import type { RenderPipelineProps, RenderPipelineParameters, PrimitiveTopology, ShaderLayout, UniformValue, Binding, RenderPass, VertexArray } from ''; import { RenderPipeline } from ''; import { WebGLDevice } from "../webgl-device.js"; import { WEBGLShader } from "./webgl-shader.js"; import { WEBGLTransformFeedback } from "./webgl-transform-feedback.js"; /** Creates a new render pipeline */ export declare class WEBGLRenderPipeline extends RenderPipeline { /** The WebGL device that created this render pipeline */ device: WebGLDevice; /** Handle to underlying WebGL program */ handle: WebGLProgram; /** vertex shader */ vs: WEBGLShader; /** fragment shader */ fs: WEBGLShader; /** The layout extracted from shader by WebGL introspection APIs */ introspectedLayout: ShaderLayout; /** Uniforms set on this model */ uniforms: Record; /** Bindings set on this model */ bindings: Record; /** WebGL varyings */ varyings: string[] | null; _uniformCount: number; _uniformSetters: Record; constructor(device: WebGLDevice, props: RenderPipelineProps); destroy(): void; /** * Bindings include: textures, samplers and uniform buffers * @todo needed for portable model */ setBindings(bindings: Record, options?: { disableWarnings?: boolean; }): void; /** @todo needed for portable model * @note The WebGL API is offers many ways to draw things * This function unifies those ways into a single call using common parameters with sane defaults */ draw(options: { renderPass: RenderPass; parameters?: RenderPipelineParameters; topology?: PrimitiveTopology; vertexArray: VertexArray; isInstanced?: boolean; vertexCount?: number; indexCount?: number; instanceCount?: number; firstVertex?: number; firstIndex?: number; firstInstance?: number; baseVertex?: number; transformFeedback?: WEBGLTransformFeedback; }): boolean; setUniformsWebGL(uniforms: Record): void; protected _linkShaders(): Promise; /** Report link status. First, check for shader compilation failures if linking fails */ _reportLinkStatus(status: 'success' | 'linking' | 'validation'): Promise; /** * Get the shader compilation status * TODO - Load log even when no error reported, to catch warnings? * */ _getLinkStatus(): 'success' | 'linking' | 'validation'; /** Use KHR_parallel_shader_compile extension if available */ _waitForLinkComplete(): Promise; /** * Checks if all texture-values uniforms are renderable (i.e. loaded) * Update a texture if needed (e.g. from video) * Note: This is currently done before every draw call */ _areTexturesRenderable(): boolean; /** Apply any bindings (before each draw call) */ _applyBindings(): void; /** * Due to program sharing, uniforms need to be reset before every draw call * (though caching will avoid redundant WebGL calls) */ _applyUniforms(): void; } //#