import ValidationError from '../error/validation_error'; import getType from '../util/get_type'; import validateObject from './validate_object'; import validateArray from './validate_array'; import validateNumber from './validate_number'; import {isExpression} from '../expression'; import {unbundle, deepUnbundle} from '../util/unbundle_jsonlint'; import { supportsPropertyExpression, supportsZoomExpression, supportsInterpolation } from '../util/properties'; export default function validateFunction(options): Array { const functionValueSpec = options.valueSpec; const functionType = unbundle(options.value.type); let stopKeyType; let stopDomainValues = {}; let previousStopDomainValue; let previousStopDomainZoom; const isZoomFunction = functionType !== 'categorical' && === undefined; const isPropertyFunction = !isZoomFunction; const isZoomAndPropertyFunction = getType(options.value.stops) === 'array' && getType(options.value.stops[0]) === 'array' && getType(options.value.stops[0][0]) === 'object'; const errors = validateObject({ key: options.key, value: options.value, valueSpec: options.styleSpec.function, validateSpec: options.validateSpec, style:, styleSpec: options.styleSpec, objectElementValidators: { stops: validateFunctionStops, default: validateFunctionDefault } }); if (functionType === 'identity' && isZoomFunction) { errors.push(new ValidationError(options.key, options.value, 'missing required property "property"')); } if (functionType !== 'identity' && !options.value.stops) { errors.push(new ValidationError(options.key, options.value, 'missing required property "stops"')); } if (functionType === 'exponential' && options.valueSpec.expression && !supportsInterpolation(options.valueSpec)) { errors.push(new ValidationError(options.key, options.value, 'exponential functions not supported')); } if (options.styleSpec.$version >= 8) { if (isPropertyFunction && !supportsPropertyExpression(options.valueSpec)) { errors.push(new ValidationError(options.key, options.value, 'property functions not supported')); } else if (isZoomFunction && !supportsZoomExpression(options.valueSpec)) { errors.push(new ValidationError(options.key, options.value, 'zoom functions not supported')); } } if ((functionType === 'categorical' || isZoomAndPropertyFunction) && === undefined) { errors.push(new ValidationError(options.key, options.value, '"property" property is required')); } return errors; function validateFunctionStops(options) { if (functionType === 'identity') { return [new ValidationError(options.key, options.value, 'identity function may not have a "stops" property')]; } let errors = []; const value = options.value; errors = errors.concat(validateArray({ key: options.key, value, valueSpec: options.valueSpec, validateSpec: options.validateSpec, style:, styleSpec: options.styleSpec, arrayElementValidator: validateFunctionStop })); if (getType(value) === 'array' && value.length === 0) { errors.push(new ValidationError(options.key, value, 'array must have at least one stop')); } return errors; } function validateFunctionStop(options) { let errors = []; const value = options.value; const key = options.key; if (getType(value) !== 'array') { return [new ValidationError(key, value, `array expected, ${getType(value)} found`)]; } if (value.length !== 2) { return [new ValidationError(key, value, `array length 2 expected, length ${value.length} found`)]; } if (isZoomAndPropertyFunction) { if (getType(value[0]) !== 'object') { return [new ValidationError(key, value, `object expected, ${getType(value[0])} found`)]; } if (value[0].zoom === undefined) { return [new ValidationError(key, value, 'object stop key must have zoom')]; } if (value[0].value === undefined) { return [new ValidationError(key, value, 'object stop key must have value')]; } if (previousStopDomainZoom && previousStopDomainZoom > unbundle(value[0].zoom)) { return [new ValidationError(key, value[0].zoom, 'stop zoom values must appear in ascending order')]; } if (unbundle(value[0].zoom) !== previousStopDomainZoom) { previousStopDomainZoom = unbundle(value[0].zoom); previousStopDomainValue = undefined; stopDomainValues = {}; } errors = errors.concat(validateObject({ key: `${key}[0]`, value: value[0], valueSpec: {zoom: {}}, validateSpec: options.validateSpec, style:, styleSpec: options.styleSpec, objectElementValidators: {zoom: validateNumber, value: validateStopDomainValue} })); } else { errors = errors.concat(validateStopDomainValue({ key: `${key}[0]`, value: value[0], valueSpec: {}, validateSpec: options.validateSpec, style:, styleSpec: options.styleSpec }, value)); } if (isExpression(deepUnbundle(value[1]))) { return errors.concat([new ValidationError(`${key}[1]`, value[1], 'expressions are not allowed in function stops.')]); } return errors.concat(options.validateSpec({ key: `${key}[1]`, value: value[1], valueSpec: functionValueSpec, validateSpec: options.validateSpec, style:, styleSpec: options.styleSpec })); } function validateStopDomainValue(options, stop) { const type = getType(options.value); const value = unbundle(options.value); const reportValue = options.value !== null ? options.value : stop; if (!stopKeyType) { stopKeyType = type; } else if (type !== stopKeyType) { return [new ValidationError(options.key, reportValue, `${type} stop domain type must match previous stop domain type ${stopKeyType}`)]; } if (type !== 'number' && type !== 'string' && type !== 'boolean') { return [new ValidationError(options.key, reportValue, 'stop domain value must be a number, string, or boolean')]; } if (type !== 'number' && functionType !== 'categorical') { let message = `number expected, ${type} found`; if (supportsPropertyExpression(functionValueSpec) && functionType === undefined) { message += '\nIf you intended to use a categorical function, specify `"type": "categorical"`.'; } return [new ValidationError(options.key, reportValue, message)]; } if (functionType === 'categorical' && type === 'number' && (!isFinite(value as number) || Math.floor(value as number) !== value)) { return [new ValidationError(options.key, reportValue, `integer expected, found ${value}`)]; } if (functionType !== 'categorical' && type === 'number' && previousStopDomainValue !== undefined && value < previousStopDomainValue) { return [new ValidationError(options.key, reportValue, 'stop domain values must appear in ascending order')]; } else { previousStopDomainValue = value; } if (functionType === 'categorical' && (value as any) in stopDomainValues) { return [new ValidationError(options.key, reportValue, 'stop domain values must be unique')]; } else { stopDomainValues[value as any] = true; } return []; } function validateFunctionDefault(options): Array { return options.validateSpec({ key: options.key, value: options.value, valueSpec: functionValueSpec, validateSpec: options.validateSpec, style:, styleSpec: options.styleSpec }); } }