import chai, { expect } from 'chai' import { SinonSandbox, SinonSpy, createSandbox } from 'sinon' import sinonChai from 'sinon-chai' import { merge as _merge, pick as _pick } from 'lodash' import Mocha from 'mocha' import { installedMochaMajor } from '../../../../test/installedMochaVersion' import { MochapackMochaOptions } from '../../../cli/argsParser/optionsFromParsedArgs/types' import initMocha from '.' chai.use(sinonChai) describe('initMocha', async () => { const mochaMajorVersion = await installedMochaMajor let sandbox: SinonSandbox let initOptions: MochapackMochaOptions let defaultOptions: any let cwd: string let reporterSpy: SinonSpy let uiSpy: SinonSpy let defaultExtensions = ['js'] const defaultFiles = ['./files'] const defaultWatchIgnore = ['node_modules', '.git'] const defaultCliInitOptions = { extension: defaultExtensions, files: defaultFiles, watchIgnore: defaultWatchIgnore } beforeEach(() => { sandbox = createSandbox() initOptions = { cli: defaultCliInitOptions, constructor: { ui: 'bdd' } } if (mochaMajorVersion >= 7) { defaultExtensions = ['js', 'cjs', 'mjs'] } defaultOptions = { diff: true, extension: defaultExtensions, grep: undefined, opts: './test/mocha.opts', package: './package.json', reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: undefined, slow: 75, timeout: 2000, ui: 'bdd' } if (mochaMajorVersion >= 7) { defaultOptions = _merge({}, defaultOptions, { global: [], reporterOption: undefined, 'watch-ignore': defaultWatchIgnore }) } if (mochaMajorVersion >= 8) { delete defaultOptions.opts; } cwd = process.cwd() // @ts-ignore sandbox.stub(Mocha.prototype, 'isGrowlCapable').returns(true) reporterSpy = sandbox.spy(Mocha.prototype, 'reporter') uiSpy = sandbox.spy(Mocha.prototype, 'ui') }) afterEach(() => { sandbox.restore() }) it('returns an instance of Mocha', () => { const mocha = initMocha(initOptions, cwd) expect(mocha) }) const configurationScenarios: { optionName: string providedOptions: Partial expectedMochaOptions: any }[] = [ { optionName: 'color', providedOptions: { constructor: { useColors: true } }, expectedMochaOptions: { useColors: true } }, { optionName: 'allowUncaught', providedOptions: { constructor: { allowUncaught: true } }, expectedMochaOptions: { allowUncaught: true } }, { optionName: 'asyncOnly', providedOptions: { constructor: { asyncOnly: true } }, expectedMochaOptions: { asyncOnly: true } }, { optionName: 'bail', providedOptions: { constructor: { bail: true } }, expectedMochaOptions: { bail: true } }, { optionName: 'delay', providedOptions: { constructor: { delay: true } }, expectedMochaOptions: { delay: true } }, { optionName: 'forbidOnly', providedOptions: { constructor: { forbidOnly: true } }, expectedMochaOptions: { forbidOnly: true } }, { optionName: 'forbidPending', providedOptions: { constructor: { forbidPending: true } }, expectedMochaOptions: { forbidPending: true } }, { optionName: 'fullStackTrace', providedOptions: { constructor: { fullStackTrace: true } }, expectedMochaOptions: { fullStackTrace: true } }, { optionName: 'globals', providedOptions: { constructor: { globals: ['hey'] } }, expectedMochaOptions: { globals: ['hey'] } }, { optionName: 'grep', providedOptions: { constructor: { grep: 'hey' } }, expectedMochaOptions: { grep: new RegExp('hey') } }, { optionName: 'invert', providedOptions: { cli: { ...defaultCliInitOptions, invert: true }, constructor: {} }, expectedMochaOptions: { invert: true } }, { optionName: 'growl', providedOptions: { constructor: { growl: true } }, expectedMochaOptions: { growl: true } }, { optionName: 'ignoreLeaks', providedOptions: { constructor: { ignoreLeaks: true } }, expectedMochaOptions: { ignoreLeaks: true } }, { optionName: 'inlineDiffs', providedOptions: { constructor: { inlineDiffs: true } }, expectedMochaOptions: { inlineDiffs: true } }, { optionName: 'noHighlighting', providedOptions: { constructor: { noHighlighting: true } }, expectedMochaOptions: { noHighlighting: true } }, { optionName: 'reporter', providedOptions: { constructor: { reporter: 'min' } }, expectedMochaOptions: { reporter: 'min' } }, { optionName: 'retries', providedOptions: { constructor: { retries: 27 } }, expectedMochaOptions: { retries: 27 } }, { optionName: 'slow', providedOptions: { constructor: { slow: 7000 } }, expectedMochaOptions: { slow: 7000 } }, { optionName: 'timeout', providedOptions: { constructor: { timeout: 7000 } }, expectedMochaOptions: { timeout: 7000 } } ] if (mochaMajorVersion < 7) { configurationScenarios.push({ optionName: 'reporterOptions', providedOptions: { constructor: { reporterOptions: { hello: 'world' } } }, expectedMochaOptions: { reporterOptions: { hello: 'world' } } }) } if (mochaMajorVersion >= 7) { configurationScenarios.push( { optionName: 'hideDiff', providedOptions: { constructor: { hideDiff: true } }, expectedMochaOptions: { hideDiff: true } }, { optionName: 'reporterOptions', providedOptions: { constructor: { reporterOptions: { hello: 'world' } } }, expectedMochaOptions: { reporterOption: { hello: 'world' }, reporterOptions: { hello: 'world' } } } ) } configurationScenarios.forEach(scenario => { it(`properly applies ${scenario.optionName}`, () => { const mocha = initMocha( _merge({}, initOptions, scenario.providedOptions), cwd ) const expectedOptions = _merge( {}, defaultOptions, scenario.expectedMochaOptions ) expect(_pick(mocha.options, Object.keys(expectedOptions))).to.eql( expectedOptions ) }) }) it('properly adds files', () => { const mocha = initMocha( _merge({}, initOptions, { cli: { file: ['setup.js'] } }), cwd ) expect(mocha.files).to.eql(['setup.js']) }) it("properly applies the 'reporter' option", () => { initMocha( _merge({}, initOptions, { constructor: { reporter: 'min' } }), cwd ) const reporter = Mocha.reporters.Min expect(reporterSpy).to.have.been.calledWith(reporter, undefined) }) it("properly applies the 'ui' option", () => { initMocha(_merge({}, initOptions, { constructor: { ui: 'tdd' } }), cwd) expect(uiSpy).to.have.been.calledWith('tdd') }) })