import IText from '../text/IText.js'; import * as PropertySymbol from '../../PropertySymbol.js'; import IComment from '../comment/IComment.js'; import INode from './INode.js'; import NodeTypeEnum from './NodeTypeEnum.js'; import IElement from '../element/IElement.js'; import IDocumentType from '../document-type/IDocumentType.js'; import IAttr from '../attr/IAttr.js'; import IProcessingInstruction from '../processing-instruction/IProcessingInstruction.js'; import IShadowRoot from '../shadow-root/IShadowRoot.js'; import DOMException from '../../exception/DOMException.js'; import DOMExceptionNameEnum from '../../exception/DOMExceptionNameEnum.js'; import Node from './Node.js'; import MutationRecord from '../../mutation-observer/MutationRecord.js'; import MutationTypeEnum from '../../mutation-observer/MutationTypeEnum.js'; /** * Node utility. */ export default class NodeUtility { /** * Append a child node to childNodes. * * @param ancestorNode Ancestor node. * @param node Node to append. * @param [options] Options. * @param [options.disableAncestorValidation] Disables validation for checking if the node is an ancestor of the ancestorNode. * @returns Appended node. */ public static appendChild( ancestorNode: INode, node: INode, options?: { disableAncestorValidation?: boolean } ): INode { if (node === ancestorNode) { throw new DOMException( "Failed to execute 'appendChild' on 'Node': Not possible to append a node as a child of itself." ); } if (!options?.disableAncestorValidation && this.isInclusiveAncestor(node, ancestorNode, true)) { throw new DOMException( "Failed to execute 'appendChild' on 'Node': The new node is a parent of the node to insert to.", DOMExceptionNameEnum.domException ); } // If the type is DocumentFragment, then the child nodes of if it should be moved instead of the actual node. // See: if (node[PropertySymbol.nodeType] === NodeTypeEnum.documentFragmentNode) { for (const child of (node)[PropertySymbol.childNodes].slice()) { ancestorNode.appendChild(child); } return node; } // Remove the node from its previous parent if it has any. if (node[PropertySymbol.parentNode]) { const index = (node[PropertySymbol.parentNode])[PropertySymbol.childNodes].indexOf( node ); if (index !== -1) { (node[PropertySymbol.parentNode])[PropertySymbol.childNodes].splice(index, 1); } } if (ancestorNode[PropertySymbol.isConnected]) { (ancestorNode[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument] || this)[PropertySymbol.cacheID]++; } (ancestorNode)[PropertySymbol.childNodes].push(node); (node)[PropertySymbol.connectToNode](ancestorNode); // MutationObserver if ((ancestorNode)[PropertySymbol.observers].length > 0) { const record = new MutationRecord({ target: ancestorNode, type: MutationTypeEnum.childList, addedNodes: [node] }); for (const observer of (ancestorNode)[PropertySymbol.observers]) { if (observer.options?.subtree) { (node)[PropertySymbol.observe](observer); } if (observer.options?.childList) {; } } } return node; } /** * Remove Child element from childNodes array. * * @param ancestorNode Ancestor node. * @param node Node to remove. * @returns Removed node. */ public static removeChild(ancestorNode: INode, node: INode): INode { const index = (ancestorNode)[PropertySymbol.childNodes].indexOf(node); if (index === -1) { throw new DOMException('Failed to remove node. Node is not child of parent.'); } if (ancestorNode[PropertySymbol.isConnected]) { (ancestorNode[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument] || this)[PropertySymbol.cacheID]++; } (ancestorNode)[PropertySymbol.childNodes].splice(index, 1); (node)[PropertySymbol.connectToNode](null); // MutationObserver if ((ancestorNode)[PropertySymbol.observers].length > 0) { const record = new MutationRecord({ target: ancestorNode, type: MutationTypeEnum.childList, removedNodes: [node] }); for (const observer of (ancestorNode)[PropertySymbol.observers]) { if (observer.options?.subtree) { (node)[PropertySymbol.unobserve](observer); } if (observer.options?.childList) {; } } } return node; } /** * Inserts a node before another. * * @param ancestorNode Ancestor node. * @param newNode Node to insert. * @param referenceNode Node to insert before. * @param [options] Options. * @param [options.disableAncestorValidation] Disables validation for checking if the node is an ancestor of the ancestorNode. * @returns Inserted node. */ public static insertBefore( ancestorNode: INode, newNode: INode, referenceNode: INode | null, options?: { disableAncestorValidation?: boolean } ): INode { if ( !options?.disableAncestorValidation && this.isInclusiveAncestor(newNode, ancestorNode, true) ) { throw new DOMException( "Failed to execute 'insertBefore' on 'Node': The new node is a parent of the node to insert to.", DOMExceptionNameEnum.domException ); } // If the type is DocumentFragment, then the child nodes of if it should be moved instead of the actual node. // See: if (newNode[PropertySymbol.nodeType] === NodeTypeEnum.documentFragmentNode) { for (const child of (newNode)[PropertySymbol.childNodes].slice()) { ancestorNode.insertBefore(child, referenceNode); } return newNode; } // If the referenceNode is null or undefined, then the newNode should be appended to the ancestorNode. // According to spec only null is valid, but browsers support undefined as well. if (!referenceNode) { ancestorNode.appendChild(newNode); return newNode; } if ((ancestorNode)[PropertySymbol.childNodes].indexOf(referenceNode) === -1) { throw new DOMException( "Failed to execute 'insertBefore' on 'Node': The node before which the new node is to be inserted is not a child of this node." ); } if (ancestorNode[PropertySymbol.isConnected]) { (ancestorNode[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument] || this)[PropertySymbol.cacheID]++; } if (newNode[PropertySymbol.parentNode]) { const index = (newNode[PropertySymbol.parentNode])[PropertySymbol.childNodes].indexOf( newNode ); if (index !== -1) { (newNode[PropertySymbol.parentNode])[PropertySymbol.childNodes].splice(index, 1); } } (ancestorNode)[PropertySymbol.childNodes].splice( (ancestorNode)[PropertySymbol.childNodes].indexOf(referenceNode), 0, newNode ); (newNode)[PropertySymbol.connectToNode](ancestorNode); // MutationObserver if ((ancestorNode)[PropertySymbol.observers].length > 0) { const record = new MutationRecord({ target: ancestorNode, type: MutationTypeEnum.childList, addedNodes: [newNode] }); for (const observer of (ancestorNode)[PropertySymbol.observers]) { if (observer.options?.subtree) { (newNode)[PropertySymbol.observe](observer); } if (observer.options?.childList) {; } } } return newNode; } /** * Returns whether the passed node is a text node, and narrows its type. * * @param node The node to be tested. * @returns "true" if the node is a text node. */ public static isTextNode(node: INode | null): node is IText { return node?.[PropertySymbol.nodeType] === NodeTypeEnum.textNode; } /** * Returns boolean indicating if "ancestorNode" is an inclusive ancestor of "referenceNode". * * Based on: * * * @see * @param ancestorNode Ancestor node. * @param referenceNode Reference node. * @param [includeShadowRoots = false] Include shadow roots. * @returns "true" if inclusive ancestor. */ public static isInclusiveAncestor( ancestorNode: INode | null, referenceNode: INode | null, includeShadowRoots = false ): boolean { if (ancestorNode === null || referenceNode === null) { return false; } if (ancestorNode === referenceNode) { return true; } if (!(ancestorNode)[PropertySymbol.childNodes].length) { return false; } if ( includeShadowRoots && referenceNode[PropertySymbol.isConnected] !== ancestorNode[PropertySymbol.isConnected] ) { return false; } if ( includeShadowRoots && ancestorNode === referenceNode[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument] && referenceNode[PropertySymbol.isConnected] ) { return true; } let parent: INode = referenceNode[PropertySymbol.parentNode]; while (parent) { if (ancestorNode === parent) { return true; } parent = parent[PropertySymbol.parentNode] ? parent[PropertySymbol.parentNode] : includeShadowRoots && (parent).host ? (parent).host : null; } return false; } /** * Returns boolean indicating if nodeB is following nodeA in the document tree. * * Based on: * * * @see * @param nodeA Node A. * @param nodeB Node B. * @returns "true" if following. */ public static isFollowing(nodeA: INode, nodeB: INode): boolean { if (nodeA === nodeB) { return false; } let current: INode = nodeB; while (current) { current = this.following(current); if (current === nodeA) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Node length. * * Based on: * * * @see * @param node Node. * @returns Node length. */ public static getNodeLength(node: INode): number { switch (node[PropertySymbol.nodeType]) { case NodeTypeEnum.documentTypeNode: return 0; case NodeTypeEnum.textNode: case NodeTypeEnum.processingInstructionNode: case NodeTypeEnum.commentNode: return (node).data.length; default: return (node)[PropertySymbol.childNodes].length; } } /** * Returns boolean indicating if nodeB is following nodeA in the document tree. * * Based on: * * * @param node Node. * @param [root] Root. * @returns Following node. */ public static following(node: INode, root?: INode): INode { const firstChild = node.firstChild; if (firstChild) { return firstChild; } let current = node; while (current) { if (current === root) { return null; } const nextSibling = current.nextSibling; if (nextSibling) { return nextSibling; } current = current[PropertySymbol.parentNode]; } return null; } /** * Returns the next sibling or parents sibling. * * @param node Node. * @returns Next descendant node. */ public static nextDescendantNode(node: INode): INode { while (node && !node.nextSibling) { node = node[PropertySymbol.parentNode]; } if (!node) { return null; } return node.nextSibling; } /** * Needed by * * @param elementA * @param elementB */ public static attributeListsEqual(elementA: IElement, elementB: IElement): boolean { for (let i = 0, max = elementA[PropertySymbol.attributes].length; i < max; i++) { const attributeA = elementA[PropertySymbol.attributes][i]; const attributeB = elementB[PropertySymbol.attributes].getNamedItemNS( attributeA[PropertySymbol.namespaceURI], attributeA.localName ); if (!attributeB || attributeB[PropertySymbol.value] !== attributeA[PropertySymbol.value]) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Check if node nodeA equals node nodeB. * Reference: * * @param nodeA Node A. * @param nodeB Node B. */ public static isEqualNode(nodeA: INode, nodeB: INode): boolean { if (nodeA[PropertySymbol.nodeType] !== nodeB[PropertySymbol.nodeType]) { return false; } switch (nodeA[PropertySymbol.nodeType]) { case NodeTypeEnum.documentTypeNode: const documentTypeA = nodeA; const documentTypeB = nodeB; if ( !== || documentTypeA.publicId !== documentTypeB.publicId || documentTypeA.systemId !== documentTypeB.systemId ) { return false; } break; case NodeTypeEnum.elementNode: const elementA = nodeA; const elementB = nodeB; if ( elementA[PropertySymbol.namespaceURI] !== elementB[PropertySymbol.namespaceURI] || elementA[PropertySymbol.prefix] !== elementB[PropertySymbol.prefix] || elementA.localName !== elementB.localName || elementA[PropertySymbol.attributes].length !== elementB[PropertySymbol.attributes].length ) { return false; } break; case NodeTypeEnum.attributeNode: const attributeA = nodeA; const attributeB = nodeB; if ( attributeA[PropertySymbol.namespaceURI] !== attributeB[PropertySymbol.namespaceURI] || attributeA.localName !== attributeB.localName || attributeA[PropertySymbol.value] !== attributeB[PropertySymbol.value] ) { return false; } break; case NodeTypeEnum.processingInstructionNode: const processingInstructionA = nodeA; const processingInstructionB = nodeB; if ( !== || !== ) { return false; } break; case NodeTypeEnum.textNode: case NodeTypeEnum.commentNode: type TextOrComment = IText | IComment; const textOrCommentA = nodeA; const textOrCommentB = nodeB; if ( !== { return false; } break; } if ( nodeA[PropertySymbol.nodeType] === NodeTypeEnum.elementNode && !NodeUtility.attributeListsEqual(nodeA, nodeB) ) { return false; } if ( (nodeA)[PropertySymbol.childNodes].length !== (nodeB)[PropertySymbol.childNodes].length ) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < (nodeA)[PropertySymbol.childNodes].length; i++) { const childNodeA = (nodeA)[PropertySymbol.childNodes][i]; const childNodeB = (nodeB)[PropertySymbol.childNodes][i]; if (!NodeUtility.isEqualNode(childNodeA, childNodeB)) { return false; } } return true; } }