import toDenseArray from './lib/to_dense_array.js'; import StringSet from './lib/string_set.js'; import render from './render.js'; import * as Constants from './constants.js'; export default function Store(ctx) { this._features = {}; this._featureIds = new StringSet(); this._selectedFeatureIds = new StringSet(); this._selectedCoordinates = []; this._changedFeatureIds = new StringSet(); this._emitSelectionChange = false; this._mapInitialConfig = {}; this.ctx = ctx; this.sources = { hot: [], cold: [] }; // Deduplicate requests to render and tie them to animation frames. let renderRequest; this.render = () => { if (!renderRequest) { renderRequest = requestAnimationFrame(() => { renderRequest = null;; // Fire deduplicated selection change event if (this._emitSelectionChange) {, { features: this.getSelected().map(feature => feature.toGeoJSON()), points: this.getSelectedCoordinates().map(coordinate => ({ type: Constants.geojsonTypes.FEATURE, properties: {}, geometry: { type: Constants.geojsonTypes.POINT, coordinates: coordinate.coordinates } })) }); this._emitSelectionChange = false; } // Fire render event, {}); }); } }; this.isDirty = false; } /** * Delays all rendering until the returned function is invoked * @return {Function} renderBatch */ Store.prototype.createRenderBatch = function() { const holdRender = this.render; let numRenders = 0; this.render = function() { numRenders++; }; return () => { this.render = holdRender; if (numRenders > 0) { this.render(); } }; }; /** * Sets the store's state to dirty. * @return {Store} this */ Store.prototype.setDirty = function() { this.isDirty = true; return this; }; /** * Sets a feature's state to changed. * @param {string} featureId * @return {Store} this */ Store.prototype.featureCreated = function(featureId, options = {}) { this._changedFeatureIds.add(featureId); const silent = options.silent != null ? options.silent : this.ctx.options.suppressAPIEvents; if (silent !== true) { const feature = this.get(featureId);, { features: [feature.toGeoJSON()] }); } return this; }; /** * Sets a feature's state to changed. * @param {string} featureId * @return {Store} this */ Store.prototype.featureChanged = function(featureId, options = {}) { this._changedFeatureIds.add(featureId); const silent = options.silent != null ? options.silent : this.ctx.options.suppressAPIEvents; if (silent !== true) {, { action: options.action ? options.action : Constants.updateActions.CHANGE_COORDINATES, features: [this.get(featureId).toGeoJSON()] }); } return this; }; /** * Gets the ids of all features currently in changed state. * @return {Store} this */ Store.prototype.getChangedIds = function() { return this._changedFeatureIds.values(); }; /** * Sets all features to unchanged state. * @return {Store} this */ Store.prototype.clearChangedIds = function() { this._changedFeatureIds.clear(); return this; }; /** * Gets the ids of all features in the store. * @return {Store} this */ Store.prototype.getAllIds = function() { return this._featureIds.values(); }; /** * Adds a feature to the store. * @param {Object} feature * @param {Object} [options] * @param {Object} [options.silent] - If `true`, this invocation will not fire an event. * * @return {Store} this */ Store.prototype.add = function(feature, options = {}) { this._features[] = feature; this._featureIds.add(; this.featureCreated(, {silent: options.silent}); return this; }; /** * Deletes a feature or array of features from the store. * Cleans up after the deletion by deselecting the features. * If changes were made, sets the state to the dirty * and fires an event. * @param {string | Array} featureIds * @param {Object} [options] * @param {Object} [options.silent] - If `true`, this invocation will not fire an event. * @return {Store} this */ Store.prototype.delete = function(featureIds, options = {}) { const deletedFeaturesToEmit = []; toDenseArray(featureIds).forEach((id) => { if (!this._featureIds.has(id)) return; this._featureIds.delete(id); this._selectedFeatureIds.delete(id); if (!options.silent) { if (deletedFeaturesToEmit.indexOf(this._features[id]) === -1) { deletedFeaturesToEmit.push(this._features[id].toGeoJSON()); } } delete this._features[id]; this.isDirty = true; }); if (deletedFeaturesToEmit.length) {, {features: deletedFeaturesToEmit}); } refreshSelectedCoordinates(this, options); return this; }; /** * Returns a feature in the store matching the specified value. * @return {Object | undefined} feature */ Store.prototype.get = function(id) { return this._features[id]; }; /** * Returns all features in the store. * @return {Array} */ Store.prototype.getAll = function() { return Object.keys(this._features).map(id => this._features[id]); }; /** * Adds features to the current selection. * @param {string | Array} featureIds * @param {Object} [options] * @param {Object} [options.silent] - If `true`, this invocation will not fire an event. * @return {Store} this */ = function(featureIds, options = {}) { toDenseArray(featureIds).forEach((id) => { if (this._selectedFeatureIds.has(id)) return; this._selectedFeatureIds.add(id); this._changedFeatureIds.add(id); if (!options.silent) { this._emitSelectionChange = true; } }); return this; }; /** * Deletes features from the current selection. * @param {string | Array} featureIds * @param {Object} [options] * @param {Object} [options.silent] - If `true`, this invocation will not fire an event. * @return {Store} this */ Store.prototype.deselect = function(featureIds, options = {}) { toDenseArray(featureIds).forEach((id) => { if (!this._selectedFeatureIds.has(id)) return; this._selectedFeatureIds.delete(id); this._changedFeatureIds.add(id); if (!options.silent) { this._emitSelectionChange = true; } }); refreshSelectedCoordinates(this, options); return this; }; /** * Clears the current selection. * @param {Object} [options] * @param {Object} [options.silent] - If `true`, this invocation will not fire an event. * @return {Store} this */ Store.prototype.clearSelected = function(options = {}) { this.deselect(this._selectedFeatureIds.values(), { silent: options.silent }); return this; }; /** * Sets the store's selection, clearing any prior values. * If no feature ids are passed, the store is just cleared. * @param {string | Array | undefined} featureIds * @param {Object} [options] * @param {Object} [options.silent] - If `true`, this invocation will not fire an event. * @return {Store} this */ Store.prototype.setSelected = function(featureIds, options = {}) { featureIds = toDenseArray(featureIds); // Deselect any features not in the new selection this.deselect(this._selectedFeatureIds.values().filter(id => featureIds.indexOf(id) === -1), { silent: options.silent }); // Select any features in the new selection that were not already selected => !this._selectedFeatureIds.has(id)), { silent: options.silent }); return this; }; /** * Sets the store's coordinates selection, clearing any prior values. * @param {Array>} coordinates * @return {Store} this */ Store.prototype.setSelectedCoordinates = function(coordinates) { this._selectedCoordinates = coordinates; this._emitSelectionChange = true; return this; }; /** * Clears the current coordinates selection. * @param {Object} [options] * @return {Store} this */ Store.prototype.clearSelectedCoordinates = function() { this._selectedCoordinates = []; this._emitSelectionChange = true; return this; }; /** * Returns the ids of features in the current selection. * @return {Array} Selected feature ids. */ Store.prototype.getSelectedIds = function() { return this._selectedFeatureIds.values(); }; /** * Returns features in the current selection. * @return {Array} Selected features. */ Store.prototype.getSelected = function() { return this.getSelectedIds().map(id => this.get(id)); }; /** * Returns selected coordinates in the currently selected feature. * @return {Array} Selected coordinates. */ Store.prototype.getSelectedCoordinates = function() { const selected = => { const feature = this.get(coordinate.feature_id); return { coordinates: feature.getCoordinate(coordinate.coord_path) }; }); return selected; }; /** * Indicates whether a feature is selected. * @param {string} featureId * @return {boolean} `true` if the feature is selected, `false` if not. */ Store.prototype.isSelected = function(featureId) { return this._selectedFeatureIds.has(featureId); }; /** * Sets a property on the given feature * @param {string} featureId * @param {string} property property * @param {string} property value * @param {Object} [options] * @param {Object} [options.silent] - If `true`, this invocation will not fire an event. */ Store.prototype.setFeatureProperty = function(featureId, property, value, options = {}) { this.get(featureId).setProperty(property, value); this.featureChanged(featureId, { silent: options.silent, action: Constants.updateActions.CHANGE_PROPERTIES }); }; function refreshSelectedCoordinates(store, options = {}) { const newSelectedCoordinates = store._selectedCoordinates.filter(point => store._selectedFeatureIds.has(point.feature_id)); if (store._selectedCoordinates.length !== newSelectedCoordinates.length && !options.silent) { store._emitSelectionChange = true; } store._selectedCoordinates = newSelectedCoordinates; } /** * Stores the initial config for a map, so that we can set it again after we're done. */ Store.prototype.storeMapConfig = function() { Constants.interactions.forEach((interaction) => { const interactionSet =[interaction]; if (interactionSet) { this._mapInitialConfig[interaction] =[interaction].isEnabled(); } }); }; /** * Restores the initial config for a map, ensuring all is well. */ Store.prototype.restoreMapConfig = function() { Object.keys(this._mapInitialConfig).forEach((key) => { const value = this._mapInitialConfig[key]; if (value) {[key].enable(); } else {[key].disable(); } }); }; /** * Returns the initial state of an interaction setting. * @param {string} interaction * @return {boolean} `true` if the interaction is enabled, `false` if not. * Defaults to `true`. (Todo: include defaults.) */ Store.prototype.getInitialConfigValue = function(interaction) { if (this._mapInitialConfig[interaction] !== undefined) { return this._mapInitialConfig[interaction]; } else { // This needs to be set to whatever the default is for that interaction // It seems to be true for all cases currently, so let's send back `true`. return true; } };