// deck.gl // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // Copyright (c) vis.gl contributors import {getDeckInstance, addLayer, removeLayer, updateLayer, drawLayer} from './deck-utils'; import type {Map, CustomLayerInterface} from './types'; import type {Deck, Layer} from '@deck.gl/core'; export type MapboxLayerProps = Partial & { id: string; renderingMode?: '2d' | '3d'; deck?: Deck; }; export default class MapboxLayer implements CustomLayerInterface { id: string; type: 'custom'; renderingMode: '2d' | '3d'; map: Map | null; deck: Deck | null; props: MapboxLayerProps; /* eslint-disable no-this-before-super */ constructor(props: MapboxLayerProps) { if (!props.id) { throw new Error('Layer must have an unique id'); } this.id = props.id; this.type = 'custom'; this.renderingMode = props.renderingMode || '3d'; this.map = null; this.deck = null; this.props = props; } /* Mapbox custom layer methods */ onAdd(map: Map, gl: WebGL2RenderingContext): void { this.map = map; this.deck = getDeckInstance({map, gl, deck: this.props.deck}); addLayer(this.deck, this); } onRemove(): void { if (this.deck) { removeLayer(this.deck, this); } } setProps(props: MapboxLayerProps) { // id cannot be changed Object.assign(this.props, props, {id: this.id}); // safe guard in case setProps is called before onAdd if (this.deck) { updateLayer(this.deck, this); } } render(gl, renderParameters) { drawLayer(this.deck!, this.map!, this, renderParameters); } }