// loaders.gl // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // Copyright (c) vis.gl contributors /* global importScripts */ import { isBrowser, isWorker } from "../env-utils/globals.js"; import { assert } from "../env-utils/assert.js"; import { VERSION } from "../env-utils/version.js"; const loadLibraryPromises = {}; // promises /** * Dynamically loads a library ("module") * * - wasm library: Array buffer is returned * - js library: Parse JS is returned * * Method depends on environment * - browser - script element is created and installed on document * - worker - eval is called on global context * - node - file is required * * @param libraryUrl * @param moduleName * @param options */ export async function loadLibrary(libraryUrl, moduleName = null, options = {}, libraryName = null) { if (moduleName) { libraryUrl = getLibraryUrl(libraryUrl, moduleName, options, libraryName); } // Ensure libraries are only loaded once loadLibraryPromises[libraryUrl] = // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises loadLibraryPromises[libraryUrl] || loadLibraryFromFile(libraryUrl); return await loadLibraryPromises[libraryUrl]; } // TODO - sort out how to resolve paths for main/worker and dev/prod export function getLibraryUrl(library, moduleName, options = {}, libraryName = null) { // Check if already a URL if (!options.useLocalLibraries && library.startsWith('http')) { return library; } libraryName = libraryName || library; // Allow application to import and supply libraries through `options.modules` // TODO - See js-module-utils in loader-utils const modules = options.modules || {}; if (modules[libraryName]) { return modules[libraryName]; } // Load from local files, not from CDN scripts in Node.js // TODO - needs to locate the modules directory when installed! if (!isBrowser) { return `modules/${moduleName}/dist/libs/${libraryName}`; } // In browser, load from external scripts if (options.CDN) { assert(options.CDN.startsWith('http')); return `${options.CDN}/${moduleName}@${VERSION}/dist/libs/${libraryName}`; } // TODO - loading inside workers requires paths relative to worker script location... if (isWorker) { return `../src/libs/${libraryName}`; } return `modules/${moduleName}/src/libs/${libraryName}`; } async function loadLibraryFromFile(libraryUrl) { if (libraryUrl.endsWith('wasm')) { return await loadAsArrayBuffer(libraryUrl); } if (!isBrowser) { // TODO - Node doesn't yet support dynamic import from https URLs // try { // return await import(libraryUrl); // } catch (error) { // console.error(error); // } try { const { requireFromFile } = globalThis.loaders || {}; return await requireFromFile?.(libraryUrl); } catch (error) { console.error(error); // eslint-disable-line no-console return null; } } if (isWorker) { return importScripts(libraryUrl); } // TODO - fix - should be more secure than string parsing since observes CORS // if (isBrowser) { // return await loadScriptFromFile(libraryUrl); // } const scriptSource = await loadAsText(libraryUrl); return loadLibraryFromString(scriptSource, libraryUrl); } /* async function loadScriptFromFile(libraryUrl) { const script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = libraryUrl; return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { script.onload = data => { resolve(data); }; script.onerror = reject; }); } */ // TODO - Needs security audit... // - Raw eval call // - Potentially bypasses CORS // Upside is that this separates fetching and parsing // we could create a`LibraryLoader` or`ModuleLoader` function loadLibraryFromString(scriptSource, id) { if (!isBrowser) { const { requireFromString } = globalThis.loaders || {}; return requireFromString?.(scriptSource, id); } if (isWorker) { // Use lvalue trick to make eval run in global scope eval.call(globalThis, scriptSource); // eslint-disable-line no-eval // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9107240/1-evalthis-vs-evalthis-in-javascript // http://perfectionkills.com/global-eval-what-are-the-options/ return null; } const script = document.createElement('script'); script.id = id; // most browsers like a separate text node but some throw an error. The second method covers those. try { script.appendChild(document.createTextNode(scriptSource)); } catch (e) { script.text = scriptSource; } document.body.appendChild(script); return null; } // TODO - technique for module injection into worker, from THREE.DracoLoader... /* function combineWorkerWithLibrary(worker, jsContent) { var fn = wWorker.toString(); var body = [ '// injected', jsContent, '', '// worker', fn.substring(fn.indexOf('{') + 1, fn.lastIndexOf('}')) ].join('\n'); this.workerSourceURL = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([body])); } */ async function loadAsArrayBuffer(url) { const { readFileAsArrayBuffer } = globalThis.loaders || {}; if (isBrowser || !readFileAsArrayBuffer || url.startsWith('http')) { const response = await fetch(url); return await response.arrayBuffer(); } return await readFileAsArrayBuffer(url); } /** * Load a file from local file system * @param filename * @returns */ async function loadAsText(url) { const { readFileAsText } = globalThis.loaders || {}; if (isBrowser || !readFileAsText || url.startsWith('http')) { const response = await fetch(url); return await response.text(); } return await readFileAsText(url); }