib.gzipSync(fs.readFileSync(file)).length; process.on('unhandledRejection', error => { // don't log `error` directly, because errors from child_process.execSync // contain an (undocumented) `envPairs` with environment variable values console.log(error.message || 'Error'); process.exit(1) }); const pk = process.env['SIZE_CHECK_APP_PRIVATE_KEY']; if (!pk) { console.log('Fork PR; not computing size.'); process.exit(0); } const key = Buffer.from(pk, 'base64').toString('binary'); const payload = { exp: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) + 60, iat: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000), iss: SIZE_CHECK_APP_ID }; const token = jwt.sign(payload, key, {algorithm: 'RS256'}); github.authenticate({type: 'app', token}); function getMergeBase() { const pr = process.env['CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST']; if (pr) { const number = +pr.match(/\/(\d+)\/?$/)[1]; return github.pullRequests.get({ owner: 'mapbox', repo: 'mapbox-gl-js', pull_number: number }).then(({data}) => { const base = data.base.ref; const head = process.env['CIRCLE_SHA1']; return execSync(`git merge-base origin/${base} ${head}`).toString().trim(); }); } else { // Walk backward through the history (maximum of 10 commits) until // finding a commit on either main or release-*; assume that's the // base branch. const head = process.env['CIRCLE_SHA1']; for (const sha of execSync(`git rev-list --max-count=10 ${head}`).toString().trim().split('\n')) { const base = execSync(`git branch -r --contains ${sha} origin/main origin/release-* origin/publisher-production`).toString().split('\n')[0].trim().replace(/^origin\//, ''); if (base) { return Promise.resolve(execSync(`git merge-base origin/${base} ${head}`).toString().trim()); } } } return Promise.resolve(null); } function getPriorSize(mergeBase) { if (!mergeBase) { console.log('No merge base available.'); return Promise.resolve(null); } return github.checks.listForRef({ owner: 'mapbox', repo: 'mapbox-gl-js', ref: mergeBase }).then(({data}) => { const run = data.check_runs.find(run => run.name === name); if (run) { const match = run.output.summary.match(/`[^`]+` is (\d+) bytes \([^\)]+\) uncompressed, (\d+) bytes \([^\)]+\) gzipped\./); if (match) { const prior = { size: +match[1], gzipSize: +match[2] }; console.log(`Prior size was ${prettyBytes(prior.size)}, gzipped ${prior.gzipSize}.`); return prior; } } console.log('No matching check found.'); return Promise.resolve(null); }); } function formatSize(size, priorSize) { if (priorSize) { const change = size - priorSize; const percent = (change / priorSize) * 100; return `${change >= 0 ? '+' : ''}${prettyBytes(change)} ${percent.toFixed(3)}% (${prettyBytes(size)})`; } else { return prettyBytes(size); } } github.apps.createInstallationToken({installation_id: SIZE_CHECK_APP_INSTALLATION_ID}) .then(({data}) => { github.authenticate({type: 'token', token: data.token}); getMergeBase().then(getPriorSize).then(prior => { const title = `${formatSize(size, prior ? prior.size : null)}, gzipped ${formatSize(gzipSize, prior ? prior.gzipSize : null)}`; const megabit = Math.pow(2, 12); const downloadTime3G = (gzipSize / (3 * megabit)).toFixed(0); const downloadTime4G = (gzipSize / (10 * megabit)).toFixed(0); const summary = `\`${file}\` is ${size} bytes (${prettyBytes(size)}) uncompressed, ${gzipSize} bytes (${prettyBytes(gzipSize)}) gzipped. That's **${downloadTime3G} seconds** over slow 3G (3 Mbps), **${downloadTime4G} seconds** over fast 4G (10 Mbps).`; console.log(`Posting check result:\n${title}\n${summary}`); return github.checks.create({ owner: 'mapbox', repo: 'mapbox-gl-js', name, head_branch: process.env['CIRCLE_BRANCH'], head_sha: process.env['CIRCLE_SHA1'], status: 'completed', conclusion: 'success', completed_at: new Date().toISOString(), output: { title, summary } }); }) });