import type { GLTFWithBuffers } from "../types/gltf-types.js"; import type { GLTF, GLTFScene, GLTFNode, GLTFMesh, GLTFSkin, GLTFMaterial, GLTFAccessor, GLTFSampler, GLTFTexture, GLTFImage, GLTFBuffer, GLTFBufferView } from "../types/gltf-json-schema.js"; type Extension = { [key: string]: any; }; /** * Class for structured access to GLTF data */ export declare class GLTFScenegraph { gltf: GLTFWithBuffers; sourceBuffers: any[]; byteLength: number; constructor(gltf?: { json: GLTF; buffers?: any[]; images?: any[]; }); get json(): GLTF; getApplicationData(key: string): unknown; getExtraData(key: string): unknown; hasExtension(extensionName: string): boolean; getExtension(extensionName: string): T | null; getRequiredExtension(extensionName: string): T | null; getRequiredExtensions(): string[]; getUsedExtensions(): string[]; getRemovedExtensions(): string[]; getObjectExtension(object: { [key: string]: any; }, extensionName: string): T | null; getScene(index: number): GLTFScene; getNode(index: number): GLTFNode; getSkin(index: number): GLTFSkin; getMesh(index: number): GLTFMesh; getMaterial(index: number): GLTFMaterial; getAccessor(index: number): GLTFAccessor; getTexture(index: number): GLTFTexture; getSampler(index: number): GLTFSampler; getImage(index: number): GLTFImage; getBufferView(index: number | object): GLTFBufferView; getBuffer(index: number): GLTFBuffer; getObject(array: string, index: number | object): Record; /** * Accepts buffer view index or buffer view object * @returns a `Uint8Array` */ getTypedArrayForBufferView(bufferView: number | object): Uint8Array; /** Accepts accessor index or accessor object * @returns a typed array with type that matches the types */ getTypedArrayForAccessor(accessor: number | object): any; /** accepts accessor index or accessor object * returns a `Uint8Array` */ getTypedArrayForImageData(image: number | object): Uint8Array; /** * Add an extra application-defined key to the top-level data structure */ addApplicationData(key: string, data: object): GLTFScenegraph; /** * `extras` - Standard GLTF field for storing application specific data */ addExtraData(key: string, data: object): GLTFScenegraph; addObjectExtension(object: object, extensionName: string, data: object): GLTFScenegraph; setObjectExtension(object: any, extensionName: string, data: object): void; removeObjectExtension(object: any, extensionName: string): void; /** * Add to standard GLTF top level extension object, mark as used */ addExtension(extensionName: string, extensionData?: object): object; /** * Standard GLTF top level extension object, mark as used and required */ addRequiredExtension(extensionName: any, extensionData?: object): object; /** * Add extensionName to list of used extensions */ registerUsedExtension(extensionName: string): void; /** * Add extensionName to list of required extensions */ registerRequiredExtension(extensionName: string): void; /** * Removes an extension from the top-level list */ removeExtension(extensionName: string): void; /** * Set default scene which is to be displayed at load time */ setDefaultScene(sceneIndex: number): void; /** * @todo: add more properties for scene initialization: * name`, `extensions`, `extras` * */ addScene(scene: { nodeIndices: number[]; }): number; /** * @todo: add more properties for node initialization: * `name`, `extensions`, `extras`, `camera`, `children`, `skin`, `rotation`, `scale`, `translation`, `weights` * */ addNode(node: { meshIndex: number; matrix?: number[]; }): number; /** Adds a mesh to the json part */ addMesh(mesh: { attributes: object; indices?: object; material?: number; mode?: number; }): number; addPointCloud(attributes: object): number; /** * Adds a binary image. Builds glTF "JSON metadata" and saves buffer reference * Buffer will be copied into BIN chunk during "pack" * Currently encodes as glTF image * @param imageData * @param mimeType */ addImage(imageData: any, mimeTypeOpt?: string): number; /** * Add one untyped source buffer, create a matching glTF `bufferView`, and return its index * @param buffer */ addBufferView(buffer: any, bufferIndex?: number, byteOffset?: number): number; /** * Adds an accessor to a bufferView * @param bufferViewIndex * @param accessor */ addAccessor(bufferViewIndex: number, accessor: object): number; /** * Add a binary buffer. Builds glTF "JSON metadata" and saves buffer reference * Buffer will be copied into BIN chunk during "pack" * Currently encodes buffers as glTF accessors, but this could be optimized * @param sourceBuffer * @param accessor */ addBinaryBuffer(sourceBuffer: any, accessor?: object): number; /** * Adds a texture to the json part * @todo: add more properties for texture initialization * `sampler`, `name`, `extensions`, `extras` * */ addTexture(texture: { imageIndex: number; }): number; /** Adds a material to the json part */ addMaterial(pbrMaterialInfo: Object): number; /** Pack the binary chunk */ createBinaryChunk(): void; _removeStringFromArray(array: any, string: any): void; /** * Add attributes to buffers and create `attributes` object which is part of `mesh` */ _addAttributes(attributes?: {}): {}; /** * Add indices to buffers */ _addIndices(indices: any): number; /** * Deduce gltf specific attribue name from input attribute name */ _getGltfAttributeName(attributeName: any): any; /** * Calculate `min` and `max` arrays of accessor according to spec: * */ _getAccessorMinMax(buffer: any, size: any): { min: null; max: null; }; } export {}; //#