"use strict"; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); // dist/index.js var dist_exports = {}; __export(dist_exports, { FetchError: () => FetchError, JSONLoader: () => import_loader_utils16.JSONLoader, NullLoader: () => NullLoader, NullWorkerLoader: () => NullWorkerLoader, RequestScheduler: () => import_loader_utils15.RequestScheduler, _BrowserFileSystem: () => BrowserFileSystem, _fetchProgress: () => fetchProgress, _selectSource: () => selectSource2, _unregisterLoaders: () => _unregisterLoaders, assert: () => import_loader_utils18.assert, concatenateArrayBuffersAsync: () => import_loader_utils19.concatenateArrayBuffersAsync, createDataSource: () => createDataSource, document: () => import_loader_utils17.document, encode: () => encode, encodeInBatches: () => encodeInBatches, encodeSync: () => encodeSync, encodeTable: () => encodeTable, encodeTableAsText: () => encodeTableAsText, encodeTableInBatches: () => encodeTableInBatches, encodeText: () => encodeText, encodeTextSync: () => encodeTextSync, encodeURLtoURL: () => encodeURLtoURL, fetchFile: () => fetchFile, forEach: () => import_loader_utils19.forEach, getLoaderOptions: () => getGlobalLoaderOptions, getPathPrefix: () => import_loader_utils14.getPathPrefix, global: () => import_loader_utils17.global, isAsyncIterable: () => isAsyncIterable, isBrowser: () => import_loader_utils17.isBrowser, isIterable: () => isIterable, isIterator: () => isIterator, isPromise: () => isPromise, isPureObject: () => isPureObject, isReadableStream: () => isReadableStream, isResponse: () => isResponse, isWorker: () => import_loader_utils17.isWorker, isWritableStream: () => isWritableStream, load: () => load, loadInBatches: () => loadInBatches, makeIterator: () => makeIterator, makeLineIterator: () => import_loader_utils20.makeLineIterator, makeNumberedLineIterator: () => import_loader_utils20.makeNumberedLineIterator, makeStream: () => makeStream, makeTextDecoderIterator: () => import_loader_utils20.makeTextDecoderIterator, makeTextEncoderIterator: () => import_loader_utils20.makeTextEncoderIterator, parse: () => parse, parseInBatches: () => parseInBatches, parseSync: () => parseSync, readArrayBuffer: () => readArrayBuffer, registerLoaders: () => registerLoaders, resolvePath: () => import_loader_utils14.resolvePath, selectLoader: () => selectLoader, selectLoaderSync: () => selectLoaderSync, self: () => import_loader_utils17.self, setLoaderOptions: () => setGlobalOptions, setPathPrefix: () => import_loader_utils14.setPathPrefix, window: () => import_loader_utils17.window }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(dist_exports); // dist/lib/fetch/fetch-file.js var import_loader_utils = require("@loaders.gl/loader-utils"); // dist/javascript-utils/is-type.js var isBoolean = (x) => typeof x === "boolean"; var isFunction = (x) => typeof x === "function"; var isObject = (x) => x !== null && typeof x === "object"; var isPureObject = (x) => isObject(x) && x.constructor === {}.constructor; var isPromise = (x) => isObject(x) && isFunction(x.then); var isIterable = (x) => Boolean(x) && typeof x[Symbol.iterator] === "function"; var isAsyncIterable = (x) => x && typeof x[Symbol.asyncIterator] === "function"; var isIterator = (x) => x && isFunction(x.next); var isResponse = (x) => typeof Response !== "undefined" && x instanceof Response || x && x.arrayBuffer && x.text && x.json; var isBlob = (x) => typeof Blob !== "undefined" && x instanceof Blob; var isBuffer = (x) => x && typeof x === "object" && x.isBuffer; var isWritableDOMStream = (x) => isObject(x) && isFunction(x.abort) && isFunction(x.getWriter); var isReadableDOMStream = (x) => typeof ReadableStream !== "undefined" && x instanceof ReadableStream || isObject(x) && isFunction(x.tee) && isFunction(x.cancel) && isFunction(x.getReader); var isWritableNodeStream = (x) => isObject(x) && isFunction(x.end) && isFunction(x.write) && isBoolean(x.writable); var isReadableNodeStream = (x) => isObject(x) && isFunction(x.read) && isFunction(x.pipe) && isBoolean(x.readable); var isReadableStream = (x) => isReadableDOMStream(x) || isReadableNodeStream(x); var isWritableStream = (x) => isWritableDOMStream(x) || isWritableNodeStream(x); // dist/lib/fetch/fetch-error.js var FetchError = class extends Error { constructor(message, info) { super(message); this.reason = info.reason; this.url = info.url; this.response = info.response; } /** A best effort reason for why the fetch failed */ reason; /** The URL that failed to load. Empty string if not available. */ url; /** The Response object, if any. */ response; }; // dist/lib/utils/mime-type-utils.js var DATA_URL_PATTERN = /^data:([-\w.]+\/[-\w.+]+)(;|,)/; var MIME_TYPE_PATTERN = /^([-\w.]+\/[-\w.+]+)/; function compareMIMETypes(mimeType1, mimeType2) { if (mimeType1.toLowerCase() === mimeType2.toLowerCase()) { return true; } return false; } function parseMIMEType(mimeString) { const matches = MIME_TYPE_PATTERN.exec(mimeString); if (matches) { return matches[1]; } return mimeString; } function parseMIMETypeFromURL(url) { const matches = DATA_URL_PATTERN.exec(url); if (matches) { return matches[1]; } return ""; } // dist/lib/utils/url-utils.js var QUERY_STRING_PATTERN = /\?.*/; function extractQueryString(url) { const matches = url.match(QUERY_STRING_PATTERN); return matches && matches[0]; } function stripQueryString(url) { return url.replace(QUERY_STRING_PATTERN, ""); } function shortenUrlForDisplay(url) { if (url.length < 50) { return url; } const urlEnd = url.slice(url.length - 15); const urlStart = url.substr(0, 32); return `${urlStart}...${urlEnd}`; } // dist/lib/utils/resource-utils.js function getResourceUrl(resource) { if (isResponse(resource)) { const response = resource; return response.url; } if (isBlob(resource)) { const blob = resource; return blob.name || ""; } if (typeof resource === "string") { return resource; } return ""; } function getResourceMIMEType(resource) { if (isResponse(resource)) { const response = resource; const contentTypeHeader = response.headers.get("content-type") || ""; const noQueryUrl = stripQueryString(response.url); return parseMIMEType(contentTypeHeader) || parseMIMETypeFromURL(noQueryUrl); } if (isBlob(resource)) { const blob = resource; return blob.type || ""; } if (typeof resource === "string") { return parseMIMETypeFromURL(resource); } return ""; } function getResourceContentLength(resource) { if (isResponse(resource)) { const response = resource; return response.headers["content-length"] || -1; } if (isBlob(resource)) { const blob = resource; return blob.size; } if (typeof resource === "string") { return resource.length; } if (resource instanceof ArrayBuffer) { return resource.byteLength; } if (ArrayBuffer.isView(resource)) { return resource.byteLength; } return -1; } // dist/lib/utils/response-utils.js async function makeResponse(resource) { if (isResponse(resource)) { return resource; } const headers = {}; const contentLength = getResourceContentLength(resource); if (contentLength >= 0) { headers["content-length"] = String(contentLength); } const url = getResourceUrl(resource); const type = getResourceMIMEType(resource); if (type) { headers["content-type"] = type; } const initialDataUrl = await getInitialDataUrl(resource); if (initialDataUrl) { headers["x-first-bytes"] = initialDataUrl; } if (typeof resource === "string") { resource = new TextEncoder().encode(resource); } const response = new Response(resource, { headers }); Object.defineProperty(response, "url", { value: url }); return response; } async function checkResponse(response) { if (!response.ok) { const error = await getResponseError(response); throw error; } } async function getResponseError(response) { const shortUrl = shortenUrlForDisplay(response.url); let message = `Failed to fetch resource (${response.status}) ${response.statusText}: ${shortUrl}`; message = message.length > 100 ? `${message.slice(0, 100)}...` : message; const info = { reason: response.statusText, url: response.url, response }; try { const contentType = response.headers.get("Content-Type"); info.reason = !response.bodyUsed && (contentType == null ? void 0 : contentType.includes("application/json")) ? await response.json() : await response.text(); } catch (error) { } return new FetchError(message, info); } async function getInitialDataUrl(resource) { const INITIAL_DATA_LENGTH = 5; if (typeof resource === "string") { return `data:,${resource.slice(0, INITIAL_DATA_LENGTH)}`; } if (resource instanceof Blob) { const blobSlice = resource.slice(0, 5); return await new Promise((resolve) => { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = (event) => { var _a; return resolve((_a = event == null ? void 0 : event.target) == null ? void 0 : _a.result); }; reader.readAsDataURL(blobSlice); }); } if (resource instanceof ArrayBuffer) { const slice = resource.slice(0, INITIAL_DATA_LENGTH); const base64 = arrayBufferToBase64(slice); return `data:base64,${base64}`; } return null; } function arrayBufferToBase64(buffer) { let binary = ""; const bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer); for (let i = 0; i < bytes.byteLength; i++) { binary += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]); } return btoa(binary); } // dist/lib/fetch/fetch-file.js function isNodePath(url) { return !isRequestURL(url) && !isDataURL(url); } function isRequestURL(url) { return url.startsWith("http:") || url.startsWith("https:"); } function isDataURL(url) { return url.startsWith("data:"); } async function fetchFile(urlOrData, fetchOptions) { var _a, _b; if (typeof urlOrData === "string") { const url = (0, import_loader_utils.resolvePath)(urlOrData); if (isNodePath(url)) { if ((_a = globalThis.loaders) == null ? void 0 : _a.fetchNode) { return (_b = globalThis.loaders) == null ? void 0 : _b.fetchNode(url, fetchOptions); } } return await fetch(url, fetchOptions); } return await makeResponse(urlOrData); } // dist/lib/fetch/read-array-buffer.js async function readArrayBuffer(file, start, length) { if (!(file instanceof Blob)) { file = new Blob([file]); } const slice = file.slice(start, start + length); return await readBlob(slice); } async function readBlob(blob) { return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.onload = (event) => { var _a; return resolve((_a = event == null ? void 0 : event.target) == null ? void 0 : _a.result); }; fileReader.onerror = (error) => reject(error); fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob); }); } // dist/lib/loader-utils/option-utils.js var import_loader_utils3 = require("@loaders.gl/loader-utils"); // dist/lib/loader-utils/loggers.js var import_log = require("@probe.gl/log"); var probeLog = new import_log.Log({ id: "loaders.gl" }); var NullLog = class { log() { return () => { }; } info() { return () => { }; } warn() { return () => { }; } error() { return () => { }; } }; var ConsoleLog = class { console; constructor() { this.console = console; } log(...args) { return this.console.log.bind(this.console, ...args); } info(...args) { return this.console.info.bind(this.console, ...args); } warn(...args) { return this.console.warn.bind(this.console, ...args); } error(...args) { return this.console.error.bind(this.console, ...args); } }; // dist/lib/loader-utils/option-defaults.js var import_loader_utils2 = require("@loaders.gl/loader-utils"); var DEFAULT_LOADER_OPTIONS = { // baseUri fetch: null, mimeType: void 0, nothrow: false, log: new ConsoleLog(), // A probe.gl compatible (`log.log()()` syntax) that just logs to console useLocalLibraries: false, CDN: "https://unpkg.com/@loaders.gl", worker: true, // By default, use worker if provided by loader. maxConcurrency: 3, // How many worker instances should be created for each loader. maxMobileConcurrency: 1, // How many worker instances should be created for each loader on mobile devices. reuseWorkers: import_loader_utils2.isBrowser, // By default reuse workers in browser (Node.js refuses to terminate if browsers are running) _nodeWorkers: false, // By default do not support node workers _workerType: "", // 'test' to use locally generated workers limit: 0, _limitMB: 0, batchSize: "auto", batchDebounceMs: 0, metadata: false, // TODO - currently only implemented for parseInBatches, adds initial metadata batch, transforms: [] }; var REMOVED_LOADER_OPTIONS = { throws: "nothrow", dataType: "(no longer used)", uri: "baseUri", // Warn if fetch options are used on top-level method: "fetch.method", headers: "fetch.headers", body: "fetch.body", mode: "fetch.mode", credentials: "fetch.credentials", cache: "fetch.cache", redirect: "fetch.redirect", referrer: "fetch.referrer", referrerPolicy: "fetch.referrerPolicy", integrity: "fetch.integrity", keepalive: "fetch.keepalive", signal: "fetch.signal" }; // dist/lib/loader-utils/option-utils.js function getGlobalLoaderState() { globalThis.loaders = globalThis.loaders || {}; const { loaders } = globalThis; if (!loaders._state) { loaders._state = {}; } return loaders._state; } function getGlobalLoaderOptions() { const state = getGlobalLoaderState(); state.globalOptions = state.globalOptions || { ...DEFAULT_LOADER_OPTIONS }; return state.globalOptions; } function setGlobalOptions(options) { const state = getGlobalLoaderState(); const globalOptions = getGlobalLoaderOptions(); state.globalOptions = normalizeOptionsInternal(globalOptions, options); (0, import_loader_utils3.registerJSModules)(options.modules); } function normalizeOptions(options, loader, loaders, url) { loaders = loaders || []; loaders = Array.isArray(loaders) ? loaders : [loaders]; validateOptions(options, loaders); return normalizeOptionsInternal(loader, options, url); } function validateOptions(options, loaders) { validateOptionsObject(options, null, DEFAULT_LOADER_OPTIONS, REMOVED_LOADER_OPTIONS, loaders); for (const loader of loaders) { const idOptions = options && options[loader.id] || {}; const loaderOptions = loader.options && loader.options[loader.id] || {}; const deprecatedOptions = loader.deprecatedOptions && loader.deprecatedOptions[loader.id] || {}; validateOptionsObject(idOptions, loader.id, loaderOptions, deprecatedOptions, loaders); } } function validateOptionsObject(options, id, defaultOptions, deprecatedOptions, loaders) { const loaderName = id || "Top level"; const prefix = id ? `${id}.` : ""; for (const key in options) { const isSubOptions = !id && isObject(options[key]); const isBaseUriOption = key === "baseUri" && !id; const isWorkerUrlOption = key === "workerUrl" && id; if (!(key in defaultOptions) && !isBaseUriOption && !isWorkerUrlOption) { if (key in deprecatedOptions) { probeLog.warn(`${loaderName} loader option '${prefix}${key}' no longer supported, use '${deprecatedOptions[key]}'`)(); } else if (!isSubOptions) { const suggestion = findSimilarOption(key, loaders); probeLog.warn(`${loaderName} loader option '${prefix}${key}' not recognized. ${suggestion}`)(); } } } } function findSimilarOption(optionKey, loaders) { const lowerCaseOptionKey = optionKey.toLowerCase(); let bestSuggestion = ""; for (const loader of loaders) { for (const key in loader.options) { if (optionKey === key) { return `Did you mean '${loader.id}.${key}'?`; } const lowerCaseKey = key.toLowerCase(); const isPartialMatch = lowerCaseOptionKey.startsWith(lowerCaseKey) || lowerCaseKey.startsWith(lowerCaseOptionKey); if (isPartialMatch) { bestSuggestion = bestSuggestion || `Did you mean '${loader.id}.${key}'?`; } } } return bestSuggestion; } function normalizeOptionsInternal(loader, options, url) { const loaderDefaultOptions = loader.options || {}; const mergedOptions = { ...loaderDefaultOptions }; addUrlOptions(mergedOptions, url); if (mergedOptions.log === null) { mergedOptions.log = new NullLog(); } mergeNestedFields(mergedOptions, getGlobalLoaderOptions()); mergeNestedFields(mergedOptions, options); return mergedOptions; } function mergeNestedFields(mergedOptions, options) { for (const key in options) { if (key in options) { const value = options[key]; if (isPureObject(value) && isPureObject(mergedOptions[key])) { mergedOptions[key] = { ...mergedOptions[key], ...options[key] }; } else { mergedOptions[key] = options[key]; } } } } function addUrlOptions(options, url) { if (url && !("baseUri" in options)) { options.baseUri = url; } } // dist/lib/loader-utils/normalize-loader.js var import_loader_utils4 = require("@loaders.gl/loader-utils"); function isLoaderObject(loader) { if (!loader) { return false; } if (Array.isArray(loader)) { loader = loader[0]; } const hasExtensions = Array.isArray(loader == null ? void 0 : loader.extensions); return hasExtensions; } function normalizeLoader(loader) { (0, import_loader_utils4.assert)(loader, "null loader"); (0, import_loader_utils4.assert)(isLoaderObject(loader), "invalid loader"); let options; if (Array.isArray(loader)) { options = loader[1]; loader = loader[0]; loader = { ...loader, options: { ...loader.options, ...options } }; } if ((loader == null ? void 0 : loader.parseTextSync) || (loader == null ? void 0 : loader.parseText)) { loader.text = true; } if (!loader.text) { loader.binary = true; } return loader; } // dist/lib/api/register-loaders.js var getGlobalLoaderRegistry = () => { const state = getGlobalLoaderState(); state.loaderRegistry = state.loaderRegistry || []; return state.loaderRegistry; }; function registerLoaders(loaders) { const loaderRegistry = getGlobalLoaderRegistry(); loaders = Array.isArray(loaders) ? loaders : [loaders]; for (const loader of loaders) { const normalizedLoader = normalizeLoader(loader); if (!loaderRegistry.find((registeredLoader) => normalizedLoader === registeredLoader)) { loaderRegistry.unshift(normalizedLoader); } } } function getRegisteredLoaders() { return getGlobalLoaderRegistry(); } function _unregisterLoaders() { const state = getGlobalLoaderState(); state.loaderRegistry = []; } // dist/lib/api/select-loader.js var import_loader_utils5 = require("@loaders.gl/loader-utils"); var EXT_PATTERN = /\.([^.]+)$/; async function selectLoader(data, loaders = [], options, context) { if (!validHTTPResponse(data)) { return null; } let loader = selectLoaderSync(data, loaders, { ...options, nothrow: true }, context); if (loader) { return loader; } if (isBlob(data)) { data = await data.slice(0, 10).arrayBuffer(); loader = selectLoaderSync(data, loaders, options, context); } if (!loader && !(options == null ? void 0 : options.nothrow)) { throw new Error(getNoValidLoaderMessage(data)); } return loader; } function selectLoaderSync(data, loaders = [], options, context) { if (!validHTTPResponse(data)) { return null; } if (loaders && !Array.isArray(loaders)) { return normalizeLoader(loaders); } let candidateLoaders = []; if (loaders) { candidateLoaders = candidateLoaders.concat(loaders); } if (!(options == null ? void 0 : options.ignoreRegisteredLoaders)) { candidateLoaders.push(...getRegisteredLoaders()); } normalizeLoaders(candidateLoaders); const loader = selectLoaderInternal(data, candidateLoaders, options, context); if (!loader && !(options == null ? void 0 : options.nothrow)) { throw new Error(getNoValidLoaderMessage(data)); } return loader; } function selectLoaderInternal(data, loaders, options, context) { const url = getResourceUrl(data); const type = getResourceMIMEType(data); const testUrl = stripQueryString(url) || (context == null ? void 0 : context.url); let loader = null; let reason = ""; if (options == null ? void 0 : options.mimeType) { loader = findLoaderByMIMEType(loaders, options == null ? void 0 : options.mimeType); reason = `match forced by supplied MIME type ${options == null ? void 0 : options.mimeType}`; } loader = loader || findLoaderByUrl(loaders, testUrl); reason = reason || (loader ? `matched url ${testUrl}` : ""); loader = loader || findLoaderByMIMEType(loaders, type); reason = reason || (loader ? `matched MIME type ${type}` : ""); loader = loader || findLoaderByInitialBytes(loaders, data); reason = reason || (loader ? `matched initial data ${getFirstCharacters(data)}` : ""); if (options == null ? void 0 : options.fallbackMimeType) { loader = loader || findLoaderByMIMEType(loaders, options == null ? void 0 : options.fallbackMimeType); reason = reason || (loader ? `matched fallback MIME type ${type}` : ""); } if (reason) { import_loader_utils5.log.log(1, `selectLoader selected ${loader == null ? void 0 : loader.name}: ${reason}.`); } return loader; } function validHTTPResponse(data) { if (data instanceof Response) { if (data.status === 204) { return false; } } return true; } function getNoValidLoaderMessage(data) { const url = getResourceUrl(data); const type = getResourceMIMEType(data); let message = "No valid loader found ("; message += url ? `${import_loader_utils5.path.filename(url)}, ` : "no url provided, "; message += `MIME type: ${type ? `"${type}"` : "not provided"}, `; const firstCharacters = data ? getFirstCharacters(data) : ""; message += firstCharacters ? ` first bytes: "${firstCharacters}"` : "first bytes: not available"; message += ")"; return message; } function normalizeLoaders(loaders) { for (const loader of loaders) { normalizeLoader(loader); } } function findLoaderByUrl(loaders, url) { const match = url && EXT_PATTERN.exec(url); const extension = match && match[1]; return extension ? findLoaderByExtension(loaders, extension) : null; } function findLoaderByExtension(loaders, extension) { extension = extension.toLowerCase(); for (const loader of loaders) { for (const loaderExtension of loader.extensions) { if (loaderExtension.toLowerCase() === extension) { return loader; } } } return null; } function findLoaderByMIMEType(loaders, mimeType) { var _a; for (const loader of loaders) { if ((_a = loader.mimeTypes) == null ? void 0 : _a.some((mimeType1) => compareMIMETypes(mimeType, mimeType1))) { return loader; } if (compareMIMETypes(mimeType, `application/x.${loader.id}`)) { return loader; } } return null; } function findLoaderByInitialBytes(loaders, data) { if (!data) { return null; } for (const loader of loaders) { if (typeof data === "string") { if (testDataAgainstText(data, loader)) { return loader; } } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(data)) { if (testDataAgainstBinary(data.buffer, data.byteOffset, loader)) { return loader; } } else if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { const byteOffset = 0; if (testDataAgainstBinary(data, byteOffset, loader)) { return loader; } } } return null; } function testDataAgainstText(data, loader) { if (loader.testText) { return loader.testText(data); } const tests = Array.isArray(loader.tests) ? loader.tests : [loader.tests]; return tests.some((test) => data.startsWith(test)); } function testDataAgainstBinary(data, byteOffset, loader) { const tests = Array.isArray(loader.tests) ? loader.tests : [loader.tests]; return tests.some((test) => testBinary(data, byteOffset, loader, test)); } function testBinary(data, byteOffset, loader, test) { if (test instanceof ArrayBuffer) { return (0, import_loader_utils5.compareArrayBuffers)(test, data, test.byteLength); } switch (typeof test) { case "function": return test(data); case "string": const magic = getMagicString(data, byteOffset, test.length); return test === magic; default: return false; } } function getFirstCharacters(data, length = 5) { if (typeof data === "string") { return data.slice(0, length); } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(data)) { return getMagicString(data.buffer, data.byteOffset, length); } else if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { const byteOffset = 0; return getMagicString(data, byteOffset, length); } return ""; } function getMagicString(arrayBuffer, byteOffset, length) { if (arrayBuffer.byteLength < byteOffset + length) { return ""; } const dataView = new DataView(arrayBuffer); let magic = ""; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { magic += String.fromCharCode(dataView.getUint8(byteOffset + i)); } return magic; } // dist/lib/api/parse.js var import_loader_utils9 = require("@loaders.gl/loader-utils"); var import_worker_utils = require("@loaders.gl/worker-utils"); // dist/lib/loader-utils/get-data.js var import_loader_utils7 = require("@loaders.gl/loader-utils"); // dist/iterators/make-iterator/make-string-iterator.js var DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE = 256 * 1024; function* makeStringIterator(string, options) { const chunkSize = (options == null ? void 0 : options.chunkSize) || DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE; let offset = 0; const textEncoder = new TextEncoder(); while (offset < string.length) { const chunkLength = Math.min(string.length - offset, chunkSize); const chunk = string.slice(offset, offset + chunkLength); offset += chunkLength; yield textEncoder.encode(chunk); } } // dist/iterators/make-iterator/make-array-buffer-iterator.js var DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE2 = 256 * 1024; function* makeArrayBufferIterator(arrayBuffer, options = {}) { const { chunkSize = DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE2 } = options; let byteOffset = 0; while (byteOffset < arrayBuffer.byteLength) { const chunkByteLength = Math.min(arrayBuffer.byteLength - byteOffset, chunkSize); const chunk = new ArrayBuffer(chunkByteLength); const sourceArray = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer, byteOffset, chunkByteLength); const chunkArray = new Uint8Array(chunk); chunkArray.set(sourceArray); byteOffset += chunkByteLength; yield chunk; } } // dist/iterators/make-iterator/make-blob-iterator.js var DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE3 = 1024 * 1024; async function* makeBlobIterator(blob, options) { const chunkSize = (options == null ? void 0 : options.chunkSize) || DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE3; let offset = 0; while (offset < blob.size) { const end = offset + chunkSize; const chunk = await blob.slice(offset, end).arrayBuffer(); offset = end; yield chunk; } } // dist/iterators/make-iterator/make-stream-iterator.js var import_loader_utils6 = require("@loaders.gl/loader-utils"); function makeStreamIterator(stream, options) { return import_loader_utils6.isBrowser ? makeBrowserStreamIterator(stream, options) : makeNodeStreamIterator(stream, options); } async function* makeBrowserStreamIterator(stream, options) { const reader = stream.getReader(); let nextBatchPromise; try { while (true) { const currentBatchPromise = nextBatchPromise || reader.read(); if (options == null ? void 0 : options._streamReadAhead) { nextBatchPromise = reader.read(); } const { done, value } = await currentBatchPromise; if (done) { return; } yield (0, import_loader_utils6.toArrayBuffer)(value); } } catch (error) { reader.releaseLock(); } } async function* makeNodeStreamIterator(stream, options) { for await (const chunk of stream) { yield (0, import_loader_utils6.toArrayBuffer)(chunk); } } // dist/iterators/make-iterator/make-iterator.js function makeIterator(data, options) { if (typeof data === "string") { return makeStringIterator(data, options); } if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { return makeArrayBufferIterator(data, options); } if (isBlob(data)) { return makeBlobIterator(data, options); } if (isReadableStream(data)) { return makeStreamIterator(data, options); } if (isResponse(data)) { const response = data; return makeStreamIterator(response.body, options); } throw new Error("makeIterator"); } // dist/lib/loader-utils/get-data.js var ERR_DATA = "Cannot convert supplied data type"; function getArrayBufferOrStringFromDataSync(data, loader, options) { if (loader.text && typeof data === "string") { return data; } if (isBuffer(data)) { data = data.buffer; } if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { const arrayBuffer = data; if (loader.text && !loader.binary) { const textDecoder = new TextDecoder("utf8"); return textDecoder.decode(arrayBuffer); } return arrayBuffer; } if (ArrayBuffer.isView(data)) { if (loader.text && !loader.binary) { const textDecoder = new TextDecoder("utf8"); return textDecoder.decode(data); } let arrayBuffer = data.buffer; const byteLength = data.byteLength || data.length; if (data.byteOffset !== 0 || byteLength !== arrayBuffer.byteLength) { arrayBuffer = arrayBuffer.slice(data.byteOffset, data.byteOffset + byteLength); } return arrayBuffer; } throw new Error(ERR_DATA); } async function getArrayBufferOrStringFromData(data, loader, options) { const isArrayBuffer = data instanceof ArrayBuffer || ArrayBuffer.isView(data); if (typeof data === "string" || isArrayBuffer) { return getArrayBufferOrStringFromDataSync(data, loader, options); } if (isBlob(data)) { data = await makeResponse(data); } if (isResponse(data)) { const response = data; await checkResponse(response); return loader.binary ? await response.arrayBuffer() : await response.text(); } if (isReadableStream(data)) { data = makeIterator(data, options); } if (isIterable(data) || isAsyncIterable(data)) { return (0, import_loader_utils7.concatenateArrayBuffersAsync)(data); } throw new Error(ERR_DATA); } async function getAsyncIterableFromData(data, options) { if (isIterator(data)) { return data; } if (isResponse(data)) { const response = data; await checkResponse(response); const body = await response.body; return makeIterator(body, options); } if (isBlob(data) || isReadableStream(data)) { return makeIterator(data, options); } if (isAsyncIterable(data)) { return data; } return getIterableFromData(data); } function getIterableFromData(data) { if (ArrayBuffer.isView(data)) { return function* oneChunk() { yield data.buffer; }(); } if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { return function* oneChunk() { yield data; }(); } if (isIterator(data)) { return data; } if (isIterable(data)) { return data[Symbol.iterator](); } throw new Error(ERR_DATA); } // dist/lib/loader-utils/get-fetch-function.js function getFetchFunction(options, context) { const globalOptions = getGlobalLoaderOptions(); const loaderOptions = options || globalOptions; if (typeof loaderOptions.fetch === "function") { return loaderOptions.fetch; } if (isObject(loaderOptions.fetch)) { return (url) => fetchFile(url, loaderOptions.fetch); } if (context == null ? void 0 : context.fetch) { return context == null ? void 0 : context.fetch; } return fetchFile; } // dist/lib/loader-utils/loader-context.js var import_loader_utils8 = require("@loaders.gl/loader-utils"); function getLoaderContext(context, options, parentContext) { if (parentContext) { return parentContext; } const newContext = { fetch: getFetchFunction(options, context), ...context }; if (newContext.url) { const baseUrl = stripQueryString(newContext.url); newContext.baseUrl = baseUrl; newContext.queryString = extractQueryString(newContext.url); newContext.filename = import_loader_utils8.path.filename(baseUrl); newContext.baseUrl = import_loader_utils8.path.dirname(baseUrl); } if (!Array.isArray(newContext.loaders)) { newContext.loaders = null; } return newContext; } function getLoadersFromContext(loaders, context) { if (loaders && !Array.isArray(loaders)) { return loaders; } let candidateLoaders; if (loaders) { candidateLoaders = Array.isArray(loaders) ? loaders : [loaders]; } if (context && context.loaders) { const contextLoaders = Array.isArray(context.loaders) ? context.loaders : [context.loaders]; candidateLoaders = candidateLoaders ? [...candidateLoaders, ...contextLoaders] : contextLoaders; } return candidateLoaders && candidateLoaders.length ? candidateLoaders : void 0; } // dist/lib/api/parse.js async function parse(data, loaders, options, context) { if (loaders && !Array.isArray(loaders) && !isLoaderObject(loaders)) { context = void 0; options = loaders; loaders = void 0; } data = await data; options = options || {}; const url = getResourceUrl(data); const typedLoaders = loaders; const candidateLoaders = getLoadersFromContext(typedLoaders, context); const loader = await selectLoader(data, candidateLoaders, options); if (!loader) { return null; } options = normalizeOptions(options, loader, candidateLoaders, url); context = getLoaderContext( // @ts-expect-error { url, _parse: parse, loaders: candidateLoaders }, options, context || null ); return await parseWithLoader(loader, data, options, context); } async function parseWithLoader(loader, data, options, context) { (0, import_worker_utils.validateWorkerVersion)(loader); options = (0, import_loader_utils9.mergeLoaderOptions)(loader.options, options); if (isResponse(data)) { const response = data; const { ok, redirected, status, statusText, type, url } = response; const headers = Object.fromEntries(response.headers.entries()); context.response = { headers, ok, redirected, status, statusText, type, url }; } data = await getArrayBufferOrStringFromData(data, loader, options); const loaderWithParser = loader; if (loaderWithParser.parseTextSync && typeof data === "string") { return loaderWithParser.parseTextSync(data, options, context); } if ((0, import_loader_utils9.canParseWithWorker)(loader, options)) { return await (0, import_loader_utils9.parseWithWorker)(loader, data, options, context, parse); } if (loaderWithParser.parseText && typeof data === "string") { return await loaderWithParser.parseText(data, options, context); } if (loaderWithParser.parse) { return await loaderWithParser.parse(data, options, context); } (0, import_worker_utils.assert)(!loaderWithParser.parseSync); throw new Error(`${loader.id} loader - no parser found and worker is disabled`); } // dist/lib/api/parse-sync.js function parseSync(data, loaders, options, context) { if (!Array.isArray(loaders) && !isLoaderObject(loaders)) { context = void 0; options = loaders; loaders = void 0; } options = options || {}; const typedLoaders = loaders; const candidateLoaders = getLoadersFromContext(typedLoaders, context); const loader = selectLoaderSync(data, candidateLoaders, options); if (!loader) { return null; } options = normalizeOptions(options, loader, candidateLoaders); const url = getResourceUrl(data); const parse2 = () => { throw new Error("parseSync called parse (which is async"); }; context = getLoaderContext({ url, _parseSync: parse2, _parse: parse2, loaders }, options, context || null); return parseWithLoaderSync(loader, data, options, context); } function parseWithLoaderSync(loader, data, options, context) { data = getArrayBufferOrStringFromDataSync(data, loader, options); if (loader.parseTextSync && typeof data === "string") { return loader.parseTextSync(data, options); } if (loader.parseSync && data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { return loader.parseSync(data, options, context); } throw new Error(`${loader.name} loader: 'parseSync' not supported by this loader, use 'parse' instead. ${context.url || ""}`); } // dist/lib/api/parse-in-batches.js var import_schema = require("@loaders.gl/schema"); var import_loader_utils10 = require("@loaders.gl/loader-utils"); async function parseInBatches(data, loaders, options, context) { const loaderArray = Array.isArray(loaders) ? loaders : void 0; if (!Array.isArray(loaders) && !isLoaderObject(loaders)) { context = void 0; options = loaders; loaders = void 0; } data = await data; options = options || {}; const url = getResourceUrl(data); const loader = await selectLoader(data, loaders, options); if (!loader) { return []; } options = normalizeOptions(options, loader, loaderArray, url); context = getLoaderContext({ url, _parseInBatches: parseInBatches, _parse: parse, loaders: loaderArray }, options, context || null); return await parseWithLoaderInBatches(loader, data, options, context); } async function parseWithLoaderInBatches(loader, data, options, context) { const outputIterator = await parseToOutputIterator(loader, data, options, context); if (!options.metadata) { return outputIterator; } const metadataBatch = { shape: "metadata", batchType: "metadata", metadata: { _loader: loader, _context: context }, // Populate with some default fields to avoid crashing data: [], bytesUsed: 0 }; async function* makeMetadataBatchIterator(iterator) { yield metadataBatch; yield* iterator; } return makeMetadataBatchIterator(outputIterator); } async function parseToOutputIterator(loader, data, options, context) { const inputIterator = await getAsyncIterableFromData(data, options); const transformedIterator = await applyInputTransforms(inputIterator, (options == null ? void 0 : options.transforms) || []); if (loader.parseInBatches) { return loader.parseInBatches(transformedIterator, options, context); } return parseChunkInBatches(transformedIterator, loader, options, context); } async function* parseChunkInBatches(transformedIterator, loader, options, context) { const arrayBuffer = await (0, import_loader_utils10.concatenateArrayBuffersAsync)(transformedIterator); const parsedData = await parse( arrayBuffer, loader, // TODO - Hack: supply loaders MIME type to ensure we match it { ...options, mimeType: loader.mimeTypes[0] }, context ); const batch = convertDataToBatch(parsedData, loader); yield batch; } function convertDataToBatch(parsedData, loader) { const batch = (0, import_schema.isTable)(parsedData) ? (0, import_schema.makeBatchFromTable)(parsedData) : { shape: "unknown", batchType: "data", data: parsedData, length: Array.isArray(parsedData) ? parsedData.length : 1 }; batch.mimeType = loader.mimeTypes[0]; return batch; } async function applyInputTransforms(inputIterator, transforms = []) { let iteratorChain = inputIterator; for await (const transformBatches of transforms) { iteratorChain = transformBatches(iteratorChain); } return iteratorChain; } // dist/lib/api/load.js async function load(url, loaders, options, context) { let resolvedLoaders; let resolvedOptions; if (!Array.isArray(loaders) && !isLoaderObject(loaders)) { resolvedLoaders = []; resolvedOptions = loaders; context = void 0; } else { resolvedLoaders = loaders; resolvedOptions = options; } const fetch2 = getFetchFunction(resolvedOptions); let data = url; if (typeof url === "string") { data = await fetch2(url); } if (isBlob(url)) { data = await fetch2(url); } return Array.isArray(resolvedLoaders) ? await parse(data, resolvedLoaders, resolvedOptions) : await parse(data, resolvedLoaders, resolvedOptions); } // dist/lib/api/load-in-batches.js function loadInBatches(files, loaders, options, context) { let loadersArray; if (!Array.isArray(loaders) && !isLoaderObject(loaders)) { context = void 0; options = loaders; loadersArray = void 0; } else { loadersArray = loaders; } const fetch2 = getFetchFunction(options || {}); if (!Array.isArray(files)) { return loadOneFileInBatches(files, loadersArray, options || {}, fetch2); } const promises = files.map((file) => loadOneFileInBatches(file, loadersArray, options || {}, fetch2)); return promises; } async function loadOneFileInBatches(file, loaders, options, fetch2) { if (typeof file === "string") { const url = file; const response = await fetch2(url); return Array.isArray(loaders) ? await parseInBatches(response, loaders, options) : await parseInBatches(response, loaders, options); } return Array.isArray(loaders) ? await parseInBatches(file, loaders, options) : await parseInBatches(file, loaders, options); } // dist/lib/api/encode-table.js var import_loader_utils11 = require("@loaders.gl/loader-utils"); async function encodeTable(data, writer, options) { if (writer.encode) { return await writer.encode(data, options); } if (writer.encodeText) { const text = await writer.encodeText(data, options); return new TextEncoder().encode(text); } if (writer.encodeInBatches) { const batches = encodeTableInBatches(data, writer, options); const chunks = []; for await (const batch of batches) { chunks.push(batch); } return (0, import_loader_utils11.concatenateArrayBuffers)(...chunks); } throw new Error("Writer could not encode data"); } async function encodeTableAsText(data, writer, options) { if (writer.text && writer.encodeText) { return await writer.encodeText(data, options); } if (writer.text) { const arrayBuffer = await encodeTable(data, writer, options); return new TextDecoder().decode(arrayBuffer); } throw new Error(`Writer ${writer.name} could not encode data as text`); } function encodeTableInBatches(data, writer, options) { if (writer.encodeInBatches) { const dataIterator = getIterator(data); return writer.encodeInBatches(dataIterator, options); } throw new Error("Writer could not encode data in batches"); } function getIterator(data) { const dataIterator = [{ ...data, start: 0, end: data.length }]; return dataIterator; } // dist/lib/api/encode.js var import_loader_utils12 = require("@loaders.gl/loader-utils"); var import_worker_utils2 = require("@loaders.gl/worker-utils"); async function encode(data, writer, options_) { const globalOptions = getGlobalLoaderOptions(); const options = { ...globalOptions, ...options_ }; if (writer.encodeURLtoURL) { return encodeWithCommandLineTool(writer, data, options); } if ((0, import_loader_utils12.canEncodeWithWorker)(writer, options)) { return await (0, import_worker_utils2.processOnWorker)(writer, data, options); } return await writer.encode(data, options); } function encodeSync(data, writer, options) { if (writer.encodeSync) { return writer.encodeSync(data, options); } if (writer.encodeTextSync) { return new TextEncoder().encode(writer.encodeTextSync(data, options)); } throw new Error(`Writer ${writer.name} could not synchronously encode data`); } async function encodeText(data, writer, options) { if (writer.encodeText) { return await writer.encodeText(data, options); } if (writer.encodeTextSync) { return writer.encodeTextSync(data, options); } if (writer.text) { const arrayBuffer = await writer.encode(data, options); return new TextDecoder().decode(arrayBuffer); } throw new Error(`Writer ${writer.name} could not encode data as text`); } function encodeTextSync(data, writer, options) { if (writer.encodeTextSync) { return writer.encodeTextSync(data, options); } if (writer.text && writer.encodeSync) { const arrayBuffer = encodeSync(data, writer, options); return new TextDecoder().decode(arrayBuffer); } throw new Error(`Writer ${writer.name} could not encode data as text`); } function encodeInBatches(data, writer, options) { if (writer.encodeInBatches) { const dataIterator = getIterator2(data); return writer.encodeInBatches(dataIterator, options); } throw new Error(`Writer ${writer.name} could not encode in batches`); } async function encodeURLtoURL(inputUrl, outputUrl, writer, options) { inputUrl = (0, import_loader_utils12.resolvePath)(inputUrl); outputUrl = (0, import_loader_utils12.resolvePath)(outputUrl); if (import_loader_utils12.isBrowser || !writer.encodeURLtoURL) { throw new Error(); } const outputFilename = await writer.encodeURLtoURL(inputUrl, outputUrl, options); return outputFilename; } async function encodeWithCommandLineTool(writer, data, options) { if (import_loader_utils12.isBrowser) { throw new Error(`Writer ${writer.name} not supported in browser`); } const tmpInputFilename = getTemporaryFilename("input"); const file = new import_loader_utils12.NodeFile(tmpInputFilename, "w"); await file.write(data); const tmpOutputFilename = getTemporaryFilename("output"); const outputFilename = await encodeURLtoURL(tmpInputFilename, tmpOutputFilename, writer, options); const response = await fetchFile(outputFilename); return response.arrayBuffer(); } function getIterator2(data) { const dataIterator = [{ ...data, start: 0, end: data.length }]; return dataIterator; } function getTemporaryFilename(filename) { return `/tmp/${filename}`; } // dist/lib/api/create-data-source.js function createDataSource(data, sources, props) { const { type = "auto" } = props; const source = type === "auto" ? selectSource(data, sources) : getSourceOfType(type, sources); if (!source) { throw new Error("Not a valid image source type"); } return source.createDataSource(data, props); } function selectSource(url, sources) { for (const service of sources) { if (service.testURL && service.testURL(url)) { return service; } } return null; } function getSourceOfType(type, sources) { for (const service of sources) { if (service.type === type) { return service; } } return null; } // dist/lib/api/select-source.js function selectSource2(url, sources, options) { const type = (options == null ? void 0 : options.type) || "auto"; let selectedSource = null; if (type === "auto") { for (const source of sources) { if (typeof url === "string" && source.testURL && source.testURL(url)) { return source; } } } else { selectedSource = getSourceOfType2(type, sources); } if (!selectedSource && !(options == null ? void 0 : options.nothrow)) { throw new Error("Not a valid image source type"); } return selectedSource; } function getSourceOfType2(type, sources) { for (const service of sources) { if (service.type === type) { return service; } } return null; } // dist/index.js var import_loader_utils14 = require("@loaders.gl/loader-utils"); var import_loader_utils15 = require("@loaders.gl/loader-utils"); // dist/iterators/make-stream/make-stream.js function makeStream(source, options) { if (globalThis.loaders.makeNodeStream) { return globalThis.loaders.makeNodeStream(source, options); } const iterator = source[Symbol.asyncIterator] ? source[Symbol.asyncIterator]() : source[Symbol.iterator](); return new ReadableStream( { // Create a byte stream (enables `Response(stream).arrayBuffer()`) // Only supported on Chrome // See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/ReadableByteStreamController // @ts-ignore type: "bytes", async pull(controller) { try { const { done, value } = await iterator.next(); if (done) { controller.close(); } else { controller.enqueue(new Uint8Array(value)); } } catch (error) { controller.error(error); } }, async cancel() { var _a; await ((_a = iterator == null ? void 0 : iterator.return) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(iterator)); } }, // options: QueingStrategy { // This is bytes, not chunks highWaterMark: 2 ** 24, ...options } ); } // dist/null-loader.js var VERSION = true ? "4.3.2" : "latest"; var NullWorkerLoader = { dataType: null, batchType: null, name: "Null loader", id: "null", module: "core", version: VERSION, worker: true, mimeTypes: ["application/x.empty"], extensions: ["null"], tests: [() => false], options: { null: {} } }; var NullLoader = { dataType: null, batchType: null, name: "Null loader", id: "null", module: "core", version: VERSION, mimeTypes: ["application/x.empty"], extensions: ["null"], parse: async (arrayBuffer, options, context) => parseSync2(arrayBuffer, options || {}, context), parseSync: parseSync2, parseInBatches: async function* generator(asyncIterator, options, context) { for await (const batch of asyncIterator) { yield parseSync2(batch, options, context); } }, tests: [() => false], options: { null: {} } }; function parseSync2(arrayBuffer, options, context) { return null; } // dist/index.js var import_loader_utils16 = require("@loaders.gl/loader-utils"); // dist/lib/progress/fetch-progress.js async function fetchProgress(response, onProgress, onDone = () => { }, onError = () => { }) { response = await response; if (!response.ok) { return response; } const body = response.body; if (!body) { return response; } const contentLength = response.headers.get("content-length") || 0; const totalBytes = contentLength ? parseInt(contentLength) : 0; if (!(totalBytes > 0)) { return response; } if (typeof ReadableStream === "undefined" || !body.getReader) { return response; } const progressStream = new ReadableStream({ async start(controller) { const reader = body.getReader(); await read(controller, reader, 0, totalBytes, onProgress, onDone, onError); } }); return new Response(progressStream); } async function read(controller, reader, loadedBytes, totalBytes, onProgress, onDone, onError) { try { const { done, value } = await reader.read(); if (done) { onDone(); controller.close(); return; } loadedBytes += value.byteLength; const percent = Math.round(loadedBytes / totalBytes * 100); onProgress(percent, { loadedBytes, totalBytes }); controller.enqueue(value); await read(controller, reader, loadedBytes, totalBytes, onProgress, onDone, onError); } catch (error) { controller.error(error); onError(error); } } // dist/lib/filesystems/browser-filesystem.js var import_loader_utils13 = require("@loaders.gl/loader-utils"); var BrowserFileSystem = class { _fetch; files = {}; lowerCaseFiles = {}; usedFiles = {}; /** * A FileSystem API wrapper around a list of browser 'File' objects * @param files * @param options */ constructor(files, options) { this._fetch = (options == null ? void 0 : options.fetch) || fetch; for (let i = 0; i < files.length; ++i) { const file = files[i]; this.files[file.name] = file; this.lowerCaseFiles[file.name.toLowerCase()] = file; this.usedFiles[file.name] = false; } this.fetch = this.fetch.bind(this); } // implements IFileSystem /** * Implementation of fetch against this file system * Delegates to global fetch for http{s}:// or data:// */ async fetch(path3, options) { if (path3.includes("://")) { return this._fetch(path3, options); } const file = this.files[path3]; if (!file) { return new Response(path3, { status: 400, statusText: "NOT FOUND" }); } const headers = new Headers(options == null ? void 0 : options.headers); const range = headers.get("Range"); const bytes = range && /bytes=($1)-($2)/.exec(range); if (bytes) { const start = parseInt(bytes[1]); const end = parseInt(bytes[2]); const data = await file.slice(start, end).arrayBuffer(); const response2 = new Response(data); Object.defineProperty(response2, "url", { value: path3 }); return response2; } const response = new Response(file); Object.defineProperty(response, "url", { value: path3 }); return response; } /** * List filenames in this filesystem * @param dirname * @returns */ async readdir(dirname) { const files = []; for (const path3 in this.files) { files.push(path3); } return files; } /** * Return information (size) about files in this file system */ async stat(path3, options) { const file = this.files[path3]; if (!file) { throw new Error(path3); } return { size: file.size }; } /** * Just removes the file from the list */ async unlink(path3) { delete this.files[path3]; delete this.lowerCaseFiles[path3]; this.usedFiles[path3] = true; } // implements IRandomAccessFileSystem // RANDOM ACCESS async openReadableFile(pathname, flags) { return new import_loader_utils13.BlobFile(this.files[pathname]); } // PRIVATE // Supports case independent paths, and file usage tracking _getFile(path3, used) { const file = this.files[path3] || this.lowerCaseFiles[path3]; if (file && used) { this.usedFiles[path3] = true; } return file; } }; // dist/index.js var import_loader_utils17 = require("@loaders.gl/loader-utils"); var import_loader_utils18 = require("@loaders.gl/loader-utils"); var import_loader_utils19 = require("@loaders.gl/loader-utils"); var import_loader_utils20 = require("@loaders.gl/loader-utils"); //# sourceMappingURL=index.cjs.map