{ "stats": { "suites": 0, "tests": 1, "passes": 0, "pending": 0, "failures": 1, "start": "2024-07-19T02:56:32.925Z", "end": "2024-07-19T02:56:33.857Z", "duration": 932, "testsRegistered": 1, "passPercent": 0, "pendingPercent": 0, "other": 0, "hasOther": false, "skipped": 0, "hasSkipped": false }, "results": [ { "uuid": "f537dd39-00a8-46cd-abcc-a8615bc728e4", "title": "", "fullFile": "cypress/component/MapContent.cy.js", "file": "cypress/component/MapContent.cy.js", "beforeHooks": [], "afterHooks": [], "tests": [ { "title": "An uncaught error was detected outside of a test", "fullTitle": "An uncaught error was detected outside of a test", "timedOut": null, "duration": 854, "state": "failed", "speed": null, "pass": false, "fail": true, "pending": false, "context": null, "code": "throw err;", "err": { "message": "TypeError: The following error originated from your test code, not from Cypress.\n\n > Failed to fetch dynamically imported module: http://localhost:8081/__cypress/src/@fs/home/cmiss/Jenkins/workspace/mapintegratedvuer/cypress/component/MapContent.cy.js\n\nWhen Cypress detects uncaught errors originating from your test code it will automatically fail the current test.\n\nCypress could not associate this error to any specific test.\n\nWe dynamically generated a new test to display this failure.", "estack": "TypeError: The following error originated from your test code, not from Cypress.\n\n > Failed to fetch dynamically imported module: http://localhost:8081/__cypress/src/@fs/home/cmiss/Jenkins/workspace/mapintegratedvuer/cypress/component/MapContent.cy.js\n\nWhen Cypress detects uncaught errors originating from your test code it will automatically fail the current test.\n\nCypress could not associate this error to any specific test.\n\nWe dynamically generated a new test to display this failure.", "diff": null }, "uuid": "32da3683-ce9d-4442-aa81-f6ac158640ef", "parentUUID": "f537dd39-00a8-46cd-abcc-a8615bc728e4", "isHook": false, "skipped": false } ], "suites": [], "passes": [], "failures": [ "32da3683-ce9d-4442-aa81-f6ac158640ef" ], "pending": [], "skipped": [], "duration": 854, "root": true, "rootEmpty": false, "_timeout": 2000 } ], "meta": { "mocha": { "version": "7.0.1" }, "mochawesome": { "options": { "quiet": false, "reportFilename": "mochawesome", "saveHtml": false, "saveJson": true, "consoleReporter": "spec", "useInlineDiffs": false, "code": true }, "version": "7.1.3" }, "marge": { "options": { "id": "default", "reportDir": "cypress/results/json", "overwrite": false, "html": false, "json": true }, "version": "6.2.0" } } }