import extend from '../util/extend'; import ExpressionParsingError from './parsing_error'; import ParsingContext from './parsing_context'; import EvaluationContext from './evaluation_context'; import CompoundExpression, {isFeatureConstant, isGlobalPropertyConstant, isStateConstant, isExpressionConstant } from './compound_expression'; import Step from './definitions/step'; import Interpolate from './definitions/interpolate'; import Coalesce from './definitions/coalesce'; import Let from './definitions/let'; import definitions from './definitions'; import RuntimeError from './runtime_error'; import {success, error} from '../util/result'; import {supportsPropertyExpression, supportsZoomExpression, supportsInterpolation} from '../util/properties'; import type {Type, EvaluationKind} from './types'; import type {Value} from './values'; import type {Expression} from './expression'; import type {StylePropertySpecification} from '..'; import type {Result} from '../util/result'; import type {InterpolationType} from './definitions/interpolate'; import type {PropertyValueSpecification, VariableAnchorOffsetCollectionSpecification} from '../types.g'; import type {FormattedSection} from './types/formatted'; import type {Point2D} from '../point2d'; export type Feature = { readonly type: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 'Unknown' | 'Point' | 'MultiPoint' | 'LineString' | 'MultiLineString' | 'Polygon' | 'MultiPolygon'; readonly id?: any; readonly properties: {[_: string]: any}; readonly patterns?: { [_: string]: { 'min': string; 'mid': string; 'max': string; }; }; readonly geometry?: Array>; }; export type FeatureState = {[_: string]: any}; export type GlobalProperties = Readonly<{ zoom: number; heatmapDensity?: number; lineProgress?: number; isSupportedScript?: (_: string) => boolean; accumulated?: Value; }>; export class StyleExpression { expression: Expression; _evaluator: EvaluationContext; _defaultValue: Value; _warningHistory: {[key: string]: boolean}; _enumValues: {[_: string]: any}; constructor(expression: Expression, propertySpec?: StylePropertySpecification | null) { this.expression = expression; this._warningHistory = {}; this._evaluator = new EvaluationContext(); this._defaultValue = propertySpec ? getDefaultValue(propertySpec) : null; this._enumValues = propertySpec && propertySpec.type === 'enum' ? propertySpec.values : null; } evaluateWithoutErrorHandling( globals: GlobalProperties, feature?: Feature, featureState?: FeatureState, canonical?: ICanonicalTileID, availableImages?: Array, formattedSection?: FormattedSection ): any { this._evaluator.globals = globals; this._evaluator.feature = feature; this._evaluator.featureState = featureState; this._evaluator.canonical = canonical; this._evaluator.availableImages = availableImages || null; this._evaluator.formattedSection = formattedSection; return this.expression.evaluate(this._evaluator); } evaluate( globals: GlobalProperties, feature?: Feature, featureState?: FeatureState, canonical?: ICanonicalTileID, availableImages?: Array, formattedSection?: FormattedSection ): any { this._evaluator.globals = globals; this._evaluator.feature = feature || null; this._evaluator.featureState = featureState || null; this._evaluator.canonical = canonical; this._evaluator.availableImages = availableImages || null; this._evaluator.formattedSection = formattedSection || null; try { const val = this.expression.evaluate(this._evaluator); // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare if (val === null || val === undefined || (typeof val === 'number' && val !== val)) { return this._defaultValue; } if (this._enumValues && !(val in this._enumValues)) { throw new RuntimeError(`Expected value to be one of ${Object.keys(this._enumValues).map(v => JSON.stringify(v)).join(', ')}, but found ${JSON.stringify(val)} instead.`); } return val; } catch (e) { if (!this._warningHistory[e.message]) { this._warningHistory[e.message] = true; if (typeof console !== 'undefined') { console.warn(e.message); } } return this._defaultValue; } } } export function isExpression(expression: unknown) { return Array.isArray(expression) && expression.length > 0 && typeof expression[0] === 'string' && expression[0] in definitions; } /** * Parse and typecheck the given style spec JSON expression. If * options.defaultValue is provided, then the resulting StyleExpression's * `evaluate()` method will handle errors by logging a warning (once per * message) and returning the default value. Otherwise, it will throw * evaluation errors. * * @private */ export function createExpression(expression: unknown, propertySpec?: StylePropertySpecification | null): Result> { const parser = new ParsingContext(definitions, isExpressionConstant, [], propertySpec ? getExpectedType(propertySpec) : undefined); // For string-valued properties, coerce to string at the top level rather than asserting. const parsed = parser.parse(expression, undefined, undefined, undefined, propertySpec && propertySpec.type === 'string' ? {typeAnnotation: 'coerce'} : undefined); if (!parsed) { return error(parser.errors); } return success(new StyleExpression(parsed, propertySpec)); } export class ZoomConstantExpression { kind: Kind; isStateDependent: boolean; _styleExpression: StyleExpression; constructor(kind: Kind, expression: StyleExpression) { this.kind = kind; this._styleExpression = expression; this.isStateDependent = kind !== ('constant' as EvaluationKind) && !isStateConstant(expression.expression); } evaluateWithoutErrorHandling( globals: GlobalProperties, feature?: Feature, featureState?: FeatureState, canonical?: ICanonicalTileID, availableImages?: Array, formattedSection?: FormattedSection ): any { return this._styleExpression.evaluateWithoutErrorHandling(globals, feature, featureState, canonical, availableImages, formattedSection); } evaluate( globals: GlobalProperties, feature?: Feature, featureState?: FeatureState, canonical?: ICanonicalTileID, availableImages?: Array, formattedSection?: FormattedSection ): any { return this._styleExpression.evaluate(globals, feature, featureState, canonical, availableImages, formattedSection); } } export class ZoomDependentExpression { kind: Kind; zoomStops: Array; isStateDependent: boolean; _styleExpression: StyleExpression; interpolationType: InterpolationType; constructor(kind: Kind, expression: StyleExpression, zoomStops: Array, interpolationType?: InterpolationType) { this.kind = kind; this.zoomStops = zoomStops; this._styleExpression = expression; this.isStateDependent = kind !== ('camera' as EvaluationKind) && !isStateConstant(expression.expression); this.interpolationType = interpolationType; } evaluateWithoutErrorHandling( globals: GlobalProperties, feature?: Feature, featureState?: FeatureState, canonical?: ICanonicalTileID, availableImages?: Array, formattedSection?: FormattedSection ): any { return this._styleExpression.evaluateWithoutErrorHandling(globals, feature, featureState, canonical, availableImages, formattedSection); } evaluate( globals: GlobalProperties, feature?: Feature, featureState?: FeatureState, canonical?: ICanonicalTileID, availableImages?: Array, formattedSection?: FormattedSection ): any { return this._styleExpression.evaluate(globals, feature, featureState, canonical, availableImages, formattedSection); } interpolationFactor(input: number, lower: number, upper: number): number { if (this.interpolationType) { return Interpolate.interpolationFactor(this.interpolationType, input, lower, upper); } else { return 0; } } } export function isZoomExpression(expression: any): expression is ZoomConstantExpression<'source'> | ZoomDependentExpression<'source'> { return (expression as ZoomConstantExpression<'source'>)._styleExpression !== undefined; } export type ConstantExpression = { kind: 'constant'; readonly evaluate: ( globals: GlobalProperties, feature?: Feature, featureState?: FeatureState, canonical?: ICanonicalTileID, availableImages?: Array ) => any; }; export type SourceExpression = { kind: 'source'; isStateDependent: boolean; readonly evaluate: ( globals: GlobalProperties, feature?: Feature, featureState?: FeatureState, canonical?: ICanonicalTileID, availableImages?: Array, formattedSection?: FormattedSection ) => any; }; export type CameraExpression = { kind: 'camera'; readonly evaluate: ( globals: GlobalProperties, feature?: Feature, featureState?: FeatureState, canonical?: ICanonicalTileID, availableImages?: Array ) => any; readonly interpolationFactor: (input: number, lower: number, upper: number) => number; zoomStops: Array; interpolationType: InterpolationType; }; export type CompositeExpression = { kind: 'composite'; isStateDependent: boolean; readonly evaluate: ( globals: GlobalProperties, feature?: Feature, featureState?: FeatureState, canonical?: ICanonicalTileID, availableImages?: Array, formattedSection?: FormattedSection ) => any; readonly interpolationFactor: (input: number, lower: number, upper: number) => number; zoomStops: Array; interpolationType: InterpolationType; }; export type StylePropertyExpression = ConstantExpression | SourceExpression | CameraExpression | CompositeExpression; export function createPropertyExpression(expressionInput: unknown, propertySpec: StylePropertySpecification): Result> { const expression = createExpression(expressionInput, propertySpec); if (expression.result === 'error') { return expression; } const parsed = expression.value.expression; const isFeatureConstantResult = isFeatureConstant(parsed); if (!isFeatureConstantResult && !supportsPropertyExpression(propertySpec)) { return error([new ExpressionParsingError('', 'data expressions not supported')]); } const isZoomConstant = isGlobalPropertyConstant(parsed, ['zoom']); if (!isZoomConstant && !supportsZoomExpression(propertySpec)) { return error([new ExpressionParsingError('', 'zoom expressions not supported')]); } const zoomCurve = findZoomCurve(parsed); if (!zoomCurve && !isZoomConstant) { return error([new ExpressionParsingError('', '"zoom" expression may only be used as input to a top-level "step" or "interpolate" expression.')]); } else if (zoomCurve instanceof ExpressionParsingError) { return error([zoomCurve]); } else if (zoomCurve instanceof Interpolate && !supportsInterpolation(propertySpec)) { return error([new ExpressionParsingError('', '"interpolate" expressions cannot be used with this property')]); } if (!zoomCurve) { return success(isFeatureConstantResult ? (new ZoomConstantExpression('constant', expression.value) as ConstantExpression) : (new ZoomConstantExpression('source', expression.value) as SourceExpression)); } const interpolationType = zoomCurve instanceof Interpolate ? zoomCurve.interpolation : undefined; return success(isFeatureConstantResult ? (new ZoomDependentExpression('camera', expression.value, zoomCurve.labels, interpolationType) as CameraExpression) : (new ZoomDependentExpression('composite', expression.value, zoomCurve.labels, interpolationType) as CompositeExpression)); } import {isFunction, createFunction} from '../function'; import {Color, VariableAnchorOffsetCollection} from './values'; // serialization wrapper for old-style stop functions normalized to the // expression interface export class StylePropertyFunction { _parameters: PropertyValueSpecification; _specification: StylePropertySpecification; kind: EvaluationKind; evaluate: (globals: GlobalProperties, feature?: Feature) => any; interpolationFactor: ((input: number, lower: number, upper: number) => number); zoomStops: Array; constructor(parameters: PropertyValueSpecification, specification: StylePropertySpecification) { this._parameters = parameters; this._specification = specification; extend(this, createFunction(this._parameters, this._specification)); } static deserialize(serialized: { _parameters: PropertyValueSpecification; _specification: StylePropertySpecification; }) { return new StylePropertyFunction(serialized._parameters, serialized._specification) as StylePropertyFunction; } static serialize(input: StylePropertyFunction) { return { _parameters: input._parameters, _specification: input._specification }; } } export function normalizePropertyExpression( value: PropertyValueSpecification, specification: StylePropertySpecification ): StylePropertyExpression { if (isFunction(value)) { return new StylePropertyFunction(value, specification) as any; } else if (isExpression(value)) { const expression = createPropertyExpression(value, specification); if (expression.result === 'error') { // this should have been caught in validation throw new Error( => `${err.key}: ${err.message}`).join(', ')); } return expression.value; } else { let constant: any = value; if (specification.type === 'color' && typeof value === 'string') { constant = Color.parse(value); } else if (specification.type === 'padding' && (typeof value === 'number' || Array.isArray(value))) { constant = Padding.parse(value as (number | number[])); } else if (specification.type === 'variableAnchorOffsetCollection' && Array.isArray(value)) { constant = VariableAnchorOffsetCollection.parse(value as VariableAnchorOffsetCollectionSpecification); } return { kind: 'constant', evaluate: () => constant }; } } // Zoom-dependent expressions may only use ["zoom"] as the input to a top-level "step" or "interpolate" // expression (collectively referred to as a "curve"). The curve may be wrapped in one or more "let" or // "coalesce" expressions. function findZoomCurve(expression: Expression): Step | Interpolate | ExpressionParsingError | null { let result = null; if (expression instanceof Let) { result = findZoomCurve(expression.result); } else if (expression instanceof Coalesce) { for (const arg of expression.args) { result = findZoomCurve(arg); if (result) { break; } } } else if ((expression instanceof Step || expression instanceof Interpolate) && expression.input instanceof CompoundExpression && === 'zoom') { result = expression; } if (result instanceof ExpressionParsingError) { return result; } expression.eachChild((child) => { const childResult = findZoomCurve(child); if (childResult instanceof ExpressionParsingError) { result = childResult; } else if (!result && childResult) { result = new ExpressionParsingError('', '"zoom" expression may only be used as input to a top-level "step" or "interpolate" expression.'); } else if (result && childResult && result !== childResult) { result = new ExpressionParsingError('', 'Only one zoom-based "step" or "interpolate" subexpression may be used in an expression.'); } }); return result; } import {ColorType, StringType, NumberType, BooleanType, ValueType, FormattedType, PaddingType, ResolvedImageType, VariableAnchorOffsetCollectionType, array} from './types'; import Padding from '../util/padding'; import {ICanonicalTileID} from '../tiles_and_coordinates'; function getExpectedType(spec: StylePropertySpecification): Type { const types = { color: ColorType, string: StringType, number: NumberType, enum: StringType, boolean: BooleanType, formatted: FormattedType, padding: PaddingType, resolvedImage: ResolvedImageType, variableAnchorOffsetCollection: VariableAnchorOffsetCollectionType }; if (spec.type === 'array') { return array(types[spec.value] || ValueType, spec.length); } return types[spec.type]; } function getDefaultValue(spec: StylePropertySpecification): Value { if (spec.type === 'color' && isFunction(spec.default)) { // Special case for heatmap-color: it uses the 'default:' to define a // default color ramp, but createExpression expects a simple value to fall // back to in case of runtime errors return new Color(0, 0, 0, 0); } else if (spec.type === 'color') { return Color.parse(spec.default) || null; } else if (spec.type === 'padding') { return Padding.parse(spec.default) || null; } else if (spec.type === 'variableAnchorOffsetCollection') { return VariableAnchorOffsetCollection.parse(spec.default) || null; } else if (spec.default === undefined) { return null; } else { return spec.default; } }