import { GLTF } from "../types/gltf-json-schema.js"; import type { GLTFLoaderOptions } from "../../gltf-loader.js"; import { GLTFWriterOptions } from "../../gltf-writer.js"; type GLTFExtensionPlugin = { name: string; preprocess?: (gltfData: { json: GLTF; }, options: GLTFLoaderOptions, context: any) => void; decode?: (gltfData: { json: GLTF; buffers: { arrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer; byteOffset: number; byteLength: number; }[]; }, options: GLTFLoaderOptions, context: any) => Promise; encode?: (gltfData: { json: GLTF; }, options: GLTFWriterOptions) => void; }; /** * List of extensions processed by the GLTFLoader * Note that may extensions can only be handled on the rendering stage and are left out here * These are just extensions that can be handled fully or partially during loading. */ export declare const EXTENSIONS: GLTFExtensionPlugin[]; /** Call before any resource loading starts */ export declare function preprocessExtensions(gltf: any, options?: GLTFLoaderOptions, context?: any): void; /** Call after resource loading */ export declare function decodeExtensions(gltf: any, options?: GLTFLoaderOptions, context?: any): Promise; /** Call before resource writing */ export declare function encodeExtensions(gltf: any, options?: GLTFWriterOptions): any; export {}; //#