import createVertex from './create_vertex.js'; import createMidpoint from './create_midpoint.js'; import * as Constants from '../constants.js'; function createSupplementaryPoints(geojson, options = {}, basePath = null) { const { type, coordinates } = geojson.geometry; const featureId = &&; let supplementaryPoints = []; if (type === Constants.geojsonTypes.POINT) { // For points, just create a vertex supplementaryPoints.push(createVertex(featureId, coordinates, basePath, isSelectedPath(basePath))); } else if (type === Constants.geojsonTypes.POLYGON) { // Cycle through a Polygon's rings and // process each line coordinates.forEach((line, lineIndex) => { processLine(line, (basePath !== null) ? `${basePath}.${lineIndex}` : String(lineIndex)); }); } else if (type === Constants.geojsonTypes.LINE_STRING) { processLine(coordinates, basePath); } else if (type.indexOf(Constants.geojsonTypes.MULTI_PREFIX) === 0) { processMultiGeometry(); } function processLine(line, lineBasePath) { let firstPointString = ''; let lastVertex = null; line.forEach((point, pointIndex) => { const pointPath = (lineBasePath !== undefined && lineBasePath !== null) ? `${lineBasePath}.${pointIndex}` : String(pointIndex); const vertex = createVertex(featureId, point, pointPath, isSelectedPath(pointPath)); // If we're creating midpoints, check if there was a // vertex before this one. If so, add a midpoint // between that vertex and this one. if (options.midpoints && lastVertex) { const midpoint = createMidpoint(featureId, lastVertex, vertex); if (midpoint) { supplementaryPoints.push(midpoint); } } lastVertex = vertex; // A Polygon line's last point is the same as the first point. If we're on the last // point, we want to draw a midpoint before it but not another vertex on it // (since we already a vertex there, from the first point). const stringifiedPoint = JSON.stringify(point); if (firstPointString !== stringifiedPoint) { supplementaryPoints.push(vertex); } if (pointIndex === 0) { firstPointString = stringifiedPoint; } }); } function isSelectedPath(path) { if (!options.selectedPaths) return false; return options.selectedPaths.indexOf(path) !== -1; } // Split a multi-geometry into constituent // geometries, and accumulate the supplementary points // for each of those constituents function processMultiGeometry() { const subType = type.replace(Constants.geojsonTypes.MULTI_PREFIX, ''); coordinates.forEach((subCoordinates, index) => { const subFeature = { type: Constants.geojsonTypes.FEATURE, properties:, geometry: { type: subType, coordinates: subCoordinates } }; supplementaryPoints = supplementaryPoints.concat(createSupplementaryPoints(subFeature, options, index)); }); } return supplementaryPoints; } export default createSupplementaryPoints;