import type {PrimitiveTopology, BufferLayout} from ''; import {Device, Buffer, uid, assert, getVertexFormatFromAttribute} from ''; import type {Geometry} from '../geometry/geometry'; export type GPUGeometryProps = { id?: string; /** Determines how vertices are read from the 'vertex' attributes */ topology: | 'point-list' | 'line-list' | 'line-strip' | 'line-loop-webgl' | 'triangle-list' | 'triangle-strip' | 'triangle-fan-webgl'; /** Auto calculated from attributes if not provided */ vertexCount: number; bufferLayout: BufferLayout[]; indices?: Buffer | null; attributes: Record; }; export class GPUGeometry { readonly id: string; userData: Record = {}; /** Determines how vertices are read from the 'vertex' attributes */ readonly topology?: PrimitiveTopology; readonly bufferLayout: BufferLayout[] = []; readonly vertexCount: number; readonly indices?: Buffer | null; readonly attributes: Record; constructor(props: GPUGeometryProps) { = || uid('geometry'); this.topology = props.topology; this.indices = props.indices || null; this.attributes = props.attributes; this.vertexCount = props.vertexCount; this.bufferLayout = props.bufferLayout || []; if (this.indices) { assert(this.indices.usage === Buffer.INDEX); } } destroy(): void { this.indices?.destroy(); for (const attribute of Object.values(this.attributes)) { attribute.destroy(); } } getVertexCount(): number { return this.vertexCount; } getAttributes(): Record { return this.attributes; } getIndexes(): Buffer | null { return this.indices; } _calculateVertexCount(positions: Buffer): number { // Assume that positions is a fully packed float32x3 buffer const vertexCount = positions.byteLength / 12; return vertexCount; } } export function makeGPUGeometry(device: Device, geometry: Geometry | GPUGeometry): GPUGeometry { if (geometry instanceof GPUGeometry) { return geometry; } const indices = getIndexBufferFromGeometry(device, geometry); const {attributes, bufferLayout} = getAttributeBuffersFromGeometry(device, geometry); return new GPUGeometry({ topology: geometry.topology || 'triangle-list', bufferLayout, vertexCount: geometry.vertexCount, indices, attributes }); } export function getIndexBufferFromGeometry(device: Device, geometry: Geometry): Buffer | undefined { if (!geometry.indices) { return undefined; } const data = geometry.indices.value; return device.createBuffer({usage: Buffer.INDEX, data}); } export function getAttributeBuffersFromGeometry( device: Device, geometry: Geometry ): {attributes: Record; bufferLayout: BufferLayout[]; vertexCount: number} { const bufferLayout: BufferLayout[] = []; const attributes: Record = {}; for (const [attributeName, attribute] of Object.entries(geometry.attributes)) { let name: string = attributeName; // TODO Map some GLTF attribute names (is this still needed?) switch (attributeName) { case 'POSITION': name = 'positions'; break; case 'NORMAL': name = 'normals'; break; case 'TEXCOORD_0': name = 'texCoords'; break; case 'COLOR_0': name = 'colors'; break; } attributes[name] = device.createBuffer({data: attribute.value, id: `${attributeName}-buffer`}); const {value, size, normalized} = attribute; bufferLayout.push({name, format: getVertexFormatFromAttribute(value, size, normalized)}); } const vertexCount = geometry._calculateVertexCount(geometry.attributes, geometry.indices); return {attributes, bufferLayout, vertexCount}; }