var _a; import * as PropertySymbol from '../../PropertySymbol.js'; import CharacterData from '../character-data/CharacterData.js'; import DOMException from '../../exception/DOMException.js'; import DOMExceptionNameEnum from '../../exception/DOMExceptionNameEnum.js'; import NodeTypeEnum from '../node/NodeTypeEnum.js'; /** * Text node. */ export default class Text extends CharacterData { constructor() { super(...arguments); this[_a] = NodeTypeEnum.textNode; } /** * Node name. * * @returns Node name. */ get nodeName() { return '#text'; } /** * @override */ get data() { return this[]; } /** * @override */ set data(data) { = data; if (this[PropertySymbol.textAreaNode]) { this[PropertySymbol.textAreaNode][PropertySymbol.resetSelection](); } } /** * Breaks the Text node into two nodes at the specified offset, keeping both nodes in the tree as siblings. * * @see * @param offset Offset. * @returns New text node. */ splitText(offset) { const length = this[].length; if (offset < 0 || offset > length) { throw new DOMException('The index is not in the allowed range.', DOMExceptionNameEnum.indexSizeError); } const count = length - offset; const newData = this.substringData(offset, count); const newNode = this[PropertySymbol.ownerDocument].createTextNode(newData); if (this[PropertySymbol.parentNode] !== null) { this[PropertySymbol.parentNode].insertBefore(newNode, this.nextSibling); } this.replaceData(offset, count, ''); return newNode; } /** * Converts to string. * * @returns String. */ toString() { return '[object Text]'; } /** * Clones a node. * * @override * @param [deep=false] "true" to clone deep. * @returns Cloned node. */ cloneNode(deep = false) { return super.cloneNode(deep); } /** * @override */ [(_a = PropertySymbol.nodeType, PropertySymbol.connectToNode)](parentNode = null) { const oldTextAreaNode = this[PropertySymbol.textAreaNode]; super[PropertySymbol.connectToNode](parentNode); if (oldTextAreaNode !== this[PropertySymbol.textAreaNode]) { if (oldTextAreaNode) { oldTextAreaNode[PropertySymbol.resetSelection](); } if (this[PropertySymbol.textAreaNode]) { this[PropertySymbol.textAreaNode][PropertySymbol.resetSelection](); } } } } //#