import type { GLParameters } from ''; export type { GLParameters }; /** * Sets any GL parameter regardless of function (gl.blendMode, ...) * * @note requires a `cache` object to be set on the context (gl.state.cache) * This object is used to fill in any missing values for composite setter functions */ export declare function setGLParameters(gl: WebGL2RenderingContext, parameters: GLParameters): void; /** * Reads the entire WebGL state from a context // default to querying all parameters * @returns - a newly created map, with values keyed by GL parameters * * @note Copies the state from a context (gl.getParameter should not be overriden) * Reads the entire WebGL state from a context * * @note This can generates a huge amount of synchronous driver roundtrips and should be * considered a very slow operation, to be used only if/when a context already manipulated * by external code needs to be synchronized for the first time */ export declare function getGLParameters(gl: WebGL2RenderingContext, parameters?: keyof GLParameters | (keyof GLParameters)[] | GLParameters): GLParameters; /** * Reset all parameters to a (almost) pure context state * @note viewport and scissor will be set to the values in GL_PARAMETER_DEFAULTS, * NOT the canvas size dimensions, so they will have to be properly set after * calling this function. */ export declare function resetGLParameters(gl: WebGL2RenderingContext): void; //#