import {Matrix4, Vector3} from ''; import {log} from ''; import {ScenegraphNode, ScenegraphNodeProps} from './scenegraph-node'; export type GroupNodeProps = ScenegraphNodeProps & { children?: ScenegraphNode[]; }; export class GroupNode extends ScenegraphNode { children: ScenegraphNode[]; constructor(children: ScenegraphNode[]); constructor(props?: GroupNodeProps); constructor(props: ScenegraphNode[] | GroupNodeProps = {}) { props = Array.isArray(props) ? {children: props} : props; const {children = []} = props; log.assert( children.every(child => child instanceof ScenegraphNode), 'every child must an instance of ScenegraphNode' ); super(props); this.children = children; } override getBounds(): [number[], number[]] | null { const result: [number[], number[]] = [ [Infinity, Infinity, Infinity], [-Infinity, -Infinity, -Infinity] ]; this.traverse((node, {worldMatrix}) => { const bounds = node.getBounds(); if (!bounds) { return; } const [min, max] = bounds; const center = new Vector3(min).add(max).divide([2, 2, 2]); worldMatrix.transformAsPoint(center, center); const halfSize = new Vector3(max).subtract(min).divide([2, 2, 2]); worldMatrix.transformAsVector(halfSize, halfSize); for (let v = 0; v < 8; v++) { // Test all 8 corners of the box const position = new Vector3(v & 0b001 ? -1 : 1, v & 0b010 ? -1 : 1, v & 0b100 ? -1 : 1) .multiply(halfSize) .add(center); for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { result[0][i] = Math.min(result[0][i], position[i]); result[1][i] = Math.max(result[1][i], position[i]); } } }); if (!Number.isFinite(result[0][0])) { return null; } return result; } override destroy(): void { this.children.forEach(child => child.destroy()); this.removeAll(); super.destroy(); } // Unpacks arrays and nested arrays of children add(...children: (ScenegraphNode | ScenegraphNode[])[]): this { for (const child of children) { if (Array.isArray(child)) { this.add(...child); } else { this.children.push(child); } } return this; } remove(child: ScenegraphNode): this { const children = this.children; const indexOf = children.indexOf(child); if (indexOf > -1) { children.splice(indexOf, 1); } return this; } removeAll(): this { this.children = []; return this; } traverse( visitor: (node: ScenegraphNode, context: {worldMatrix: Matrix4}) => void, {worldMatrix = new Matrix4()} = {} ) { const modelMatrix = new Matrix4(worldMatrix).multiplyRight(this.matrix); for (const child of this.children) { if (child instanceof GroupNode) { child.traverse(visitor, {worldMatrix: modelMatrix}); } else { visitor(child, {worldMatrix: modelMatrix}); } } } }