import IVirtualConsoleLogEntry from '../types/IVirtualConsoleLogEntry.js'; import VirtualConsoleLogTypeEnum from '../enums/VirtualConsoleLogTypeEnum.js'; /** * Virtual console utility. */ export default class VirtualConsoleLogEntryStringifier { /** * Stringifies a log entry. * * @param logEntry Log entry. * @returns Stringified message. */ public static toString(logEntry: IVirtualConsoleLogEntry): string { if (this.isLogEntryCollapsed(logEntry)) { return ''; } const tabbing = this.getLogEntryGroupTabbing(logEntry); let output = tabbing; for (const part of logEntry.message) { output += output !== '' && output !== tabbing ? ' ' : ''; if ( typeof part === 'object' && (part === null || === 'Object' || Array.isArray(part)) ) { try { output += JSON.stringify(part); } catch (error) { output += new Error('Failed to JSON stringify object in log entry.').stack.replace( /\n at/gm, '\n ' + tabbing + 'at' ); } } else if (typeof part === 'object' && part['message'] && part['stack']) { output += part['stack'].replace(/\n at/gm, '\n ' + tabbing + 'at'); } else { output += this.getLogEntryIcon(logEntry) + String(part); } } return output + '\n'; } /** * Gets the log entry icon. * * @param logEntry Log entry. * @returns Icon. */ private static getLogEntryIcon(logEntry: IVirtualConsoleLogEntry): string { switch (logEntry.type) { case return '▼ '; case VirtualConsoleLogTypeEnum.groupCollapsed: return '▶ '; } return ''; } /** * Gets the log entry group tabbing. * * @param logEntry Log entry. * @returns Tabbing. */ private static getLogEntryGroupTabbing(logEntry: IVirtualConsoleLogEntry): string { let tabs = ''; let group = logEntry.type === || logEntry.type === VirtualConsoleLogTypeEnum.groupCollapsed ? :; while (group) { tabs += ' '; group = group.parent; } return tabs; } /** * Checks if the log entry content is collapsed. * * @param logEntry Log entry. * @returns True if collapsed. */ private static isLogEntryCollapsed(logEntry: IVirtualConsoleLogEntry): boolean { let group = logEntry.type === || logEntry.type === VirtualConsoleLogTypeEnum.groupCollapsed ? :; while (group) { if (group.collapsed) { return true; } group = group.parent; } return false; } }