// loaders.gl // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // Copyright (c) vis.gl contributors import { DataViewFile, compareArrayBuffers, concatenateArrayBuffers } from '@loaders.gl/loader-utils'; import { parseEoCDRecord } from "./end-of-central-directory.js"; import { createZip64Info, setFieldToNumber } from "./zip64-info-generation.js"; // offsets accroding to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZIP_(file_format) const CD_COMPRESSED_SIZE_OFFSET = 20; const CD_UNCOMPRESSED_SIZE_OFFSET = 24; const CD_FILE_NAME_LENGTH_OFFSET = 28; const CD_EXTRA_FIELD_LENGTH_OFFSET = 30; const CD_START_DISK_OFFSET = 32; const CD_LOCAL_HEADER_OFFSET_OFFSET = 42; const CD_FILE_NAME_OFFSET = 46n; export const signature = new Uint8Array([0x50, 0x4b, 0x01, 0x02]); /** * Parses central directory file header of zip file * @param headerOffset - offset in the archive where header starts * @param buffer - buffer containing whole array * @returns Info from the header */ export const parseZipCDFileHeader = async (headerOffset, file) => { if (headerOffset >= file.length) { return null; } const mainHeader = new DataView(await file.slice(headerOffset, headerOffset + CD_FILE_NAME_OFFSET)); const magicBytes = mainHeader.buffer.slice(0, 4); if (!compareArrayBuffers(magicBytes, signature.buffer)) { return null; } const compressedSize = BigInt(mainHeader.getUint32(CD_COMPRESSED_SIZE_OFFSET, true)); const uncompressedSize = BigInt(mainHeader.getUint32(CD_UNCOMPRESSED_SIZE_OFFSET, true)); const extraFieldLength = mainHeader.getUint16(CD_EXTRA_FIELD_LENGTH_OFFSET, true); const startDisk = BigInt(mainHeader.getUint16(CD_START_DISK_OFFSET, true)); const fileNameLength = mainHeader.getUint16(CD_FILE_NAME_LENGTH_OFFSET, true); const additionalHeader = await file.slice(headerOffset + CD_FILE_NAME_OFFSET, headerOffset + CD_FILE_NAME_OFFSET + BigInt(fileNameLength + extraFieldLength)); const filenameBytes = additionalHeader.slice(0, fileNameLength); const fileName = new TextDecoder().decode(filenameBytes); const extraOffset = headerOffset + CD_FILE_NAME_OFFSET + BigInt(fileNameLength); const oldFormatOffset = mainHeader.getUint32(CD_LOCAL_HEADER_OFFSET_OFFSET, true); const localHeaderOffset = BigInt(oldFormatOffset); const extraField = new DataView(additionalHeader.slice(fileNameLength, additionalHeader.byteLength)); // looking for info that might be also be in zip64 extra field const zip64data = { uncompressedSize, compressedSize, localHeaderOffset, startDisk }; const res = findZip64DataInExtra(zip64data, extraField); return { ...zip64data, ...res, extraFieldLength, fileNameLength, fileName, extraOffset }; }; /** * Create iterator over files of zip archive * @param fileProvider - file provider that provider random access to the file */ export async function* makeZipCDHeaderIterator(fileProvider) { const { cdStartOffset, cdByteSize } = await parseEoCDRecord(fileProvider); const centralDirectory = new DataViewFile(new DataView(await fileProvider.slice(cdStartOffset, cdStartOffset + cdByteSize))); let cdHeader = await parseZipCDFileHeader(0n, centralDirectory); while (cdHeader) { yield cdHeader; cdHeader = await parseZipCDFileHeader(cdHeader.extraOffset + BigInt(cdHeader.extraFieldLength), centralDirectory); } } /** * returns the number written in the provided bytes * @param bytes two bytes containing the number * @returns the number written in the provided bytes */ const getUint16 = (...bytes) => { return bytes[0] + bytes[1] * 16; }; /** * reads all nesessary data from zip64 record in the extra data * @param zip64data values that might be in zip64 record * @param extraField full extra data * @returns data read from zip64 */ const findZip64DataInExtra = (zip64data, extraField) => { const zip64dataList = findExpectedData(zip64data); const zip64DataRes = {}; if (zip64dataList.length > 0) { // total length of data in zip64 notation in bytes const zip64chunkSize = zip64dataList.reduce((sum, curr) => sum + curr.length, 0); // we're looking for the zip64 nontation header (0x0001) // and a size field with a correct value next to it const offsetInExtraData = new Uint8Array(extraField.buffer).findIndex((_val, i, arr) => getUint16(arr[i], arr[i + 1]) === 0x0001 && getUint16(arr[i + 2], arr[i + 3]) === zip64chunkSize); // then we read all the nesessary fields from the zip64 data let bytesRead = 0; for (const note of zip64dataList) { const offset = bytesRead; zip64DataRes[note.name] = extraField.getBigUint64(offsetInExtraData + 4 + offset, true); bytesRead = offset + note.length; } } return zip64DataRes; }; /** * frind data that's expected to be in zip64 * @param zip64data values that might be in zip64 record * @returns zip64 data description */ const findExpectedData = (zip64data) => { // We define fields that should be in zip64 data const zip64dataList = []; if (zip64data.uncompressedSize === BigInt(0xffffffff)) { zip64dataList.push({ name: 'uncompressedSize', length: 8 }); } if (zip64data.compressedSize === BigInt(0xffffffff)) { zip64dataList.push({ name: 'compressedSize', length: 8 }); } if (zip64data.localHeaderOffset === BigInt(0xffffffff)) { zip64dataList.push({ name: 'localHeaderOffset', length: 8 }); } if (zip64data.startDisk === BigInt(0xffffffff)) { zip64dataList.push({ name: 'startDisk', length: 4 }); } return zip64dataList; }; /** * generates cd header for the file * @param options info that can be placed into cd header * @returns buffer with header */ export function generateCDHeader(options) { const optionsToUse = { ...options, fnlength: options.fileName.length, extraLength: 0 }; let zip64header = new ArrayBuffer(0); const optionsToZip64 = {}; if (optionsToUse.offset >= 0xffffffff) { optionsToZip64.offset = optionsToUse.offset; optionsToUse.offset = BigInt(0xffffffff); } if (optionsToUse.length >= 0xffffffff) { optionsToZip64.size = optionsToUse.length; optionsToUse.length = 0xffffffff; } if (Object.keys(optionsToZip64).length) { zip64header = createZip64Info(optionsToZip64); optionsToUse.extraLength = zip64header.byteLength; } const header = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(Number(CD_FILE_NAME_OFFSET))); for (const field of ZIP_HEADER_FIELDS) { setFieldToNumber(header, field.size, field.offset, optionsToUse[field.name ?? ''] ?? field.default ?? 0); } const encodedName = new TextEncoder().encode(optionsToUse.fileName); const resHeader = concatenateArrayBuffers(header.buffer, encodedName, zip64header); return resHeader; } /** Fields map */ const ZIP_HEADER_FIELDS = [ // Central directory file header signature = 0x02014b50 { offset: 0, size: 4, default: new DataView(signature.buffer).getUint32(0, true) }, // Version made by { offset: 4, size: 2, default: 45 }, // Version needed to extract (minimum) { offset: 6, size: 2, default: 45 }, // General purpose bit flag { offset: 8, size: 2, default: 0 }, // Compression method { offset: 10, size: 2, default: 0 }, // File last modification time { offset: 12, size: 2, default: 0 }, // File last modification date { offset: 14, size: 2, default: 0 }, // CRC-32 of uncompressed data { offset: 16, size: 4, name: 'crc32' }, // Compressed size (or 0xffffffff for ZIP64) { offset: 20, size: 4, name: 'length' }, // Uncompressed size (or 0xffffffff for ZIP64) { offset: 24, size: 4, name: 'length' }, // File name length (n) { offset: 28, size: 2, name: 'fnlength' }, // Extra field length (m) { offset: 30, size: 2, default: 0, name: 'extraLength' }, // File comment length (k) { offset: 32, size: 2, default: 0 }, // Disk number where file starts (or 0xffff for ZIP64) { offset: 34, size: 2, default: 0 }, // Internal file attributes { offset: 36, size: 2, default: 0 }, // External file attributes { offset: 38, size: 4, default: 0 }, // Relative offset of local file header { offset: 42, size: 4, name: 'offset' } ];