import { THREE } from 'zincjs'; import { RendererModule } from './RendererModule.js'; import Annotation from './Annotation.js'; // Current model's associate data, data fields, external link, nerve map // informations, // these are proived in the organsFileMap array. const OrgansSceneData = function() { this.currentName = ""; this.currentSystem = ""; this.currentPart = ""; this.currentSpecies = ""; this.metaURL = ""; this.viewURL = ""; this.timeVarying = false; this.currentTime = 0.0; } /** * Viewer of 3D-organs models. Users can toggle on/off different views. Data is * displayed instead if models are not available. * * @class * @param {PJP.ModelsLoader} * ModelsLoaderIn - defined in modelsLoade.js, providing locations of * files. * @param {String} * PanelName - Id of the target element to create the * {@link PJP.OrgansViewer} on. * @author Alan Wu * @returns {PJP.OrgansViewer} */ const OrgansViewer = function(ModelsLoaderIn) {; const _this = this; let pickerScene = undefined; this.sceneData = new OrgansSceneData(); const timeChangedCallbacks = new Array(); const sceneChangedCallbacks = new Array(); const organPartAddedCallbacks = new Array(); const organPartRemovedCallbacks = new Array(); let finishDownloadCallback = undefined; const modelsLoader = ModelsLoaderIn; this.NDCCameraControl = undefined; _this.typeName = "Organ Viewer"; this.getSceneData = function() { return _this.sceneData; } /** * Used to update internal timer in scene when time slider has changed. */ this.updateTime = function(value) { let duration = 6000; if (_this.scene) duration = _this.scene.getDuration(); const actualTime = value / 100.0 * duration; if (!_this.sceneData.nerveMapIsActive) { if (pickerScene) pickerScene.setMorphsTime(actualTime); if (_this.scene) _this.scene.setMorphsTime(actualTime); } _this.sceneData.currentTime = value; } /** * Update the time slider and other renderers/scenes when time has changed. */ const preRenderTimeUpdate = function() { let duration = 3000; if (_this.scene) duration = _this.scene.getDuration(); const currentTime = _this.zincRenderer.getCurrentTime(); for (let i = 0; i < timeChangedCallbacks.length;i++) { timeChangedCallbacks[i](currentTime); } if (!_this.sceneData.nerveMapIsActive && pickerScene) pickerScene.setMorphsTime(currentTime); if (_this.sceneData.nerveMap && _this.sceneData.nerveMap.additionalReader) _this.sceneData.nerveMap.additionalReader.setTime(currentTime / duration); _this.sceneData.currentTime = currentTime / duration * 100.0; } this.getCurrentTime = function() { return _this.sceneData.currentTime; } this.toggleSyncControl = (flag, rotateMode) => { let cameraControl = this.scene.getZincCameraControls(); if (flag) { cameraControl.resetView(); this.NDCCameraControl = cameraControl.enableSyncControl(); cameraControl.setRotationMode(rotateMode); } else { cameraControl.disableSyncControl(); this.NDCCameraControl = undefined; cameraControl.setRotationMode("free"); } } this.isSyncControl = () => { return this.NDCCameraControl !== undefined; } this.setSyncControlZoomToBox = (box) => { if (this.NDCCameraControl) { this.NDCCameraControl.zoomToBox(box, 2); } } this.setSyncControlCallback = (callback) => { if (this.NDCCameraControl) { this.NDCCameraControl.setEventCallback(callback); } } this.setSyncControlCenterZoom = (center, zoom) => { if (this.NDCCameraControl) { this.NDCCameraControl.setCenterZoom(center, zoom); } } const postRenderSelectedCoordinatesUpdate = function() { //It is animating, the coordinates may have been updated if (_this.zincRenderer.playAnimation && _this.liveUpdatesObjects) { _this.setupLiveCoordinates(_this.liveUpdatesObjects); } if (_this.selectedCenter) { const vector = new THREE.Vector3(); vector.copy(_this.selectedCenter); const coord = _this.scene.vectorToScreenXY(vector); _this.selectedScreenCoordinates.x = coord.x; _this.selectedScreenCoordinates.y = coord.y; } } const preRenderUpdateCallback = function() { return function() { preRenderTimeUpdate(); } } const postRenderUpdateCallback = function() { return function() { postRenderSelectedCoordinatesUpdate(); } } /** * Add a callback which will be called when time has changed */ this.addTimeChangedCallback = function(callback) { if (typeof(callback === "function")) timeChangedCallbacks.push(callback); } this.setTexturePos = function(value) { if (_this.sceneData.nerveMap && _this.sceneData.nerveMap.additionalReader) _this.sceneData.nerveMap.additionalReader.setSliderPos(value); } this.addSceneChangedCallback = function(callback) { if (typeof(callback === "function")) { sceneChangedCallbacks.push(callback); } } this.addOrganPartAddedCallback = function(callback) { if (typeof(callback === "function")) organPartAddedCallbacks.push(callback); } this.addOrganPartRemovedCallback = function(callback) { if (typeof(callback === "function")) organPartRemovedCallbacks.push(callback); } this.setFinishDownloadCallback = function(callback) { if (typeof(callback === "function")) finishDownloadCallback = callback; } this.unsetFinishDownloadCallback = function() { finishDownloadCallback = undefined; } this.getNamedObjectsToScreenCoordinates = function(name, camera) { const vector = new THREE.Vector3(); vector.setFromMatrixPosition( obj.matrixWorld ); const widthHalf = (width/2); const heightHalf = (height/2); vector.project(camera); vector.x = ( vector.x * widthHalf ) + widthHalf; vector.y = - ( vector.y * heightHalf ) + heightHalf; return vector; } const getIdObjectFromIntersect = function(intersected) { let id = undefined; let intersectedObject = undefined; if (intersected !== undefined) { let marker = false; if (intersected.object.userData && intersected.object.userData.isMarker) { marker = true; intersectedObject = intersected.object.userData.parent.getMorph(); } else { intersectedObject = intersected.object; } try { = marker; } finally { } if (intersectedObject) { if ( { id =; } else { const annotations = _this.getAnnotationsFromObjects( [intersectedObject]); if (annotations && annotations[0]) { id = annotations[0]; } } } } return {"id":id, "object":intersectedObject}; } /** * Callback function when a pickable object has been picked. It will then * call functions in tissueViewer and cellPanel to show corresponding * informations. * * @callback */ const _pickingCallback = function() { return function(intersects, window_x, window_y) { const intersected = _this.getIntersectedObject(intersects); const idObject = getIdObjectFromIntersect(intersected); const extraData = { worldCoords: [ intersected ? intersected.point.x : 0, intersected ? intersected.point.y : 0, intersected ? intersected.point.z : 0, ], intersected: intersected, intersects: intersects, }; const coords = { x: window_x, y: window_y }; if ( { extraData.threeID = idObject.object?.id; if (idObject.object.userData.isGlyph) { if ( { _this.setSelectedByObjects([idObject.object], coords, extraData, true); } else { _this.setSelectedByZincObjects(idObject.object.userData.getGlyphset(), coords, extraData, true); } } else { _this.setSelectedByObjects([idObject.object], coords, extraData, true); } return; } else { _this.setSelectedByObjects([], coords, extraData, true); } } }; /** * Callback function when a pickable object has been hovered over. * * @callback */ const _hoverCallback = function() { return function(intersects, window_x, window_y) { const intersected = _this.getIntersectedObject(intersects); const idObject = getIdObjectFromIntersect(intersected); const extraData = { worldCoords: [ intersected ? intersected.point.x : 0, intersected ? intersected.point.y : 0, intersected ? intersected.point.z : 0, ], } const coords = { x: window_x, y: window_y }; if ( { extraData.threeID = idObject.object?.id; = "pointer"; _this.setHighlightedByObjects([idObject.object], coords, extraData, true); return; } else { = "auto"; _this.setHighlightedByObjects([], coords, extraData, true); } } }; const changeOrganPartsVisibilityForScene = function(scene, name, value, type) { if (type == "all" || type == "geometries") { const geometries = scene.findGeometriesWithGroupName(name); for (let i = 0; i < geometries.length; i ++ ) { geometries[i].setVisibility(value); } } if (type == "all" || type == "glyphsets") { const glyphsets = scene.findGlyphsetsWithGroupName(name); for (let i = 0; i < glyphsets.length; i ++ ) { glyphsets[i].setVisibility(value); } } if (type == "all" || type == "pointsets") { const pointsets = scene.findPointsetsWithGroupName(name); for (let i = 0; i < pointsets.length; i ++ ) { pointsets[i].setVisibility(value); } } if (type == "all" || type == "lines") { const lines = scene.findLinesWithGroupName(name); for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i ++ ) { lines[i].setVisibility(value); } } } /** * Change visibility for parts of the current scene. */ this.changeGeometriesVisibility = function(name, value) { changeOrganPartsVisibilityForScene(_this.scene, name, value, 'geometries'); if (pickerScene) changeOrganPartsVisibilityForScene(pickerScene, name, value, 'geometries'); } /** * Change visibility for parts of the current scene. */ this.changeGlyphsetsVisibility = function(name, value) { changeOrganPartsVisibilityForScene(_this.scene, name, value, 'glyphsets'); if (pickerScene) changeOrganPartsVisibilityForScene(pickerScene, name, value, 'glyphsets'); } /** * Change visibility for parts of the current scene. */ this.changeLinesVisibility = function(name, value) { changeOrganPartsVisibilityForScene(_this.scene, name, value, 'lines'); if (pickerScene) changeOrganPartsVisibilityForScene(pickerScene, name, value, 'lines'); } /** * Change visibility for parts of the current scene. */ this.changePointsetsVisibility = function(name, value) { changeOrganPartsVisibilityForScene(_this.scene, name, value, 'pointsets'); if (pickerScene) changeOrganPartsVisibilityForScene(pickerScene, name, value, 'pointsets'); } /** * Change visibility for parts of the current scene. */ this.changeOrganPartsVisibility = function(name, value, typeIn) { let type = "all"; if (typeIn !== undefined) type = typeIn; changeOrganPartsVisibilityForScene(_this.scene, name, value, type); if (pickerScene) changeOrganPartsVisibilityForScene(pickerScene, name, value, type); } this.changeOrganPartsVisibilityCallback = function(name) { return function(value) { _this.changeOrganPartsVisibility(name, value); } } this.changeBackgroundColour = function(backgroundColourString) { const colour = new THREE.Color(backgroundColourString); if (_this.zincRenderer) { const internalRenderer = _this.zincRenderer.getThreeJSRenderer(); internalRenderer.setClearColor( colour, 1 ); } } const addOrganPart = function(systemName, partName, useDefautColour, zincObject) { for (let i = 0; i < organPartAddedCallbacks.length;i++) { organPartAddedCallbacks[i](zincObject, _this.scene.isTimeVarying()); } if (useDefautColour) modelsLoader.setGeometryColour(zincObject, systemName, partName); const annotation = new Annotation(); const region = zincObject.region.getFullPath(); = {species:_this.sceneData.currentSpecies, system:systemName, part:partName, group:zincObject.groupName, region: region, uuid:zincObject.uuid, lastActionOnMarker: false}; zincObject.userData["annotation"] = annotation; } const removeOrganPart = function(systemName, partName, useDefautColour, zincObject) { for (let i = 0; i < organPartRemovedCallbacks.length;i++) { organPartRemovedCallbacks[i](zincObject); } } /** * New organs geometry has been added to the scene, add UIs and make * sure the viewport is correct. */ const _addOrganPartCallback = function(systemName, partName, useDefautColour) { return function(zincObject) { addOrganPart(systemName, partName, useDefautColour, zincObject); } } /** * Organs geometry has been removed to the scene. */ const _removeOrganPartCallback = function(systemName, partName, useDefautColour) { return function(zincObject) { removeOrganPart(systemName, partName, useDefautColour, zincObject); } } const downloadCompletedCallback = function() { return function() { _this.settingsChanged(); _this.sceneData.timeVarying = _this.scene.isTimeVarying(); if (finishDownloadCallback) finishDownloadCallback(); } } const singleItemDownloadCompletedCallback = function(systemName, partName, useDefautColour) { return function(geometry) { addOrganPart(systemName, partName, useDefautColour, geometry); _this.settingsChanged(); } } /** * Toggle data field displays. Data fields displays flow/pressure and * other activities of the organs. */ this.updateFieldvisibility = function(dataFields, value) { for ( let i = 0; i < dataFields.length; i ++ ) { if (value != i) { const geometryName = dataFields[i].PartName; _this.changeOrganPartsVisibility(geometryName, false); } } if (value > -1) { const partName = dataFields[value].PartName; if ((_this.scene.findGeometriesWithGroupName(partName).length > 0) || (_this.scene.findGlyphsetsWithGroupName(partName).length > 0)) { _this.changeOrganPartsVisibility(partName, true); } else { const partDetails = getOrganDetails(dataFields[value].SystemName, partName); if (partDetails != undefined) { _this.scene.loadMetadataURL(modelsLoader.getOrgansDirectoryPrefix() + "/" + partDetails.meta); } } } } /** * Return an array containing name(s) of species that also contains the * currently displayed organs. * * @returns {Array} containing species name */ this.getAvailableSpecies = function(currentSpecies, currentSystem, currentPart) { const availableSpecies = new Array(); availableSpecies.push("none"); const keysArray = Object.keys(organsFileMap); for (index in keysArray) { const species = keysArray[index]; if (species != currentSpecies) { if (organsFileMap[species].hasOwnProperty(currentSystem) && organsFileMap[species][currentSystem].hasOwnProperty(currentPart)) { availableSpecies.push(species); } } } return availableSpecies; } /** * Return the center and size of the cuurrent viewing scene */ this.getCentreAndSize = function() { const vector = new THREE.Vector3(); const boundingBox = this.scene.getBoundingBox(); boundingBox.getCenter(vector); const centre = [vector.x, vector.y, vector.z]; boundingBox.getSize(vector); const size = [vector.x, vector.y, vector.z]; return {centre, size}; } const setSceneData = function(speciesName, systemName, partName, organsDetails) { _this.sceneData.nerveMapIsActive = false; _this.sceneData.nerveMap = undefined; _this.sceneData.metaURL = ""; _this.sceneData.viewURL = ""; _this.sceneData.currentSpecies = speciesName; _this.sceneData.currentSystem = systemName; _this.sceneData.currentPart = partName; _this.sceneData.currentTime = 0.0; _this.sceneData.timeVarying = false; // This is used as title let name = ""; if (speciesName) name = speciesName + "/"; if (systemName) name = systemName + "/"; if (partName) name = partName; _this.sceneData.currentName = name; } this.loadOrgansFromURL = function(url, speciesName, systemName, partName, viewURL, clearFirst) { if (_this.zincRenderer) { if (partName && (_this.sceneData.metaURL !== url)) { setSceneData(speciesName, systemName, partName, undefined); const name = _this.sceneData.currentName; let organScene = _this.zincRenderer.getSceneByName(name); if (organScene) { if (clearFirst) organScene.clearAll(); } else { organScene = _this.zincRenderer.createScene(name); } _this.selectObjectOnPick = true; for (let i = 0; i < sceneChangedCallbacks.length;i++) { sceneChangedCallbacks[i](_this.sceneData); } if (viewURL && viewURL != "") { _this.sceneData.viewURL = viewURL; organScene.loadViewURL(_this.sceneData.viewURL); } else { _this.sceneData.viewURL = undefined; } _this.sceneData.metaURL = url; organScene.addZincObjectAddedCallbacks(_addOrganPartCallback(systemName, partName, false)); organScene.addZincObjectRemovedCallbacks(_removeOrganPartCallback(undefined, partName, false)); organScene.loadMetadataURL(url, undefined, downloadCompletedCallback()); _this.scene = organScene; _this.zincRenderer.setCurrentScene(organScene); _this.graphicsHighlight.reset(); const zincCameraControl = organScene.getZincCameraControls(); zincCameraControl.enableRaycaster(organScene, _pickingCallback(), _hoverCallback()); zincCameraControl.setMouseButtonAction("AUXILIARY", "ZOOM"); zincCameraControl.setMouseButtonAction("SECONDARY", "PAN"); } } } this.loadGLTFFromURL = function(url, partName, clearFirst) { if (_this.zincRenderer) { if (partName && (_this.sceneData.metaURL !== url)) { setSceneData(undefined, undefined, partName, undefined); const name = _this.sceneData.currentName; let organScene = _this.zincRenderer.getSceneByName(name); if (organScene) { if (clearFirst) organScene.clearAll(); } else { organScene = _this.zincRenderer.createScene(name); } for (let i = 0; i < sceneChangedCallbacks.length;i++) { sceneChangedCallbacks[i](_this.sceneData); } _this.sceneData.viewURL = undefined; _this.sceneData.metaURL = url; organScene.addZincObjectAddedCallbacks(_addOrganPartCallback(undefined, partName, false)); organScene.addZincObjectRemovedCallbacks(_removeOrganPartCallback(undefined, partName, false)); organScene.loadGLTF(url, undefined, downloadCompletedCallback()); _this.scene = organScene; _this.zincRenderer.setCurrentScene(organScene); _this.graphicsHighlight.reset(); const zincCameraControl = organScene.getZincCameraControls(); zincCameraControl.enableRaycaster(organScene, _pickingCallback(), _hoverCallback()); zincCameraControl.setMouseButtonAction("AUXILIARY", "ZOOM"); zincCameraControl.setMouseButtonAction("SECONDARY", "PAN"); } } } this.alignCameraWithSelectedObject = function(transitionTime) { const objects = _this.graphicsHighlight.getSelected(); if (objects && objects[0] && objects[0].userData) { _this.scene.alignObjectToCameraView(objects[0].userData, transitionTime); } } this.exportSettings = function() { const settings = {}; = _this.instanceName; if (_this.sceneData.currentSystem) settings.system = _this.sceneData.currentSystem; if (_this.sceneData.currentSpecies) settings.species = _this.sceneData.currentSpecies; if (_this.sceneData.currentPart) settings.part = _this.sceneData.currentPart; settings.metaURL = _this.sceneData.metaURL; if (_this.sceneData.viewURL) settings.viewURL = _this.sceneData.viewURL; settings.dialog = "Organ Viewer"; return settings; } this.importSettings = function(settings) { if (settings && (settings.dialog == this.typeName)) { _this.setName(; if (settings.metaURL !== undefined && settings.metaURL != "") { _this.loadOrgansFromURL(settings.metaURL, settings.species, settings.system, settings.part, settings.viewURL, true); } else { _this.loadOrgans(settings.species, settings.system, settings.part); } return true; } return false; } /** * initialise loading of the html layout for the organs panel, this is * called when the {@link PJP.OrgansViewer} is created. * * @async */ const initialise = function() { _this.initialiseRenderer(undefined); if (_this.zincRenderer) { _this.zincRenderer.addPreRenderCallbackFunction(preRenderUpdateCallback()); _this.zincRenderer.addPostRenderCallbackFunction(postRenderUpdateCallback()); } } initialise(); } OrgansViewer.prototype = Object.create(RendererModule.prototype); export { OrgansViewer }