// luma.gl // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // Copyright (c) vis.gl contributors import {Vector3, Matrix4, NumericArray} from '@math.gl/core'; import {uid} from '../utils/uid'; /** Properties for creating a new Scenegraph */ export type ScenegraphNodeProps = { id?: string; /** whether to display the object at all */ display?: boolean; matrix?: NumericArray; position?: NumericArray; rotation?: NumericArray; scale?: NumericArray; update?: boolean; }; export class ScenegraphNode { readonly id: string; matrix: Matrix4 = new Matrix4(); display = true; position = new Vector3(); rotation = new Vector3(); scale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); userData: Record = {}; props: ScenegraphNodeProps = {}; constructor(props: ScenegraphNodeProps = {}) { const {id} = props; this.id = id || uid(this.constructor.name); this._setScenegraphNodeProps(props); } getBounds(): [number[], number[]] | null { return null; } destroy(): void {} /** @deprecated use .destroy() */ delete(): void { this.destroy(); } setProps(props: ScenegraphNodeProps): this { this._setScenegraphNodeProps(props); return this; } toString(): string { return `{type: ScenegraphNode, id: ${this.id})}`; } setPosition(position: any): this { // assert(position.length === 3, 'setPosition requires vector argument'); this.position = position; return this; } setRotation(rotation: any): this { // assert(rotation.length === 3, 'setRotation requires vector argument'); this.rotation = rotation; return this; } setScale(scale: any): this { // assert(scale.length === 3, 'setScale requires vector argument'); this.scale = scale; return this; } setMatrix(matrix: any, copyMatrix: boolean = true): void { if (copyMatrix) { this.matrix.copy(matrix); } else { this.matrix = matrix; } } setMatrixComponents(components: { position?: any; rotation?: any; scale?: any; update?: boolean; }): this { const {position, rotation, scale, update = true} = components; if (position) { this.setPosition(position); } if (rotation) { this.setRotation(rotation); } if (scale) { this.setScale(scale); } if (update) { this.updateMatrix(); } return this; } updateMatrix(): this { const pos = this.position; const rot = this.rotation; const scale = this.scale; this.matrix.identity(); this.matrix.translate(pos); this.matrix.rotateXYZ(rot); this.matrix.scale(scale); return this; } update(options: {position?: any; rotation?: any; scale?: any} = {}): this { const {position, rotation, scale} = options; if (position) { this.setPosition(position); } if (rotation) { this.setRotation(rotation); } if (scale) { this.setScale(scale); } this.updateMatrix(); return this; } getCoordinateUniforms( viewMatrix: any, modelMatrix?: any ): { viewMatrix: any; modelMatrix: any; objectMatrix: any; worldMatrix: any; worldInverseMatrix: any; worldInverseTransposeMatrix: any; } { // TODO - solve multiple class problem // assert(viewMatrix instanceof Matrix4); // assert(viewMatrix); modelMatrix = modelMatrix || this.matrix; const worldMatrix = new Matrix4(viewMatrix).multiplyRight(modelMatrix); const worldInverse = worldMatrix.invert(); const worldInverseTranspose = worldInverse.transpose(); return { viewMatrix, modelMatrix, objectMatrix: modelMatrix, worldMatrix, worldInverseMatrix: worldInverse, worldInverseTransposeMatrix: worldInverseTranspose }; } // TODO - copied code, not yet vetted /* transform() { if (!this.parent) { this.endPosition.set(this.position); this.endRotation.set(this.rotation); this.endScale.set(this.scale); } else { const parent = this.parent; this.endPosition.set(this.position.add(parent.endPosition)); this.endRotation.set(this.rotation.add(parent.endRotation)); this.endScale.set(this.scale.add(parent.endScale)); } const ch = this.children; for (let i = 0; i < ch.length; ++i) { ch[i].transform(); } return this; } */ _setScenegraphNodeProps(props: ScenegraphNodeProps): void { // if ('display' in props) { // this.display = props.display; // } if ('position' in props) { this.setPosition(props.position); } if ('rotation' in props) { this.setRotation(props.rotation); } if ('scale' in props) { this.setScale(props.scale); } // Matrix overwrites other props if ('matrix' in props) { this.setMatrix(props.matrix); } Object.assign(this.props, props); } }