import { Label, THREE } from 'zincjs'; export const createListFromPrimitives = (primitives, list) => { if (primitives) { let id = ""; primitives.forEach(primitive => { id = primitive.uuid; if (primitive.region) { id = primitive.region.uuid + "/" + id; } if (primitive && primitive.getVisibility()) { list.push(id); } }); } return list; } const getDistance = (point1, point2) => { const dist0 = point1[0] - point2[0]; const dist1 = point1[1] - point2[1]; const dist2 = point1[2] - point2[2]; return Math.sqrt(dist0 * dist0 + dist1 * dist1 + dist2 * dist2); } export const getEditableLines = (event) => { const zincObjects = event.zincObjects; if (zincObjects.length > 0 && zincObjects[0]) { const zincObject = zincObjects[0]; if (zincObject.isEditable && zincObject.isLines2) { const info = event.identifiers[0].extraData.intersected; if (info && info.faceIndex > -1) { const v = zincObject.getVerticesByFaceIndex(info.faceIndex); const p = event.identifiers[0].extraData.intersected.pointOnLine; if (v.length > 1) { const dist0 = getDistance(v[0], [p.x, p.y, p.z]); const dist1 = getDistance(v[1], [p.x, p.y, p.z]); if (dist0 > dist1) { return { zincObject, faceIndex: info.faceIndex, vertexIndex: info.faceIndex * 2 + 1, point: v[0]}; } else { return { zincObject, faceIndex: info.faceIndex, vertexIndex: info.faceIndex * 2, point: v[1]}; } } } } } return undefined; } export const getDeletableObjects = (event) => { const zincObjects = event.zincObjects; if (zincObjects.length > 0 && zincObjects[0]) { const zincObject = zincObjects[0]; if (zincObject.isEditable) { return zincObject; } } return undefined; } export const movePoint = (zincObject, index, diff) => { if (zincObject?.isEditable && zincObject?.isPointset) { let found = false; for (let i = 0; i < 3 && !found; i++) { if (diff[i] !== 0) { found = true; } } if (found && index > -1) { const v = zincObject.getVerticesByIndex(index); if (v) { v[0] = v[0] + diff[0]; v[1] = v[1] + diff[1]; v[2] = v[2] + diff[2]; } zincObject.editVertices([v], index); zincObject.boundingBoxUpdateRequired = true; return true; } } return false; } export const getLineDistance = (zincObject, faceIndex) => { if (zincObject?.isEditable && zincObject?.isLines2) { if (faceIndex > -1) { const v = zincObject.getVerticesByFaceIndex(faceIndex); if (v && v.length > 1) { return getDistance(v[1], v[0]); } } } return 0; } //Move or extend a line export const moveAndExtendLine = (zincObject, faceIndex, unit, extendOnly) => { if (zincObject && unit !== 0.0) { if (zincObject.isEditable && zincObject.isLines2) { if (faceIndex > -1) { const v = zincObject.getVerticesByFaceIndex(faceIndex); let d = [v[1][0] - v[0][0], v[1][1] - v[0][1], v[1][2] - v[0][2]]; const mag = Math.sqrt(d[0] * d[0] + d[1] * d[1] + d[2] * d[2]); for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { d[i] = d[i] / mag * unit; if (!extendOnly) { v[0][i] = v[0][i] + d[i]; v[1][i] = v[1][i] + d[i]; } else { v[1][i] = v[0][i] + d[i]; } } zincObject.editVertices(v, faceIndex * 2); zincObject.boundingBoxUpdateRequired = true; return true; } } } return false; } export const updateBoundingBox = (geometry, scene) => { const box = scene.getBoundingBox(); const dim = new THREE.Vector3().subVectors(box.max, box.min); const boxGeo = new THREE.BoxGeometry(dim.x, dim.y, dim.z); dim.addVectors(box.min, box.max).multiplyScalar( 0.5 ); const positions = boxGeo.getAttribute("position"); const count = positions.count; const vertices = []; for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { vertices[i] = [ positions.array[i * 3], positions.array[i * 3 + 1], positions.array[i * 3 + 2] ]; } geometry.editVertices(vertices , 0); geometry.setPosition(dim.x, dim.y, dim.z); boxGeo.dispose(); } export const extractAllFullPaths = (item, list) => { let nodeName = ""; if (item.isRegion) { nodeName = `__r${item.regionPath}`; } if (item.isPrimitives) { nodeName = `${item.regionPath}/${item.label}`; } list.push(nodeName); if (item.children) item.children.forEach(child => extractAllFullPaths(child, list)); } export const findObjectsWithNames = (rootRegion, names, regionPath, transverse) => { let targetRegion = rootRegion; const targetObjects = []; if (regionPath) targetRegion = rootRegion.findChildFromPath(regionPath); if (targetRegion) { const isArray = Array.isArray(names); let array = names; if (!isArray) { array = [array]; } array.forEach(name => { const temp = targetRegion.findObjectsWithGroupName(name, transverse); targetObjects.push(...temp); }); } return targetObjects; } export const getAllObjects = (scene) => { let objects = scene.getRootRegion().getAllObjects(true); let id = 1; return => Object.assign(object, { id: id++ })); // Add id to each object } const findObjectWithUUID = (objects, uuid, remove) => { const index = objects.findIndex(obj => obj.uuid === uuid); let object = undefined; if (index > -1) { object = objects[index]; if (remove) { objects.splice(index, 1); } } return object; } export const convertUUIDsToFullPaths = (rootRegion, IDs) => { const results = []; if (rootRegion && IDs && IDs.length > 0) { //a region to primitivs map list const rpLists = {}; const reIDToPath = {}; const allRegions = [rootRegion, ...rootRegion.getChildRegions(true)]; let region = undefined; let primitive = undefined; let regionID = undefined; IDs.forEach(id => { const uuids = id.split("/"); regionID = uuids[0]; region = findObjectWithUUID(allRegions, regionID, false); if (region) { if (!reIDToPath[regionID]) { reIDToPath[regionID] = region.getFullPath(); } if (uuids[1]) { if (!rpLists[regionID]) { rpLists[regionID] = region.getAllObjects(false); } primitive = findObjectWithUUID(rpLists[regionID], uuids[1], true); if (primitive) { results.push(`${reIDToPath[regionID]}/${primitive.groupName}`); } } else { results.push(`__r/${reIDToPath[regionID]}`); } } }); } return results; } export const createUnqiuesFromObjects = (zincObjects) => { if (zincObjects) { const expanded = []; zincObjects.forEach(obj => { if (obj.isZincObject) { expanded.push(obj); } else if (obj.isRegion) { expanded.push(...obj.getAllObjects(true)); } }); const uniq = Object.values( expanded.reduce((acc, obj) => ({ ...acc, [obj.uuid]: obj }), {}) ); return uniq; } return []; } export const getObjectsFromAnnotations = (scene, annotations) => { const returned = {label: "Multiple selections", regionPath: "", objects: []}; if (annotations && scene) { const rpList = {}; const rootRegion = scene.getRootRegion(); if (annotations.length > 0) { returned.regionPath = annotations[0].data.region; returned.label = annotations[0]; } annotations.forEach(annotation => { if (! { returned.regionPath = ""; } if (returned.label !== { returned.label = "Multiple selections"; } const region = rootRegion.findChildFromPath(; if (!rpList[region.uuid]) { rpList[region.uuid] = region.getAllObjects(false); } const obj = findObjectWithUUID(rpList[region.uuid],; if (obj) returned.objects.push(obj); }); } return returned; } const getCoordinatesForAnnotationFeature = (zincObject) => { const mesh = zincObject.getMorph(); let attr = 'position'; if (zincObject.isLines2) { attr = 'instanceStart'; } const coords = []; let vIndex = 0; const position = mesh.geometry.getAttribute( attr ); for (let i = 0; i < zincObject.drawRange; i++) { coords.push([ position.array[vIndex++], position.array[vIndex++], position.array[vIndex++], ]); } return coords; } const createNewAnnotationsWithFeatures = (zincObject, region, group, scaffoldUrl, comment) => { let type = undefined; if (zincObject.isPointset) { type = "MultiPoint"; } else if (zincObject.isLines2) { type = "MultiLineString"; } if (type) { const coords = getCoordinatesForAnnotationFeature(zincObject); //Check if region ends with a slash let fullName = region.slice(-1) === "/" ? region : region + "/"; fullName = fullName + group; const featureID = fullName; const userAnnotation = { resource: scaffoldUrl, item: { "id": featureID, }, body: { evidence: [], comment: comment, }, feature: { "id": featureID, "properties": { "drawn": true, "label": "Drawn annotation" }, "geometry": { "coordinates": coords, "type": type } }, } if (comment === "Deleted") { userAnnotation.feature = undefined; } return userAnnotation; } } /* * Add/Update drawn annotations to the server. */ export const addUserAnnotationWithFeature = (service, userToken, zincObject, region, group, scaffoldUrl, action) => { const annotation = createNewAnnotationsWithFeatures(zincObject, region, group, scaffoldUrl, action); if (annotation) { if (service && service.currentUser) { annotation.creator = {...service.currentUser}; if (!annotation.creator.orcid) annotation.creator.orcid = '0000-0000-0000-0000'; service.addAnnotation(userToken, annotation) .then((response) => { if (!response.annotationId) { console.log('There is a problem with the submission, please try again later'); } }) .catch(() => { console.log('There is a problem with the submission, please try again later'); }) } return annotation; } } /* * Get the drawn annotation stored on the annotation server */ export const getDrawnAnnotations = async (service, userToken, scaffoldUrl) => { const resource = scaffoldUrl; return await service.drawnFeatures(userToken, resource); } /* * Convert features store in annotation server into primitives */ export const annotationFeaturesToPrimitives = (scene, features) => { if (scene) { features.forEach((feature) => { const geometry = feature.geometry; const regionGroup = decodeURIComponent(; const last = regionGroup.lastIndexOf('/'); const region = regionGroup.substring(0, last); const group = regionGroup.substring(last + 1); let object = undefined; if (geometry.type === "MultiPoint") { object = scene.createPoints( region, group, geometry.coordinates, group, 0x0022ee, ); } else if (geometry.type === "MultiLineString") { object = scene.createLines( region, group, geometry.coordinates, 0x00ee22, ); } if (object) object.zincObject.isEditable = true; }); } }