// deck.gl // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // Copyright (c) vis.gl contributors import { Layer, project32, picking, CoordinateSystem, COORDINATE_SYSTEM, LayerProps, PickingInfo, GetPickingInfoParams, UpdateParameters, Color, TextureSource, Position, DefaultProps } from '@deck.gl/core'; import {Model} from '@luma.gl/engine'; import type {SamplerProps, Texture} from '@luma.gl/core'; import {lngLatToWorld} from '@math.gl/web-mercator'; import createMesh from './create-mesh'; import {bitmapUniforms, BitmapProps} from './bitmap-layer-uniforms'; import vs from './bitmap-layer-vertex'; import fs from './bitmap-layer-fragment'; const defaultProps: DefaultProps = { image: {type: 'image', value: null, async: true}, bounds: {type: 'array', value: [1, 0, 0, 1], compare: true}, _imageCoordinateSystem: COORDINATE_SYSTEM.DEFAULT, desaturate: {type: 'number', min: 0, max: 1, value: 0}, // More context: because of the blending mode we're using for ground imagery, // alpha is not effective when blending the bitmap layers with the base map. // Instead we need to manually dim/blend rgb values with a background color. transparentColor: {type: 'color', value: [0, 0, 0, 0]}, tintColor: {type: 'color', value: [255, 255, 255]}, textureParameters: {type: 'object', ignore: true, value: null} }; /** All properties supported by BitmapLayer. */ export type BitmapLayerProps = _BitmapLayerProps & LayerProps; export type BitmapBoundingBox = | [left: number, bottom: number, right: number, top: number] | [Position, Position, Position, Position]; /** Properties added by BitmapLayer. */ type _BitmapLayerProps = { data: never; /** * The image to display. * * @default null */ image?: string | TextureSource | null; /** * Supported formats: * - Coordinates of the bounding box of the bitmap `[left, bottom, right, top]` * - Coordinates of four corners of the bitmap, should follow the sequence of `[[left, bottom], [left, top], [right, top], [right, bottom]]`. * Each position could optionally contain a third component `z`. * @default [1, 0, 0, 1] */ bounds?: BitmapBoundingBox; /** * > Note: this prop is experimental. * * Specifies how image coordinates should be geographically interpreted. * @default COORDINATE_SYSTEM.DEFAULT */ _imageCoordinateSystem?: CoordinateSystem; /** * The desaturation of the bitmap. Between `[0, 1]`. * @default 0 */ desaturate?: number; /** * The color to use for transparent pixels, in `[r, g, b, a]`. * @default [0, 0, 0, 0] */ transparentColor?: Color; /** * The color to tint the bitmap by, in `[r, g, b]`. * @default [255, 255, 255] */ tintColor?: Color; /** Customize the [texture parameters](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebGLRenderingContext/texParameter). */ textureParameters?: SamplerProps | null; }; export type BitmapLayerPickingInfo = PickingInfo< null, { bitmap: { /** Size of the original image */ size: { width: number; height: number; }; /** Hovered pixel uv in 0-1 range */ uv: [number, number]; /** Hovered pixel in the original image */ pixel: [number, number]; } | null; } >; /** Render a bitmap at specified boundaries. */ export default class BitmapLayer extends Layer< ExtraPropsT & Required<_BitmapLayerProps> > { static layerName = 'BitmapLayer'; static defaultProps = defaultProps; state!: { disablePicking?: boolean; model?: Model; mesh?: any; coordinateConversion: number; bounds: [number, number, number, number]; }; getShaders() { return super.getShaders({vs, fs, modules: [project32, picking, bitmapUniforms]}); } initializeState() { const attributeManager = this.getAttributeManager()!; attributeManager.remove(['instancePickingColors']); const noAlloc = true; attributeManager.add({ indices: { size: 1, isIndexed: true, update: attribute => (attribute.value = this.state.mesh.indices), noAlloc }, positions: { size: 3, type: 'float64', fp64: this.use64bitPositions(), update: attribute => (attribute.value = this.state.mesh.positions), noAlloc }, texCoords: { size: 2, update: attribute => (attribute.value = this.state.mesh.texCoords), noAlloc } }); } updateState({props, oldProps, changeFlags}: UpdateParameters): void { // setup model first const attributeManager = this.getAttributeManager()!; if (changeFlags.extensionsChanged) { this.state.model?.destroy(); this.state.model = this._getModel(); attributeManager.invalidateAll(); } if (props.bounds !== oldProps.bounds) { const oldMesh = this.state.mesh; const mesh = this._createMesh(); this.state.model!.setVertexCount(mesh.vertexCount); for (const key in mesh) { if (oldMesh && oldMesh[key] !== mesh[key]) { attributeManager.invalidate(key); } } this.setState({mesh, ...this._getCoordinateUniforms()}); } else if (props._imageCoordinateSystem !== oldProps._imageCoordinateSystem) { this.setState(this._getCoordinateUniforms()); } } getPickingInfo(params: GetPickingInfoParams): BitmapLayerPickingInfo { const {image} = this.props; const info = params.info as BitmapLayerPickingInfo; if (!info.color || !image) { info.bitmap = null; return info; } const {width, height} = image as Texture; // Picking color doesn't represent object index in this layer info.index = 0; // Calculate uv and pixel in bitmap const uv = unpackUVsFromRGB(info.color); info.bitmap = { size: {width, height}, uv, pixel: [Math.floor(uv[0] * width), Math.floor(uv[1] * height)] }; return info; } // Override base Layer multi-depth picking logic disablePickingIndex() { this.setState({disablePicking: true}); } restorePickingColors() { this.setState({disablePicking: false}); } protected _updateAutoHighlight(info) { super._updateAutoHighlight({ ...info, color: this.encodePickingColor(0) }); } protected _createMesh() { const {bounds} = this.props; let normalizedBounds = bounds; // bounds as [minX, minY, maxX, maxY] if (isRectangularBounds(bounds)) { /* (minX0, maxY3) ---- (maxX2, maxY3) | | | | | | (minX0, minY1) ---- (maxX2, minY1) */ normalizedBounds = [ [bounds[0], bounds[1]], [bounds[0], bounds[3]], [bounds[2], bounds[3]], [bounds[2], bounds[1]] ]; } return createMesh(normalizedBounds, this.context.viewport.resolution); } protected _getModel(): Model { /* 0,0 --- 1,0 | | 0,1 --- 1,1 */ return new Model(this.context.device, { ...this.getShaders(), id: this.props.id, bufferLayout: this.getAttributeManager()!.getBufferLayouts(), topology: 'triangle-list', isInstanced: false }); } draw(opts) { const {shaderModuleProps} = opts; const {model, coordinateConversion, bounds, disablePicking} = this.state; const {image, desaturate, transparentColor, tintColor} = this.props; if (shaderModuleProps.picking.isActive && disablePicking) { return; } // // TODO fix zFighting // Render the image if (image && model) { const bitmapProps: BitmapProps = { bitmapTexture: image as Texture, bounds, coordinateConversion, desaturate, tintColor: tintColor.slice(0, 3).map(x => x / 255) as [number, number, number], transparentColor: transparentColor.map(x => x / 255) as [number, number, number, number] }; model.shaderInputs.setProps({bitmap: bitmapProps}); model.draw(this.context.renderPass); } } _getCoordinateUniforms() { const {LNGLAT, CARTESIAN, DEFAULT} = COORDINATE_SYSTEM; let {_imageCoordinateSystem: imageCoordinateSystem} = this.props; if (imageCoordinateSystem !== DEFAULT) { const {bounds} = this.props; if (!isRectangularBounds(bounds)) { throw new Error('_imageCoordinateSystem only supports rectangular bounds'); } // The default behavior (linearly interpolated tex coords) const defaultImageCoordinateSystem = this.context.viewport.resolution ? LNGLAT : CARTESIAN; imageCoordinateSystem = imageCoordinateSystem === LNGLAT ? LNGLAT : CARTESIAN; if (imageCoordinateSystem === LNGLAT && defaultImageCoordinateSystem === CARTESIAN) { // LNGLAT in Mercator, e.g. display LNGLAT-encoded image in WebMercator projection return {coordinateConversion: -1, bounds}; } if (imageCoordinateSystem === CARTESIAN && defaultImageCoordinateSystem === LNGLAT) { // Mercator in LNGLAT, e.g. display WebMercator encoded image in Globe projection const bottomLeft = lngLatToWorld([bounds[0], bounds[1]]); const topRight = lngLatToWorld([bounds[2], bounds[3]]); return { coordinateConversion: 1, bounds: [bottomLeft[0], bottomLeft[1], topRight[0], topRight[1]] }; } } return { coordinateConversion: 0, bounds: [0, 0, 0, 0] }; } } /** * Decode uv floats from rgb bytes where b contains 4-bit fractions of uv * @param {number[]} color * @returns {number[]} uvs * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30242013/glsl-compressing-packing-multiple-0-1-colours-var4-into-a-single-var4-variab */ function unpackUVsFromRGB(color: Uint8Array): [number, number] { const [u, v, fracUV] = color; const vFrac = (fracUV & 0xf0) / 256; const uFrac = (fracUV & 0x0f) / 16; return [(u + uFrac) / 256, (v + vFrac) / 256]; } function isRectangularBounds( bounds: [number, number, number, number] | [Position, Position, Position, Position] ): bounds is [number, number, number, number] { return Number.isFinite(bounds[0]); }