import { assert } from "./assert.js"; import { log2, clamp } from "./math-utils.js"; import { MAX_LATITUDE, lngLatToWorld, worldToLngLat } from "./web-mercator-utils.js"; /** * Returns map settings {latitude, longitude, zoom} * that will contain the provided corners within the provided width. * * > _Note: Only supports non-perspective mode._ * * @param options fit bounds parameters * @returns - latitude, longitude and zoom */ export function fitBounds(options) { const { width, height, bounds, minExtent = 0, // 0.01 would be about 1000 meters (degree is ~110KM) maxZoom = 24, // ~x4,000,000 => About 10 meter extents offset = [0, 0] } = options; const [[west, south], [east, north]] = bounds; const padding = getPaddingObject(options.padding); const nw = lngLatToWorld([west, clamp(north, -MAX_LATITUDE, MAX_LATITUDE)]); const se = lngLatToWorld([east, clamp(south, -MAX_LATITUDE, MAX_LATITUDE)]); // width/height on the Web Mercator plane const size = [ Math.max(Math.abs(se[0] - nw[0]), minExtent), Math.max(Math.abs(se[1] - nw[1]), minExtent) ]; const targetSize = [ width - padding.left - padding.right - Math.abs(offset[0]) * 2, height - - padding.bottom - Math.abs(offset[1]) * 2 ]; assert(targetSize[0] > 0 && targetSize[1] > 0); // scale = screen pixels per unit on the Web Mercator plane const scaleX = targetSize[0] / size[0]; const scaleY = targetSize[1] / size[1]; // Find how much we need to shift the center const offsetX = (padding.right - padding.left) / 2 / scaleX; const offsetY = ( - padding.bottom) / 2 / scaleY; const center = [(se[0] + nw[0]) / 2 + offsetX, (se[1] + nw[1]) / 2 + offsetY]; const centerLngLat = worldToLngLat(center); const zoom = Math.min(maxZoom, log2(Math.abs(Math.min(scaleX, scaleY)))); assert(Number.isFinite(zoom)); return { longitude: centerLngLat[0], latitude: centerLngLat[1], zoom }; } // Helpers function getPaddingObject(padding = 0) { if (typeof padding === 'number') { return { top: padding, bottom: padding, left: padding, right: padding }; } // Make sure all the required properties are set assert(Number.isFinite( && Number.isFinite(padding.bottom) && Number.isFinite(padding.left) && Number.isFinite(padding.right)); return padding; } //#