/** All capabilities of a WMTS service - response to a WMTS `GetCapabilities` data structure extracted from XML */ export type WMTSCapabilities = { serviceIdentification: { title: string; serviceTypeVersion: string; serviceType: string; }; serviceProvider: { providerName: string; providerSite: string; serviceContact: { individualName: string; positionName: string; contactInfo: { address: { administrativeArea: string; city: string; country: string; deliveryPoint: string; electronicMailAddress: string; postalCode: string; }; phone: { voice: string; }; }; }; }; operationsMetadata: { GetCapabilities: any; GetFeatureInfo: any; GetTile: any; }; contents: { layers: WMTSLayer[]; }; }; /** A layer in WMTS */ export type WMTSLayer = { abstract: string; identifier: string; title: string; formats: string[]; styles: { identifier: string; isDefault: string; title: string; abstract?: string; }[]; bounds: { left: number; right: number; bottom: number; top: number; }; tileMatrixSetLinks: { tileMatrixSet: string; }[]; tileMatrixSets: WMTSTileMatrixSet[]; }; /** A zoom level in WMTS */ export type WMTSTileMatrixSet = { identifier: string; matrixIds: { identifier: string; matrixHeight: number; matrixWidth: number; scaleDenominator: number; tileWidth: number; tileHeight: number; topLeftCorner: { lon: number; lat: number; }; }; }; /** * Parses a typed data structure from raw XML for `GetCapabilities` response * @note Error handlings is fairly weak */ export declare function parseWMTSCapabilities(text: string, options: any): WMTSCapabilities; /** * Parses a typed data structure from raw XML for `GetCapabilities` response * @note Error handlings is fairly weak */ /** Extract typed capability data from XML */ //# sourceMappingURL=parse-wmts-capabilities.d.ts.map