import { EOL } from 'os' import chalk from 'chalk' import { Stats } from 'webpack' import RequestShortener from 'webpack/lib/RequestShortener' import WebpackError from 'webpack/lib/WebpackError' import { formatErrorMessage, stripLoaderFromPath } from './formatUtil' const createGetFile = (requestShortener: RequestShortener) => ( e: WebpackError ): string | null => { /* istanbul ignore if */ if (e.file) { // webpack does this also, so there must be case when this happens return e.file } if ( e.module && e.module.readableIdentifier && typeof e.module.readableIdentifier === 'function' ) { // if we got a module, build a file path to the module without loader information return stripLoaderFromPath(e.module.readableIdentifier(requestShortener)) } /* istanbul ignore next */ return null } // helper to transform strings in errors const ensureWebpackErrors = ( errors: Array ): Array => string | WebpackError) => { /* istanbul ignore if */ if (typeof e === 'string') { // webpack does this also, so there must be case when this happens return ({ message: e } as any) as WebpackError } return e }) const prependWarning = (message: string) => `${chalk.yellow('Warning')} ${message}` const prependError = (message: string) => `${'Error')} ${message}` export default function createStatsFormatter(rootPath: string) { const requestShortener = new RequestShortener(rootPath) const getFile = createGetFile(requestShortener) const formatError = (err: WebpackError) => { const lines: Array = [] const file = getFile(err) /* istanbul ignore else */ if (file != null) { lines.push(`in ${chalk.underline(file)}`) lines.push('') } else { // got no file, that happens only for more generic errors like the following from node-sass // Missing binding /mochapack-example/node_modules/node-sass/vendor/linux-x64-48/binding.node // Node Sass could not find a binding for your current environment: Linux 64-bit with Node.js 6.x // ... // just print 2 lines like file lines.push('') lines.push('') } lines.push(formatErrorMessage(err.message)) return lines.join(EOL) } return function statsFormatter( stats: Stats ): { errors: Array; warnings: Array } { const { compilation } = stats return { errors: ensureWebpackErrors(compilation.errors) .map(formatError) .map(prependError), warnings: ensureWebpackErrors(compilation.warnings) .map(formatError) .map(prependWarning) } } }