import { expect } from 'chai' import { isUndefined as _isUndefined, merge as _merge } from 'lodash' import parseArgv from '.' import mochaOptions from './mocha/mochaOptions' import mochapackOptions, { mochapackDefaults } from './mochapack/mochapackOptions' import webpackOptions from './webpack/webpackOptions' describe('parseArgv', () => { let argv: string[] const mochaDefaults = { diff: true, files: ['./test'], reporter: 'spec', slow: 75, timeout: 2000, ui: 'bdd' } const mochaDefaultExtension = ['js', 'cjs', 'mjs'] const mochaDefaultWatchIgnore = ['node_modules', '.git'] const mochaFullDefaults = _merge({}, mochaDefaults, { extension: mochaDefaultExtension, 'watch-ignore': mochaDefaultWatchIgnore }) beforeEach(() => { argv = ['src'] }) context('when handling arguments for Mocha', () => { context('when no files to test are specified', () => { it('assumes tests are in `test/`', () => { const parsedMochaArgs = parseArgv([]).mocha expect(parsedMochaArgs.files).to.eql(['./test']) }) }) context('when files to test are specified', () => { it('properly determines the array of files', () => { const parsedMochaArgs = parseArgv(['fileA.js', 'fileB.js']).mocha expect(parsedMochaArgs.files).to.eql(['fileA.js', 'fileB.js']) }) }) const mochaArgs = [ { argumentName: 'allow-uncaught', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--allow-uncaught'], expected: { mocha: { 'allow-uncaught': true } } }, { provided: ['--allow-uncaught=false'], expected: { mocha: { 'allow-uncaught': false } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'async-only', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--async-only'], expected: { mocha: { 'async-only': true } } }, { provided: ['-A'], expected: { mocha: { 'async-only': true } } }, { provided: ['--async-only=false'], expected: { mocha: { 'async-only': false } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'bail', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--bail'], expected: { mocha: { bail: true } } }, { provided: ['-b'], expected: { mocha: { bail: true } } }, { provided: ['--bail=false'], expected: { mocha: { bail: false } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'check-leaks', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--check-leaks'], expected: { mocha: { 'check-leaks': true } } }, { provided: ['--check-leaks=false'], expected: { mocha: { 'check-leaks': false } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'color', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--color'], expected: { mocha: { color: true } } }, { provided: ['--colors'], expected: { mocha: { color: true } } }, { provided: ['-c'], expected: { mocha: { color: true } } }, { provided: ['--color=false'], expected: { mocha: { color: false } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'config', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--config', 'test/fixture/testConfig.json'], expected: { mocha: { config: 'test/fixture/testConfig.json' } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'delay', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--delay'], expected: { mocha: { delay: true } } }, { provided: ['--delay=false'], expected: { mocha: { delay: false } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'diff', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--diff'], expected: { mocha: { diff: true } } }, { provided: ['--diff=false'], expected: { mocha: { diff: false } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'exit', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--exit'], expected: { mocha: { exit: true } } }, { provided: ['--exit=false'], expected: { mocha: { exit: false } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'extension', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--extension', 'ts'], expected: { mocha: { extension: ['ts'] } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'fgrep', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--fgrep', 'test.js'], expected: { mocha: { fgrep: 'test.js' } } }, { provided: ['-f', 'test.js'], expected: { mocha: { fgrep: 'test.js' } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'file', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--file', 'init.js'], expected: { mocha: { file: ['init.js'] } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'forbid-only', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--forbid-only'], expected: { mocha: { 'forbid-only': true } } }, { provided: ['--forbid-only=false'], expected: { mocha: { 'forbid-only': false } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'forbid-pending', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--forbid-pending'], expected: { mocha: { 'forbid-pending': true } } }, { provided: ['--forbid-pending=false'], expected: { mocha: { 'forbid-pending': false } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'full-trace', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--full-trace'], expected: { mocha: { 'full-trace': true } } }, { provided: ['--full-trace=false'], expected: { mocha: { 'full-trace': false } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'global', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--global', 'myGlobal'], expected: { mocha: { global: ['myGlobal'] } } }, { provided: ['--globals', 'myGlobal'], expected: { mocha: { global: ['myGlobal'] } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'grep', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--grep', 'test.js'], expected: { mocha: { grep: 'test.js' } } }, { provided: ['-g', 'test.js'], expected: { mocha: { grep: 'test.js' } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'growl', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--growl'], expected: { mocha: { growl: true } } }, { provided: ['-G'], expected: { mocha: { growl: true } } }, { provided: ['--growl=false'], expected: { mocha: { growl: false } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'ignore', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--ignore', 'unimportant.js'], expected: { mocha: { ignore: ['unimportant.js'] } } }, { provided: ['--exclude', 'unimportant.js'], expected: { mocha: { ignore: ['unimportant.js'] } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'inline-diffs', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--inline-diffs'], expected: { mocha: { 'inline-diffs': true } } }, { provided: ['--inline-diffs=false'], expected: { mocha: { 'inline-diffs': false } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'invert', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--invert', '--grep', 'test.js'], expected: { mocha: { invert: true, grep: 'test.js' } } }, { provided: ['-i', '--grep', 'test.js'], expected: { mocha: { invert: true, grep: 'test.js' } } }, { provided: ['--invert=false', '--grep', 'test.js'], expected: { mocha: { invert: false, grep: 'test.js' } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'no-colors', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--no-colors'], expected: { mocha: { color: false } } }, { provided: ['-C'], expected: { mocha: { 'no-colors': true } } }, { provided: ['--no-colors=false'], expected: { mocha: { 'no-colors': false } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'package', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--package', 'pkg.json'], expected: { mocha: { package: 'pkg.json' } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'recursive', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--recursive'], expected: { mocha: { recursive: true } } }, { provided: ['--recursive=false'], expected: { mocha: { recursive: false } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'reporter', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--reporter', 'min'], expected: { mocha: { reporter: 'min' } } }, { provided: ['-R', 'min'], expected: { mocha: { reporter: 'min' } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'reporter-option', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--reporter-option', 'foo=bar,isLegit,hello=world'], expected: { mocha: { 'reporter-option': { foo: 'bar', isLegit: true, hello: 'world' } } } }, { provided: ['--reporter-options', 'foo=bar,isLegit,hello=world'], expected: { mocha: { 'reporter-option': { foo: 'bar', isLegit: true, hello: 'world' } } } }, { provided: ['-O', 'foo=bar,isLegit,hello=world'], expected: { mocha: { 'reporter-option': { foo: 'bar', isLegit: true, hello: 'world' } } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'require', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--require', 'test/fixture/required.js'], expected: { mocha: { require: ['test/fixture/required.js'] } } }, { provided: ['-r', 'test/fixture/required.js'], expected: { mocha: { require: ['test/fixture/required.js'] } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'retries', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--retries', 700], expected: { mocha: { retries: 700 } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'slow', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--slow', 20000], expected: { mocha: { slow: '20000' } } }, { provided: ['-s', 20000], expected: { mocha: { slow: '20000' } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'sort', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--sort'], expected: { mocha: { sort: true } } }, { provided: ['-S'], expected: { mocha: { sort: true } } }, { provided: ['--sort=false'], expected: { mocha: { sort: false } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'timeout', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--timeout', 3000], expected: { mocha: { timeout: '3000' } } }, { provided: ['--timeouts', 3000], expected: { mocha: { timeout: '3000' } } }, { provided: ['-t', 3000], expected: { mocha: { timeout: '3000' } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'ui', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--ui', 'tdd'], expected: { mocha: { ui: 'tdd' } } }, { provided: ['-u', 'tdd'], expected: { mocha: { ui: 'tdd' } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'watch', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--watch'], expected: { mocha: { watch: true } } }, { provided: ['-w'], expected: { mocha: { watch: true } } }, { provided: ['--watch=false'], expected: { mocha: { watch: false } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'watch-files', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--watch-files', '**testable**.js'], expected: { mocha: { 'watch-files': ['**testable**.js'] } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'watch-ignore', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--watch-ignore', '**notTestable**.js'], expected: { mocha: { 'watch-ignore': ['**notTestable**.js'] } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'opts', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--opts', 'mochapack.opts'], expected: { mocha: { opts: 'mochapack.opts' } } } ] } ] mochaArgs.forEach(arg => { context(`when parsing arguments for ${arg.argumentName}`, () => { it(`uses the default set by Mocha`, () => { const defaultMochaOption = mochaOptions[arg.argumentName] const parsedMochaArgs = parseArgv([]).mocha if (_isUndefined(parsedMochaArgs)) { expect(defaultMochaOption.default) // eslint-disable-line } else { expect(parsedMochaArgs[arg.argumentName]).to.eql( mochaFullDefaults[arg.argumentName] ) } }) arg.scenarios.forEach(scenario => { it(`properly interprets '${scenario.provided.join(' ')}'`, () => { expect(parseArgv(scenario.provided)).to.eql( _merge( {}, { mocha: { ...mochaDefaults, extension: scenario.expected.mocha.extension || mochaDefaultExtension, 'watch-ignore': scenario.expected.mocha['watch-ignore'] || mochaDefaultWatchIgnore }, webpack: {}, mochapack: mochapackDefaults }, scenario.expected ) ) }) }) }) }) }) context('when handling arguments for Webpack', () => { const webpackArgs = [ { argumentName: 'include', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--include', 'test.js'], expected: { webpack: { include: ['test.js'] } } }, { provided: ['--include', 'test-a.js', '--include', 'test-b.js'], expected: { webpack: { include: ['test-a.js', 'test-b.js'] } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'mode', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--mode', 'development'], expected: { webpack: { mode: 'development' } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'webpack-config', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--webpack-config', 'path/to/config.js'], expected: { webpack: { 'webpack-config': 'path/to/config.js' } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'webpack-env', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--webpack-env', 'custom-env'], expected: { webpack: { 'webpack-env': 'custom-env' } } } ] } ] webpackArgs.forEach(arg => { context(`when parsing arguments for ${arg.argumentName}`, () => { it(`uses the default set by Mochapack`, () => { const defaultWebpackOption = webpackOptions[arg.argumentName] expect(defaultWebpackOption.default) // eslint-disable-line }) arg.scenarios.forEach(scenario => { it(`properly interprets '${scenario.provided.join(' ')}'`, () => { expect(parseArgv(scenario.provided)).to.eql( _merge( {}, { mocha: mochaFullDefaults, webpack: {}, mochapack: mochapackDefaults }, scenario.expected ) ) }) }) }) }) }) context('when handling arguments for Mochapack', () => { const mochapackArgs = [ { argumentName: 'quiet', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--quiet'], expected: { mochapack: { quiet: true } } }, { provided: ['-q'], expected: { mochapack: { quiet: true } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'interactive', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--interactive'], expected: { mochapack: { interactive: true } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'clear-terminal', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--clear-terminal'], expected: { mochapack: { 'clear-terminal': true } } } ] }, { argumentName: 'glob', scenarios: [ { provided: ['--glob', '**globpattern**.js'], expected: { mochapack: { glob: '**globpattern**.js' } } } ] } ] mochapackArgs.forEach(arg => { context(`when parsing arguments for ${arg.argumentName}`, () => { it(`uses the default set by Mochapack`, () => { const defaultMochapackOption = mochapackOptions[arg.argumentName] const parsedMochapackArgs = parseArgv([]).mochapack if (_isUndefined(parsedMochapackArgs)) { expect(defaultMochapackOption.default) // eslint-disable-line } else { expect(parsedMochapackArgs[arg.argumentName]).to.eql( mochapackDefaults[arg.argumentName] ) } }) arg.scenarios.forEach(scenario => { it(`properly interprets '${scenario.provided.join(' ')}'`, () => { expect(parseArgv(scenario.provided)).to.eql( _merge( {}, { mocha: mochaFullDefaults, webpack: {}, mochapack: mochapackDefaults }, scenario.expected ) ) }) }) }) }) }) })