// deck.gl // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // Copyright (c) vis.gl contributors import { Layer, project32, picking, UNIT, LayerProps, LayerDataSource, UpdateParameters, Unit, AccessorFunction, Position, Accessor, Color, Material, DefaultProps } from '@deck.gl/core'; import {gouraudMaterial, phongMaterial} from '@luma.gl/shadertools'; import {Model} from '@luma.gl/engine'; import ColumnGeometry from './column-geometry'; import {columnUniforms, ColumnProps} from './column-layer-uniforms'; import vs from './column-layer-vertex.glsl'; import fs from './column-layer-fragment.glsl'; const DEFAULT_COLOR: [number, number, number, number] = [0, 0, 0, 255]; const defaultProps: DefaultProps = { diskResolution: {type: 'number', min: 4, value: 20}, vertices: null, radius: {type: 'number', min: 0, value: 1000}, angle: {type: 'number', value: 0}, offset: {type: 'array', value: [0, 0]}, coverage: {type: 'number', min: 0, max: 1, value: 1}, elevationScale: {type: 'number', min: 0, value: 1}, radiusUnits: 'meters', lineWidthUnits: 'meters', lineWidthScale: 1, lineWidthMinPixels: 0, lineWidthMaxPixels: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, extruded: true, wireframe: false, filled: true, stroked: false, flatShading: false, getPosition: {type: 'accessor', value: (x: any) => x.position}, getFillColor: {type: 'accessor', value: DEFAULT_COLOR}, getLineColor: {type: 'accessor', value: DEFAULT_COLOR}, getLineWidth: {type: 'accessor', value: 1}, getElevation: {type: 'accessor', value: 1000}, material: true, getColor: {deprecatedFor: ['getFillColor', 'getLineColor']} }; /** All properties supported by ColumnLayer. */ export type ColumnLayerProps = _ColumnLayerProps & LayerProps; /** Properties added by ColumnLayer. */ type _ColumnLayerProps = { data: LayerDataSource; /** * The number of sides to render the disk as. * @default 20 */ diskResolution?: number; /** * isk size in units specified by `radiusUnits`. * @default 1000 */ radius?: number; /** * Disk rotation, counter-clockwise in degrees. * @default 0 */ angle?: number; /** * Replace the default geometry (regular polygon that fits inside the unit circle) with a custom one. * @default null */ vertices?: Position[] | null; /** * Disk offset from the position, relative to the radius. * @default [0,0] */ offset?: [number, number]; /** * Radius multiplier, between 0 - 1 * @default 1 */ coverage?: number; /** * Column elevation multiplier. * @default 1 */ elevationScale?: number; /** * Whether to draw a filled column (solid fill). * @default true */ filled?: boolean; /** * Whether to draw an outline around the disks. * @default false */ stroked?: boolean; /** * Whether to extrude the columns. If set to `false`, all columns will be rendered as flat polygons. * @default true */ extruded?: boolean; /** * Whether to generate a line wireframe of the column. * @default false */ wireframe?: boolean; /** * If `true`, the vertical surfaces of the columns use [flat shading](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shading#Flat_vs._smooth_shading). * @default false */ flatShading?: boolean; /** * The units of the radius. * @default 'meters' */ radiusUnits?: Unit; /** * The units of the line width. * @default 'meters' */ lineWidthUnits?: Unit; /** * The line width multiplier that multiplied to all outlines. * @default 1 */ lineWidthScale?: number; /** * The minimum outline width in pixels. * @default 0 */ lineWidthMinPixels?: number; /** * The maximum outline width in pixels. * @default Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER */ lineWidthMaxPixels?: number; /** * Material settings for lighting effect. Applies if `extruded: true`. * * @default true * @see https://deck.gl/docs/developer-guide/using-lighting */ material?: Material; /** * Method called to retrieve the position of each column. * @default object => object.position */ getPosition?: AccessorFunction; /** * @deprecated Use getFilledColor and getLineColor instead */ getColor?: Accessor; /** * Fill collor value or accessor. * @default [0, 0, 0, 255] */ getFillColor?: Accessor; /** * Line color value or accessor. * * @default [0, 0, 0, 255] */ getLineColor?: Accessor; /** * The elevation of each cell in meters. * @default 1000 */ getElevation?: Accessor; /** * The width of the outline of the column, in units specified by `lineWidthUnits`. * * @default 1 */ getLineWidth?: Accessor; }; /** Render extruded cylinders (tessellated regular polygons) at given coordinates. */ export default class ColumnLayer extends Layer< ExtraPropsT & Required<_ColumnLayerProps> > { static layerName = 'ColumnLayer'; static defaultProps = defaultProps; state!: { fillModel?: Model; wireframeModel?: Model; models?: Model[]; fillVertexCount: number; edgeDistance: number; }; getShaders() { const defines: Record = {}; const {flatShading} = this.props; if (flatShading) { defines.FLAT_SHADING = 1; } return super.getShaders({ vs, fs, defines, modules: [project32, flatShading ? phongMaterial : gouraudMaterial, picking, columnUniforms] }); } /** * DeckGL calls initializeState when GL context is available * Essentially a deferred constructor */ initializeState() { const attributeManager = this.getAttributeManager()!; /* eslint-disable max-len */ attributeManager.addInstanced({ instancePositions: { size: 3, type: 'float64', fp64: this.use64bitPositions(), transition: true, accessor: 'getPosition' }, instanceElevations: { size: 1, transition: true, accessor: 'getElevation' }, instanceFillColors: { size: this.props.colorFormat.length, type: 'unorm8', transition: true, accessor: 'getFillColor', defaultValue: DEFAULT_COLOR }, instanceLineColors: { size: this.props.colorFormat.length, type: 'unorm8', transition: true, accessor: 'getLineColor', defaultValue: DEFAULT_COLOR }, instanceStrokeWidths: { size: 1, accessor: 'getLineWidth', transition: true } }); /* eslint-enable max-len */ } updateState(params: UpdateParameters): void { super.updateState(params); const {props, oldProps, changeFlags} = params; const regenerateModels = changeFlags.extensionsChanged || props.flatShading !== oldProps.flatShading; if (regenerateModels) { this.state.models?.forEach(model => model.destroy()); this.setState(this._getModels()); this.getAttributeManager()!.invalidateAll(); } const instanceCount = this.getNumInstances(); this.state.fillModel!.setInstanceCount(instanceCount); this.state.wireframeModel!.setInstanceCount(instanceCount); if ( regenerateModels || props.diskResolution !== oldProps.diskResolution || props.vertices !== oldProps.vertices || (props.extruded || props.stroked) !== (oldProps.extruded || oldProps.stroked) ) { this._updateGeometry(props); } } getGeometry(diskResolution: number, vertices: number[] | undefined, hasThinkness: boolean) { const geometry = new ColumnGeometry({ radius: 1, height: hasThinkness ? 2 : 0, vertices, nradial: diskResolution }); let meanVertexDistance = 0; if (vertices) { for (let i = 0; i < diskResolution; i++) { const p = vertices[i]; const d = Math.sqrt(p[0] * p[0] + p[1] * p[1]); meanVertexDistance += d / diskResolution; } } else { meanVertexDistance = 1; } this.setState({ edgeDistance: Math.cos(Math.PI / diskResolution) * meanVertexDistance }); return geometry; } protected _getModels() { const shaders = this.getShaders(); const bufferLayout = this.getAttributeManager()!.getBufferLayouts(); const fillModel = new Model(this.context.device, { ...shaders, id: `${this.props.id}-fill`, bufferLayout, isInstanced: true }); const wireframeModel = new Model(this.context.device, { ...shaders, id: `${this.props.id}-wireframe`, bufferLayout, isInstanced: true }); return { fillModel, wireframeModel, models: [wireframeModel, fillModel] }; } protected _updateGeometry({diskResolution, vertices, extruded, stroked}) { const geometry = this.getGeometry(diskResolution, vertices, extruded || stroked); this.setState({ fillVertexCount: geometry.attributes.POSITION.value.length / 3 }); const fillModel = this.state.fillModel!; const wireframeModel = this.state.wireframeModel!; fillModel.setGeometry(geometry); fillModel.setTopology('triangle-strip'); // Disable indices fillModel.setIndexBuffer(null); wireframeModel.setGeometry(geometry); wireframeModel.setTopology('line-list'); } draw({uniforms}) { const { lineWidthUnits, lineWidthScale, lineWidthMinPixels, lineWidthMaxPixels, radiusUnits, elevationScale, extruded, filled, stroked, wireframe, offset, coverage, radius, angle } = this.props; const fillModel = this.state.fillModel!; const wireframeModel = this.state.wireframeModel!; const {fillVertexCount, edgeDistance} = this.state; const columnProps: Omit = { radius, angle: (angle / 180) * Math.PI, offset, extruded, stroked, coverage, elevationScale, edgeDistance, radiusUnits: UNIT[radiusUnits], widthUnits: UNIT[lineWidthUnits], widthScale: lineWidthScale, widthMinPixels: lineWidthMinPixels, widthMaxPixels: lineWidthMaxPixels }; // When drawing 3d: draw wireframe first so it doesn't get occluded by depth test if (extruded && wireframe) { wireframeModel.shaderInputs.setProps({ column: { ...columnProps, isStroke: true } }); wireframeModel.draw(this.context.renderPass); } if (filled) { // model.setProps({isIndexed: false}); fillModel.setVertexCount(fillVertexCount); fillModel.shaderInputs.setProps({ column: { ...columnProps, isStroke: false } }); fillModel.draw(this.context.renderPass); } // When drawing 2d: draw fill before stroke so that the outline is always on top if (!extruded && stroked) { // model.setProps({isIndexed: false}); // The width of the stroke is achieved by flattening the side of the cylinder. // Skip the last 1/3 of the vertices which is the top. fillModel.setVertexCount((fillVertexCount * 2) / 3); fillModel.shaderInputs.setProps({ column: { ...columnProps, isStroke: true } }); fillModel.draw(this.context.renderPass); } } }