// luma.gl // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // Copyright (c) vis.gl contributors // Tables describing WebGL parameters import { GL } from '@luma.gl/constants'; // DEFAULT SETTINGS - FOR FAST CACHE INITIALIZATION AND CONTEXT RESETS /* eslint-disable no-shadow */ export const GL_PARAMETER_DEFAULTS = { [3042]: false, [32773]: new Float32Array([0, 0, 0, 0]), [32777]: 32774, [34877]: 32774, [32969]: 1, [32968]: 0, [32971]: 1, [32970]: 0, [3106]: new Float32Array([0, 0, 0, 0]), // TBD [3107]: [true, true, true, true], [2884]: false, [2885]: 1029, [2929]: false, [2931]: 1, [2932]: 513, [2928]: new Float32Array([0, 1]), // TBD [2930]: true, [3024]: true, [35725]: null, // FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING and DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING(WebGL2) refer same state. [36006]: null, [36007]: null, [34229]: null, [34964]: null, [2886]: 2305, [33170]: 4352, [2849]: 1, [32823]: false, [32824]: 0, [10752]: 0, [32926]: false, [32928]: false, [32938]: 1.0, [32939]: false, [3089]: false, // Note: Dynamic value. If scissor test enabled we expect users to set correct scissor box [3088]: new Int32Array([0, 0, 1024, 1024]), [2960]: false, [2961]: 0, [2968]: 0xffffffff, [36005]: 0xffffffff, [2962]: 519, [2967]: 0, [2963]: 0xffffffff, [34816]: 519, [36003]: 0, [36004]: 0xffffffff, [2964]: 7680, [2965]: 7680, [2966]: 7680, [34817]: 7680, [34818]: 7680, [34819]: 7680, // Dynamic value: We use [0, 0, 1024, 1024] as default, but usually this is updated in each frame. [2978]: [0, 0, 1024, 1024], [36389]: null, [36662]: null, [36663]: null, [35053]: null, [35055]: null, [35723]: 4352, [36010]: null, [35977]: false, [3333]: 4, [3317]: 4, [37440]: false, [37441]: false, [37443]: 37444, [3330]: 0, [3332]: 0, [3331]: 0, [3314]: 0, [32878]: 0, [3316]: 0, [3315]: 0, [32877]: 0 }; // SETTER TABLES - ENABLES SETTING ANY PARAMETER WITH A COMMON API const enable = (gl, value, key) => value ? gl.enable(key) : gl.disable(key); const hint = (gl, value, key) => gl.hint(key, value); const pixelStorei = (gl, value, key) => gl.pixelStorei(key, value); const bindFramebuffer = (gl, value, key) => { const target = key === 36006 ? 36009 : 36008; return gl.bindFramebuffer(target, value); }; const bindBuffer = (gl, value, key) => { const bindingMap = { [34964]: 34962, [36662]: 36662, [36663]: 36663, [35053]: 35051, [35055]: 35052 }; const glTarget = bindingMap[key]; gl.bindBuffer(glTarget, value); }; // Utility function isArray(array) { return Array.isArray(array) || (ArrayBuffer.isView(array) && !(array instanceof DataView)); } // Map from WebGL parameter names to corresponding WebGL setter functions // WegGL constants are read by parameter names, but set by function names // NOTE: When value type is a string, it will be handled by 'GL_COMPOSITE_PARAMETER_SETTERS' export const GL_PARAMETER_SETTERS = { [3042]: enable, [32773]: (gl, value) => gl.blendColor(...value), [32777]: 'blendEquation', [34877]: 'blendEquation', [32969]: 'blendFunc', [32968]: 'blendFunc', [32971]: 'blendFunc', [32970]: 'blendFunc', [3106]: (gl, value) => gl.clearColor(...value), [3107]: (gl, value) => gl.colorMask(...value), [2884]: enable, [2885]: (gl, value) => gl.cullFace(value), [2929]: enable, [2931]: (gl, value) => gl.clearDepth(value), [2932]: (gl, value) => gl.depthFunc(value), [2928]: (gl, value) => gl.depthRange(...value), [2930]: (gl, value) => gl.depthMask(value), [3024]: enable, [35723]: hint, [35725]: (gl, value) => gl.useProgram(value), [36007]: (gl, value) => gl.bindRenderbuffer(36161, value), [36389]: (gl, value) => gl.bindTransformFeedback?.(36386, value), [34229]: (gl, value) => gl.bindVertexArray(value), // NOTE: FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING and DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING(WebGL2) refer same state. [36006]: bindFramebuffer, [36010]: bindFramebuffer, // Buffers [34964]: bindBuffer, [36662]: bindBuffer, [36663]: bindBuffer, [35053]: bindBuffer, [35055]: bindBuffer, [2886]: (gl, value) => gl.frontFace(value), [33170]: hint, [2849]: (gl, value) => gl.lineWidth(value), [32823]: enable, [32824]: 'polygonOffset', [10752]: 'polygonOffset', [35977]: enable, [32926]: enable, [32928]: enable, [32938]: 'sampleCoverage', [32939]: 'sampleCoverage', [3089]: enable, [3088]: (gl, value) => gl.scissor(...value), [2960]: enable, [2961]: (gl, value) => gl.clearStencil(value), [2968]: (gl, value) => gl.stencilMaskSeparate(1028, value), [36005]: (gl, value) => gl.stencilMaskSeparate(1029, value), [2962]: 'stencilFuncFront', [2967]: 'stencilFuncFront', [2963]: 'stencilFuncFront', [34816]: 'stencilFuncBack', [36003]: 'stencilFuncBack', [36004]: 'stencilFuncBack', [2964]: 'stencilOpFront', [2965]: 'stencilOpFront', [2966]: 'stencilOpFront', [34817]: 'stencilOpBack', [34818]: 'stencilOpBack', [34819]: 'stencilOpBack', [2978]: (gl, value) => gl.viewport(...value), // WEBGL2 EXTENSIONS // EXT_depth_clamp https://registry.khronos.org/webgl/extensions/EXT_depth_clamp/ [34383]: enable, // WEBGL_provoking_vertex https://registry.khronos.org/webgl/extensions/WEBGL_provoking_vertex/ // [GL.PROVOKING_VERTEX_WEBL]: TODO - extension function needed // WEBGL_polygon_mode https://registry.khronos.org/webgl/extensions/WEBGL_polygon_mode/ // POLYGON_MODE_WEBGL TODO - extension function needed [10754]: enable, // WEBGL_clip_cull_distance https://registry.khronos.org/webgl/extensions/WEBGL_clip_cull_distance/ [12288]: enable, [12289]: enable, [12290]: enable, [12291]: enable, [12292]: enable, [12293]: enable, [12294]: enable, [12295]: enable, // PIXEL PACK/UNPACK MODES [3333]: pixelStorei, [3317]: pixelStorei, [37440]: pixelStorei, [37441]: pixelStorei, [37443]: pixelStorei, [3330]: pixelStorei, [3332]: pixelStorei, [3331]: pixelStorei, [3314]: pixelStorei, [32878]: pixelStorei, [3316]: pixelStorei, [3315]: pixelStorei, [32877]: pixelStorei, // Function-style setters framebuffer: (gl, framebuffer) => { // accepts 1) a WebGLFramebuffer 2) null (default framebuffer), or 3) luma.gl Framebuffer class // framebuffer is null when restoring to default framebuffer, otherwise use the WebGL handle. const handle = framebuffer && 'handle' in framebuffer ? framebuffer.handle : framebuffer; return gl.bindFramebuffer(36160, handle); }, blend: (gl, value) => value ? gl.enable(3042) : gl.disable(3042), blendColor: (gl, value) => gl.blendColor(...value), blendEquation: (gl, args) => { const separateModes = typeof args === 'number' ? [args, args] : args; gl.blendEquationSeparate(...separateModes); }, blendFunc: (gl, args) => { const separateFuncs = args?.length === 2 ? [...args, ...args] : args; gl.blendFuncSeparate(...separateFuncs); }, clearColor: (gl, value) => gl.clearColor(...value), clearDepth: (gl, value) => gl.clearDepth(value), clearStencil: (gl, value) => gl.clearStencil(value), colorMask: (gl, value) => gl.colorMask(...value), cull: (gl, value) => value ? gl.enable(2884) : gl.disable(2884), cullFace: (gl, value) => gl.cullFace(value), depthTest: (gl, value) => value ? gl.enable(2929) : gl.disable(2929), depthFunc: (gl, value) => gl.depthFunc(value), depthMask: (gl, value) => gl.depthMask(value), depthRange: (gl, value) => gl.depthRange(...value), dither: (gl, value) => value ? gl.enable(3024) : gl.disable(3024), derivativeHint: (gl, value) => { // gl1: 'OES_standard_derivatives' gl.hint(35723, value); }, frontFace: (gl, value) => gl.frontFace(value), mipmapHint: (gl, value) => gl.hint(33170, value), lineWidth: (gl, value) => gl.lineWidth(value), polygonOffsetFill: (gl, value) => value ? gl.enable(32823) : gl.disable(32823), polygonOffset: (gl, value) => gl.polygonOffset(...value), sampleCoverage: (gl, value) => gl.sampleCoverage(value[0], value[1] || false), scissorTest: (gl, value) => value ? gl.enable(3089) : gl.disable(3089), scissor: (gl, value) => gl.scissor(...value), stencilTest: (gl, value) => value ? gl.enable(2960) : gl.disable(2960), stencilMask: (gl, value) => { value = isArray(value) ? value : [value, value]; const [mask, backMask] = value; gl.stencilMaskSeparate(1028, mask); gl.stencilMaskSeparate(1029, backMask); }, stencilFunc: (gl, args) => { args = isArray(args) && args.length === 3 ? [...args, ...args] : args; const [func, ref, mask, backFunc, backRef, backMask] = args; gl.stencilFuncSeparate(1028, func, ref, mask); gl.stencilFuncSeparate(1029, backFunc, backRef, backMask); }, stencilOp: (gl, args) => { args = isArray(args) && args.length === 3 ? [...args, ...args] : args; const [sfail, dpfail, dppass, backSfail, backDpfail, backDppass] = args; gl.stencilOpSeparate(1028, sfail, dpfail, dppass); gl.stencilOpSeparate(1029, backSfail, backDpfail, backDppass); }, viewport: (gl, value) => gl.viewport(...value) }; function getValue(glEnum, values, cache) { return values[glEnum] !== undefined ? values[glEnum] : cache[glEnum]; } // COMPOSITE_WEBGL_PARAMETER_ export const GL_COMPOSITE_PARAMETER_SETTERS = { blendEquation: (gl, values, cache) => gl.blendEquationSeparate(getValue(32777, values, cache), getValue(34877, values, cache)), blendFunc: (gl, values, cache) => gl.blendFuncSeparate(getValue(32969, values, cache), getValue(32968, values, cache), getValue(32971, values, cache), getValue(32970, values, cache)), polygonOffset: (gl, values, cache) => gl.polygonOffset(getValue(32824, values, cache), getValue(10752, values, cache)), sampleCoverage: (gl, values, cache) => gl.sampleCoverage(getValue(32938, values, cache), getValue(32939, values, cache)), stencilFuncFront: (gl, values, cache) => gl.stencilFuncSeparate(1028, getValue(2962, values, cache), getValue(2967, values, cache), getValue(2963, values, cache)), stencilFuncBack: (gl, values, cache) => gl.stencilFuncSeparate(1029, getValue(34816, values, cache), getValue(36003, values, cache), getValue(36004, values, cache)), stencilOpFront: (gl, values, cache) => gl.stencilOpSeparate(1028, getValue(2964, values, cache), getValue(2965, values, cache), getValue(2966, values, cache)), stencilOpBack: (gl, values, cache) => gl.stencilOpSeparate(1029, getValue(34817, values, cache), getValue(34818, values, cache), getValue(34819, values, cache)) }; // Setter functions intercepted for cache updates export const GL_HOOKED_SETTERS = { // GENERIC SETTERS enable: (update, capability) => update({ [capability]: true }), disable: (update, capability) => update({ [capability]: false }), pixelStorei: (update, pname, value) => update({ [pname]: value }), hint: (update, pname, value) => update({ [pname]: value }), // SPECIFIC SETTERS useProgram: (update, value) => update({ [35725]: value }), bindRenderbuffer: (update, target, value) => update({ [36007]: value }), bindTransformFeedback: (update, target, value) => update({ [36389]: value }), bindVertexArray: (update, value) => update({ [34229]: value }), bindFramebuffer: (update, target, framebuffer) => { switch (target) { case 36160: return update({ [36006]: framebuffer, [36010]: framebuffer }); case 36009: return update({ [36006]: framebuffer }); case 36008: return update({ [36010]: framebuffer }); default: return null; } }, bindBuffer: (update, target, buffer) => { const pname = { [34962]: [34964], [36662]: [36662], [36663]: [36663], [35051]: [35053], [35052]: [35055] }[target]; if (pname) { return update({ [pname]: buffer }); } // targets that should not be cached return { valueChanged: true }; }, blendColor: (update, r, g, b, a) => update({ [32773]: new Float32Array([r, g, b, a]) }), blendEquation: (update, mode) => update({ [32777]: mode, [34877]: mode }), blendEquationSeparate: (update, modeRGB, modeAlpha) => update({ [32777]: modeRGB, [34877]: modeAlpha }), blendFunc: (update, src, dst) => update({ [32969]: src, [32968]: dst, [32971]: src, [32970]: dst }), blendFuncSeparate: (update, srcRGB, dstRGB, srcAlpha, dstAlpha) => update({ [32969]: srcRGB, [32968]: dstRGB, [32971]: srcAlpha, [32970]: dstAlpha }), clearColor: (update, r, g, b, a) => update({ [3106]: new Float32Array([r, g, b, a]) }), clearDepth: (update, depth) => update({ [2931]: depth }), clearStencil: (update, s) => update({ [2961]: s }), colorMask: (update, r, g, b, a) => update({ [3107]: [r, g, b, a] }), cullFace: (update, mode) => update({ [2885]: mode }), depthFunc: (update, func) => update({ [2932]: func }), depthRange: (update, zNear, zFar) => update({ [2928]: new Float32Array([zNear, zFar]) }), depthMask: (update, mask) => update({ [2930]: mask }), frontFace: (update, face) => update({ [2886]: face }), lineWidth: (update, width) => update({ [2849]: width }), polygonOffset: (update, factor, units) => update({ [32824]: factor, [10752]: units }), sampleCoverage: (update, value, invert) => update({ [32938]: value, [32939]: invert }), scissor: (update, x, y, width, height) => update({ [3088]: new Int32Array([x, y, width, height]) }), stencilMask: (update, mask) => update({ [2968]: mask, [36005]: mask }), stencilMaskSeparate: (update, face, mask) => update({ [face === 1028 ? 2968 : 36005]: mask }), stencilFunc: (update, func, ref, mask) => update({ [2962]: func, [2967]: ref, [2963]: mask, [34816]: func, [36003]: ref, [36004]: mask }), stencilFuncSeparate: (update, face, func, ref, mask) => update({ [face === 1028 ? 2962 : 34816]: func, [face === 1028 ? 2967 : 36003]: ref, [face === 1028 ? 2963 : 36004]: mask }), stencilOp: (update, fail, zfail, zpass) => update({ [2964]: fail, [2965]: zfail, [2966]: zpass, [34817]: fail, [34818]: zfail, [34819]: zpass }), stencilOpSeparate: (update, face, fail, zfail, zpass) => update({ [face === 1028 ? 2964 : 34817]: fail, [face === 1028 ? 2965 : 34818]: zfail, [face === 1028 ? 2966 : 34819]: zpass }), viewport: (update, x, y, width, height) => update({ [2978]: [x, y, width, height] }) }; // GETTER TABLE - FOR READING OUT AN ENTIRE CONTEXT const isEnabled = (gl, key) => gl.isEnabled(key); // Exceptions for any keys that cannot be queried by gl.getParameters export const GL_PARAMETER_GETTERS = { [3042]: isEnabled, [2884]: isEnabled, [2929]: isEnabled, [3024]: isEnabled, [32823]: isEnabled, [32926]: isEnabled, [32928]: isEnabled, [3089]: isEnabled, [2960]: isEnabled, [35977]: isEnabled }; export const NON_CACHE_PARAMETERS = new Set([ 34016, 36388, 36387, 35983, 35368, 34965, 35739, 35738, 3074, 34853, 34854, 34855, 34856, 34857, 34858, 34859, 34860, 34861, 34862, 34863, 34864, 34865, 34866, 34867, 34868, 35097, 32873, 35869, 32874, 34068 ]); //# sourceMappingURL=webgl-parameter-tables.js.map