import * as CommonSelectors from '../lib/common_selectors.js'; import mouseEventPoint from '../lib/mouse_event_point.js'; import createSupplementaryPoints from '../lib/create_supplementary_points.js'; import StringSet from '../lib/string_set.js'; import doubleClickZoom from '../lib/double_click_zoom.js'; import moveFeatures from '../lib/move_features.js'; import * as Constants from '../constants.js'; const SimpleSelect = {}; SimpleSelect.onSetup = function(opts) { // turn the opts into state. const state = { dragMoveLocation: null, boxSelectStartLocation: null, boxSelectElement: undefined, boxSelecting: false, canBoxSelect: false, dragMoving: false, canDragMove: false, initialDragPanState:, initiallySelectedFeatureIds: opts.featureIds || [] }; this.setSelected(state.initiallySelectedFeatureIds.filter(id => this.getFeature(id) !== undefined)); this.fireActionable(); this.setActionableState({ combineFeatures: true, uncombineFeatures: true, trash: true }); return state; }; SimpleSelect.fireUpdate = function() {, { action: Constants.updateActions.MOVE, features: this.getSelected().map(f => f.toGeoJSON()) }); }; SimpleSelect.fireActionable = function() { const selectedFeatures = this.getSelected(); const multiFeatures = selectedFeatures.filter( feature => this.isInstanceOf('MultiFeature', feature) ); let combineFeatures = false; if (selectedFeatures.length > 1) { combineFeatures = true; const featureType = selectedFeatures[0].type.replace('Multi', ''); selectedFeatures.forEach((feature) => { if (feature.type.replace('Multi', '') !== featureType) { combineFeatures = false; } }); } const uncombineFeatures = multiFeatures.length > 0; const trash = selectedFeatures.length > 0; this.setActionableState({ combineFeatures, uncombineFeatures, trash }); }; SimpleSelect.getUniqueIds = function(allFeatures) { if (!allFeatures.length) return []; const ids = => .filter(id => id !== undefined) .reduce((memo, id) => { memo.add(id); return memo; }, new StringSet()); return ids.values(); }; SimpleSelect.stopExtendedInteractions = function(state) { if (state.boxSelectElement) { if (state.boxSelectElement.parentNode) state.boxSelectElement.parentNode.removeChild(state.boxSelectElement); state.boxSelectElement = null; } if ((state.canDragMove || state.canBoxSelect) && state.initialDragPanState === true) {; } state.boxSelecting = false; state.canBoxSelect = false; state.dragMoving = false; state.canDragMove = false; }; SimpleSelect.onStop = function() { doubleClickZoom.enable(this); }; SimpleSelect.onMouseMove = function(state, e) { const isFeature = CommonSelectors.isFeature(e); if (isFeature && state.dragMoving) this.fireUpdate(); // On mousemove that is not a drag, stop extended interactions. // This is useful if you drag off the canvas, release the button, // then move the mouse back over the canvas --- we don't allow the // interaction to continue then, but we do let it continue if you held // the mouse button that whole time this.stopExtendedInteractions(state); // Skip render return true; }; SimpleSelect.onMouseOut = function(state) { // As soon as you mouse leaves the canvas, update the feature if (state.dragMoving) return this.fireUpdate(); // Skip render return true; }; SimpleSelect.onTap = SimpleSelect.onClick = function(state, e) { // Click (with or without shift) on no feature if (CommonSelectors.noTarget(e)) return this.clickAnywhere(state, e); // also tap if (CommonSelectors.isOfMetaType(Constants.meta.VERTEX)(e)) return this.clickOnVertex(state, e); //tap if (CommonSelectors.isFeature(e)) return this.clickOnFeature(state, e); }; SimpleSelect.clickAnywhere = function (state) { // Clear the re-render selection const wasSelected = this.getSelectedIds(); if (wasSelected.length) { this.clearSelectedFeatures(); wasSelected.forEach(id => this.doRender(id)); } doubleClickZoom.enable(this); this.stopExtendedInteractions(state); }; SimpleSelect.clickOnVertex = function(state, e) { // Enter direct select mode this.changeMode(Constants.modes.DIRECT_SELECT, { featureId:, coordPath:, startPos: e.lngLat }); this.updateUIClasses({ mouse: Constants.cursors.MOVE }); }; SimpleSelect.startOnActiveFeature = function(state, e) { // Stop any already-underway extended interactions this.stopExtendedInteractions(state); // Disable map.dragPan immediately so it can't start; // Re-render it and enable drag move this.doRender(; // Set up the state for drag moving state.canDragMove = true; state.dragMoveLocation = e.lngLat; }; SimpleSelect.clickOnFeature = function(state, e) { // Stop everything doubleClickZoom.disable(this); this.stopExtendedInteractions(state); const isShiftClick = CommonSelectors.isShiftDown(e); const selectedFeatureIds = this.getSelectedIds(); const featureId =; const isFeatureSelected = this.isSelected(featureId); // Click (without shift) on any selected feature but a point if (!isShiftClick && isFeatureSelected && this.getFeature(featureId).type !== Constants.geojsonTypes.POINT) { // Enter direct select mode return this.changeMode(Constants.modes.DIRECT_SELECT, { featureId }); } // Shift-click on a selected feature if (isFeatureSelected && isShiftClick) { // Deselect it this.deselect(featureId); this.updateUIClasses({ mouse: Constants.cursors.POINTER }); if (selectedFeatureIds.length === 1) { doubleClickZoom.enable(this); } // Shift-click on an unselected feature } else if (!isFeatureSelected && isShiftClick) { // Add it to the selection; this.updateUIClasses({ mouse: Constants.cursors.MOVE }); // Click (without shift) on an unselected feature } else if (!isFeatureSelected && !isShiftClick) { // Make it the only selected feature selectedFeatureIds.forEach(id => this.doRender(id)); this.setSelected(featureId); this.updateUIClasses({ mouse: Constants.cursors.MOVE }); } // No matter what, re-render the clicked feature this.doRender(featureId); }; SimpleSelect.onMouseDown = function(state, e) { state.initialDragPanState =; if (CommonSelectors.isActiveFeature(e)) return this.startOnActiveFeature(state, e); if (this.drawConfig.boxSelect && CommonSelectors.isShiftMousedown(e)) return this.startBoxSelect(state, e); }; SimpleSelect.startBoxSelect = function(state, e) { this.stopExtendedInteractions(state);; // Enable box select state.boxSelectStartLocation = mouseEventPoint(e.originalEvent,; state.canBoxSelect = true; }; SimpleSelect.onTouchStart = function(state, e) { if (CommonSelectors.isActiveFeature(e)) return this.startOnActiveFeature(state, e); }; SimpleSelect.onDrag = function(state, e) { if (state.canDragMove) return this.dragMove(state, e); if (this.drawConfig.boxSelect && state.canBoxSelect) return this.whileBoxSelect(state, e); }; SimpleSelect.whileBoxSelect = function(state, e) { state.boxSelecting = true; this.updateUIClasses({ mouse: Constants.cursors.ADD }); // Create the box node if it doesn't exist if (!state.boxSelectElement) { state.boxSelectElement = document.createElement('div'); state.boxSelectElement.classList.add(Constants.classes.BOX_SELECT);; } // Adjust the box node's width and xy position const current = mouseEventPoint(e.originalEvent,; const minX = Math.min(state.boxSelectStartLocation.x, current.x); const maxX = Math.max(state.boxSelectStartLocation.x, current.x); const minY = Math.min(state.boxSelectStartLocation.y, current.y); const maxY = Math.max(state.boxSelectStartLocation.y, current.y); const translateValue = `translate(${minX}px, ${minY}px)`; = translateValue; = translateValue; = `${maxX - minX}px`; = `${maxY - minY}px`; }; SimpleSelect.dragMove = function(state, e) { // Dragging when drag move is enabled state.dragMoving = true; e.originalEvent.stopPropagation(); const delta = { lng: e.lngLat.lng - state.dragMoveLocation.lng, lat: - }; moveFeatures(this.getSelected(), delta); state.dragMoveLocation = e.lngLat; }; SimpleSelect.onTouchEnd = SimpleSelect.onMouseUp = function(state, e) { // End any extended interactions if (state.dragMoving) { this.fireUpdate(); } else if (state.boxSelecting) { const bbox = [ state.boxSelectStartLocation, mouseEventPoint(e.originalEvent, ]; const featuresInBox = this.featuresAt(null, bbox, 'click'); const idsToSelect = this.getUniqueIds(featuresInBox) .filter(id => !this.isSelected(id)); if (idsToSelect.length) {; idsToSelect.forEach(id => this.doRender(id)); this.updateUIClasses({ mouse: Constants.cursors.MOVE }); } } this.stopExtendedInteractions(state); }; SimpleSelect.toDisplayFeatures = function(state, geojson, display) { = (this.isSelected( ? Constants.activeStates.ACTIVE : Constants.activeStates.INACTIVE; display(geojson); this.fireActionable(); if ( !== Constants.activeStates.ACTIVE || geojson.geometry.type === Constants.geojsonTypes.POINT) return; createSupplementaryPoints(geojson).forEach(display); }; SimpleSelect.onTrash = function() { this.deleteFeature(this.getSelectedIds()); this.fireActionable(); }; SimpleSelect.onCombineFeatures = function() { const selectedFeatures = this.getSelected(); if (selectedFeatures.length === 0 || selectedFeatures.length < 2) return; const coordinates = [], featuresCombined = []; const featureType = selectedFeatures[0].type.replace('Multi', ''); for (let i = 0; i < selectedFeatures.length; i++) { const feature = selectedFeatures[i]; if (feature.type.replace('Multi', '') !== featureType) { return; } if (feature.type.includes('Multi')) { feature.getCoordinates().forEach((subcoords) => { coordinates.push(subcoords); }); } else { coordinates.push(feature.getCoordinates()); } featuresCombined.push(feature.toGeoJSON()); } if (featuresCombined.length > 1) { const multiFeature = this.newFeature({ type: Constants.geojsonTypes.FEATURE, properties: featuresCombined[0].properties, geometry: { type: `Multi${featureType}`, coordinates } }); this.addFeature(multiFeature); this.deleteFeature(this.getSelectedIds(), { silent: true }); this.setSelected([]);, { createdFeatures: [multiFeature.toGeoJSON()], deletedFeatures: featuresCombined }); } this.fireActionable(); }; SimpleSelect.onUncombineFeatures = function() { const selectedFeatures = this.getSelected(); if (selectedFeatures.length === 0) return; const createdFeatures = []; const featuresUncombined = []; for (let i = 0; i < selectedFeatures.length; i++) { const feature = selectedFeatures[i]; if (this.isInstanceOf('MultiFeature', feature)) { feature.getFeatures().forEach((subFeature) => { this.addFeature(subFeature); =; createdFeatures.push(subFeature.toGeoJSON());[]); }); this.deleteFeature(, { silent: true }); featuresUncombined.push(feature.toGeoJSON()); } } if (createdFeatures.length > 1) {, { createdFeatures, deletedFeatures: featuresUncombined }); } this.fireActionable(); }; export default SimpleSelect;