import * as Constants from './constants.js'; import styles from './lib/theme.js'; import modes from './modes/index.js'; const defaultOptions = { defaultMode: Constants.modes.SIMPLE_SELECT, keybindings: true, touchEnabled: true, clickBuffer: 2, touchBuffer: 25, boxSelect: true, displayControlsDefault: true, styles, modes, controls: {}, userProperties: false, suppressAPIEvents: true }; const showControls = { point: true, line_string: true, polygon: true, trash: true, combine_features: true, uncombine_features: true }; const hideControls = { point: false, line_string: false, polygon: false, trash: false, combine_features: false, uncombine_features: false }; function addSources(styles, sourceBucket) { return => { if (style.source) return style; return Object.assign({}, style, { id: `${}.${sourceBucket}`, source: (sourceBucket === 'hot') ? Constants.sources.HOT : Constants.sources.COLD }); }); } export default function(options = {}) { let withDefaults = Object.assign({}, options); if (!options.controls) { withDefaults.controls = {}; } if (options.displayControlsDefault === false) { withDefaults.controls = Object.assign({}, hideControls, options.controls); } else { withDefaults.controls = Object.assign({}, showControls, options.controls); } withDefaults = Object.assign({}, defaultOptions, withDefaults); // Layers with a shared source should be adjacent for performance reasons withDefaults.styles = addSources(withDefaults.styles, 'cold').concat(addSources(withDefaults.styles, 'hot')); return withDefaults; }